Add a developer console


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@nicko, dev consoles usually are command prompts where you're allowed to type specific commands (AKA "cheat codes"): things such as "toggle collision" so you can fly and/or walk through walls like a ghost, or "toggle god mode" so you can be invencible. Some people use them to make videos. Sometimes they're useful, mainly in games with quite a few bugs.

Since I've rarely seen a bug in TLD, I personally don't care about them.

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6 hours ago, Hiemalis said:

@nicko, dev consoles usually are command prompts where you're allowed to type specific commands (AKA "cheat codes"): things such as "toggle collision" so you can fly and/or walk through walls like a ghost, or "toggle god mode" so you can be invencible. Some people use them to make videos. Sometimes they're useful, mainly in games with quite a few bugs.

Since I've rarely seen a bug in TLD, I personally don't care about them.

I need it to fly and to increase the food lifespan 

I got 2 sandbox games one to play the normal way and the other to experiment 

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7 hours ago, Rifleman said:

I need it to fly and to increase the food lifespan 

I got 2 sandbox games one to play the normal way and the other to experiment 

Why do you need to fly? And if you are modifying food lifespan, you are altering the variables of the experiment outside of their natural parameters, so you are invalidating your results automatically.
Just do what the rest of us do, bed yourself in with lots of resources and you will be fine to experiment for ages. Look at the guy who's been trying to live in the dam for 1000 days. He seems to be doing fine without a dev console.

As for flying, if you want nice scenic, panoramic views, go climb a mountain and have screen capture on. The developers have purposefully left a console out of the game simply becase its presence would cast bugs into doubt. "I caught a fish, and it weighed 300kg but was tiny, fix this bug" but the developers have no idea if this a genuine bug, or whether or not this is the result of somone f-ing around with the settings via the developer console.

There have been situations, really early on, where I desperately wished that the game had a conssole where I could modify stuff, such as the time when, due to Skyrim syndrome, I climbed up a mountain the developers obviously intended me NOT to climb, and fell partially through the terrain, being caught eternally in a snowdrift until my character faded into the long dark, HOWEVER since then, the developers have smoothed terrain and dealt with bugs like taht in such a wy that problems such as that never occur anymore, so I reckon we should leave the dev tools to the devs, and just get on with our lives as normalin the game.

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6 hours ago, EternityTide said:

Why do you need to fly? And if you are modifying food lifespan, you are altering the variables of the experiment outside of their natural parameters, so you are invalidating your results automatically.
Just do what the rest of us do, bed yourself in with lots of resources and you will be fine to experiment for ages. Look at the guy who's been trying to live in the dam for 1000 days. He seems to be doing fine without a dev console.

As for flying, if you want nice scenic, panoramic views, go climb a mountain and have screen capture on. The developers have purposefully left a console out of the game simply becase its presence would cast bugs into doubt. "I caught a fish, and it weighed 300kg but was tiny, fix this bug" but the developers have no idea if this a genuine bug, or whether or not this is the result of somone f-ing around with the settings via the developer console.

There have been situations, really early on, where I desperately wished that the game had a conssole where I could modify stuff, such as the time when, due to Skyrim syndrome, I climbed up a mountain the developers obviously intended me NOT to climb, and fell partially through the terrain, being caught eternally in a snowdrift until my character faded into the long dark, HOWEVER since then, the developers have smoothed terrain and dealt with bugs like taht in such a wy that problems such as that never occur anymore, so I reckon we should leave the dev tools to the devs, and just get on with our lives as normalin the game.

I got 2 sandbox games ONE TO PLAY NORMAL WAY

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6 minutes ago, EternityTide said:

You still haven't answered my question. Why do you need to fly? Why do you need to play abnormally in your other save slot?

You completely ignored all the points I made, and just reiterated something you have already stated, albeit more aggressively.

I like to use the developer console because it's fun, you should try it out

also I changed the text to a less aggressive color

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3 hours ago, Patrick Carlson said:



We don't have any plans to introduce a developer console into the game. As we have stated in the past, we'll be looking into mod support down the road when we know we can do it in a way that's most complementary to The Long Dark. :coffee:

Just a quick question - should mod support not be added officially due to programming or resource reasons, will fans who make mods anyway face any repercussions? I'm asking because a good friend of mine is currently gathering some experience with the Unity engine and has some mod ideas for the game.

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On 23.7.2016 at 11:37 PM, Wastelander said:

will fans who make mods anyway face any repercussions? I'm asking because a good friend of mine is currently gathering some experience with the Unity engine and has some mod ideas for the game.

If you make them you can't share them on these forums, steam discussions or in r/thelongdark.

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