Neat things you do for immersion


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Hey all,

One thing I've started doing whenever I come across a corpse is making sure to think 'may your soul stay warm' before I loot them, as a gesture of respect. 

It made me think we probably all have neat little things we do to make the game more immersive and enjoyable. I also like to splurge and make a fire and make myself a coffee every morning when I can. Incredibly wasteful I know, but as survival buff 'Lofty' Wiseman says, you can't underestimate the value of a hot brew. 

So yeah I'd love to know the sorts of things you guys do, I honestly am super curious, please do share! :)

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Same here.

First thing in the morning (if I'm at my base camp) make a cup of coffee, and step outside to drink it. 

I do this in real life when camping, too. Wake up, make a cup of coffee, go stand at a vantage point or the water's edge, and take in the beauty of it all while I drink.  


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Lots of little things, I think.  I have fun with it.

  • Also with the coffee :)
  • If it's hungry-time, I've started to set out the bed roll and crouch down with back to a tree for a bit while they have a munch.
  • Stop to admire the view for a bit at the many sight-seeing type places around.  Cliff-tops, waterfalls and such.
  • Something that's stuck with me from playing the awesomeness that is Unreal World, I make a sacrifice after a kill by placing a cut or two down after butchering.
  • If i'm sticking around a location for a while, put stuff around the place.  Furs on the bed and a hatchet and lantern next to it, stuff on the shelves and whatnot.

Sometimes I think I need to get out more o.O

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to take my boots off at the front door of my home, and put sneakers on for wearing indoors. I would empty my backpack each evening into specific draws/cupboards/lockers, depending on the category of item. I undressed before bed (except for longjohns), arranging my clothes neatly on a table or shelves near the bed, along with a water bottle and a lantern.

I gave it up after a while because it was too time-consuming and fiddly; but if the developers improved the item-placing system so it was less annoying to use, I'd probably start doing it again.

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I don't make coffee in the morning, as I save the coffees for emergency energy shots. But I do have some habits... I make the place tidy before I go to sleep, make plans for the next day, pack my backpack according to my plans and make a cup of herbal tea before I go to sleep.

I also take off my clothes before I go to sleep. I take them off and put them back on in a certain order. Socks and longjohns before pants and shoes! I know it doesn't make a difference in the game and it probably will cost you some time doing it this way, but I think I'm a little OCD. ^_^

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The most important thing I've been doing for immersion, and also the hardest, is avoiding very useful strategies that are a bit too gamey and unrealistic, such as:

-I don't strip naked before fighting a wolf. 

-I avoid the self-starvation exploit. I'm hungry dammit, I'm gonna eat the dusty beans.

-I don't actively seek out dangerous situations, such as nude wolf wrestling, just because I know I can mitigate the damage with bandages. This means I either flee or shoot wolves.

-I try to maintain a balanced diet, for both nutrition and sanity. No matter how long I think I'll be stranded out here, I'm not going to eat unseasoned wolf meat every day for three months while staring at my perfectly arranged and manicured shelf of delicious crackers and canned goods. *I am very interested to see how this will play into the upcoming wellbeing mechanic.*


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1 hour ago, panggul_mas said:

The most important thing I've been doing for immersion, and also the hardest, is avoiding very useful strategies that are a bit too gamey and unrealistic, such as:

-I don't strip naked before fighting a wolf. 

-I avoid the self-starvation exploit. I'm hungry dammit, I'm gonna eat the dusty beans.

-I don't actively seek out dangerous situations, such as nude wolf wrestling, just because I know I can mitigate the damage with bandages. This means I either flee or shoot wolves.

-I try to maintain a balanced diet, for both nutrition and sanity. No matter how long I think I'll be stranded out here, I'm not going to eat unseasoned wolf meat every day for three months while staring at my perfectly arranged and manicured shelf of delicious crackers and canned goods. *I am very interested to see how this will play into the upcoming wellbeing mechanic.*


Hi @panggul_mas! Welcome! :big_smile:

I do the same thing except the balanced diet. Maybe I should start doing that too, am also very curious what the upcoming welbeing mechanic is about. Now I often don't even take the pinnacle peaches when I find them, not many calories for the amount of weight. But that could change in the future when a more well balanced diet is necesarry for wellbeing.

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13 hours ago, panggul_mas said:

I try to maintain a balanced diet, for both nutrition and sanity. No matter how long I think I'll be stranded out here, I'm not going to eat unseasoned wolf meat every day for three months while staring at my perfectly arranged and manicured shelf of delicious crackers and canned goods. *I am very interested to see how this will play into the upcoming wellbeing mechanic.*

I too am interested in how the well-being mechanic will play. It has a lot of potential, both for immersion and for squashing exploits.

On eating habits, I don't particularly worry about trying make my character maintain a nutritionally balanced diet, but I do choose food that would seem most appealing to me at the time. Like peaches for breakfast, or for dessert after I've had a steak dinner. I also sometimes try to stick to 'meal times'!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Started playing again in the past few days, and went right back into some of my old immersion habits. It's not so much "serious roleplay" as just patterns of behavior I fall into.Here's just a few of them:

-Writing journal entries in the evening when I'm killing time (Bonus: rereading my past entries was actually really useful to reorient myself).

-Putting my clothes on in a sensible order: underwear, then socks, then sweater, then pants, then footwear, then jacket, then scarf, hat & gloves.

-I usually keep a full set of "indoor clothes" for evenings  and bedtime.

-Arranging any items outside of storage into rows, on to shelves or into piles.

-If there's a medicine cabinet or first aid box, that's where I keep as much of my medical supplies as I can.

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