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yes maybe a card game like solitaire or something you can use to kill some time when not tired in the night :)

.. or even give some short stories relevant to the location that can be read in books. I just find sometimes when i cant sleep but need to be doing something i wish i could make my player sit on a couch in the cabins and read a few pages of a story book, just need a sit option or animation. I usually write in a diary. only down side is time is real-time then so doesn't go any quicker. maybe if you could read a book or play cards it goes a bit quicker but not as fast as resting or waiting, just enough to enjoy a game or book for a few rl minutes and in-game hours.

I wish i could sit on the chairs at the kitchen table in the cabins and eat a cooked meal. maybe the cookers if gas could be used to make a hot meal like a bowl of soup or fry some deer meat with some oil you have :) then sit and sip on a grape soda or herbal tea or coffee as you eat your meal. that would be nice.

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6 hours ago, alone sniper said:

 actually i think radio can help here! something like music or news about situation.
when will it be usable ?

  1. dart 
  2. sudoku puzzles
  3. jigsaw puzzles
  4. combat exercise!!!!

Well, there are radios present in the game, but like all electrical equipment, they're dead unfortunately - and I think while some fitting music (we've got a thread going in the off-topic forum about that) would be nice, it would also take away from the experience.

I do agree on darts though, maybe because I'm an active (but not good :D) player myself. As for music, maybe a pan flute or a guitar as a rare find! Loved the guitar in This War of Mine

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Just now, TLD Survivalist said:

+1 for a super rare find of a deck of cards... 1 per sandbox... That way when you finally find it the feels overwhelm player cause of no more boring nights laying in bed waiting for the sun to come up... Or sitting there waiting for the blizzard to blow over

So, is TLD going to Make Solitaire Great Again? I mean, it's literally a game called 'alone' or something, makes sense.

Who's in the market for wood carving? Flute playing? Embroidery? Graffiti?

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Just now, TLD Survivalist said:

@WastelanderWood carving I suppose as long as your able to carve practically whatever you want or just really neat decorative pieces you can hang on any housing walls or like different wood statues that you can carve out of logs... And YEAH! Solitaire would be one of THE best time killers

IRL, I spend a lot of time alone, so I know a few ways to entertain myself even without electricity. Good food is one of them, same as alcohol. Solitaires are entertaining for a few days as well, as are other card games you can play alone. Arts and crafts tend to entertain you for longer, but they require skill or else result in frustration (I wasted 5 years of my life trying to become a manga artist, roast me). Books are incredibly valuable if the only other option is to get lost in your own mind, and trust me, this is not what you want to happen in such a situation. Realistically, recreational drugs would also be helpful, but they'd ruin the rating (and the PCs body. Don't do drugs, kids.). Having some house plants would also help, but in the current indoor temperatures they'd just die.

It truly is a Long Dark out there.

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5 minutes ago, TLD Survivalist said:

Reefer aint an issue its all on a matter of will power of the user... Alcohol aint too bad but its still worse than pot imo... And coke I lump with the rest of the "hardcore" stuff save for shrooms cuz thats just food poisoning

I sorta agree with you, but I was talking about their use and effect in game.

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Ohhhh lol... Well even though theres probably no way theyd be implemented... If you were able to smoke itd have to bring down the thirst meter to dry mouth and food meter to at least peckish and the effect other than a slightly hazy screen would be that you can maybe craft items a little faster (ie cause of increased brain activity and concentration)... Or make time pass slightly faster than normal while performing simple tasks such as repairs or sharpening of tools... And crafting of course.... As for the others im not sure :/

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1 minute ago, TLD Survivalist said:

Ohhhh lol... Well even though theres probably no way theyd be implemented... If you were able to smoke itd have to bring down the thirst meter to dry mouth and food meter to at least peckish and the effect other than a slightly hazy screen would be that you can maybe craft items a little faster (ie cause of increased brain activity and concentration)... Or make time pass slightly faster than normal while performing simple tasks such as repairs or sharpening of tools... And crafting of course.... As for the others im not sure :/

Probably a positive effect on cabin fever.

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While alcohol has been discussed before it is highly unlikely any drugs will be added to the game. Both for a ratings purpose and because it likely clashes with Hinterland's vision for the game. On that note, returning to the original topic (things to do for fun) is probably best.

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