New Feats feedback

sierra 117

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First off let me just say I'm loving the new skills and update in general cant wait to camp out in my snow shelter locked and loaded.

My main focus here is to discuss the feats system, I would like to get other peoples thoughts on this.

See I understand that HL want to add a feeling of progression/accomplishment the more we play, however IMO having these skills/ unlocks crossover from each survivor seems too. Unrealistic. But more importantly in the long run too easy.

So I think maybe if the requirements are lowered to suit and locked to each survivor, then these feats will serve a much better purpose to really enhance the enjoyment of the game with each run and also add to the long term gameplay.

because when we think about It yes it will take a long time to unlock some of these feats [currently] but once they're done the game I permanently easier. No matter how we play.

whereas when locked to each play you have these goals to work to each time . And even at say 100or so dayss when things start getting samey/boring. Or we have looted most places we would still have some goals/objectives, to keep us busy/active.

ergo solving issues of what to do to avoid cabin fever etc.

And if the devs really want to give us thing to unlock between characters then the collectables on sandbox is wide open .

It would be less game breaking if I could craft/find new items in regions after starting 1000 fires between characters for instance.

Anyway, let me know what you guys think

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I think the new skills following a character are great, but the persistent feats are a mistake.

The feats encourages a grinding playstyle, setting up games only to achieve the feats.

It becomes hard to compare the accomplishments of new and long-term players. But after a while, everybody gets those feats and at that time they become pointless.

Games do become easier in the long run already, because you, the player, learn. We do not need more help than that.

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7 hours ago, norup said:

I think the new skills following a character are great, but the persistent feats are a mistake.

The feats encourages a grinding playstyle, setting up games only to achieve the feats.

It becomes hard to compare the accomplishments of new and long-term players. But after a while, everybody gets those feats and at that time they become pointless.

Games do become easier in the long run already, because you, the player, learn. We do not need more help than that.

I agree with you, and I don't think feats are a good idea, neither. At least they should give us the option to disable feats.

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I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the feats. Most are targeted toward play style as opposed to game difficulty. Having been playing for a long time and fully explored all the regions, the ability to run a little longer or not grind up my fire starting skill (recall - default was reduced from 50% to 40%) for instance would be greatly appreciated. However, I am apprehensive about the feats that do directly target difficulty (i.e. Cold Fusion). Making the tedious parts of the game essentially skippable after a lot of playing is great design. Making the game innately easier after lots of playing... less so in my opinion :side-eye:

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7 hours ago, cekivi said:

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the feats. Most are targeted toward play style as opposed to game difficulty. Having been playing for a long time and fully explored all the regions, the ability to run a little longer or not grind up my fire starting skill (recall - default was reduced from 50% to 40%) for instance would be greatly appreciated. However, I am apprehensive about the feats that do directly target difficulty (i.e. Cold Fusion). Making the tedious parts of the game essentially skippable after a lot of playing is great design. Making the game innately easier after lots of playing... less so in my opinion :side-eye:

yeah I agree some of the feats ate not too game breaking but cold fusion and fire master In particular make it too easy if available to all survivors/characters after that point.

but I think would add something to work to and a better feeling of progress if only available/unlockable per play/character.

So do you think this would be a better way to balance them? Or would complete removal/disable function be better?


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