animal spawn degrade on heavy used spots


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I lived a few weeks in the Gas Station. Around the house "living" 4 wolfes. it's frustrating to kill near every day all this 4 wolfes again. Frustrating and really unrealistic. I have got more than 40 wolf hide!

I wish that if anyone kill to much animals in a spot the respawn rate are significant degrade. For deers and rabbits also of course. Maybee the player has forced to switch the "home zone" and search for new hunting ground?

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Are you sure they're respawning every day? That's a bit odd to be honest, wolves in my own game usually need at least two days to respawn even if I harvest them completely.

To further prolong respawning times, you might try to leave 0,5kg of meat (or one gut) inside the carcasses. If some of their resources remain unharvested, it will take the carcasses about 3-4 days to despawn if I remember correctly. And new wolves can only begin to respawn once the old carcasses are gone.:winky:

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Maybee ist 2-3 Day to respawn. It's frustrated and unrealistic too! I am so upset about this that I am chating. If i can't kill the wolf after exiting my garage with one arrow i "kill" TLD over the Taskmanager and reload.

Now I'm living on the Jackrabbit Hill. But i miss my lovely garage...and the 20 tons firewood there.  :-(

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In one hand, I agree with you @Axtos, animals right spawn a bit too much in my opinion, even after 100 days in the same place, there are still tons of deers and wolves and rabbits... That definitevely is unrealistic.


On the other hand, since the game is still in Alpha, and that some mechanic aren't yet implemented, huge gapes in animal spawn (like 1-2 months) may really change how you deal with them right now, probably not in a positive way! So we may wait for future additions to the game before tackling animals' spawn/despawn rate issues!

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Is it just me or is this post a bit hard to understand the issue here? what's the problem to many spawns wolfs or not enough :) and why did you go to Jack rabbit island to live? I think only go there for a short visit.

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5 minutes ago, nicko said:

Is it just me or is this post a bit hard to understand the issue here? what's the problem to many spawns wolfs or not enough :) and why did you go to Jack rabbit island to live? I think only go there for a short visit.

it's peaceful there. Any Day 2-3 rabbits and fresh fish. A workbench not far away. cooking and working are all outside. Cabine fever is here no option. All ways over the ice are marked with a line of coal. So i can't goes lost in a foggy night.

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5 minutes ago, Axtos said:

it's peaceful there. Any Day 2-3 rabbits and fresh fish. A workbench not far away. cooking and working are all outside. Cabine fever is here no option. All ways over the ice are marked with a line of coal. So i can't goes lost in a foggy night.

that sounds cool , sorry I just got lost with the wolf harvesting issue. 40 wolves? or you edited post from 40 to 4?

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Just now, nicko said:

that sounds cool , sorry I just got lost with the wolf harvesting issue. 40 wolves?

my last "save house" was the gas station. There are 4 wolfes around. if you use this house a few weeks it's not a problem to gathering 40 wolf pelts.. or Toth's in your A... because this wolfes come back all 2-3 days. frustrating. This garage is a beautiful dead trap.


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All animals besides bears have been freed from the shackles of designated patrol areas and dedicated spawns.  

They now exist as regional possibilities.  And the regions are defined by the maps.  For instance, lets say CH has a regional population of 20 wolves in your game.  If you kill 5, there will still be 15 possible wolves in the region until the 5 regrow, which takes a few days.

So, those 15 remaining wolves get placed into the world at random every day (now happens when you are not looking which is nice).  Where they get placed is based on a probability function.  Since the town is a critical area, and the developers like having wolves in critical areas, the probability of an individual wolf dropping in the town is set high.  And the probability of an individual wolf dropping out in a particular area of the woods is set low.  So it remains likely that more wolves get dropped in the town and fewer in the woods even when regional population is reduced.  On the plus side, you should see fewer wolves overall after a killing spree.


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3 hours ago, selfless said:

All animals besides bears have been freed from the shackles of designated patrol areas and dedicated spawns.  

They now exist as regional possibilities.  And the regions are defined by the maps.  For instance, lets say CH has a regional population of 20 wolves in your game.  If you kill 5, there will still be 15 possible wolves in the region until the 5 regrow, which takes a few days.

So, those 15 remaining wolves get placed into the world at random every day (now happens when you are not looking which is nice).  Where they get placed is based on a probability function.  Since the town is a critical area, and the developers like having wolves in critical areas, the probability of an individual wolf dropping in the town is set high.  And the probability of an individual wolf dropping out in a particular area of the woods is set low.  So it remains likely that more wolves get dropped in the town and fewer in the woods even when regional population is reduced.  On the plus side, you should see fewer wolves overall after a killing spree.


Thanks for this explain. I leave the gas station now and take my home to the Jackrabbit Hill. No wolf overrun there. The good side of this story... i have over 100kg wolfmeat left. With the new (no) parasite patch i have food for weeks.

And I'm good with the bow now. :-)

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