Standing Here


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So I am standing here on the camp office porch. 6 hours daylight left. I am moving to the dam to move to coastal highway, but sprained my ankle on the way back from the dam. I don't  need wood as I am moving. I have food for the move. I would sleep till tomorrow but I can't do that anymore. I could pass time but I don't want cabin fever. So I am standing here on the porch. This must be what hibernation felt like. Standing here. Waiting for dark. Then I could not take it anymore so I went inside to save the game and turned it off.

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dont you have a bedroll? You can also pass time and rest outside .. if you are afraid of beeing attacked you can do it inside the next fishing hut or inside a wagon at derailment. 6 hours is enough time to move from camp office to crumbling highway with a sprained ankle, what are you waiting for? You can also collect more wood and store it incase you come back later to camp office. You can also make a campfire and boil some water to store it. You can bring some stuff to the ravine and rest there in the wagon or in the cave. I dont know, there are a million things that come to my mind what to do and what not. Or did you mean that you have no painkillers? -> You still can bring stuff to the dam with a sprained ankle. If you dont want to, use painkillers. If you dont want to use painkillers, use the 6 hours and collect rosehips and wood, mak a fire, cook rosehip tea and heal. Oh by the way, you dont have to stay inside at night. The Long Dark looks amazing at night aswell. Or are you afraid to not find the way from camp office to the dam? Or that you will freeze and lose condition? This would be great because than you have the option to sleep and not only to rest/pass time .....

There is no reason to stand around because nothing hinders you from doing what you want to do. The only thing that would hinder you to do it would on the other side make it possible to sleep/heal - so whats your point?

Maybe i just didnt understand your post?

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my post is a passive objection to the new sleep is a resource. I would have just gone to sleep and then continued moving in the morning.I have collected all the rosehips,old mans beard,reshi mushrooms and saplings on the map. I have piles of pelts and guts,plenty of food and water for the move. I have 962 hours in the game, have been playing since mystery lake and coastal highway were the only maps and have never hibernated. Now because some people are concerned about how other people play a single player game I am forced to change the way I play.

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ok, but you can basicly still do the same by resting/pass time outside do you? i mean whats the diffrence except that the letters are telling you that you pass time instead of sleeping?

If you are used to do it like that, than keep on doing it. Just do it outside in a bedroll?

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You won't get cabin fever from 6 hours of passing time anyway, Even if you did, it wouldn't kill you.

Just play the game how you want, do what you think feels natural to the situation, and the deal with what gets thrown your way. You aren't forced to do anything or play a certain way.

I agree that the sleep/pass time system needs a tweak, but when you think about it you probably shouldn't you be able to sleep for 16 hours straight just because you feel like it, so the game's going in the right direction with this.

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You are and have been 100% correct. I am only objecting to a playstyle change that in my opinion detracts from my enjoyment  of the game. Don't get me wrong TLD is the best game I have ever played and I will continue to play it. I just think that changing sleep so some players cannot hibernate is decreasing my fun,while not adding any value I can see yet.

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isnt it  fantastic? Now nothing comes for free, is easy because it only gives an advantage. Everything you do now has an advantage and disadvantage, gives you something and takes something, does something you like and something you dont ... to sum it up: SURVIVAL

Yeah, i love it too, deeper, more complex mechanics and gameplay

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It just takes a bit of game play time to get used to this new sleep or rest. Though seems you need less sleep now. I guess that is because they balanced it so you also need to rest and consume those calories/water?

Also as previously mentioned by @Raphael van Lierop it was tweaked in v.326 -

* To get Cabin Fever, you now have to spend the majority of 6 days indoors.

Note: pretty sure it doesn't apply to Pilgrim mode. other modes maybe tweaked in days.




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