Being able to lock door/ having to break into houses


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Ok so let's say a bear or wolf was stalking you and you find a shelter and you rest and wait for the animal to leave but what if they were able to get in like what if they knock down the door and get in and another thing if you find a random house the door and Windows could be locked and you would need a pry bar to get in let me know what you think about my idea :)

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I thought of this the other day, I guess someone else did too :D 

I think it would be best if some of the houses that are burned in stalker are simply locked, and can only be entered by either permanently damaging the door with a pry-bar, etc. (this would make the interior as cold as it is outside) (This idea would be really well done if most buildings no longer have loading screens, like the mountaineer's hut)

However, you could also loot around and find the key (Possibly in a car or frozen corpse),

This would make (maybe only in Stalker) some of the more valuable buildings like trappers harder to get into, and increase the initial difficulty of the game. Although, maybe the initial difficulty should be low and the later difficulty extremely challenging.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree with this, but it'd be more realistic to make some of the doors "Frozen Shut" instead of locked. I mean, why would you need to lock your door in the wilderness?

The hydro dam and more "civilized" houses such as in coastal highway should be locked. I really don't like how easy the coastal highway makes the game because of all those houses. 

However, I also think bears should be able to pursue you indoors...


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I actually think this is a very do-able update, and it'd keep new characters from just sprinting to the closest "civilized" area.

Car trunks are locked, why not house doors?

And I've experienced quite a few blizzards that have made my shed's door so frozen shut that it was virtually inaccessible by hand. 

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Why would people living in the "town" on Coastal Highway lock their doors? It is barely a wide spot in the road, much less a village, they probably know everyone that lives in the entire settlement.

Same thing with locking up the Trapper's Homestead: why? If they weren't expecting people to come out there, why  bother locking the door?

Challenge for the sack of challenge is a slippery slope, and one I am not fond of.

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Itd make sense to leave the further out cabins unlocked, I'm just well aware that people beeline for the villages in this game because of the high concentration of loot, and making locked/frozen doors can help prevent that. And not every door should be locked or frozen, just randomize it. 

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