Teddy bear in the new video


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I was kind of touched seeing that teddy bear in the video. An abandoned teddy bear is always such a sad thing - either because it was separated from a kid somehow. Or the kid grew up and lost interest, which is also kind of sad. I wish there was a teddy bear we could find in the sandbox that we could pick up and take along, place it to sit somewhere. It should be a unique item, one-of-a-kind in the game world. Really hard to find. Could be lying somewhere near the plane wreck, but a bit hidden. Or in a bunker. I would totally rejoice if I ever found it and take it to my base. Maybe I would talk to it... ;)

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Yeah, the teddy really adds a lot of atmosphere and emotional attachment for me, too. I still have my very first plush toy (a racoon) sitting on top of a bookshelf irl for reasons of nostalgia and this lone old bear somehow reminds me of him. 

I'd certainly like it if we were able to pick up the teddy and give it a place of honor in our base. Or maybe we could have the option to give it to a child NPC (if these are going to exist, that is^^).

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Well, since im a residential ass, i dont think that it will come as surprise to any1 that teddy bear(or any toys in the game) really make any emotional impact on me. As survivor my mentality is simple - i cant eat it, i cant use it, i cant benefit from it in any way(other than, ohh blasphemy, to use it as fuel, altho even sticks are better), therefore it poses no interest to me.

And talking to it ? Im not quite there yet, maybe in a couple months... Till then il talk to fresh deer or wolf corpse, while gutting it, sharing my recent exploits or apologizing for taking it life.

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On 6.4.2016 at 0:00 AM, Hotzn said:

I was kind of touched seeing that teddy bear in the video. An abandoned teddy bear is always such a sad thing - either because it was separated from a kid somehow. Or the kid grew up and lost interest, which is also kind of sad. I wish there was a teddy bear we could find in the sandbox that we could pick up and take along, place it to sit somewhere. It should be a unique item, one-of-a-kind in the game world. Really hard to find. Could be lying somewhere near the plane wreck, but a bit hidden. Or in a bunker. I would totally rejoice if I ever found it and take it to my base. Maybe I would talk to it... ;)

On the other hand: teddies sitting around would be perfectly normal in the case of a catastrophic situation, where there isn't much time to leave your home. So i think i would expect it sitting on a sofa or on a bed rather than finding it in a bunker. Toys always add atmosphere, but so do other things. I am very happy about the details that apparently got added to the game (i fear a little bit the performance penalty, though ;) ). I am a sentimental bastard, however ... so i would probably pick it up, too. This situation reminds me on the companion cube in Portal ;) 

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