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Posts posted by SuperStriker16

  1. 1 minute ago, Leeanda said:

    Why did you take all your ammo though

    I normally do, as I only had about 30 live rifle rounds and 70 live revolver rounds, and I always pick up my brass so I can remake ammo. And dropping all my 300 ish pieces of brass would be a pain to pick up as you have to pick up each one individually. I’ve never cheated death before so there was never a reason for me to leave stashes.

  2. I think unless you’re doing something important that would be hard to repeat, like the tales storyline that I was doing when I got to experience the cheat death mechanic. To put it simply, it’s not worth it, you permanently lose a ton of gear, and I had for example, looted almost every cartridge in the world, and had all my shell casings on me as well, and lost hundreds of rounds and casings. I also lost my moose hide coat, about 400 matches, half the durability on all my clothes, my knife, hatchet, hacksaw, etc. effectively everything but the clothes on my back, and of course half the condition bar. The only time it would be kinda worth it is if you died real early on before you had the world’s supply of bullets, but then you would start with half your condition gone, and you would have the guilt of dying every time you pull up the hud to see what time of day it is.

    TLDR: just accept death and start a new run.


  3. I have now finished tales, I’ll show the unlocked badges as they don’t spoil anything as proof, and because settled mind is like the only reason I even bothered completing the story. I found part 3 to be tedious and hard to follow, as I’m sure most people will, but starting tomorrow, I’ll be starting my next run. Also I’ve been really busy lately and had to deal with a bout of sickness, but I should have a bit more free time now.


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  4. No other items could be recovered, which makes no sense to me, I finally made it to the weather station, but permanently loosing so much valuable gear has really done it in for me, and I don’t really see a point in continuing this run, I might complete tales since I’m right here, but I’m not going to stick with this run after that. I think I’ll make a new stalker run since custom runs are having all these issues.

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  5. I recovered my pack, the amount of stuff I got was shameful, but the 2 most crushing things that happened is that my over 200 shell casings as well as my 150 rounds of ammo and my 140ish matches are missing, also my knife, hatchet, bedroll, etc are still missing, idk where the majority of my stuff went, but I’m going to find the exact place I died, because my pack was pretty far from where I actually died. If I can’t find all that stuff, I think I’ll just give up the run, as a bunch of important things would be permanently gone.


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  6.  I decided to quite foolishly go and try to get to the weather station in a single aroura night. I was watching a YouTube video, not taking things too seriously, and decided that I could kill the aroura Timberwolves on the way to the weather station, and I got overwhelmed, they’re must’ve been 20 of them, 4 separate packs at least, and I killed or injured badly 12-15 of them, but I forgot that my ballistic vest was left behind, giving me 45% armor rather than 95% like I was so used to. Anyway, I ran past a injured and scared 2 pack with about 40% condition thinking that had to be the last of them, when I ran into a 5 or 6 pack of aurora Timberwolves with nowhere to hide and out of bandages, I shot one fatally, and fired 4 flares from my flare gun to no avail. I got in a close range tussle and picked up 2 bleeds that I couldn’t patch, and nothing I tried could scare them off, so yeah. I would have save scummed but I thought that it might save my death and could risk deleting the 90 days of hard work. So I decided to try the cheat death system and chose short term penalty and safe spawn, I’m now in broken railroad trying to recover in a makeshift base. It will be a long while before I can make an attempt to get my stuff.

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  7. I also now have the ability to upload screenshots and short clips now that I have better internet connection. So I will continue using them, I also made sure to enable cougars, and I hope to get one before they are removed, I will also turn on scurvy if/when they add it.

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  8. 14 hours ago, Hazelnut said:

    I had a triangle on the rhs of the screen pointing right that moved to the page with the scurvy toggle. It was kinda easy to miss though I reckon.

    He didn’t miss a triangle, on my custom “realistic” run, the option for scurvy never appeared as well, it’s an older run that was going pre scurvy, but there must be a continued bug with custom runs, because I was able to toggle both on my other runs. I got a video of me going in to my custom run post hotfix, which it finally let me have cougars but no scurvy.


    I pressed the triggers, the bumpers, and the buttons (expect the a and b buttons) to no avail, this is the custom run.

    you can see the difference when I try to do this on a interloper run, started before the custom run, before scurvy. Yet it still has the option unlike custom runs.

    I hope this clears up the issue for us who play console and custom runs, idk if it works for everyone else, but not for me and enigmaecho

  9. It needed some additional work, that much was pretty obvious, I’m still going to try to bag one before its removal, but I’m glad that y’all are listening to the community and addressing the issue with the cougar. And thanks again to the whole hinterland team for being quick to adapt with the issues of part 5.