Sgt Socks

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Posts posted by Sgt Socks

  1. 3 hours ago, MattD said:

    Ash Canyon is the winner! 

    From this point I'm planning on 50 days in Ash, followed by 50 days in TWM, and then finally 50 days in BR.

    Hoorah! AC rocks. It can be rather disorientating, especially if you don't know the region, but nowhere near HRV on that score. There's a huge amount of birch and maple as well. And until you've experienced the joy of the technical backpack inventory space, well you haven't lived.

    DaGnome is right, it can be a little tricky as a first spawn but as long as you're careful more than doable. If I can survive 50 days there anyone can. There are a few wolves on the lower levels that can make life a wee but tricky so keep your eyes and ears open.

    But think of all the TWM loot you can stuff into that backpack. That's a reason to live right there 😁

    Good luck and have fun! 🍀

    • Upvote 1
  2. Unless it's extremely rare? But I've been playing since 2016 and have never seen it. Be interesting to know if others have come across it.

    It might be the devs had thought about doing something with it, but either forgot or abandoned it. Who knows 🤷‍♀️

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  3. @ManicManiac

    Good point. It does need definition.

    A lot of course depends on personal preference, what makes a place enjoyable or not for the individual.

    ** Note - my comments apply to everything except Interloper - that is an entire category of its own, and one I choose not to play. I don't enjoy being deprived to that extent! **

    In terms of needing advanced skills (that is the ability to counter the challenges of harsh weather/terrain/wildlife regardless of difficulty. Also taking into consideration manmade/natural resources and shelter).

    For me that is definitely Bleak Inlet. There are so many possible ways to die all rolled into one. The open spaces, not always easily accessible shelter, thin ice and hostile wildlife make it really, really tough. And it is *cold*. In a lot of ways FM is a mini Bleak Inlet.

    Pleasant Valley is without a doubt up there, but for me it has a lot more potential for survival with some excellent shelters and loot areas. With a decent amount of knowledge PV is for me less difficult than Bleak Inlet.

    However it isn't far off because of the predictable unpredictability of the weather. Today for example, it was a beautiful day and I was looking for the prepper cache up near Three Strikes. Within the time it took me to chop a fir limb an intense blizzard hit. Fortunately I found my way to a cave. Even more fortunately I had gone prepared with food and coal because I was stuck in the cave for two and a half days with no respite.

    Ash Canyon. Now I would have put this up there until I did my recent 50 day snowball there. Yes it can make a tricky first spawn with limited man-made resources like matches, cloth, clothing etc. However the mine offers more than enough to get you started and as long as you are methodical, careful and frugal you can survive really well. The copious natural resources plus several workbenches certainly help. It does however have one of the most awkward and difficult bear/moose spawns I've come across. It can also be really nasty if you're caught out by a blizzard as you exploring the upper levels and trying to cross those terrifying bridges.

    I can't comment on HRV or Blackrock as I don't play those two regions. HRV because it makes my PTSD claustrophobia unbearable. Blackrock because all the wolves provide too many jumpscares, also PTSD related reasons not to be there. I also feel like Blackrock simply had ridiculous amounts of wolves thrown at it to make it a difficult map, it felt rather lazy to me in that way. Rather than the intelligent difficulty of other regions.

    Broken Railroad, Mountain Town and Coastal Highway all pose significant challenges because of the amount of wolves in small areas, often with poor line of sight for the player. This can easily lead to being ambushed on multiple occasions and if you don't get chance to heal or repair your gear, it can definitely be the end of you.

    • Upvote 2
  4. 1 hour ago, DaGnome91 said:

    Worst zone : Bleak Inlet.

    Best zone : pick yours!

    ^^ seconded

    I too would suggest:

    * Broken Railroad - an underrated little map, made a huge challenge by the wolves, bear and possible Moose. Non Interloper it has fantastic loot and a forge. I also live in ML but use the forge here rather than FM which is one of my hated regions. Not because its hard but I just hate it. You could easily hop over to BR from ML and have some fun sooner rather than later.

    Ash Canyon - agree with DaGnome for all the reasons stated (although I think it was referred to as HRV by mistake - here are your tech backpack and crampons). I never used to like the region at all then did a 50 day snowball and have rather fallen in love with it. You might want to take a few practical supplies with you, particularly cloth if you do go. It's a shame it's so far out of the way because I'd happily spend more time there.

    But really any region you don't often frequent would push you out of your comfort zone. Don't discount PV - I used to hate it too but it has grown on me considerably (except on my current run where *four* bears have spawned and its been a nightmare). 

    Stick a pin in the map and make yourself go there, no changing your mind! Or put a few names in a hat and challenge yourself to go to the first one picked out regardless of whether you "like" the idea or not. Indeed, if you want to be out of your comfort zone, the regions you have a more negative reaction to are the ones you should choose.

    Let us know what you decide! 👍


    • Upvote 3
  5. 4 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    Subnautica is a real gem. A little "light" for my (masochistic) taste, and it fails to draw me in again and again like TLD does, but clearly one of the best games I've played, especially in the "Open World Survival Craft" genre. It's hard for me to imagine that someone who loves TLD wouldn't have a great time playing this.

    10/10, would buy again.

    Ah but I wish I could play it. Deep dark water, mutant sharks and god knows what scared me too much! How I was ever an open water swimmer I'll never know.  Freshwater admittedly but not being able to see *anything* certainly allows the mind to hit hyper drive.

    It's a real pity because I could physically manage the controls, and it is a beautifully designed game. Music, aesthetics and gameplay all incredible.

    I'd recommend it to people without hesitation.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Holy crap. That's *a lot* of mods. I can only agree with Hozz. Your only option is to methodically remove them. Otherwise starting again with just the basics.

    One thing to bear in mind with mods is, depending on the nature of the mod, they can cause an increase in loose loot.

    So looking at your list it may be the Santana's foods is leading to more food spawning. Northfolk clothing possibly more clothing related items. Fire pack possibly as well. I don't have any of these so can't say for sure.

    Other than the basic "make mods work" files I only have candlelight, wooden statues and placing anywhere. Other than the appearance of raw fat with candlelight, as far as I know none of these three will affect loose loot.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, UTC-10 said:

    I can't believe that I wrote that instead of "I would eat snow if the hypothermia wouldn't kill me".  😅

    😄 And I didn't pick it up either! Shows I need to remember to wear my glasses.

    I wonder what "doing each snow entails" 🤔🙂

  8. 1 hour ago, UTC-10 said:

    I leave character speech on, almost all the time, though I do have occasions when I get so mad I turn off the voice for awhile.  In those cases, like when I get the rather rare sprain, and am in a bad mood, I also turn on camera damping effect so I don't sway while limping along.  

    In large part I tolerate the character commentary because I understand that a lot of it were audio cues related to things like burden being carried, energy levels, hunger, thirst, how cold he got.  Not super necessary things to know, but occasionally I'll get the "I did each snow if the hypothermia won't kill me" and realize I really should give him a drink.  

    Everyone has their own feelings on the matter.  

    I know what you mean about the cues for thirst, hunger etc. It took me a little while to adjust my attention after turning the monologue off. There were a few times I did a little bit of damage.

    However I think if a player is generally vigilant no major issues should occur. I know even when I had the monologue on I had trained myself to tune her out to the extent I ignored those cues anyway. For me the ever present icons are enough to prevent me killing myself because of thirst.

    I found the inconsistencies in the verbal cues intensely frustrating. Like being told she was hungry when there were more than enough calories in her system. It became a bit like "crying wolf"... I ignored the verbal cues because I knew I was monitoring the situation and acting accordingly depending on the conditions. Being told how hungry you are when being chased by a bear seemed like rather an inappropriate interjection!

    It is definitely to Hinterland's credit that they offer so many custom options which allows each person's preference to be accommodated. The monologue is certainly one area which has no right or wrong approach.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I'm having trouble with the pounds and ounces measurements but umm, yes there is something awry there!

    There are some really odd things going on at the moment. Both @Leeanda and I are experiencing a range of weird and unusual issues.

    This one might well be worth raising a ticket for. It has a massive impact on gameplay. Carry weight of items is rather important.

  10. 20 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    Yes, you can. And at -35°C you will.

    Awesome! I don't know why I thought I couldn't. Well that's my new fact for the day.

    I don't think my current run will get that cold. I'm having trouble finding the right level of cold over time for my preference; medium too warm and high too cold. Well for a run focusing on wide exploration anyway. It feels to me like they could do with a low/medium/high/very high range as they do with, say, bear spawns. Rather than just the three options.

    I do however like playing cold runs for the challenge... and this knowledge will be a massive help! No wonder I was having problems.

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  11. 7 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    Are two bear skin coats really the best way to play the game under all circumstances?

    Wait, can I wear two bearskin coats??? 

    (I wouldn't because although I don't sprint all that much, I don't fancy playing tortoise against a Moose or Bear. However i could hibernate outside for a while if needed wearing two! 😁)

  12. 10 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    Finally I know what I am.

    With age comes wisdom sir 😁 Welcome to the Enlightened Encumbered Club! *flourished bow*

    10 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    The beauty of providing choice to the player is that the player matters.

    As always you hit the nail on the head with one succinct sentence.

    That's what I was trying to say but didn't quite manage to.

    However the answer to this question:

    Can I afford to carry this clearly redundant hatchet around with me just so I can stuff it next to three others lining up in my base? "

    will always be YES 🙂

  13. Referring to the game particularly. I think the carry balance is great, far better than many games I've played.

    This comes from a committed loot goblin who is encumbered the vast majority of the time, even with the technical backpack and Moose satchel.

    There has to be a limit and the whole point of a survival game with a leaning towards realism is that choices need to be made. Even I would hate it if the carry balance was raised significantly. Making those choices is a huge part of immersion.

    Some of us would always be encumbered unless there was no limit at all!

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  14. 2 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

     I wouldn't want to be limited because I chose a certain sex for my avatar. If you go down that route for the sake of *realism* you start cutting pretty much everything from the fantasy that earns it its name.

    So yeah, go Astrid. Carry those 60 kilograms of Reishi like the champ you are.

    Well said sir.