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Everything posted by AdamvR

  1. yep, unlike in real life, having bones scattered around one's bed, it is not a life insurance to camp near them in TLD 😉 That must raise some mixed feelings for sure... Sorry for you, hope you better luck next time, also with the moose... Talking of which, on more important aspect came to my mind: If you are going for the "charge me if I don't shoot you in the head first" tactic, areas with cars, or at least fishing huts around are better locations for hunting it. On the contrary to what the fandom says, healing the broken ribs does not only need spending 120 hours (or more if you are unlucky...) in-game, but 120 hours in BED (or carseat/bedroll). Sleep and passing time also count, but lurking around, collecting firewood, fishing, looting does not. It is a very long time idling with reduced carrying capacity and inability to climb. with cabin fever a risk, it is better to spend much of that "rest" outdoors, safe. (so cars or fishing hut, maybe caves) for this reason some areas are generally better: Mystery Lake (all locations), Broken Railroad (up the hill, as there are less wolves there during your recovery), Forlorn Muskeg Marsh Ridge (you can rest in open cave wolf-free), Ash-canyon, hushed river monolith lake Meh... areas with more dangers during your recovery: Desolation point bridge, Quonset, Broken Railroad (near fence to the hill), unpleasant valley Some suggested using fires to avoid the stomping. Might work, but I cannot confirm that it always does (also not against wolves, I just got into a struggle with 3 fires burning in front, left and right of me cooking the catch from the fishing hut behind... - the doggie managed to jump in between two of the fires...)
  2. that's doubly interesting, I don't think I ever saw these guys in a place when their markers weren't there (bear or moose). It's definitely not on every tree though, only a few within an area. also, having it respawn right the day after - pretty cool
  3. Based on my experience: some possible spawning locations might be active for the actual save, others are not. If there are scrape marks on the trees near a spawning location, the save might have a moose (might not appear every day! but it is worth it to check back every here and then). if there are no scrape marks, there will not be a moose in that location in that particular save. (Similarly to bear caves having or not having bones in them indicating whether the location is active in that save or not.) anyone correct me, if I'm wrong. As for best locations: Timberwolf Mountain on the way to the lakehouse: you can shoot it from a tree or top of the small hill (jump if it charges); trapper's house in mystery lake: you might try shooting it from the barn, petrol station at coastal highway (jump into cars if charges), near the dam in mystery lake: from the bridge, etc. Many places have a safe/half-safe location to shoot it from. You may also choose not to hide when it charges, but try to shoot it in the head - as that is the best chance of killing it (while risking the broken ribs) The last valley in hushed river valley i would not particularly recommend (despite the inviting name of "moose overlook"), unless you definitely brought enough pain killers and bandages. (I've lost a save of 400+ days there not being able to climb out....) Even then, you would need to carry the hide+meat up the rope - probably not the most efficient place. In general I'm not waiting for the moose to appear - even if there are scrape marks. Just making sure I have a rifle nearby, in case it does when i happen to pass by, and take my chance. Already shot 4 in my latest save: 2 in TWM and 2 in Ash Canyon (under the rope/cave in the smaller burnt valley).
  4. I love the idea. maybe a simpler way would be to be able to warm up pebbles (or a sack of pebbles requiring a moose hatch and stones), which are heavy, takes quite a while after placed on the cooking spots to warm up, but would give off some heat for a while - a couple centigrades, that wear off after a while - in exchange for the extra weight to carry. as opposed to the torch, they could give more heat (in the beginning), and could also work in wind. although a similar mechanic already exists wearing heavier clothes, with the changing temperature it could be a completely new element managed differently. could also take up an accessory spot (in competition with the moose hatch/earwarmers/surefooting thingie.
  5. I would like to upvote especially the first part: to be able to select cardboard matches over wood matches. (if I have both, the game only offers wood matches). I am primarily using torches to light fires with and making sure only 1 match is used up, even if it does not work for the first time. For the same purpose, the crapcardboard matches are just perfect, but I have to drop the wood matches on the floor first, to be able to use the cardboard ones for lighting the torch, and then recollect the wood matches... quite tedious. Would also work, if the game was automatically using the cardboard matches by default, if I have both. Thanks for your thoughts and consideration!
  6. I have created an account actually to suggest the same, so upvote x 10. (it's been in my mind for a long while actually). Originally I've only used the cattails/tinder (above level 3) /stones (before the storage option) to mark if a place was visited (similar to the post writer), but found a much better use later: Namely, to create tracks on the snow, so I can find the way between key POIs in fog, blizzard, or at night (e.g.: fishing hut to shelter, way through Forlorn, or the ice on large lakes, where to turn in caves, etc...). Every 6-12 steps I drop a tinder so it marks the way quite clearly, and the next one is visible even in the worst conditions. Quite tedious with the current setup of having to open inventory, select the item, and quantity 1... - still worth it i find. The spray can is a bit inferior in my opinion for this purpose: much more items are needed to mark the trails, than the amount of spray-paint available... I've been thinking to assign a key (5 as default probably, but adjustable like all others) to drop 1 piece of the item I'd pre-selected automatically. To answer concerns about items with various conditions, the game could either automatically choose the "worse condition" item, or I should be able to set it on the interface when I'm selecting the item to be dropped (best/worst condition). What do you think?