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Everything posted by haft2doit

  1. My favorite "home" is the CH fishing hut closest to the ice fishing shack. It has a nice small interior with shelving, the ice fishing hut close by for cooking, fishing, and staying clear of cabin fever. The ice is easy spotting and hunting. There is a bear right at your doorstep. There is a route to (predator free) ravine with no chance to run into predators (sans the bear at your doorstep). There is a predator free route to the mine transition to PV where you can clear 30-40 coal per trip for easy mass cooking and water production with no chopping wood or much stick collecting. It is close to the forge in DP for tool making. It has a large coastline for beach-combing. The weather is nice and easy to use no matches. It's by far the most safe I feel in the game, and is beautiful to boot. That being said I have bases on all the maps, but this is where I go when I just want to chill.
  2. This is a tough question. Do I go with utility in context with the rest of the world or just where I wouldn't want to be for 100 days straight? If it were usefulness- PV Three strikes homestead. Far out in the back of a frigid map, far from transitions, and without an interior... no coal supply nearby, or a bed to sleep in. Best you can say about it is the possible bear nearby and rabbits. That said I like outdoor bases in general avoiding the transitions and better lighting at night. If where I would hate to be for 100 days- BR maint shed. It would be like groundhog day on an oil rig. Large cluttered interior, to dark much of the time, and someone barking at you every time you open a door.
  3. After many years I've never made it to 500 days. My current stalker run is meant to hit that, get faithful cartographer done, and all skills to 5. I always managed to die from some careless mistake and then put the game down for months or years. 270+ right now (my longest run) and hoping I don't get careless!
  4. After many runs I switched to a more diversified approach. I play Stalker primarily so the amount of loot is plenty to set up on every map. I use the journal to keep it all in order so I know exactly what's where and what I need to bring on a trip. I started less exact but after frustration having to keep a lot in my head I keep things pretty strictly accounted for. Within reason... By dropping loot locally you can stay light for more exploring, and to get the world looted before things start blinking out of the world. Also switching to a different map is just moving to your other base, not starting from scratch. Before setting up bases and writing things down I use spray cans to mark where i drop loot and can gather it centrally later. Not needed but it helps keep me from forgetting where I dumped batteries next to cars for example.
  5. Sorry I can't recall where I found it. I think I just manually mapped DP and found the Polaroid later and just cleared everything up. On the plus side DP is easy to map. I just explored the entire world and ended up with the Polaroids and went back to use them as my primary goal is looting the world early on. Sry for the not really help.
  6. shhh...no one tell anyone you can repair quality tools with simple tools :P