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About Humblewoodsman

  • Birthday December 28

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Survivor (2/4)



  1. Freestyle cosplay: ********************* unknown character . location somewhere on great bear. You know, I once read an interesting book which said that, uh, most people lost in the wilds, they, they die of shame. Yeah, see, they die of shame. 'What did I do wrong? How could I have gotten myself into this?' And so they sit there and they... die. Because they didn't do the one thing that would save their lives. Thinking." - David Mamet,the Edge Edited a original photo of mine to try and match the aesthetics of The Long Dark best I can,it’s one of those time where art matches real life,was out on the land checking my traps and looking for signs of game. on a side note I’ve been playing TLD ever since it for showed up on Xbox market place when it was still in beta I think!! my how much has changed and all for the better. This is my second and last entire,good luck folks there is some serious contesters in this. if requested I can upload the original photo so you can see the before and after editing Maybe heading out during whiteout was not such a good idea could of slipped into the long dark ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟
  2. freestyle cosplay. random survivor but after the great thaw of great bear island ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ Well I thought things would be easier when the snow began to melt away,no more cold,travelling would be easier,but boy was I wrong!! not only is water a lot harder to find compared to grabbing snow and boiling it.the heat is crazy and the bugs could drive a person completely insane!! some goodie’s inside and I left a few things inside for stash aswell. Decided to add a marker as a reminder to myself or if by some chance another survivor comes across this hopefully this gets them to look inside and helps them out Stumbled upon someone’s camp,well what’s left to it looks like a hell of a fight happened here and judging by only bear tracks leaving who ever was here didn’t make it……I could use this tho
  3. Encouraging seeing the youth dabble in this kind of stuff
  4. Hiked it a few years back,beautiful views but didn’t catch the tide right in one spot crazy how fast it comes in
  5. Sure have,I find if you give it a good shake before you drink it it improves the taste,something about re oxidizing the water or something like that. probably all in my head haha
  6. I’m a member to bcusa as well, greetings from the great White North
  7. Demonstrating how to make a set of emergency roycraft skishoes after I learned how to make these and realized how much better they are than store bought snowshoes I’ll never go back. You can make them to suit the situation you’re in type of snow and if you make them long enough you can use them as a part of a raised bed themselves
  8. Messing around with some unorthodox ways to achieve a fire
  9. Snow was walkable without the snowshoes on in this area so just hooked them to my pack until I needed them again
  10. Just a few of my photos that I edited I’ll include the originals this actually photos of myself during some of my outings