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Posts posted by manolitode

  1. It's good to hear you've been fairly protected from bluescreens. It seems like your saving experience is a bit odd indeed. 30 secs is a long time, I don't recall this on longruns either before or after the recent updates. 10 would be more "normal". It's hard to tell from the description whether this has to do with programming or individual performance of PS4 consoles. 

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  2. 16 hours ago, sierra 117 said:

    First idea that comes to mind to solve this particular issue.Would be some kind of utility belt or something, just so we could select a few key items , that if back pack is dropped then we will still be carrying. And everything else will just be in the pack.

    Really like the utility belt idea and the possibility of a smooth switch between packs. The belt would be optimal for hunting small game carrying just what you need and still get some room for hides/meat/guts. Also fancy the idea of a smoother system to change gear/inventory depending on purpose, whether you're going foraging, gathering, exploring as you mention. 

  3. Just keep away from the wall by the safe, have had wolves stick their mouth through it. 

    EDIT: The attached route should greatly reduce the risk of attracting their attention, just be extra cautious when you approach mainland and walk the short hill up to the barn.


  4. 26 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    That amount of bunnies isn't sustainable without mass trapping. Which pretty much ties you to a few key locations. 

    Sure, it's just an example to point out the amount of meat required in order to remain well fed in the long run. Settling down where you can hunt, trap and fish would seems ideal and would offer some variation. 

  5. 2 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    Thinking about it .... it might indeed be better to beeline to the summit, pick up the PV stuff on the way in and out, and be done with it earlier in the game. That's how I usually do it. This time I lost two days traversing PV once already. I'm pretty sure I'll lose more on the way back.

    Another mistake I made was to actually greed for the Signal Fire, for which I even had to go get a hatchet first. All it got me was a surplus hammer and a second Mackinaw, which I will replace in the long run anyways. There really isn't that much of a good reason to go to the Signal Fire on Loper if you actually think about it. Waterfall Cave in and out should be sufficient.

    That's kinda my point. Permanently becomes incresingly harder the longer you actually plan to live. If you play loot and scoot, and then retire your survivor once you have done all key locations ... no problem. Just make sure to keep on the move and to not tick too many locations more than once. But if you actually want to go for a 100+ days game you start wondering how sustainable this is. This answer is, probably: it isn't in the long run. Assuming a high octane playstyle (4000 calories / day) you need to shoot a deer every 2 days (average 9kg * 800 calories * 1.25 Cooking V = 9000 calories) on average. That's doable, but only if you keep moving between spots, but yeah - doable.

    Indeed, it's sweet to finish PV early, I like to get it over with. Not only for the vast (it's almost cheating) amount of resources but for the psychological satisfaction of being done with the hard part til next replay and have all the other goodies to look forward to. If you carry one heavy load out to CH and one out to ML, summit loot included, you conveniently pass the important buildings on the way out while the riverpaths give you a week or so worth of cattails, starving. 

    When you put it like that, 4000 cals doesn't seem like a lot, still it's 3-4 times normal (that daily dose of birch included). I suppose you could also shoot 50 bunnies a week. 

  6. How long is a save in your 400 day game? Saving seem to take longer on PS after crossroads release but the number of bluescreens has been reduced in my experience. Bluescreens used to occure every 3 hours or so (but you're already familiar with this being some 300 days in). It's possible that a function of the longer save time is to reduces crash risk but I don't know if that's Hinterlands intention. Sleep/injury/entering building saves are what they are but if you pass time alot you can break it before the "invisible timer" hits zero hours. You won't get the save (or level up your patience skill) but gain up to 10 sec gaming time each time which might correspond to a few % of your total gametime.  

  7. Glad to hear the difference of opinion and enthusiasm for the two themes. There seems to be some decent covers of the original out there and this is my favorite so far. Mellow guitar with a great feel to it. 
    EDIT: Embedded his awesome cover of crossroads elegy too, theme kinda growing on me now. 


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  8. 6 hours ago, micah6vs8 said:


    Well Fed on Loper is not that difficult to maintain permanently.

    So, so many cats, rabbits and ravaged deer corpses for early in a run. Carter in particular has many ravaged deer carcasses near it, and it is a draw early for the ML bedroll and the Ravine flare pistol.

    Oh, I agree it's perfectly doable to keep well fed in early game if you're familiar with what the maps can offer. A splendid start is all good but one mistake and your bonus is snap gone. As for difficulty level, keeping well fed permanently sounds like way more than most loper-players can handle. What's your strategy there?

    7 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    PV isn't even a real region on Interloper imho. Any cattail you could possibly loot there will just serve to trap you longer there than you need to. If it's on my way - yeah, sure. But I wouldn't go out of my way for 10 cattails just to get trapped for 12 days in return. (Slight exaggeration. Or is it?)

    Also yeah.... I don't think I will maintain it indefinitely. I was merely looking at the possibility to keep it up. I'm actually still torn on if Well Fed is even worth it in the long run. It's nice to be able to carry 35kg .... but you burn through your food at 5 times the rate for it. Before you could make an argument for it as a lategame trait .... but now that is pretty much gone as I don't see myself able to maintain it without being able to carry meat period.

    Seems like it could be worth it if you e.g. move a lot of gear between regions, like to gather loads of firewood far off your main base or play a custom with added rifles. Will be interesting to hear how many days you manage. As for PV I like to devote a full day there to cattails, it's quite forgiving in the first few days and in my opinion Worth it to get out with approx 1/10 of great bear's cattails.

  9. 4 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    This is with Pilgrim loot settings.  Interloper loot settings are generally less fruitful on average... Do MRE's even ever spawn in Loper?  Last interloper time for me was a whetstone and a sewing kit.  Nevertheless,  the crate always has contained some relatively good loot for me.  It has never come up empty.  I have had the Pork & Beens one come up empty though.

    Oh well, I don't recall getting earwraps from that crater, nor looting MRE on loper so far. Will be going to BR in a few days though, if those crates are supposed to be a given success I'll definitely try my luck one more time. 

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  10. 16 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    What's life-saving in Stalker is essential on Interloper. But cattails eventually run out, and old-world food is scarce to begin with. I'm currently playing an Interloper that tries to maintain well fed (and so far is successful 20 days in), but I can already see how this is probably not sustainable unless I start hunting very, very soon. I've still got a lot of cattails to find (most of TWM, most parts of ML, all of CH, some remote parts of Milton, large parts of FM, some remote areas of HRV), but with an average consumption of around 4000 calories per day right now I can't see this working out much longer than day 150 or so even if I start hunting seriously in the next 10 days. Not if I want to remain on the move and retain Well Fed.

    Keeping well fed for that long sounds like a hard nut to crack. But you seem to know your loot locations well, is there a reason why you didn't mention PV for cattails? I like to follow the river trails there in the first few days of a run. Moving stuff out of there is usually the only time when I care about being well fed on interloper, don't wanna waste a flare just cause wolves can catch up and I'm too lazy to make two runs over 5 or so kgs. Anywho, going to PV on day 20 should be a bit of a hassle. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, jhickie said:
    • TWM Hut, in the corner near the door (food, can't remember)
    • DP Hibernia, to the left after entering large downstairs room (canned food)

    Didn't know about hibernia - thanks! Yes in the hut I believe there's usually 1 piece of food behind the small crate to the left of the bed.

  12. 19 hours ago, GothSkunk said:

    As the thread title suggests. Give wolves and bears an increased chance to charge at you from farther away when you have a sprained ankle.

    Reason: You're limping. It's obvious to any living creature with eyes that you're wounded and in discomfort. That makes you vulnerable. And you being vulnerable makes them more bold.

    You're probably right that many predators have evolved to detect and take advantage of an injured prey. That being said, don't you think they're bold enough already? 😉 

  13. 10 hours ago, desertedone said:

    Sometimes I'm carrying extra knives, hammer and hatchets. Then it occurred to me. What if I could just throw some of them? They would do as much damage than an arrow and would be like a final desperation attack or when you don't have a gun. Would be pretty badass too. Throwing a hatchet like a tomahawk on a bear's head and scaring it away. You lose the weapon you threw but can pick it up again if you missed or pull it out of the animal if it lodged on it.

    That's a nice idea, it would add an interesting risk/reward element to wildlife fights. Throwing your empty revolver at a moose might be your last chance to get away but you wouldn't want a wolf to skedaddle with the only improvised knife you own still stuck in his pelt. There's a balanced implementation of throwing axes/spears/younameit in a game like far cry primal and it seems to work veyr well for that game.  

    @UpUpAway95 already found a possible exploit. I too would be throwing my tools off rope ledges. And summits and Towers, through that unaccessible broken window at the carter dam frontyard :) 

  14. 1 hour ago, wizard03 said:

    Not too sure if you can use a human in this game, although a pack mule would be VERY useful! XD

    That seems to be the only thing that I would actually take with me....lightweight, nearly garneted instant fire, ok I got room for this.

    Iv hit those crates so many times, Iv never gotten anything out of them. =/

    Yeah that's about it in my exp but at least you get around 70-80 hours of fire midlevel or so, you don't have to use as many coal in the forge. I also find the crates at Spence's and TWM summit worth looting but also been lucky at times with the ones high up in lighthouse in DP.  

    3 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    In the Broken Railroad Maintenance Shed, there is a plank ramp that leads up to 3 wooden crates.  The crate farthest from the ramp usually contains goodies - often an ear wrap or gauntlets, a firestriker, and/or a stim.  It's never come up empty for me... hence it is on my "must break" list.

    I rarely have any luck with those crates, but won't hurt to give a try next time :)

  15. I like it too because of the scenery, that it's secluded and that HL put some effort into making it different than the standard houses. Thanks for the description of nearby Resources, it sounds like a decent place to collect bearskin and rabbit fur, might give it a few days of camping next time I'm in BI. Any timberwolves between the rope below tower and this hut? 

  16. I think you hit the nail on the head about urgency here. There's a certain thrill in not finding that one item you really need, or finally reaching that cave entrance with a 98% frostbite risk. But a few days ingame when it's all under control you start to lose your zeal a little. I usually don't play til endgame but around 100 days in on loper I start a new run and often choose the same migrating round just to return to the excitement of leveling skills and hunting with low level archery etc. If you feel unchallenged, you can always take a path you haven't gone before, track down a bunch of wolves or put up a snow shelter on a mountain with a great view and stay there for a couple of days.

    I enjoy some calm looting/gathering days after a shitstorm, til next challenge. Both playing cautious and taking more calculated risks with a solid backup are playstyles that make you progress. Thanks for sharing your game experience, always exciting to read.

    • Upvote 2
  17. On 1/3/2020 at 4:15 PM, Makex said:

    Thanks! Route was left after entrering Forlorn. It has been my route from beginning when heading to forge. And always thought it was the safest to take.

    I continued my previous pilgrim save because i felt like needing some therapy session after that interloper run and i will go check the route you suggested.

    Good luck :) I agree that the mountainside route is safer til you're familiar with the small islands-path, but the latter barely has wolves as mentioned above, just an occasional bear but you'll see her from a mile in good weather. Don't head ut on the island path in heavy fog or if you suspect an incoming blizzard. 

  18. 18 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    I made the climb up and returned to the hut in under 4 game hours using a bajillion stims and coffee.  I did that so I could see what the mountaineer's hut looked like from the summit when you have 14 storm lanterns going at once.  Then I just goated my way back down, and all of the lanterns were still lit when I arrived so it was definitely under 4 hours.

    Screenie taken at the summit, because it was neat.



    Jolly idea and what a great view! The fact that they were visible from the summit yet again shows Hinterlands level of ambition. Not gonna ask how long it took you to drag all fully fueled lanterns up the rope from PV/down from summit to the hut.. :) 

  19. On 12/26/2019 at 7:29 PM, Martin Prchal said:

    I would like it if the game would try to kill you harder right at the start. Maybe give you a sprain, have one of your meters depleted, or just have your condition not be 100, to make it seem like you really just fell out a plane and were lying in the snow for a bit before you regained consciousness. This could be implemented as a custom setting, allowing you to tune the severity of your start. 

    I agree, at least on the higher difficulties, you spawn at morning, dusk, night etc so why not spawn with a sprain, in a blizzard, without a can etc. Sure it's logical that a plane crash would cause pain at the very least, but if we want more logic then we'd only be able to spawn in the vicinity of the crashed planes, unless we parachuted when it was on its way down :) 

  20. On 1/3/2020 at 1:15 AM, LonelySurvivor said:

    So, played this game way way back, saw the recent patch notes and decided to give it a go again. Very surprised at being attacked left and right by wolves when next to a fire cooking or skinning a deer or anything really, they used to just run around the fire and never attack. Now they seem to stop near the fire and then attack anyway (playing on Stalker), saw a video on youtube of a guy that reproduced this behavior and then aimed stones (did not shoot them) and then the wolves started behaving like before which is funny but tires quickly.

    So just trying to make sure, is this wolf AI the new normal or is it a bug due to the recent introduction of the new type of wolf? If this is the new normal any tips on how to deal with wolves now besides fire + pretending you're going to stone them?

    This seems to work on Fluffy at least: I ran out of food and broke the bow in a DP drained on loot so I had no choice but visit Fluffys cave for the deer carcasses. Managed to keep him at bay by lighting a fire and throwing torches. He growled, I threw a torch, he ran, I harvested meat for a couple of minutes, he got back and growled, I threw a torch, he ran, harvested 0.4kg something meat etc etc. So the trick was to throw torches with short intervals, but according to other players' posts throwing torches are more likely to make regular wolfs attack so I don't know.

  21. After a great deal of struggling attempts I made it from spawn to summit in 4hrs10min on loper. Spawned close to the threeway cave and decided to use Dan_'s strategy to move straight there for matches and skip the hut & hacksaw. Realized the clothing I wore was only worth 4 cloth and therefore decided to try and go straight for summit without sleep. Got hypothermia risk early, climbed first rope, strolled through deer clearing, did second rope and had about 45-50% energy left. Entered cave, searched it thoroughly hoping to find a piece of clothing but without luck and exited. So, with about 35% energy left (just a Little bit more than previous attempts) I dropped my stuff til 2.5 kg and started making it up to the first ledge. Took a break there with around 15% energy left. Prepped some rose hips and went for 2nd ledge. Energy was all red before I reached it, but was able to reach it. Made some more hips, grabbed the rope and slooowly pulled myself up and reach the summit. I cried 'horray' and jumped off the nearest cliff. 😀

    From a difficulty perspective it's a little disappointing that it was possible to climb all 3 ropes without sleep, I didn't think it would be, nor should be. Nonetheless, without searching the Cave this should be doable in 3-4 hours. 


  22. 3 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    There's always a bedroll on the map, yes, but it has 3 or even 4 different locations.

    Well I never managed that. And I've been through that cave ... a lot.

    I've managed to avoid being attacked, but of course I've been roadblocked and had to turn back.

  23. 6 minutes ago, mile cile said:

    I suggest: a new weapon shotgun(that could be used to hunt birds)

    new bird types such as wild turkey or even a quail. new animal types such as raccon,arctic fox(not dangeros ones),wolverine,bison,(the dangerous ones)

    a new consumable scent eliminator(It can eliminate scent so wolves and bears cant track you) new trap types big ones for bear,small ones for wolf etc.(plus being able to bait traps this will give you a bigger chance to trap something)

    new plant types such as hazel,chery,apple,maple tree.also new plants:cranberry but also poisonous ones that can be used to make poison.

    Thanks for reading.

    I agree that a new passive animal, with a little more meat than the rabbit and for example craftable ear wraps, would enrichen the game. I don't know if there's any skunk in northern Canada but it would cool to create a smelly tool (with a stronger scent than guts and meat) to lure the wildlife elsewhere when you want to do long time harvests like bear or moose. Though the skunk would have to be rare like the moose or the game would become way too easy.

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