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Posts posted by manolitode

  1. It varies but right now it's Forlorn Muskeg because:

    * Vast terrain, no coldproof shelters unless you keep to the mountainside. 

    * An abundance of sustainable resources,

    * Very enjoyable once you find the good spots and get a grasp of navigation across the small islands.

    * Spence's with crafting table and forge. (Brain deploy the good reward chemicals when finishing a forging session).

    * Relentless thin ice.

    HRV get high points too for its complexity and Beauty, on the minus side are the imo unelaborated shelves. Love CH for reasons mentioned above but there's just something about the lack of infrastructure on the inhabited islands. No bridges, no boats (except the small skiffs on other parts of the map) so the narrative congruity isn't quite there. EDIT: Meaning, how would someone use to live there during summer when the ice is melted.

  2. On 2/3/2020 at 12:28 AM, The Black Knight said:

    I´ve posted a video were Mr. Bear keeps away because a fire, i thought i was a bug but now i can confirmed that  this is a new behaviour.  

    Would be nice if this kind of  changes would be announced in the changelogs after the updates...

    Wow, revolutionary stuff if confirmed. At a first glance the bear's behavior look slightly more bugged than programmed, the transition from full attack to full stop is rather unsmooth especially when he charged the second time. At least compared to how wolves react to campfires.

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  3. 21 hours ago, Moll said:

    Desert Eagle as better revolver brother. Because why not.

    Would be interesting but probably not implemented since it's too modern for the long dark concept (just like the bazooka). 

    21 hours ago, Moll said:

    nah, more guns the better. shotguns are way to go. 

    Nothing beats a juicy leadburger 😋

  4. 10 hours ago, Sito said:

    But I miss the old trappers hut intro and music. I wish we could toggle back and forth if we want. I spent many hours just watching the weather at trappers hut. And I love the soundtrack! 

    Absolutely love the old theme as well. I also let the trappers cabin atmosphere sound roll in the background while doing other stuff. The neighbors being able to see through the window pretty well must have wondered what was so intriguing about a cartoon cabin on a rocky hill.

    Not saying that the new theme is bad, I just turn it off instantly while I let the old one play and make me meditative. It was the DNA of the long dark. 

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  5. On 1/31/2020 at 9:24 PM, ManicManiac said:

    I think we have all the weapons we could possibly need.  (though I am hopeful the bear spear will still make an appearance in survival in the future --- definitely not a necessity, but since it was spoke of by the Hinterland team... I am eager to see what they'll come up with for it) 

    Completely agree but it's still a funny thought ;) 

  6. 7 hours ago, Tommy2Dumps said:

    I’m planning on taking my long Loper to confront Scruffy tonight for the first time ever, does anyone have any tips for the showdown? Thanks everyone ahead of time.

    I don't know how far in you are but if you still have a flare, shoot him in the head. If you want to spare the shell and have the bow, see if you can sneak up the ramp to the right, goat down to a safe shelf where he can't reach you and shoot him from there. If you don't have any weapons, bring lots of torches, make campfires and throw lit torches on him every 10 minutes, don't wait longer. It will help you loot the cave and harvest meat but not the hides/guts from the two deer carcasses.

    Good luck!

  7. On 1/29/2020 at 1:02 PM, wizard03 said:

    I absolutely swear I did, I may just throw a loper run again to see if I can find em again, with my luck it was a 1 in a 1000 x.x

    Revolvers aren't supposed to appear in loper either but allegedly do. But I've never seen an expedition parka in loper.

    On 1/28/2020 at 8:58 AM, wizard03 said:

    So simply put, what really IS the best clothing in the game???

    While the bear coat was truly splendid at keeping me warm, loosing those mobility points really drained the fun out of trekking around and savaging. Ontop of that, the extra weight it created really put off trying to lug all the stuff I found while out and about back to base. Especially when just the expedition parka would have done the job. Thoughts? Opinions?? 

    I'll agree with most on @Jimmy's list above but eg add a satchel as accessory. As coat I prefer 1 wolf coat and pair it with a Mackinaw jacket, avoid bearskin coat for mobility reasons. But sure, useful when sleeping outside and harvesting big game.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Willy Pete said:

    While we're at it, how about a tactical nuke? Kill 25 wolves and you get to call it in, it kills everything in a region.

    Or sink the whole of great bear even. Though bomber planes and launch pads are out of the question with the weak aurora electricity.

    Unless of course we put the nuke in a trolley and shove it down bleak inlet and make a run for it. That would probably work.

  9. On 1/28/2020 at 1:42 PM, DerpyLemon115 said:

    Ah yes, a bazooka, very handy hunting tool. You wouldn't even need to quarter the carcass, just pick up the meat chunks laying about after the explosion.   

    For sure! And we'd finally get to use the metal bucket. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Jimmy said:

    I figure if I've already got an improvised hatchet, I don't need to worry about bringing a hammer to Broken Railroad since I've already done my forging by this stage.

    It's up to you, though you'll have the forge there and several pieces of coal and scrap metal laying around in the shed, just waiting to become spare tools and extra arrowheads.

  11. Bare with me if this been discussed before, there are 2 weapons that would make nice addition now that the aurora has flipflopped the wolves' dna to befriend campfires.

    Yes you read my mind, its the staplergun! Get ready to nail your wolves and bears to the ground, take a good aim and finish them off. Its a rare find but you can make a ton of ammo by harvesting fuses. No more wolves standing their ground by your precious fire, merging with the ground rather.

    As for the 2nd weapon somebody mentioned the holy handgrenade in another thread, though i dont think that would work so well with TLD fans. Thats why im proposing the bazooka for hunting the howling timberwolf packs from a distance. Bring a few kettles and enjoy true canadian rabbit kebab. And keep your face away from the rear end of the bazz.

  12. 1 hour ago, Jimmy said:

    I definitely prefer to hit Milton early to pad my clothing and food. No sense letting them rot in containers if you can avoid it. There's good odds to find a second thermal underwear here, or extra wool socks or thin wool sweaters. The food is also worth the minor amount of looting time, since you gain more calories than you spend. Plus, since there's always a door nearby, you don't need to worry too much about the occasional wolf.

    My Milton checklist:

    1. Must have prybar for the gas station and vehicles

    2. Bring improvised hatchet for Hushed River Valley scrub brushes

    3. Carry a spare bedroll in good condition, leave it at the cave between the ropes

    Neat, I like checklists :D Plenty of food indeed, you don't have to worry about unlooted food items condition and time at all (unless I'm completely ignorant here). What I meant with "a door or cave nearby" is that I like to finish my migration round by looting MT because the cold on day 35 won't make as much difference there since there's always a warm place nearby and you'll be looting lots of houses. I do worry alot about the occasional wolf in MT but preferably you can push some rabbits into the town's wolf patrols and make a few safe headshots to decimate the wolf population. By the way, you'll need a hammer on your list if you plan on heading straight to BR.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Jimmy said:

    Interesting choice on the cattails, since I tend to see them as the reverse. They're a non-renewable calorie source with no special tools required to gather, giving tinder and food. To my eyes, that makes them ideal for early game use, since that's when you're most in need of quick calories, and actually have use for tinder. Later, when you have a survival bow for hunting, calories become far less of an issue, with weather adaptation being more of a primary concern.

    What I like to do with cattails is distribute them evenly along my endgame route together with sticks, water, teas and coal. For example, if you get caught in a blizzard or attacked by a bear between the fishing cabins in CH and the ravine you'll know that you have an emergency location with resources to go to. Since cattails don't decay, they're ideal for that purpose. 

    15 minutes ago, Jimmy said:

    I'm wondering, if I go Spence's, then Milton, then HRV, I could return to FM via the rope from the Farmstead and hit an early BR that way. More efficient, maybe?

    I like and use this route alot, it's time efficient, varied and more fun than just walking along the railroad tracks from ML to BR. Usually leave most loot from HRV in the gas station lockers in MT for later pickup. You can save Milton for last, as there's mostly a cave or a door close by. Though I got way too many deaths by the bridge up north.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Jimmy said:

    Hey Interlopers, here a question:

    Are Desolation Point or Broken Railroad worth visiting early in a run?

    Desolation Point (via Crumbling Highway) and Broken Railroad also have the common choke points where wolf encounters are extremely difficult to avoid. It makes them both really hard to justify visiting before crafting a survival bow for self-defense. They also don't commonly have particularly rare loot, from my experience.

    Do any other players deliberately set out to visit these areas in the first thirty days of their runs?

    BR: Yes, I like to go there around day 15 or 30 depending on starting region. I usually sleep in the outside bed at maintenance yard, collect the hides in ravine, get the limbs and tea ingredients northeast of hunting lodge and pick up the 50 something cattails. Always use the forge once and perhaps the best part is shooting wolves through the windows at the yard. Is it worth it calorie-wise? If you make use of the many carcasses and save the cattails for endgame. You sometimes find the Mackinaw jacket in hunting lodge, if you don't you can easily get what you need for a wolf coat. That aside, it's a fun map but that's just personal taste :)

    DP: One of the riskiest maps as you say, well worth visiting once for various loot in my opinion but I prefer the FM forge. There's just too much hostile wildlife, don't wanna waste a good run and meet my maker either there or in crumbling highway. I like to go there once I got decent defence and 3+ archery skill, but no not in the first 30 Days.

    Hope that helps you on the way.

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  15. On 1/18/2020 at 7:11 AM, desertedone said:

    Anyone have any other player challenges ideas for survival?

    If you want to improve the interloper difficulty here are some examples:

    Survive in Katie's secluded corner using only rocks as weapon. 

    Stop using lights in caves.

    Only hunt and eat moose and bear meat. 

    Make a campfire burn for 50 days.

    Stop using a bedroll. 

  16. 10 hours ago, acada said:

    Sure. But I dont know if lungs can work with liquid oxygen.

    Big time derail by now, I'll se if I can conclude ;) Indeed, a number of problems appear with an ever decreasing temperature, hence my point that there's a cap, a limit to the temp drop. If you spend 2000 days on interloper like a few players have and the temp would keep dropping with a meagre 0.05 C per day you'd be about 100 C colder on day 2000 compared to day 50, say -150 C on average. Oxygen might not be liquid (apart from PV on it's worst nights) but with the current game rules you'll be dead because of clothing. Temp drop of -0,2 C per day after day 50 and you're at absolute freezing point on day 1640. You'd prefer hunting deer in space by then.

    That said, I'd absolutely love it if that was the end of the story, survive with an ever decreasing temperature and see how many storyline checkpoints you can complete.

  17. 23 hours ago, desertedone said:

    How much carry capacity do you think isn't too much? I'm thinking about 35 kg at best with well fed, about 40 kg for well fed+moose satchel. 

    Anything above 35 kg without bonuses is too much to me cause that's when stalking wolves tend to catch up and things go bad.

  18. My favorite so far is freezing to death by that waterfall just a stone's throw from mama grey's home in Milton. This was a long run, had looted most regions, got bored and goated down this waterfall just northwest of Mountain Town because… well because I could. Goating worked, just a few scratches, but once I had descended a giant 1 cm (0.03 feet) insurmountable stone threshold between the waterfall and it's river locked the poor survivor away for good. If you have a closer look you can still find him standing there frozen, staring down at the almighty stone threshold.

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