past caring

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Posts posted by past caring

  1. Yes - definitely a problem.

    I tend to disagree in as much as I think there is an issue with single items - the cursor tends to highlight when it is off to one side of the item rather than directly over it. But at least it does highlight reliably.

    Hovering over a stack of items (sticks, reclaimed wood, books etc*) and the cursor hardly ever highlights where it ought to - you have to move it off to one side and it's quite random whether it will highlight. Which in turn is quite frustrating because it can be quite time consuming - and time is a very real resource in the game.

    (* sticks, reclaimed wood and books are the things I am sure most often get dumped in a pile on the ground - but I suspect it is "dumped in a pile on the ground" which is the key factor here, not the specific items).

  2. I usually stand on the ledge/rock on the left, fall off whilst leaning over too far trying to shoot the wolf and land on his back. The wolf has been so affronted by this it has twice now had the effect of scaring him away (I thought a struggle would be inevitable, but it never materialised).

    Very limited resources required (I even managed to retrieve the guts I dropped to lure him) but not sure it meets your criteria of 'elegant'. 😂

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  3. I'm a new(ish) player with limited playing time and in that time I've pretty much settled on Custom Mode as my preferred playing style, so apologies if I'm asking something obvious.....

    1. I understand that Feats are only available when playing one of the standard game modes (Pilgrim, Voyager, Stalker etc) and as I'm playing Custom I've not yet acquired any. No worries - if I want to acquire Feats then I can do so by playing one of those standard game modes. My understanding is that once acquired a Feat persists through any subsequent game - including subsequent Custom games - is that correct?

    2. If so, am I also correct in thinking that unlike the other Feats, the Darkwalker is only something that I can acquire up to 12th November, when the event ends? So if I want it, I better get a wiggle on and participate in the event (a first for me)?

    3. The Feat description indicates I will experience less fatigue at night but more by day. Assuming that what I've said above is right and the Feat will persist through all subsequent games, I'm struggling to see the benefit - unless I radically change my playing style. Or am I missing something?

  4. Just checking whether this is a known issue? i.e. a sapling occasionally poking out of a locker if you store them in there? Like in the screenshot (yesterday, I had the same thing with a sapling when opening a draw in the camp office in Mystery Lake - though much more wierdly I didn't have any saplings, either in the draw or my inventory - but I don't seem to be able to reproduce that). If it's a known issue, I won't send in a ticket.....


    Screenshot (1).png

  5. I've seen lots of posts with screenshots where people have placed/stacked items neatly but I'm struggling with it. Obviously, in anything but the shortest run it's got more benefit than simply looking good (though I appreciate that too) as being able to see at a glance what you've got is really useful.

    I'm not talking about the obvious stuff like lanterns and cooking pots - that I can do. I've seen bed rolls neatly stacked on shelves, ammo boxes neatly arranged by type etc. but I can't seem to do anything other than dump this stuff in a more or less random pile. I did wonder if playing with a 360 controller explained the problem, but switching to keyboard and mouse makes no difference....

  6. The thing that scares me most is that bloody stomach rumbling noise when I'm a bit hungry. I know it doesn't sound just like a wolf or a bear but it sounds enough like a wolf or a bear to put the shits up me. 🤣

    Also, people have talked about the Raven Falls bridge....I wasn't particularly scared of it (I'd crossed it a few times without any problem) and then in my latest run I got stuck on that bit where you move sideways from one bit of the single rail to the other. I think I'd dropped slightly off the sleeper whilst still being on it, and so the game wouldn't let me get back up onto either of the rails. Horrible.

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  7. 38 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

     And when you say that any skill acquired didn't really affect the game, I'd have to say technically correct in terms your stats in the game didn't change.  But, you as a player however probably improved because of the practice and that will/should/did affect your gameplay. 

    I'm only saying that it isn't cumulative - e.g. if there is a stat buff which increases your chances with the bow and arrow after three successful shots, you don't get that buff if it's one successful shot in three reloads. At the end of the day, players generally improve with every game they play, as a rule.....
    In other words, assuming two characters who have both survived, say, 70 days, I would expect the character of the player who has played, say, 2000 hours to be significantly better at archery than that of the player who has played only 150 hours - even though both characters supposedly have the same experience.......

  8. Out of interest, are there two types of 'save scumming' or just one? In other words, is there a difference between re-naming a save game and copying it to a different folder to be used in case of death etc. (or even exiting out of the game during a wolf or bear attack) and between repeatedly re-loading the same save in order to practice a particular skill? 

    Once I realised it was possible, I did the latter in order to practice archery. I just couldn't get the hang of it and decided to practice on rabbits but I only had 3 arrows crafted from scavenged arrow heads. Obviously, any skill acquired during the pre-loads wasn't cumulative, so it didn't really affect the game that much, but I did find it really useful as a way of getting to grips with archery.

    On the other hand, I've never save scummed in order to save a character (if they die, they die) or when hunting deer when low on ammo.....

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  9. Hi - haven't played that much since the last update and when I have, I've managed to avoid wolf struggles. Until today......

    What I've noticed is that the sounds of the struggle - growling, barking, clothes getting torn - persist for some seconds after the struggle has ended (I can see the wolf running away). Which is not perhaps a big deal in most circumstances, though it's a bit disconcerting when you've been jumped without seeing the wolf coming and so aren't too sure if there may be one wolf in the area or two.

    Wondering if it's maybe a similar issue to the lag/delay that we are now getting when saving/entering an indoor space? Is this just me? Anyone else?

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  10. Probably today.

    I'm pretty awful at the game and I keep on dying. My previous 'best runs' have all ended when I have let my guard down and then died in entirely avoidable ways (freezing to death next to a fire outdoors because the fire blew out I forgot to sleep in 3 hour increments). This run is the first where I've survived long enough to craft arrowheads and make hunting with the bow a viable option. So killed my first deer with the bow today and when I got back to PVF the bear was hanging about so I tried for him too. OK, I did it the easy way and popped him from inside the porch, but I still had to hit him - and prior to today I couldn't hit a bus side on.

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  11. Wierdly, after a year of no bugs of any kind, I now have another bit of wierdness the morning.

    Just after the fallen tree bridge on the climb up to the crash site in PV, I came across this strange plant. Never seen it before but - and here's the thing - it is only a 2 d image and as I circle around it, it also rotates in perspective to me......

    ETA - further up the climb there are loads of these bushes - all 2D.



  12. What it says on the tin.......

    This is day 155 of my current run and I've been based in and around the Pleasant Valley Farmhouse for 5 days or so - everything normal. This morning, after sleeping the night in the car, I entered the farmhouse at the point it looked like it would be light enough and it was close to pitch black. Outside light conditions fine - full daylight and full sunshine - and no issues in the porch area. But inside there was only a little light from the windows - I can't see cupboards, shelves and containers. Advancing time does nothing. Leaving the farmhouse and re-entering does nothing. Quitting to the main menu and reloading does nothing. And quitting the game entirely and starting again does nothing.

    Though eventually, after pressing the button to get the sun/daylight icon up so it appeared in the screenshot, daylight suddenly switched to normal?

    Any ideas? Not a biggy, perhaps - unless it keeps recurring - in which case it is an issue because I don't want to either lose 3-4 hours each morning or have to use up valuable lantern oil....


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  13. 14 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

    hmmm...  I don't think a mod that allows me to move a box or crate so I can bridge the gap on a broken stairway to be "cheating,"  I'd call that "immersive".   Same goes for a mod that would allow me to place items on the top shelf of a 4 tier metal shelving unit in game.  How is that a cheat?   But then again their are some game purists who wouldn't want to change anything and I can respect their view and still disagree with their semantics.  

    Sorry - my British sarcasm obviously didn't translate. 🤣

    What I was trying to convey was that @peteloud appeared to be operating on (what I consider to be) the entirely false assumption that inevitably "Mod = cheat". In my experience, by far and away the majority of game modding attempts to make games 'more realistic' or, with things like some of the Total War games for example, attempts to port the mechanics to a different historical (or fantasy) conflict. Where modders tinker with difficulty settings, this is almost always with the goal of making a game harder rather than easier. And you only need to stop to think about it for a minute to see the truth of what I'm saying. Modders, as a rule, are game obsessives and need to spend vast amounts of time both playing a game and experimenting with its code before they can release a mod - whilst those who complain about a game being too difficult are, again as a rule, very unlikely to invest the amount time required to produce a mod with difficulty settings to their own liking - they'll simply give up on the game instead.

    Cheat codes/hacks/money trainers etc are a different thing entirely - they are cheats, not mods.

    (Just in case there is any doubt, the above is a comment in general terms on game modding. It is not a comment on Hinterland's policy in respect of modding TLD and should not be read as such)

  14. On 6/15/2020 at 2:26 AM, MrWolf said:

    Don't store quarters any longer than necessary.  They deteriorate quickly and disappear when they reach 0%.  At least the rate of decay of quartered bags is the same indoors and outdoors, so it doesn't matter if you leave them inside or outside until you harvest them.

    Yeah - I've noticed that after initially assuming that a quarter left outside would, overall, deteriorate at the same rate as a steak cut ready for cooking. But they do go off quicker. Whether that was intentional on the part of Hinterland, who knows? But it does make sense, probably - i.e. a huge quarter of meat would retain heat longer at its core, so parasites and microbes would be active for longer.....

  15. On 6/12/2020 at 3:22 PM, ajb1978 said:

    Convenience and organization mostly.  If you have a big pile of bear meat on the ground, you can't easily count how much you have without picking it all up first.  But if it's in a trunk, you can tell how much you have at a glance.  31kg remaining?  Cool.

    Hmmm -would the two lockers at the foot of the stairs in that open at the sides shed of the Hibernia Processing Plant count as 'outside' - i.e. the same as a car boot?


  16. Of course - you cannot leave a bear wandering around outside. I was hunting the bear using the cars as cover/bolt holes - but once it bolted up the hill I don't see I really had a choice but to follow it.

    The only reason I'm at the gas station is it's a staging post en route to Desolation Point so that I can go to forge some arrow heads. I've scavenged 4, but my guess that isn't enough to make the bow and arrow a viable means of either hunting game or self-defense. I can't see that I will stick around here by choice once I've got enough arrow heads for hunting - though the possibility of using the cars as a quick bolt hole for moose and bear hunting may mean I have to rethink that (also the advantage of not having to lug the meat very far.)

    I'm a bit mystified by the use of the car trunk to store the quarters and meat? It doesn't preserve it any better (outside is outside) and unless dropped specifically as a decoy, it doesn't attract wolves? So what am I missing?