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Posts posted by SpanishMoss

  1. Well one big red flag is the laptops and flat-screen tvs strewn about the island. I believe it actually takes place in more modern times, but since the island has been so cut off from the mainland, the islanders haven't bothered/not been able to update to newer technology.  

    • Upvote 7
  2. 2 hours ago, xanna said:

    I just got a new monitor and am using VSync for the first time. I had some misadventures with my refresh rate, but I might go into those in another post, or even a support ticket.

    Well if you have any questions about it let me know, I'll be glad to help! Just open a new thread and @ me if you have questions 

  3. Got a couple more

    Hopeless Rescue

    Climber - Your hopeless journey has given you a unique haste. Climb up ropes faster, but down them slower.

    As The Dead Sleep

    Deadman - You've come to terms with your fate, but refuse to give up. Condition restored from sleep is greater, but condition gained from all other sources is reduced.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Retro Seamstress said:

    I learnt the same thing recently with a low condition hacksaw and the cargo containers in Timberwolf Mountain. I'd only found a low condition hacksaw and like you, thought it would just break and I'd have to find another hacksaw to open the container. Nope, container was ruined. 

    On my last stalker run I also found this out the hard way


  5. Ok I've got some more balanced feat ideas that are in line with the games' current feats

    The Hunted, Part 1:

    Hardened - You have survived the worst nature has to throw at you. Gain a permanent +4% Protection, but struggles will be harder to win.

    The Hunted, Part 2: 

    Hunter - You have perfected your craft at hunting animals in this new world. Reduce Bow and Rifle sway by 10%, but decrease aim time by 10%.


    Inevitable - The world is changing, but it doesn't have to do so as fast. All items decay slower. Except for food, which decays faster. 


    Windswept - The relentless wind is somehow comforting. Gain permanent +1.5C bonus wind protection, but the wind is more likely to blow out fire.

    • Upvote 1
  6. While I like the idea, your suggestions are too over-powered. 
    And all the fears we currently unlock don't fundamentally change the way the game is played, they simply make it a little be easier. Especially "restore condition when you eat food", that is way too strong 

    • Upvote 1
  7. On 8/8/2023 at 7:38 AM, hozz1235 said:

    I agree with this request.  There is no correlation between where thin ice is and where you can/can't fish.  Heck, we can walk on ocean ice where the water could be 100 ft. deep but break through a bog where it's likely less than 5 ft.

    Streams have just as much fish as lakes do.  I think it just comes down to game balance and where HL thought ice holes can be placed.

    While I understand game balance, and reasons why some areas can and can't be fished, trying to find said areas is frustrating and confusing with the current system 

  8. 8 hours ago, Mistral said:

    Sticks are never useless whereas rocks can be. You shoule never stop collecting sticks unless horrendously overweight or on lower difficulties

    Hence why I referred to rocks sense you aren't typically looking for then unless you need a rock cache or something 

  9. 3 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    Depth. I've found this very intuitive and although I have certainly experimented all over the place, I have never been unsurprised by the results.

    Then again I've also done a fair amount of ice fishing myself IRL, so I know not to even try streams or bogs.

    While that makes intuitive sense, how does the game determine what is "deep" when the lakes and water areas don't actually have depth? Again back to my question: is it color? proximity from shore? Size of the body of water? Or is it only in predetermined areas? It's totally unclear, and it should be changed in-game to be less restrictive, and easier to figure out what counts as suitable. 

  10. Right now when attempting to attempt to make a fishing hole in an unsuitable location, you are given the unhelpful message "find suitable ice". 
    What ice counts as suitable? Color? Proximity from shore? Size of the body of water? 

    I instead think that the error message should not exist at all, it should just allow you to attempt to place the fishing hole, but be red where it's not possible. The current system makes it so you have to randomly wander around periodically checking by stopping, opening the radial menu, and trying to place one, forcing you to constantly stop and check.

    Additionally, there a plenty of places where a fishing hole would be useful, but it's just not possible to place one, like the pond in front of Bricklayers retreat. If I can only place it on big bodies of water, those big bodies usually already have fishing huts!

    • Upvote 3
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  11. 1 hour ago, Enigmaecho said:

    I’m not sure we know the answers directly to your questions.

    we know from wintermute that Great Bear had been isolated from the global community and even the mainland Canadian government before the “event” this was due to widespread geopolitical and economic issues where China and crypto took over and Canada was an economic block that forced folks into cities and cut off the rural folk to conserve resources 

    the island had been suffering quakes for some time prior to the “event” this furthered the collapse and isolation of its communities and the quake that occurred during the “event” caused the most damage sealing off million and collapsing large sections of costal highway 

    it is unclear how much time has passed between wintermute and survival but there are some things that can be gleaned from survival as well

    speculation time:

    Methuselah said something along the lines of “I am here to witness the ending of an era” implying that it is a global phenomenon and there are also some working theory’s that may imply the “event” is occurring on great bear as a Bermuda Triangle type situation perhaps having to do with dr R’s experiment possible related to soviet time travel experiments or perhaps Tesla and free energy generation 

    I don't know where you got any of this information, but I don't think this is correct. 
    I belive that methuselahs line is more in reference to nature undoing the actions of man. A sort of "natural reset".

    Economic instability is mentioned, but to what magnitude or cause is not, and that appears to be outside the scope of the games lore.