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Everything posted by Skavenger416

  1. I spent my 500 day accomplishment on top of the plane wreckage on top of Timberwolf mountain. I made a fire and made some coffee and watched the sun go down. Stayed up all night grabbing pictures as a aurora rolled in. Pretty memorable moment for me. Good luck on whatever you decide and hope to hear how you spend your 500 day😉
  2. I’ve had numerous bucket list goals in my main run. The big ones were 500 days survived which turned into spending my 500 day on top of the tail section at the summit, drinking coffee and then enjoying a aurora throughout the night. Then it was getting all skills to level 5 which I put on hold once BI was released since I was too slow with my fishing skill and then gunsmithing was added. I continued on with mapping and didn’t want to enter BI until I had everything else mapped. I took a little break from the game while I was pretty hooked on borderlands 3 but just this last week have come back once again to my trusty long dark friend. I entered BI for the first time on the weekend and got my skilled survivor and the faithful cartograher achievements. Next step is to get out of BI in one piece and head back to the Quonset garage. From there I have no plans but I’m pretty sure I want to aim for 1000 days.
  3. I hit level 5 mending around day 250 but I was was mending my gear all the time even for 1 or 2 percent and a lot of gear that I found I mended before harvesting just to get my level higher. I’m playing stalker so I’m not sure if you maybe find more rifle rounds in stalker because I have a large supply.
  4. I’m in the same boat as you with just rifle and fishing left at 4. I have about 100 rifle rounds saved up as I’ve pretty much just used my bow and am going to go on a wolf killing spree. I spent Maybe 5 or 6 days in one of the huts on coastal highway and caught probably 40 or more fish and I think it moved my bar maybe 1/3 or so. If I get on today I’ll try to see how many fish it takes as I have a huge supply of essentials to last me a while there and can just grind it out.
  5. I’m not sure if this has been posted yet but when you pull torches out of the fire, where you grab it from dictates the percentage that they are. So if you find that sweet spot you can pull out almost 50% torches.