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Everything posted by Aurimas

  1. I agree, original Wintermute was better in some ways
  2. Is this still true in current version of the game? Specifically interloper
  3. Nice suggestions! I especially agree with 2, 3, 6, 12 - in real life you could check what's on the back seats by turning around.
  4. Nice try at proposing good changes. I personally I would like to see some more realism when it comes to some issues, like: I would add that meat should be preserved for at least a few months in sub-zero temperatures (like in real life, you can keep raw meat in freezer without it spoiling) When it comes to your suggestions, Idk some things do seem more fun, like the wolf fleeing by you pointing something at it, it only makes sense where a wolf attacks you while you're harvesting by the fire. Also it is possible in real life to starve during the day and just eat full meal in the evening, many people actually employ this tactic as a way of life. What I would like to see is minus calories, that is - you could loose fat/muscle (and some benefits with it) when you starve (instead of loosing condition by starving for a few days) I actually get sort of in-game cabin fewer if I spend too much time (without passing) indoors, so I think Cabin Fewer is real, but it should definitely be more flexible. When it comes to traversing steep terrains - think Alex Honnold! It's been proven it's possible in real life. I think traversing equivalent mountains to TLD would be a joke to him.
  5. Here's a video of charcoal appearing. Is this really supposed to be this way? The Long Dark Charcoal appearing.mkv
  6. Does anyone have this issue? I'll attach some screenshots later, but basically I can't see some things in clear detail from some distance and some things like branches visually pop in as I move. I have my Quality settings on ULTRA
  7. Hi, I'm new to these forums so correct me if I'm at the wrong place. I guess it was supposed to run away as per usual when you get inside some structure, but instead it got stuck and the sound kind of too. Here's the video: