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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. I enjoy 2x myself (main reason virtually all my runs are custom).  I don't think animals will necessary take 2x to bleed out... I've had many go do very quickly.  Seems to be somewhat random.  Of course, you can always pass time (which goes by at the same pace).  On the downside, it will take you longer IRL time to get to the 500-day mark (if that is a goal for you on this run).

    AFAIK, stalker loot has all the shinies as Voyageur (that is, I can think of anything that voyageur can get that stalker can't).  There was a community challenge run called All Your Bases awhile ago (modified pilgrim run) that had a requirement to collect certain amounts of various items and assemble them (as attractively as possible) at a single base.  I don't know if the list is still up somewhere on the net, but you can probably find some VODs of some of the runs of the participants on Youtube.  It was a different sort of challenge than most... and a lot of fun.  I didn't participate officially in the tournament, but I played along.  It game some meaning to the exploration of various parts of the world map and I learned a lot about how to place items around an actual base (I'm generally a "throw it all on the floor" sort).

    As I said on the other thread... Enjoy your run!!!

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  2. Awe - poll is already closed... but you picked how I would have voted anyways.  Interesting code... didn't see the Length of Day Multiplier coming (although it is impossible to tell lowercase l's from uppercase I's in this font).  Enjoy your run!

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  3. 23 minutes ago, SuperStriker16 said:

    I don't think i'll be doing a NOGOA for a good while, i'm not that skilled. Thanks for letting me know what a dead world challenge is, I might try a dead world interloper, sounds interesting, id have to buff beachcombing loot, since id be living entirely off of it, is fishing allowed in dead world? by the time you pull them up, they're dead.

    I think the "official" Deadworld community challenge turns fish spawns right off, but this is custom, so you can certainly make adjustments to suit yourself.  Don't feel limited by what others have set up.  Right now, beachcombing is tied directly to blizzard frequency, so setting that to high (which is the standard interloper setting) will give you plenty of beachcombing loot.

    I believe Kimiota is doing a "fishcombing" run right now... although I haven't watched it, so I don't know what parameters he has set or whether he's on standard interloper and just focusing on a particular goal for beachcombing and fishing.  He often does standard interloper runs with such personal objectives/rules rather than using the custom settings.

    You can also do an easier NOGOA style run, by turning off all the condition recovery settings (as NOGOA does), but allowing yourself to make birch bark teas (keeping in mind that not every region in the world has birch bark spawns and respawn rate is controlled by the same setting that controls the respawning of sticks and stones).  Turning those respawn times to their longest duration can make for a very challenging run despite it not being pure NOGOA.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    There's two boxes in broken?   The only one I find is the one in the bear cave.. 

    Yes.  This video from Lithar shows where both keys should be and where both boxes are located:

    Of the two, the key that most frequently is missing is the one for the box up top (has only shown up twice); but the box itself is always there.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Serenity said:

    I haven't tested it exhaustively, but it seems strange that I don't get any visor notes, but all the non-visor ones (like notes fixed to a wall) are still there.

    If it's intentional then removing the key, but leaving the box there is pretty bad design. I wouldn't mind some randomness, but the box should be removed too then.

    I agree that it would be a confusing design.  I have had test runs in Broken Railroad where the visor notes and keys have been there and others where the visor notes and keys were not there or one set was there and the other wasn't AND in both cases where both memento caches (there are 2 in BRR).  As best I can tell, the boxes are there 100% of the time, but the keys and visor notes aren't.  Haven't honestly checked on each test for the note pinned to the wall in the guardhouse though (sloppy testing on my part... sigh).

  6. 12 minutes ago, xanna said:

    It's just no live animals, you will still get the carcasses that spawn when the game begins. And the odd bit of meat that spawns too, like around the odd campfire, and maybe meat from beachcombing? Wow, beachcombing would change Dead World quite a bit with the number of carcasses that are washing up these days. I also found a load of fish in a lockbox on my current run!

    @Glacia did a run of it on NOGOA last year, it's an interesting read!


    True... could limit oneself to land-locked regions only.  I believe birch bark is still the only edible plant that respawns... not absolutely sure about acorns yet, but I haven't found any respawns so far).

  7. After several tests in Broken Railroad, I'm now thinking that the memento keys not spawning while the boxes always do is intentional RNG rather than a bug.  The probability of the keys not spawning increases with the various difficulty-related "amount of loot" settings, but the boxes are always there.

    I also now think they may have already made some adjustments to BRA in that Stalker-level BRA (Medium) with Loper-level Loose Item Availability (Low), Empty Container Chance Modifier (High), and Item Container Item Density (High) now yields significantly less loot overall than it did in tests prior to the update (on Xbox).  The general loot amounts are more in line with standard Loper than with Stalker.

  8. Definitely submit a support ticket.  Possible workaround (worked to clear a black screen error on Xbox in Survival) - Completely power down the console rather than just letting go on stand-by (unplug it if necessary).  Leave it unplugged for a minute or two (to allow any residual stand-by memory to clear).  Then start it up and try launching Wintermute.  I hope this helps you.

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  9. In the Custom menu... Start with the Interloper template.  Change the Baseline Resource Availability to Medium, but leave the Loose Item Availability  at Low, the Empty Container Chance Modifier at High and the Reduce Container Item Density at High (these are Loper settings and should give you slightly less loot than what is found on a standard Stalker run but with all the items that are available on a stalker run where the Loose Item Availability is Medium, the Empty containder Chance Modifier is Medium, and the Reduce Container Item Density is Low). 

    If you want Loper-like Predators, leave all those settings on their Loper values which are High for wolves, t-wolves, bears, and moose; whereas Stalker levels are Very High for all of these.  Finally, double check that Rifle Availability and Revolver Availability are set to Yes.  Also, if you want to start with a bedroll and matches and slightly better clothing than on Loper, change the Starting Gear Allocation to Medium from Low.

    There are other settings you can play with, but these are main ones.  Best way is to take a look at both the stalker and loper templates in custom and then decide what you would like to bump or tone down.  There is also a voyageur template and a pilgrim one that you can also compare with.

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  10. 1 hour ago, twyn1 said:

    Just found one (also both kinds of ammo)

    I'm jealous... I entered the region with a guy from BRR, but I didn't continue with him.  Instead, I wanted to start a blind one-region 50-day run; so I immediately spawned a new Will in Forsaken Airfield.  I'd love to find a rifle (but no spoilers please).  I have to say though that I really prefer Ash Canyon or HRV. 😀

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  11. After watching Lithar's video, it's clear that the cache to which the signal is pointing hasn't spawned.  Chocking it up as another bug.

    ETA:  Went back out during a subsequent aurora and, this time, found the hit box for unburying the cache.  This may be related to hit box issues other people have been reporting or it may be related to a delayed spawn in similar to what I encountered in Freewater Cave.

  12. What am I missing?  I followed the yellow signal out into the middle of the airfield.  Flat ground all around me.  Radio dial is all the way to the right and the beeping is as fast as it can be.  No matter which direction I start to walk now, the beeping slows and the dial swings back to the left.  Shouldn't this mean that I'm at the source of the signal?... but there is absolutely nothing beneath my feet except snow and nothing around me as far as the eye can see.  What do I do now?

  13. 53 minutes ago, Brad73 said:

    Hey Andy,

    Their suggested workaround does work as a short term fix. Basically periodically (unknown period but once a real day seems to work for me) force close game immediately after a save by hitting Xbox key scroll down to game hit menu button (3 horizontal lines) and select quit game. Then start game again and you should be good with saves for another 24 hours.

    Hope this helps

    There was an hotfix a couple of days ago that is supposed to have fixed this issue... confirmed by the admin and a few other players on this thread:

    If you are still having difficulties with this issue, you may want to file a ticket or post the issue in order to draw HL's attention to it.

  14. On 10/25/2020 at 1:54 PM, UTC-10 said:

    Ravine to Bleak Inlet is two climbs.  One down to the Ravine Basin (byor) and then one from the Pensive lookout into lower Bleak Inlet which may be byor.  It might be more illustrative to break Ravine into Ravine and Ravine Basin.


    It's also worth noting that one cannot go from Lower Bleak Inlet up to Pensive Lookout without have first set the rope from the top down (regardless of whether or not is spawns on the hook by the door to Pensive Lookout (which it has in all my runs).

  15. 4 minutes ago, Renn said:

    This issue just started this evening for me. I can't interact with any animal corpses. Not the wolf that had died in an earlier session nor the deer I shot in this session. Restarting didn't help. Anyone had this before?

    Have you moved your cursor around the area next to the carcass to see if the label comes up (sometimes these are a little finicky and not right over the carcass where you think they should be).

  16. 59 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    I'm sorry it affects you that way... 

     Even if it does seem easier to play without them (as others see it) there are as you say plenty of options to make it as hard as you wish.  I agree it would be good if all things were made optional .   

    But I still think the preset ones have their role too.   I stayed on standard pilgrim for a couple of years quite happily before changing some settings .some easier ,some harder.  The important thing is ,what are you happy playing.   

    I'm not referring to things that should be in the accessibility settings though . Lighting and motion is something else ,at least from my pov.

    They're all important to gameplay .


    I'm not against presets (sorry if I give that impression).  I'd like to see them presented as something within the custom menu rather than before one enters the custom menu (since they are really just a preset template from the custom menu anyways).  I think, at the very least, that would cause more players to at least see what variables go into the preset they select and to just be more aware of the sort of exceptional freedom HL has built into the game through that menu.

    Almost any effect that games use can affect some people with various "disabilities"/differences in vision, motor control, cognition, memory... so in a way almost everything could be an accessibility issue... and, as you indicated, they are all important to gameplay.

    I do adapt, regardless - e.g. when I have blizzards on high, I play for shorter periods (as long as I can find a sheltered place enough to take a quick nap to save the game).  I use more matches than someone else would have to... maybe it means I walk off the trestle bridge more frequently that most.  So, for me, maybe that makes the game more difficult than it would for someone without my old, tired eyes... but that's OK.

    Regardless of what level of challenge one likes or whatever personal challenges one has to overcome to play them... games should be fun.  For me, that's the bottom line.

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  17. 10 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Oh I see..   I suppose the likelihood of keeping blizzards off in a full run was either not thought of by htl or it wasn't possible to have both mechanics for some reason. 

    ...or maybe they wanted to give players who don't like the "blizzard" effect the ability to turn it off.  For me, frequent blizzards are another thing that can give me a headache (similar to how you react to glimmer fog).  Should anyone care whether or not the player is making the game a lot easier on themselves?  I'm all for maximum options.  For me, it's fun just flipping them around to see what sort of run I get.  Blizzard frequency is one area where HL did provide a wide range of variance in the toggle (None to Very High).  Personally, I'd like to see all the toggles/sliders work that way.

    I'd also love to have the ability to change the toggle settings around mid-run... keeps a run from becoming stale or boring.

  18. 26 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    I wonder if the blizzards are turned off then would we definitely get nothing at all or would the old system still be there..  I doubt anyone would turn them off though or if htl considered that people would do so .

    As a test, I have... I saw initial beachcombing loot (all small stuff) but no refresh of loot.