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Posts posted by tulkawen

  1. Ya know, that classical question 'Can you eat trees?' is now being answered.

    Barkman makes sense too since we DO eat trees now and it's not far from going barking crazy or howling at the moon ourselves in solitude. :D

    Drifter, oooh! I am curious what you have in mind. Are you planning to write out that experimental game?

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  2. I have also been giving a try to the various Challenges for the first time.

    I started with The Hunted and completed both parts. I enjoyed Part 1 more than Part 2. The start to that adventure is really fun. I like it when you start in a hole and dig yourself out. Right after the Old Bear was done with me, I jumped into the basement in PV and looted it, also, I slept to recover health. From there I climbed ropes to Dodger's where I also had rest. From Dodger's I ran for the Red Barn. The Bear was on my heels by the time I've reached it, but I got away. Made it to Coastal and traveled along the middle part of the hill where the road is. I saw him on the highway below climbing the hill. There was a trailer, he got me right next to the trailer. I was preserving the flare gun flares because I didn't know whether there would be other objectives after I'd get to Trappers. He mauled me without killing.

    Anyway, I ran through the Ravine after healing at the trailer at Coastal. At ML I slept in a trailer beside Hydro Dam, then tried making a run for it. He was there as soon as I started walking. The flare gun didn't get him good, so, he got me next to the Alan's Cave. There wasn't any indoor location nearby to sleep in. So I basically climbed hunter's blind steps to eat and stitch up the wounds. Then I had to follow the creek to the lake and hope I won't get wolfed or the bear won't be back because my health was not good. I dodged the wolves, but the Old Bear appeared again right before I reached the Lake Cabin. I thought at this point I'd lose the challenge because he got me right on the doorstep the second time when my health was under 50%. He actually didn't kill me. He ruined a bunch of my stuff and ran off when I had 5% health. I stabbed myself with stim and jumped into the cabin to patch up the wounds and then sleep.

    He actually didn't appear when I was running between Lake Cabin and Trappers. That run wasn't speedy. I took a few days because I stopped to loot indoor locations where I was hiding from the Old Bear along the way. I found a sewing kit, so, if I found any clothes I repaired them before moving on. There was also a bit of collecting involved.

    The second part also starts up exciting when the Bear tears down the door. When I stepped out he did maul me. Though I think if you crouch with your gun out, you can actually shoot him and scare him off before he gets you. I healed up and ran after him. This one was actually fairly fast. Every time I saw him I've taken a shot. I don't know whether in the long run this made any difference. I did almost freeze at one point since I was running after him not fully healed and without much stuff collected. By the way, it's cheap that we start Part 2 with a new character and don't get to keep our old one, though, that does add a bit of interesting difficulty having little stuff for the chase. Anyway, I chased him down to his lair in two and a half days time. It seems I've officially mastered this challenge, but the bear still won. :D

    After the bear shenanigans I've attempted the data collecting challenge, Archivist. I made it out of Milton into Muskeg and got wolfed at the radio tower. Currently giving this a second try and got a great screenshot of getting my butt kicked.


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  3. @BareSkin

    I've been working on another attempt at SW0, but not in as much detail in case I kicked the bucket real fast. I have a progress report since I've made it far.

    Feats: Free runner and cold fusion.


    Here is a picture of my current log.




    I started in the dark, Coastal at the Ravine entrance. While I made it to the trailer along the rail tracks, I realised I cannot loot due to dark and slept off the fatigue, but that also brought thirst closer and it was still dark when I woke.

    From there I basically rolled downhill without a road to avoid a wolf. I guess I'm rather light since that went relatively safely and I made it to another trailer that was also no loot. At this point my character was thirsty without matches or water. I've lost a chunk of health before I rolled to the highway and found a nice toilet.

    I spent six days exploring Coastal and found one box of matches only on the third day. Who would have thought Coastal has such matches shortage, though, the toilets were everywhere.

    From there I made a trip through the Crumbling Highway with a basement stop. Through the coal mine no3 I've reached Desolation Point, all without a bedroll. To avoid being wolfed I went to Church and from Church reached the Lighthouse where I found a bed for the night.

    At DP I spent a few days too and found an exciting new adventure. For the first time I got to explore Scruffy's grand Cave, where I also hoped to find bedroll. When I approached the cave I didn't know it's a closed one and built a fire next to it in case I need to duck behind it if anything toothy jumps out. Then I explored the nice cave jumping at every sound because I thought Scruffy was waiting inside. There was no Scruffy, just a big pile of his stuff. Two deer, a deer chunk and a rabbit. I build another fire and began cooking all this food. This food was very welcome because I was out. In this mode you need to eat during the day too.


    Just when I thought life was good, I'll warm up by the fire and have a full stomach before travelling to Hibernia when I ate a chunk of deer and got a food poisoning. Then I found out that I have no mushrooms to cure the food poisoning. Since I still had some raw meat and didn't have time to cook it, I just ate raw meat to avoid wasting calories. I was poisoned anyway. Then I picked up the rest of the meat and began travelling away from Scruffy's cave with my stamina already getting close to the red zone.


    I figured I'd curve around Scruffy's cave and climb the hill, but turned out that hill could not be climbed and I had to go around where the wolves were. Wasted precious stamina and got hypoth too.


    When I peeked around the rocks, I saw four wolves on the ice between me and Hibernia, and a bear also heading our way. That was great combined with low stamina, poisoning and hypoth.


    Since I was trying to sneak around the circumference, all four wolves got spooked by the bear and all of them pinballed into my direction. I used the two pieces of meat to decoy, both 900 cal, and ran like crazy in weird zigzag line. When I did so the bear also got pissy at me. No idea how but I ended up on the bank not near Hibernia but near the bear cave, which was actually good because that's where the mushrooms were. Grabbed those and then headed for Hibernia where I started a fire and had mushrooms tea. Somehow I ended up not dead with all that adventuring.


    I managed to craft a hatchet and a knife and arrowheads before leaving DP. I went back to Coastal and spent a while living there until I managed to make fishing rods. I can't find the screenshot anywhere, but I went fishing and received THE BIG ONE! achievement. That's right! I caught a 5kg fish on Loper!


    Day 16 I left Coastal and travelled to Mystery Lake in search of a bedroll. I've been able to obtain a lantern and a bedroll along with other necessary tools. By day 24 I looted ML and went back to my Coastal base.


    Day 28 I travelled in the direction of the Pleasant Valley through the coal mine. I crossed the top part of the map in a straight line and reached the waterfall cave, top left corner of the map. From there I went for the submarine hatch to rest before the important climb and on Day 29 I entered the Timberwolf Mountain.


    Day 33. After much adventuring and getting my butt into wolf trouble, I have reached the Summit!




    I am super pleased because I really wanted that as an extra bonus challenge in case I do pull through 100 days.


    Carrying away all the stuff from the Summit on Loper is rather easy since there isn't a lot of it. I lived on Timberwolf until day 45 making one return trip to carry some stuff into PV submarine. While I lived there I survived on fishing.


    Also, along the way I hit day 500, but I can't remember which exact day or where. This is very exciting because now I have the ability to use the new Feat.




    At present I am located at the PV Farmhouse, waiting out a blizzard on Day 49. I have not decided yet whether I'll hit all the big PV loot spots and return to Coastal or hit all the big PV loot spots and move to ML.


    My character is looking good. Cooking, fire starting and fishing is lvl 3, carcass harvesting and mending are lvl 2, the rest is 1.




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  4. On 5/1/2019 at 10:47 AM, ogreranger said:

    I admire your courage to walk into a bear cave and poke a bear with a stick. iirc I am pretty sure there's a saying about that

    If only I had the common sense to poke him with a stick. I climbed on top of him and tried taking his coat. I bet that's what he wanted though. He played dead very convincingly. :D

    Day 182


    - brrrr!!! that is some crazy wind, not for my shoeless feet to travel in

    - the fire is still going. since i found cloth i can do more repairs on my clothes

    - didn't repair the gloves since i want to save all leather for the moose satchel

    - -11C yeah i'll just go since i don't want to camp here

    - wound my way around the place and bumped nose to nose with yesterday's wolf, a shot made him run off and i went back to the lake

    - didn't find a way up,  thus took another path that eventually led to more hand climbing and a cave

    - the cave is stocked with coal and has another guns book. it's a 3rd guns book. the use i get out of it, a bear can spit on

    - stupid bear. i wasted like ten shots on him to get mauled 4 times. i can't believe he vanished into thin air and didn't give me a rematch

    - grumbling and walking uphill until i bumped into a radio tower. the tower has a very big box that's very much empty. a cedar log and a line

    - from an observation point got a great view of milton

    - spotted a climb to town and three wolves hanging between the houses

    - they're just going back and forth, sharking around the mansion

    - all right... this is what i'm going to do... run towards them and dive into a smaller house next to the mansion which looks like it's enterable. if it's not let's see what three wolves can do after four bear attacks

    - ready? set? ruuuuunnn!!!!

    - she dives! she wins! sort of since i'm now trapped in a small house without a stove or bed with three wolves licking the windows

    - whelp... got a wrist sprain by the way, right before the marathon

    - slept 2h and then finished off one venison chunk to read 2h before it got dark

    - ate some more and slept 10h


  5. :D To be honest, I'm rather glad to have the birch bark tea as I found the 'no healing at all' deal punishing. I think it's magic tricks that you've been surviving so many days. The starting day alone can cost so many life points before you can even get to shelter plus the constant nibbling here and there, the health just gradually crawls and crawls down without recovery. The entire process is intense just seeing it diminishing very slowly. The items update is very cool in general I like the revolver and cloth hat and gloves.

    Yeah, for some reason some stairs won't let me walk up them and want me to crouch and bump into them repeatedly before I can go up. I keep waiting for a bear to eat me one of these days in PV farmhouse as one of the porches doesn't want to let me in.

    The wolves are pests, I feel like their range has been increased a bit as well. Not my cup of tea when the games wolfs it up.


  6. On 5/11/2019 at 8:43 AM, Drifter Man said:

    Blizzards have gone quiet. I miss the howling on the wind, indoors and outdoors, it was a really nice sound effect. I can't believe someone thought it would be a good idea to switch it off. Or is it just on my PC?

    It's not just that, I found the background music gone when I'm adventuring. The sound effects like morning comes are there, but no accompaniment. Also the wolves no longer give a short bark when they're near, which I found super helpful. It's kind of a bummer because music and things like blizzard sound are a very big part of the atmosphere for me and the music was in part responsible for me selecting this game, I wouldn't want it gone.

    Overall I like the update. I like all the new crafting items and the birch bark is awesome. Though, I believe it's been mentioned before how the birch bark influences the deadman and possibly high sleepwalker settings. What would be considered mastering the deadman mode now? I believe the line was 30 days? I've actually given deadman a try before this update and got to live about five and a half days or so, but now I'm not sure what would be considered beating this challenge.

    Also the character seems to be stuck less on snowdrifts, which is good. BUT THEY STILL HAVEN'T FIXED THOSE STAIRS! There are Hydro Dam and PV Farmhouse stairs and well stairs where for no reason my character gets stuck and needs to crouch or crawl to get up the steps. That's just bonkos.




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  7. @ogreranger Thank you! 😃 It's great knowing someone enjoys my scribbles. I wasn't sure if it was getting too long and readers were becoming bored with it. You need to play moar TLD. Which modes do you favour?

    Day 177

    - leap-frog down the hill to the cave connected to the Mountain Town and all the way back to the trailer

    - started a fire barrel flame because i can use the mag glass

    - only wanted to heat old tomato soup but ended up boiling a big stash of water and using up coal from a collected pile

    - pulled extra items from the 15kg box to place all the hides inside otherwise they will spoil, especially the moose hide

    - dropped extra hatchets and can openers and all onto table surfaces and shelves

    - since this trailer has a workbench i need to think about crafting

    - the moose satchel requires leather to fix. leather is scarce if i want 500 days

    - since my boots and gloves require leather to fix too, i must craft boots and mittens

    - since my stone aim is even worse than rifle, i have to use one gut to make a snare

    - i don't really know where in this area i can snare bunnies yet

    - anyway, topped the day off by crafting mushrooms and rose

    - eat my tomato soup along with the last chunk of mre. sleep


    Day 178


    - going to explore the highway past the hrv cave connector

    - spotted an area where two bunnies and hopping and then saw a peaceful pond with many deer and cats

    - past it a wolf is guarding the road. tried climbing rocks past it but had to backtrack and sneak

    - went uphill as soon as i could and saw a deer. i want to harvest it but that wolf will be on me

    - behind it there is an adventurer nook

    - saw a car parked on the road. i don't have a prybar

    - another small path down to a landslide and a river that runs under a bridge. there is another deer i don't take until i find a safe spot to harvest

    - a pink car is buried in snow, inside i find a box of ammo. left another rifle by the car

    - climbed the bank on the other side and saw a tree bridge. the tree is crooked. i was concerned about falling off and couldn't cross

    - decided to find a way to the bridge. it's swarmed with many cars. almost bumped into a bear

    - watches his patrol route from the car. he doesn't make displeased sound but comes to my car and rubs his back against it before resuming his back and forth guard route

    - i get out of the car and take two shots at the bear, which he actually ignores, the third hits and i see a splash of red

    - i hide in the car and wait. the bear doesn't come to the car

    - i get out and spot him slightly off the road in what looks like a very shallow cave. there are big bones beside it

    - the bear is not moving. he's laying down. not standing, not sitting. as in on his side reclined position. i wait wait wait. he's not twitching

    - is he dead? i approach and poke him

    - i shouldn't have done that

    - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

    - at least with a wolf you can fight back

    - he let's me have it and then since i'm in his cave he lets me have it again!!!

    - the screen goes black. i see infection and blood loss. it takes me a very very long time to straighten while in the blurry fog i see him slowly walking away

    - used bandage on the bloodflow and put in emergency stim to sprint back to the trailer

    - the highway wolf gives chase as well just when the effect wears out

    - a rifle shot makes him run off and i stop to use the antiseptic ... which was suppose to be in my inventory and it is not?

    - eegh 69% risk and rising

    - beards are growing nearby. luckily 4 of them. grabbed 3. crafted and applied on the spot

    - then ran back to trailer to examine the damage

    - hat and earmuffs ruined. i'm glad the moose-satchel is all right

    - repaired a couple of clothing items before dark


    Day 179


    - my stash of hats is elsewhere. repaired a brown hat found in one of the cards and put in on

    - since i already had spare earmuffs put them on too after repair, snow pants need another repair they were down to 28%

    - i hoped that my boots and gloves will hold until i craft but they've taken damage too. i won't repair

    - strange, i thought i had more than 1 deer hide

    - went to church to get reclaimed wood. a nice wool scarf better than my hat but needs repair

    - the church also has 2 guts. seems they ruin at the cave but not at the church

    - returned to the trailer and crafted 1 snare, went out and set it left of the road where i've seen bunnies

    - i'm lvl 3 firearms and don't have any ailments or hunger, why does the rifle always waver so horribly. it doesn't stand still

    - read guns guns guns for a few hours, still far from lvl 4

    - eating my dry rations now like candy bars and cattails and sleep


    Day 180


    - the snare yields a nice bunny. i skin it by hand at the trailer and drop to cure

    - repaired the scarf and crafted rosehips

    - moderate snow and grey weather. turns out i only need 2 deer hides for the boots not 4

    - feeling irritable. after waffling decide to give the bear another shot

    - snuck past the wolf and headed for the heartbreak bridge where i hid behind a car at the very end on the other side

    - completely missed two shots which the bear ignored but began walking my way

    - kept trying to steady the stinken aim until the bear took notice. not sure if the shot hit anything or not but the bear sure hit me right next to the car

    - did he do a number on my spine

    - got into the car to heal injuries feeling extremely pissed off. noticed that he stole my rifle and dropped it by the car window

    - 30% health left. the bear is walking around calmly in close proximity.

    - climbed out of the fricken car, picked up my rifle, took aim and he jumped me again before i could hide in the car after shooting

    - yeah yeah my lucky butt is lucky

    - about 8% world swimming all around me

    - got into the car, used emergency stim, healed all wounds anew. ate and drank. it's a good thing i had an emergency cup of herbal tea and slept a couple of hours

    - he ruined a few items hat, earmuffs, snow pants, mukluks and gloves the rest took damage

    - ripped ruined stuff and fixed what i could until the sewing kit broke

    - since i've lost a number of my items the car isn't a warm picnic. +2C

    - took a chance to sleep a prolonged period


    Day 181


    - woke up for a fairly cool weather. -3C and car sleeping bonus is +3.8C life's all right

    - my problem is the dense fog and no sight of the bear. he better not have ran off. i'm not done with him

    - exited to pick up my rifle which he stole again and got inside the car

    - tried a few maintenance things and checked what else is ruined then wasted 2h playing cards until the fog lifted

    - no bear... ... ... left the car, peeked off the bridge both sides, a crow pack is around a deer that can't be harvested because it doesn't have enough of it left, followed a few paths around and then hit a dead end

    - eventually followed a snow path up a mountain where i entered a cave that can be explored

    - it's not too large and luckily light. found an adventurer camp and lots of cedar logs

    - eventually found another exit and a road that led to a small lake below. didn't find a safe path down and hopped down some rocks dangerously

    - the lakes had some ctails and bunnies

    - crossed it and began walking when barky bark! the terrain is suckedy hilly everywhere. barely figured the direction i need to shoot in before the wolf could get too close

    - he ran off and i ran off. ran to a series of rosehips and hand climbs. if you miss clicking a bush you'll climb before you can harvest. how bothersome

    - ooh! shiny! a yellow plane stuck in a tree

    - wait this plane is whole? i thought this would be it's front section. the sundermount plane is bigger and different. so which one of them is mine?

    - no epic crates like on sundermount but i did find a maple leaf hat and a bunch of cloth scattered around

    - still barefoot and no gloves. by the way although the temp climbed into positive, i'm suddenly developing a frostbite. it seems if one area isn't covered you can get frostbite even if it's positive temp

    - grabbed all and followed another path to a serious of hand climbs until i bumped into a deer. a deer equals half of my boots

    - took everything off and climbed down to more plane pieces and boxes

    - funzie 24% driver gloves. i'll be taking that

    - nice cave which has a campfire, a white branches bed and a bunch of t-rex bones which make the cave look like something big lives here

    - more cedar logs. built a huge fire for 10h to last a night in case whoever it is that left the bones comes and gets scared off by fire

    - got two cans of tomato soup under 25%. cooked them both along with the venison. boiled water

    - ate the soup plus bit a chunk off the venison and slept


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  8. Day 134


    - dedicated time to find enough sticks to cook the moose by hand because my hatchet is down to 9% after i chopped 1 fir limb

    - i need A LOT of sticks!

    - came back in the evening

    - drank two sodas and a candy bar before sleep

    Day 135


    - travelled all the way to Monolith Lake is search of the precious sticks

    - the moose is gone. it seems that's the same one. maybe it climbed the mountain all the way to ninja attack me but tripped and fell in the dark? nobody messes with the long dark

    - went for the peak cave. i believe i had left a stash of firewood

    - 3 cedar and many sticks, plus i found bushes on the way. very useful

    - dragging my feet very very very slowly with 41kg of firewood

    - by the end of the day started a fire

    - mwuhuhu!!! 12h fire made of sticks only! i got over 200 sticks!

    - i had left a huge pile of moose meat next to the moose because i couldn't move

    - had to run out and get it during one of the cooking sets

    - got sodding lost on the way literally around the corner due to green viscous darkness and climbed around the entire mountain top to relocate my cave. at least nothing burned


    Day 136


    - cooking moose is comfy because each chunk is 1h and 5mins long. i can nap on my bedroll 1h to stay off fatigue

    - sometimes boiling 1L of water too next to 1 moose chunk. doing it in pairs due to two campfire slots

    - also had a pile of meat at the cave entrance. avoided getting lost during retrieval

    - finished cooking my moose without using the cedar logs awesome!

    - boiled water for the rest of the day and night


    Day 137 - 147

    - it's raining moose! hallelujah!

    it's raining moose! aaaaall day!

    - the moose hide cured. it still weights 5kg


    Day 148


    - removed my hat so it doesn't get ruined so fast

    - the cave coal re-spawned


    Day 149


    - returned to the Monolith Lake and discovered Banner Falls

    - climbed the central island

    - last time the moose didn't let me explore it thoroughly nor pick all cattails

    - heh i have 62 tails now over 3kg

    Day 150 - 151


    - a very cold night. slept 2h cuts. almost started a fire


    Day 152


    - health has taken greater damage from thirst + hunger

    - all moose pieces were 900 cal and my cooking raised them to 1080 cal

    - i drink full and eat one whole piece before sleep each day. then i don't drink or eat until the next night

    Day 153


    - normal health hit

    - aurora night

    - the mysterious fire across ravine is still burning


    Day 154 - 155


    - tried using my rifle as a telescope to scout a path to the mysterious fire

    - got nothing

    - the bedroll is starting to wear out under 50%

    - the stretched out moose hide on the cave floor looks more comfortable. i wish we could sleep on the cured moose or bear hides without crafting them into bedrolls


    Day 156 - 167


    - out of water

    - the cured gut got ruined

    - picked up all remaining moose meat to check the weight. it will be too heavy since i need to carry the moose hide too

    - started a fire to boil 8L of water

    - i used 1 match per 30 days. that's efficiency!

    - occasional aurora here and there

    Day 168 - 169


    - brrr! morning blizzard. -2C even in the cave

    - put my hat back on

    - either my clothes are getting worn out or the weather is getting chillier

    - i should really finish eating my moose and leave as soon as possible. this cave is becoming nippy

    Day 170 - 174


    - more aurora shining

    - the moose is gone. packing bags and getting off this mountain

    - no i'm not. it's freezing! and this wind is pain in the windbreaker




    Day 175


    - -10C brrr! waiting for -2C if i understand correctly the explore cave behind the monolith lake is connected to the upper landing while i need to go the other way

    - checked one dead end path beside the cave

    - choc bar plus mre chunk before staying at this cave for the night


    Day 176


    - -17C no way hose.... -5C fine...

    - wolf heading straight for me in a narrow passage. shot first before he asked questions

    - there is a safe way to the river but i don't have time to look for it because the scared wolf can reset. jumped from the bank and receive minor bruising and torn clothes

    - found the path which has multi roots climbs that leads to a lower cave connect to the rope and exit from hushed river valley

    - used the flare to light the way. i must have burned ten of them to explore this area

    - had to drop items at the circular cave by the rope and drag the loot up in two trips

    - i'm not leaving the area yea. dropped extra weight to explore the second path that leads away from the cave. the right path is to the exit

    - walking with the rifle out. i've seen a wolf on this path last time

    - no wolf. found thorn bushes. the improvised hatchet broke cutting a path

    - woooohoo!!! my curiosity is a happy cat! I found the source of the mysterious fire! it's a small wood pyramid

    - too bad the adventurer who built it will no longer be able to tell me about it

    - he has a most timely and new hatchet for me

    - what's this hanging off a tree? it seems hushed river wishes to make amends! lucky stars! i spy with my all seeing eye a moose-satchel at 82%!!!!

    - how can i equip it. it's in the inventory but i'm not seeing the bonus

    - turned on the clothes menu. turns out it is an accessory type. removed one of the earmuffs

    - a piece of ruined moose meat is by the campfire. doing a happy dance since the skies clear and i can use sunlight to make fire

    - wanted to cook the ruined meat to check if i can eat it but it's not possible to place it on the cooking slot

    - making water instead and tearing clothes found at the campsite

    - fatigue in red and dusk. i should return. lost sprint half way

    - at the cave used the remaining daylight to mend a couple of worst off items

    - two granola bars for dinner and rest






  9. Day 121


    - heavy snowfall and my load is very very heavy, got no sprint, barely shuffling my feet

    - super slowly dragged my stuff to the cave where the wolf attacked me

    - i am hugely concerned. i dropped 3 packs of matches and a stim in one of the caves. for the life of me, i can't find where. i do locate all my other junk no problem though

    - dropped deer meat at the entrance. i suppose i can take the flare and run through to the hushed river exit to sleep on that side

    - i don't understand this cave system at all. kept going forever and ever until i bumped into a bountiful adventurer nook

    - another bedroll and a book on wilderness survival and more food and goodies

    - keep going until i bumped into a cave rope

    - way way too many items. dropped most of them and went up

    - it's a different exit with rose bushes around it

    - since i'm light went exploring and recognised the area. the line of bushes can be chopped to a tree bridge

    - wow i can see the entrance zone from this bridge but there is absolutely no path down

    - bumped into lonely cave and found another guns guns advanced guns book

    - i thiiiiink there is some kind of snow slope thingy that can be tricked down with a risk of ending my very long run

    - time to head back to the cave and think about it

    - at the cave dropped all my spare items and went down the rope with just mre on me

    - ate it and made a fire under the rope since i'm out of water. wheee! i'm a fire expert now!

    - tore old fashioned parka then slept


    Day 122


    - picked up everything left under the rope. it ended up under 30kg and climbed

    - i have 74 cattails so picking them all up was very lengthily and dull

    - stepped out brrr!! i don't want to travel negate temp with 40kg on my back i'll slowly freeze shuffling around like a turtle

    - read wilderness survival for three hours and tried again

    - deadly stunt here folks! don't do it at home! er that is if wilderness if you home. rolling down eighty degree hill

    - oooo i actually did it and crawled all the way to the linking cave between mountain town and hushed river

    - i really don't want to drop a billion harverstables. i think there was a container somewhere in the cave

    - walked all the way to the exit to milton, no crate in sight

    - since i walked that far i might as well crawl to the trailer

    - got semi-lost on the way but ended up accidentally sliding downhill onto a road and saw the trailer which has a green box

    - this is good for organising, medkit is for medicine, green box for bigger items, a workbench for cloth and such

    - i may have the time to return to the cave. left almost everything books included and went for it

    - went through the cave to HRV and built and a fire

    - once the water boiled slept 2h outside until it got chilly

    - dogfood and rest


    Day 123


    - trying to avoid getting stuck harvesting, passed cloudstop falls and stairsteps lake where a tree hollow had a can of dogfood

    - the wolf is hanging around the lake leisurely and i hurried to a different bank where i found more bushes to chop through and a hand climb

    - bumped into an adventurer who had a hatchet and a fresh candy bar

    - another hand climb down and a hidden catche by a tree, some decent peanut butter

    - wait a minute i walked in a circle, this is the stairsteps lake

    - went through it and follow the hills over a tree bridge and down steep banks

    - hushed river? there might be that cave nearby where i had a stash

    - here it is actually. bow and arrows, but where in the world are my matches? seriously i lost like 40 matches. that and books were my biggest reasons for exploring this teeth and danger zone

    - tried mapping the cave again and eventually reached the cave exit where i had a tangle with a wolf

    - the wolf is gone. i bet anything he's waiting to sink he teeth into my ankles

    - checked every inch of the corridor back and forth. no matches. i really don't want to but i have to go to that cave that used to have deer at the entrance

    - i always, always get lost looking for it. the area has many similar elevations and boulders similar to where the cave entrance is hidden

    - bumped into the open cave at the back of the map. checked it too just in case. nope

    - the weather is spoiling. i'm going to rest

    Day 124


    - back again to looking for that cave in heavy snow

    - spotted a wolf not far busy eating a rabbit. that will keep him busy

    - after much stumbling finally found the cave. lit the lantern and checked every inch along the corridor. nothing

    - while i did that a blizzard started so i slept one hour. still yuck. crafted everything i had. much better

    - found a way back to the cave. at least i can use the magnifying glass to start a fire to cook the deer venison and boil water

    - i'm afraid i can't just drop this issue. i'm going to have to climb that huge rope tomorrow

    - peanut butter dinner and sleep


    Day 125


    - blizzard morning. tore up a red scarf to repair snow pants

    - where is my small chunk of wolf meat? i can read a couple of hours and sleep

    - weather looks good enough to climb. ufff this is even worse than timberwolf. there are two landings and you must sleep on each least you want to fall very far down

    - going up and then doing the hand climb down

    - lit the lantern and checked every tiny corridor nook. no matches. just my old campfire and fully read stay on target. this will teach me to drop matches even if i'm carrying 200kg

    - bleh blizzard again. began reading when

    - POP! and fanfares! I have received a purple book badge! hurray hurray

    - going to stay the night at the cave




    Day 126


    - this is getting dull always the morning blizzard. read field dressing book, slept

    - snowy-fog nah finished reading the book and slept. dropped the book next to stay on target

    - mild fog i'll take it. stopped on the lower ledge even on the way down to rest and scout for predators

    - didn't see them predators but when i reached the tree bridge i got wolfed

    - ufff this one was naaaaasty bit a hefty chunk off my health and damaged severely many clothing items. hat down to 4%. i guess i'm lucky not to zero

    - i have an extra bedroll. tore up the 55% one for cloth and repaired all i could. need leather for gloves and boots

    - ate my big piece of deer meat, drank herbal tea and slept


    Day 127


    - woke up when the sun was half way to the sky, but some nasty greenish fog

    - thirsty, no water, no branches either. tried chopping a limb nearby. you need light to chop firewood? bugger that

    - went back to the cave annoyed and played cards. health hadn't reached hundred after sleep and thirst didn't help

    - waited for daylight to find the pack of crows and the wolf that gave me the trashing

    - took his hide and meat, chopped up cedar limb and had a nice cooking session

    - fired up a flare and tried charting the caves again carrying all my stuff. ended up at the rope spot. i suppose i could try that downhill session again

    - the stamina is uncomfortable at the spot where it dropped to 29kg but i'm not tired to sleep full night

    - slept 1h and it didn't really help

    - ate a full chunk of wolf meat and slept as much as i could


    Night 127


    - woke up in pitch darkness and had to use the lantern to sort which items i can take up. lantern fuel is very low

    - climbed the rope, dropped the items and climbed back down again for the rest, then went up once more

    - wasted more lantern to collect everything and find my way to the exit

    - not a starry night. the rope climbing did make me tired and health is beaten. ate a small chunk of wolf meat and slept about 3h


    Day 128


    - a brown coloured blizzard ewww made fire and began cooking teas in my inventory

    - a moderate fog comes in. i'll take it. there is a new wolf coming towards the cave. luckily there are two paths leading from the cave and he is not on the one i need to take

    - i made. hurray!

    - the cave between mountain town and river is semi-dark. i suppose i could make it without light but i don't wan to squint

    - used a flare to comb through carefully and found another flare

    - followed the road to the trailer where i had leather and repaired mukluks

    - the fishing hook is 19% and i still want to repair gloves. i could use the guts to make another but i rather keep them for crafting other things

    - another thing i need is lantern oil. my lantern is flickering

    - i probably should stay in mountain town and search for both the sewing kit and lantern oil before returning to the hushed river

    - the green box is stuffed full. dropped the coal outside by the fire barrel and began boiling water

    - it's too foggy and late to travel

    - got 4L grabbed a brand to light the trailer and wolf meat for supper. slept


    Day 129


    - i don't remember what i left at the church. might be the items i need. going that way to find out

    - i can harvest a torch for a useful stick. i didn't know that. fun

    - the wind outside sounded nasty and turned out bearable. -2C and mild fog. it is fairly decent to travel

    - went inside to drop off a few items. stepped out and it's moderately snowing plus wind

    - went for the church. by he lake spotted a deer and a group of birch saplings. took the saplings after hesitation

    - grabbed two guts as well. i have 2 and i need 4 for a wolf jacket. the wolf is howling nearby. i know he's close to the church

    - heavy slanted wind and heavier snow. feels like another short term blizzard incoming

    - a good trick. drop a ruined can of dogfood into a backpack and it magically disappears

    - dropped the guts to cure and birch saplings then tore up some junk to pass time

    - not a significant weather improvement. checked a pink car and a truck nearby. don't have a prybar. found edible granola bar

    - there are deer walking around calmly it seems the wolf is away

    - used the clear road to go to milton where the big mansion is

    - crossed the bridge and saw a wolf hanging around like a boss at the town center

    - snuck into the mansion behind his back. a box of ammo under an armchair and a sewing kit in the bedroom

    - repaired gloves then swiped an old candy bar for a new one

    - that wolf is going to be a problem since i still need to find lantern fuel

    - a credit union is across the street. no credit for you. you have no fuel and all your choc bars are past expiry date

    - searched a million deposit boxes. who stores money in them? try storing chocolate bars

    - the post office down the street has a bullet and frontier shooting guide. the long dark wants me to wander in the dark!

    - in one of the houses found a storm lantern partially filled. harvested it and refuelled mine

    - it is dark, a good moment to test my currently lantern. this house has a nice bed

    - ate some old choc bars, soda and slept


    Day 130


    - the lantern is about 80% full. good enough. i'm going to head back to hushed river to retrieve the rest of my stuff

    - didn't get half way down the street when angry bark bark. sprinted towards the mansion. hill making me go slow and hearing antsy breath on my heels

    - phew i got away. going to drop off extra items like the prybar

    - it's a good thing the mansion is up on the hill. scouted. no wolf. went for the bridge past the church. on the way the snow and wind picked up and got moderate when i reached the trailer

    - a soda and 2h of advanced guns to wait out the weather

    - better. got to the cave and went through. i may still have time to travel. tried reaching a stairsteps lake and ended up at misty falls instead

    - sigh forever lost. took the rope down and began walking when out of nowhere a wolf jumps my bones near twin sisters falls

    - ate half of my health and ran off. at least he didn't tear my clothes much

    - walked in circles occasionally bumping into this limping wolf. which one of us did he do a favour by trying to eat me? no one. how can you explain this to a silly canine

    - eventually bumped into the bear and cubs falls. i hope there is shelter. fatigue fully blow out and the moon is climbing over the horizon

    - dragged my feet up the bank and in between the prickly shrubs spotted an excellent valley cave

    - soda and salt crackers in a backpack. a flare gun and two shells next to a frozen adventurer, a campfire with a couple of cedar logs. good place to stay the night

    - ate my last big chunk of wolf meat and slept 3 to 6h long pieces


    Day 131


    - stumbled around the entire area pointlessly seeking a way up, found a landslide and series of waterfalls

    - found the wolf that attacked me far away and skinned him

    - at the end of the day retreated to the cave and chopped up fir firewood.

    - the only way out is by rope it seems. what a pain. like always i have too much weight

    - have to leave though. the hatchet is down to 18%

    - cooked 5 wolf pieces by 800 cal. stuffed myself full since i won't be able to take them all and slept

    - DING!! an incredible, epic, very much wanted badge appears! ooooh! i think this is a good one! is this the +2C bonus to survivor? this is a lifesaver on Loper if I can activate it




    Day 132


    - all right let's find some long rope and get out of here

    - this rope is horrendous won't recommend it with 28kg never mind 30

    - stopped on the first ledge and built a fire from the fir log that was there. it is zero so it's dangerous to sleep, which is absolute must at least 3h

    - made it to the second ledge and slept 1h without fire since the temp rose to 5C

    - the view is amazing no matter what

    - sooo where am I? this is familiar territory. pensive cave. the firewood is organised in a manner i'd do it

    - i should stay the night. organised a campfire and boiled water as a blizzard started. sorry kitchen wilderness book. i need you to wait on fire to add coal

    - the cave a few coal pieces which i added and slept carefully 4h and then a couple of more checking temp when the fire went out. then slept 5h more since the temp without blizzard seems safe


    Day 133


    - early morning, venture out whistling a merry tune when... WHEN!

    - a MOOSE! a moose fell out of the sky for nice little me very conveniently

    - yep it seems to have fallen off a cliff right beside my cave and it's not frozen!

    - hello and thank you my lucky stars! there are no predators here either to contest my steak

    - ate a big chunk of wolf meat before work

    - i can do it! 1 hide, 1 gut, 39.5 kg of meat! equates to 14.5h of skinning! mwuhaha!!


    - lost 40% of my health for that bwuhuhu!

    - i think i was using the hatchet and not my hands for the last part because it's down to 12%

    - oh boiiii all my hatchets are very far away

    - i can't move! dropped the meat except several pieces and ran for the cave

    - ate a can of tomato soup, and a can of pork and beans before sleep



  10. Warm and bunny like congratulations to everyone who during this and last week celebrates Easter. :) Good health and fortune to you.

    To get back to my Voyager game, my survivor was at the Mystery Lake at the campsite area. I have a lot of days to cover and she has unlocked a number of achievements which I've been using for a while in my various Loper games.

    Day 109


    - Explored the Clearcut area. There are two wolves guarding a few birch saplings. Funny how close they stay to this birch. It's like, 'stay away from our trees human we marked them!'

    - got stuck on some boulder and had to take a very unpleasant leap to get unstuck, i think this counts as a fall, sprained my ankle and got bruising along with torn clothes

    - almost tempted to ninja the saplings but i think those wolves are trained against ninjas

    - wind and snow are saying 'we want a blizzard soon' thus headed back to the campsite

    - i found a new wilderness kitchen book by the stove that needs reading

    - what do i have? sardines? lets have that and read.

    - out of calories, blizzard started btw, chomp another can of sardines to read... food poisoning, i've been waiting for you

    - have my anti poison meds and sleep 5h


    Night 109


    - tore up a sweater

    -  finished wolf meat

    - slept 7 more hours

    - still moon up, i'm not tired and i'm out of water

    - 22% herbal tea yes lets cook that once we boil some water

    - charming stove fire bleaks on the ground


    Day 110


    - let's go hop hop. there is moderate fog but travelling is possible

    - passed the clearcut and crossed into the hills area eventually reaching a pond where the hunters blind is, grabbed two cattails

    - there is a deer but i don't want to mess with him due to wolves, plus it seems you don't heal during food poisoning because my health is around 85%

    - kept travelling over some hill and bumped into 5 birch saplings... uh... aren't these the saplings i didn't want to go near yesterday due to two wolves? uh oh better grab them and run for it

    - found another birch sapling later on, i don't need saplings i need to get out of here before i get wolfed

    - this fog is so very helpful in the forest. huuurrayy! that little cabin. entered and grabbed one fuel book since i used mine at the trailers

    - while i seem to have a map of ML in my mind where which cabin is, whenever i'm taking a path in that approximate direction i end up elsewhere

    - kept walking around in circles until i reached the hunters cabin

    - the snare caught a bunny, what do you know, reset it, grabbed a knife to harvest

    - still have daylight left, went to check that cave

    - it's a long one filled with coal, eventually i reach an exit into a river area crowded by mountain banks

    - mountain town, this sounds very impressive

    - there is a purple waterfall that has bleaks dancing along the mountainside, very pretty

    - gathered all cattails eventually reaching a cliff and a rope down. i'm fatigued and it's getting late turned back and by nightfall reached my cabin

    - two granola bars for supper and sleep


    Day 111


    - i'm going to take most of the food that can expire and search the mountain town, it seems amazing

    -  the snare napped another bunny, it seems i need to watch it for it to catch, harvested the bunny and got lvl 4 skill! hurray!

    - grabbed my four bunny pieces too

    - still foggy, the meat smells, started a fire right beside the rope to cook it and boil a bit of water then slept

    - the fog passed, i'm slightly too heavy, ate the smallest rabbit piece and went down

    - not really seeing anything too exciting, a couple of signs pointing me backwards say climbing area

    - whaaat? a rope going up? hmph couldn't we just have a straight sticks bridge

    - pant gasp that's a lot of stamina

    - i haven't seen this area before and it's super duper cool

    - searched a picnic area and some kind of office beside it. that office is a sneaky trap, it does have a bed but it has no door, is cold and a fire can't be built

    - keep going. i am finding food here and there, not in the best condition

    - a gas station, that's extremely promising, interesting I need to break the door down to enter

    - leaving everything but the food behind and then leave the station to follow the road

    - the town of milton, fascinating, it has many creaky sounds similar to a bear, very scary because i'm fatigue, carrying over 35kg and moving very very slowly, if anything decides to wolf me i'm grounded

    - this is a classical ghost town, it makes me sad, melancholy, who used to live here?

    - entered the first house which allows entry

    - it has no bed, the second floor is empty and an upturned picture frame shows a woman and a child

    - it does have a fridge, i sort out the food and leave the best quality

    - failed at reading due to fatigue, ate extremely fishy sardines, they didn't get me, the fishy dogfood did

    - used my anti poison pills and slept 12h


    Day 112


    - i am both excited and saddened by this town. a new place to explore

    - follow the street to a mansion where i find another wilderness kitchen book, stop searching the mansion half way, i want to explore

    - hearing wolf howls as i travel, it begins snowing harder and harder while i pass three cars along the road and see a wolf not too far crossing

    - made a hook to avoid him and saw a church. can i enter it? went around all four walls until i saw the doors

    - st christopher's church. it looks like someone made a fort here with the help of the holy word and a rifle. three extra bullets are always helpful

    - a campfire and a makeshift bed, this looks like a safe location to hole up in

    - i don't trust this weather. it threatens blizzard. went back inside and finished reading my previous wilderness kitchen book. i have one other left

    - checked the weather. it got better. i continued following the road but along the bank closer to the mountain. i have a feeling it might be wolf trapped

    - walking with a mild sense of alarm. the snow might get worse again. i'm hearing three wolves orchestra

    - a trailer appears by the road, in the distance i'm seeing a wolf

    - nothing remarkable in the trailer. the double beds have one crooked mattress. possible to sleep but uncomfortable

    - made exit and began walking parallel to the road but  keeping to the mountain

    - another cave i can enter. i rather like the thought. it is semi-dark but enough light to walk the corridors to the new exit

    - hushed river valley. brrrr awful associations. i know this area. i haven't been beaten worse anywhere else. even the moose went nice on me in DP

    - still a few hours of daylight. i'm tempted to turn my tail and run to the wolves

    - no way i'm starting exploration on declining day. as if to lure me in the skies cleared completely, blue and yellow colours

    - ate a can of pork and beans before reading until daylight faded. hid in the cave to sleep


    Day 113


    - i can't say i'm excited about this area. it's all mountains and hills. i'm concerned about not being able to climb back up to the exit

    - kept following a narrow ledge across two tree bridges. heard a wolf bark below the tree bridge. hearing howls but not near me

    - eventually reached a campsite and a deer. the backpack also has a piece of moose. i don't want to stop here for lunch and i have enough food. the mild fog and the lack of wind hold steady

    - reached a rope at the place called many vista falls and went down only to encounter another rope going up!

    - this is such a bother. drank a cup of coffee and proceeded with a difficult climb

    - bumped into a cool catche on the next level. the find made me carry too much weight

    - ate a can of condensed milk and got a food poisoning. this is not good. turns out this ledge has a second rope going high up and i'm stuck between ropes

    - i do have anti poison pills but these were my last two. slept a few hours since the weather isn't killable, i was too fatigued anyway

    - i suppose i can try the second rope, bumped into a wall of shrubs that demanded to be chopped via hatchet only

    - the chopping plus poison drained my stamina and forced me to sleep off the rest of the ailment hours

    - there is smoke coming from the neighbouring mountain. i wander if another lonely survivor is roasting his mushrooms above the flames


    Night 113


    - the weather very much is about to spoil. climbed half way up the rope to a ledge and the blizzard set in

    - climbing rope in a blizzard at -21C that's pretty wicked. warmth bar dropping rapidly

    - have no clue where to go either from there. kept clinging to rocks in hopes of a cave and eventually stumbled upon one in pensive mista area

    - the cave has some coal and cedar logs. even inside the cave it's -6C so i stated the fire asap

    - sorted through loot while waiting for the coal to be dropped in

    - dropped the coal into the fire and slept. rope climbing is a draining activity

    - eat and sleep



    Day 114


    - left the cave and marched on until i reached a lake, a frozen guy has some clothes, not taking feathers. don't want weight and i have enough

    - the trees have familiar moose markings on them

    - what do you know, there really is a moose. i don't see any safe position i can shoot him from so i sneak around the lake circumference and head up a path

    - got two sprains sneaking around the moose. used painkillers on the ankle, the limp is bothersome uphill

    - eventually the path leads me to another cave and rosehips. some birch and maple sapling are around but i'm not taking them either for the same reason as feathers

    - finding four mushrooms stumps is important. i should boil the reishi tea at the earliest opportunity. i'm eating a lot of iffy food and i'm out of anti poison

    - the view from the top of the mountain ridge into the hushed river below is amazing bit the weather soon begins to spoil

    - hide inside the cave and tore up junk clothes

    - didn't make fire. used a spare bedroll i found in this peak cave to sleep

    Day 115


    - woke up too early and read the entire kitchen wilderness book. less weight

    - nothing else up here. i'm going to have to sneak past the moose again

    - the weather is lousy, heavy snow, got around him at the waterfall area and found lake cave

    - there is a dead wolf with a knife in its side and a fallen adventurer, cured guts and a hide are deeper in, the adventurer has a field dressing book

    - another blizzard it got really cold -4C even in the cave. used cedar log and 2 coal i brought for fire

    - chopped bushes by the entrance and heard the moose moo at me. am i stuck or what i think the moose is guarding this cave and will trample me if i try leaving

    - since i've gained a sprained wrist during the track, slept 2h

    - the storm subsided into a mild, chilly fog

    - read one hour until the fire burned out and then peeked out

    - had to backtrack and go around the entire lake, the moose mooed at me annoyed a couple of times but i sprinted away

    - gathered some cattails eventually crossing tree bridges and found more of these bushes that need to be dealt via hatchet

    - cool! there is a spot where i can climb down clinging to roots and the pack can be overweight

    - there is an exploration cave by the waterfall and rosehips

    - have 116 rosehips. crafted them and also mushrooms

    - went in and walked with lantern light until i bumped into a rope

    - dropped my bedroll and slept after wolf meat dinner


    Day 116


    - since i can't climb this rope i'll go out and explore around the cave

    - blizzard. ate a can of peaches and read to the end stay on target

    - dropped all extra weight at the cave and wolf pelt to cure

    - weather better. went out to go around the cave and saw a wolf heading in my direction

    - turned instead to the river, got onto the opposite bank and saw more hatchet bushes

    - wasted hatchet on them since the area behind them was entirely bare

    - came back and gathered cattails and then climbed the roots

    - kept walking until i reached a rope down. that's a super long rope with two landings

    - saw some mushrooms that need to be gathered and eventually bumped into a cave where i stayed the night


    Day 117


    - bumped into a wolf as soon as i left the cave early morning, he bumped into me too and figured i'm good breakfast

    - shot at him and while he ran circles around me scared gathered mushrooms

    - saw another wolf eating a deer and went past him to check a frozen adventurer then bumped into another exploration cave that has a deer in front of it

    - dropped extra weight and went on to explore. bumped into a few ponds and gathered stuff around it

    - eventually made a wide circle and entered another open cave. so far i found an extra hatchet of notable things

    - saw more wolves along the way. they don't seem to have wide agro range but there are four or five hanging around this area

    - on top of a small hill found a very cool spot. a snow shelter by a campfire. found an improvised hatchet, which is nifty, always found full hatchets before, a rifle leaning against a tree and a box of ammo. left the rifle where it is. too much weight, but thanks for ammo. i can use it against 500 wolves per sq meter

    - rolled downhill and came back to the deer cave. received two sprains right at the cave entrance on a flat ground. what even was that

    - i guess i'll eat and sleep then


    Day 118


    - used several flares to explore the caves, tried charting them but i think they run in circles and i got lost regardless

    - kept bumping in to a circular cave where a fallen adventurer has bow and arrows along with a back pack

    - made exit where i started at the deer cave entrance and went to the spot where yesterday a wolf chased me off

    - the wolf was right there and tried pouncing me again but a rifle shot convinced him to run off

    - went through while he ran in circles and crossed a tree bridge to another cave which has many rosehips

    - went through this cave as well and found a cave exit to the hushed river, found an adventurer at the cave that has a brand new prybar plus other items

    - left extra weight at this cave entrance and went back, ran out of flares and used my lantern

    - i can look around the cave where i saw rosehips as well. there is a line of thorn bushes which i cleared to a hand climb

    - there was another thick line of bushes that has to be cleared twice past it and dual climb

    - i'm a hundred percent fatigued and it's late so i'll try climbing that dual rise tomorrow

    - went back to the cave, drank 2 sodas, bit off mre, and topped with water before 12h sleep


    Day 119


    - followed a series of hand climbs and minor waterfalls to a lake

    - isn't this the moose lake? part of the cattails are gathered

    - stumbled into an area with two stumps, i feel like that's where i tried to go from the cave but a wolf cut me off

    - tried looking around but didn't find a path to the cave nor saw a wolf

    - ended up accidentally climbing all the way back to the bottom

    - headed for the rope area and got wolfed, sneaky bugger just hid behind a random snowdrift and gave me some injuries

    - wolf ran off and i began a very long track climbing

    - got to the 1st ledge, slept an hour, got to the second ledge and slept 3h, go the last chunk done

    - now i am sure there are two ways down. followed a hand climb to my cave

    - there was a dead wolf when i first found this cave so i grabbed his meat and hide which was faster my hand than hatchet

    - made fire to boil water and two cups of mushroom tea against poisonings, also cooked wolf meat

    - made a cup of herbal tea too since health took a beating then slept 11h


    Day 120


    - the wolf conveniently kicked the bucket next to the tree bridge

    - went out and made a wide circle around the area to ensure i haven't left anything behind in any of the caves

    - stopped at the exploration cave. there was another corridor i didn't check. i have collected more flares

    - ended up walking under a stream of water and getting drenched to hypoth

    - the corridor branches off. one branch has taken me to a hidden catche which had yellow earmuffs and the other branch was an exit under a waterfall that too will drench you

    - backtracked to my spot with loot. went out to skin the deer. i'll cook the meat tomorrow

    - ate pork and beans and slept

  11. 1 hour ago, BareSkin said:

    Oh, here's you're first bugged-bear death. Welcome to the club! Died there once, harvesting a deer carcass, then suddenly the bear appeared from nowhere (underground?) and charged me. Long story short, he did die, and I did survive, cause I was nearby a fire and the attracted wolf flew away.

    That's already a huge success to have survived the first part of a sleepwalker run.😃

    Should you try another one later, I'm pretty sure I'll have to make a diploma soon enough!

    It went better than I thought. :) I actually lasted longer than regular Loper game too so far.

    That pond is very dangerous in general. It's not the first time something ambushes me near it and kills too.

    Maybe I should do Deadman to make SW0 look comfortable in comparison. :D

  12. Day 50


    - this is my grand plan: go to the unnamed pond and try sticking arrows from the hunters blind into a bear since my bow is all new and shiny along with a nice batch of arrows

    - read kitchen wilderness while waiting for the air to warm up

    - still -25C but I'm hardly going to get better deals past day 50

    - yup the bear is at the pond hanging around leisurely

    - the bear makes a displeased sound upon my arrival and obediently begins walking towards me as I slowly back away to the hunters blind

    - I climb into the blind and make a couple of attempts just aiming

    - he's still getting closer.... closer... CLOSER!

    - THWANG! The arrows buries deep into his side

    - The bear roars and runs from the pond like crazy, disappearing over the hill in two seconds

    - rats... is he coming back? this blind isn't exactly warm and cozy to wait in

    - after a couple of minutes I decide to follow a trail of blood. there is a big splat where he got hit too

    - the trail isn't very easy to see plus i need to be looking around

    - i have to duck spotting a wolf on a hill nearby

    - the trail seems to be running parallel to the river and leaves me puzzled once i get close to its beginning

    - at some point i spot bear paw prints but they're turned in the direction i came from

    - the blood trail makes an odd turn and end without the bear anywhere in sight

    - well this is weird. according to the marks the bear made a circle and ran back along the same route. except i've been following that route precisely and he should have ran into me, shouldn't he have?

    - while I stand there scratching my head and wandering where the bear had evaporated to, I get ambushed by bark bark

    - ugh... the blasted bow is more of a hindrance than help. instead of running as soon as I hear a bark, I waste two seconds wandering if I could shoot the wolf or defend myself

    - the fuzzy pile of fluff gets plastered all over me in seconds

    - I heartily curse myself in a rush grabbing a knife instead of the hatchet

    - My health was high when he jumped and the clothes aren't that poorly armoured.

    - It was a long fight.

    - For a moment he looked hesitant like he was going to disengage.

    - And then he won the struggle.


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  13. Day 37


    - Since I have a hammer and 17 metal and cloth, I would like to go to Desolation Point Forge, but this dangerous venture is not for an empty stomach

    - Hopefully more fishing will help me out

    - It's still dark and the frost is biting when I make a rush leapfrogging off the bank past the bear to the nearest fishing hut

    - The stove fires up after giving me hypoth but I keep optimistic and dip the first line into the icy water

    - The first two hours end up empty and the first rod snaps. While I have a fair amount of rods, the absence of food is troubling. I need more than filling my stomach for a day. I need a full stomach for a trip and I'd like to depart tomorrow.

    - The ice glows pink and the sun is climbing higher. Through a doorless way I spot a wolf crossing between me and the island.

    - The fish become more merciful and I begin catching after adding more coal for the fire duration. I catch a moderate amount. Another rod snaps.

    - The sun is setting when I begin the cooking spree. The fish is too small to cook and fish at the same time since it would burn in 1h.

    - When I'm done the sun is gone beyond the horizon and the island outlines vanish in murky dusk. It's unpleasant. Brown. Plump snowflakes are dropping from the sky limiting sight even more.

    - I've eaten a great deal of it, but I shouldn't have taken the fish with me.

    - I couldn't have stayed at the fishing hut for the night either hence the absence or bedroll bites.

    - I finally make out the bank and set foot on it. Both site and ears straining, I keep moving with fatigue dragging behind me like heavy shackles.

    - No vigilance was enough. I hadn't a second to offer a fish decoy when silently a sleek shape that blended with darkness launched for my throat.

    - I have been dragged into wilds beyond.  


    The Long Dark


  14. “Into the eternal darkness, into fire and into ice. ”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy


    Day 36


    - woke up with 20% cabin fever threat. of course i would. it's still kind of nighty, no tip of the sun rays showing

    - meh gotta go. i have big plans for the big fish!

    - immediately lost my way outside and optimistically rolled downhill without the road hopefully to the fishing hut and not into wolf's mouth

    - when i reached the log area the aurora fired up in the sky

    - cabin cabin? there it is. it even has a cedar and reclaimed wood

    - froze my bum off waiting to add coal before setting water to boil and wrecking ice with the crowbar

    - fished until afternoon and caught less than one fish per hour. sigh. cooked four fishes one of them about 150 cal only

    - i'd like to go to the bear patrol island. shuffling feet slowly hence the extra weight

    - a wolf far in the distance takes interest of one stink line and follows

    - tried going one way around the island and saw the bear, had to backtrack while freezing and climbed the other side uphill

    - dropped fish and extra weight and went out to grab more wood

    - spotted a guy and fishing boat, both empty

    - went to the nearest fishing hut and dropped off coal and wood there

    - a blizzard rolled in while a was looking around

    - only grabbed 3 branches, not the epic most loot

    - ate two fish and slept 10h like always fairly beaten up by nightfall

  15. Day 47


    - Ventured out to the fishing hut for breakfast. all my fish is gone. I thought I had some leftover

    - Turns out I forgot to check another hut next door. Found a fishing hook before running back to the lake cabin

    - Repaired a new thin wool sweater from the Muskeg

    - I have the arrow tips, but the saplings were left at the hunter cabin. got to go there

    - The railway guard wolf is closer to the cabin but now he has wider area to cover and gives me room to sneak past him

    - Grabbed two maple saplings along the way and searched an adventurer scoring a chocolate bar

    - Reset the forgotten bunny snare by the hunters cabin

    - Zoomed inside to craft arrow shafts since everything is nicely cured


    Day 48


    - I have two cured deer guts and also one older maple sapling cured

    - This means I can work on the bow

    - Before that checked the snare and scored a bunny rabbit

    - Chopped some firewood

    - Crafted two arrows and finished the bow


    Day 49


    - begins cold enough to freeze just grabbing another bunny from the snare

    - started fire outside regardless to craft all mushrooms and cook them

    - yummy two bunny rabbits are the breakfast of champions

    - DING! LvL 4 cooking! Wow! I'm a great cook!

    - Being fed I'd like to travel, but I have zero trust in grey clouds and rapid snow beat

    - Yup, I was right, a blizzard starts howling.

    - Crafted more arrow shafts and arrows.

    • Upvote 2
  16. Day 34


    - a clear morning. hid in the snow shelter and skinned two bunny rabbits

    - I am leaving great many things behind at the farmhouse, but I am still bordering weight limit

    - drank water and went a bit under 30k before moving along

    - crossed the river and then followed the field alongside the highway to the red barn

    - while i was skinning rabbits the weather changed to wind and snow but i'm determined to keep going

    - it's difficult to tell in this heavy snow but i think there are wolves hanging around the red barn far too close for comfort

    - after hesitation decided to press on without warming up towards the crossroads

    - this did give my health sound kicking but i made it without being eaten

    - the stashed jerry can was a delight since my lantern was out of fuel

    - picked up a small lantern fuel too

    - rechecked the whole house, found ruined jeans and tore them for cloth

    - picked up a number of unread books. this increased the weight a lot but this was a run for stuff so i have to suck in up and carry tomorrow for a long stretch

    - drank a cup of tea and some water. i am low on water

    - then ate cooked rabbits caught a day ago before sleep


    Day 35


    - woke up in good health condition. i'll need it. drank the rest of my water which filled up thirst bar only a quarter

    - the morning is freezing -36C but two pairs of deer pants and my rabbit hat with gloves make it so much better

    - i had hypoth by the time i spotted a roadside cave and mushrooms

    - found 3 coal in the cave and started a fire to warm up and boil water

    - since there were bunnies, i set my two traps to see if i get lucky in a couple of hours but had no cigar

    - as soon as i left the cave and rounded a boulder i saw a wolf crossing a road

    - danced around him at safe distance waiting for him to go away. got hypoth simply waiting for him to leave before i could advance towards the transition mine to coastal

    - i do have marginal sprint but it's slow going uphill that gives health a sound beating even though i drink a couple of teas

    - at the mine entrance found a big stash of coal and another crowbar not noted in my notes

    - since the wind was kind enough to not blow out the torch i carried from the open cave, i used it to light the way

    - the coal in the mine respawned and i got a big pile while walking. this however mounted 41kg on my back and i lost sprint

    - hello coastal, welcome me back please kindly. it does with sunny weather

    - crawling but crawling downhill. i hope i don't bump into a wolf at an intersection

    - health around 20% and dropping, seeing the safe trailer ahead getting closer turtle slowly

    - reached the trailer without kicking the bucket and dropped off a lot of weight into a drawer and blue box

    - searched the trailer and found 3% granola bar

    - it is evening but the sun is still up, my fatigue and health are bad though

    - ah YOLO! chomp a baaad granola bar! i lived! hurray! top off with ctails and 10h nap

  17. @BareSkin Starvation certainly prompts you to be creative. :D


    Day 46


    - Fog, fog, fog. And cold to boot -24C

    - I have 23 cattails. That's not much to live on in this mode. I must return to the Mystery Lake.

    - I'm also running short on sticks. Two ninja wolves are making them difficult to gather.

    - Closer to noon drank some tea and grabbed a torch to get going.

    - Mildly windy and around -20C The torch is holding.

    - The wolves are howling, but at reasonable distance, though I had to take evasive action with one before he saw me.

    - Really didn't want to stop at the red wagon but I had to because hypoth dropped on me as I entered it.

    - Got lucky, my last torch was at 9% and the fire lit up in one go.

    - Don't want to use coal so the temp with the sticks fire barely climbed over +1. Slept an hour for additional warmth after crafting more tea and drinking it.

    - Grabbed sticks around the red wagon since I'm completely out and dropped them in to make more torches. Crafted another tea.

    - With the tea and torch it's -7C

    - Began walking along the tracks towards the Mystery Lake. It's not far now. For some reason decided to take a detour left to grab mushrooms and cattails.

    - Warmth buff ran out as I did so and temp began to bite. It got darker and snow began falling.

    - Not seeing the wolf along the railway, decided to go for the lake cabin.

    - He is actually there but far down the tracks, too close to the cabin for my liking. Had to climb a hill and hypoth got me.

    - Visibility dropping and snow increasing. The moon is out when I goat down the hill to the lake cabin.

    - The health did take some beating but I'm home with 3 hatchets, 2 knives and 20 arrowheads.


    *happy survivor dance* I ran, I forged, I conquered!

    • Upvote 2
  18. Day 32


    - crafted more hooks and lines. this will be useful once I begin Coastal fishing

    - blizzard. gathered all my items to check their weight and compiled a list of stuff i will leave behind

    - busted a chair and shredded a couple of curtains

    - repaired maple leaf hat

    - ate two ctails and read 2h of field dressing book

    - it's night i'm not tired. tried busting a chair, requires light. sigh

    - go out on the porch and ran not leaving the porch until got cold. the night is nasty

    - finally tired enough to sleep a bit over 9h


    Day 33


    - woo! the bunny diet is good for me. over 80% health

    - there is one place i want to visit but it's far and health costly

    - the day seems clear if cold -24C so i decide to go for it

    - i cook a cup for rosehips tea and mushroom tea and drink for warmth before taking torches and moving out

    - managed to carry the torch all the way to the river where it got blown out

    - gathered cattails and turned up the bank at the waterfall heading for the Three Strike farmstead

    - there is a deer in the barn whose hide i want so I can repair boots or pants

    - there is a fire barrel too but the deer is two steps out of its warmth range

    - tucked a regular fire inside next to a wall, it has shelter from the couple of sides if drafty so i hope it won't get blown out

    - took more health beating waiting for my last piece of coal to be added

    - got meat first and cooked it. ate the small piece to preserve health

    - removed the hide. since i'm warmed up i ventured away from the barn and gathered food

    - came back cold to harvest the guts and warm up while doing so

    - crafted mushrooms and cooked them too

    - this made me plenty tired

    - returning slowly and carrying a stink line

    - realised i'm on the other side of the field but much closer than making a separate run to my bunny traps

    - i'm not seeing the bear or the wolf luckily

    - both traps have scored bunnies

    - full fatigue sets in when i pick up bunnies and both traps since i'm strongly considering leaving pleasant valley

    - crawled from the traps to the farmhouse without any sprint

    - still cannot sleep

    - i have managed to preserve a lit torch so i make fire at the barrel by the farm

    - grabbed meat off the rabbits and cooked it

    - too tired to take bunny hides of guts

    - snow began falling. picked up a torch from the barrel and went in to sleep

    - two matches used today but i have food and getting that skin was important

  19. "Can you go years without talking to another human being? What about untold months snatching your meals from the forest floor and sleeping in muddy pits? Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth…"


    -- Heroes 4


    Day 31


    - The Pleasant Valley is vast. Snowy. And desolate. I still think it surreal that in its entirety not a single other being trespasses its boundaries. Had there been even one, I would have gone to horizon to meet them disregarding the wolves or bitter cold.

    - With these isolate thoughts, started my morning by fixing snow shelter and dived into the basement to check what I need for the hat

    - i'm glad it only takes three and a half hours

    - used one gut to create 2 lines and picked up two hooks from the drawer. i'll have crafting to do when i'm sitting in a shelter

    - from basement dived into the farm. the required ingredients are cured

    - the day is pretty good in terms of no wind and clear but so cold

    - maybe it will warm up if i spend an hour crafting

    - hiss i have a magical washing machine in the basement that makes broken sewing kits disappear

    - got about half of the hat done and checked weather. even colder. finished the hat

    - happy dance i have a hat

    - oh bummer. i can only have one crafted hat as an outer layer. oh well at least my other hat is a good one. i have a maple leaf hat that close to the bunny one. i replaced the red scarf with the bunny hat

    - checked rabbit traps. got one rabbit. can't see wolves and bear. i bet they're waiting for me under my bed

    - grabbed a new torch from the closet since the old one burned out

    - harvested rabbit in the shelter. it's warm enough without the fire

    - crafted two fishing rods before cooking the bunny rabbit

    - ate and slept


  20. 42 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    I'd be glad in you explained why you crafted this or that, and in what numbers. I never crafted a hatchet in a Loper+. I always end up with 2 knives tho, just from paranoia.

    Since I'm not a great bow and arrow hunter nor can I hit bunnies with stones, my best bet to survive off the land is to settle either Coastal or Mystery Lake near the fishing cabins. Fishing is my primary mode of getting food. However to fish you have to have a lot of firewood otherwise you'll freeze in the fishing hut. Hatchet is very much a must to chop wood and I'll be using it often. I try my best to get enough twigs but sometimes you just need big logs if you want full day fires or if you're going to live somewhere for a while twigs may run out. I guess I craft two more because in the future I don't want to take a huge risk running back to the Forge if something happens to the hatchet. When my character goes fishing it's usually a one full day affair morning to evening which requires preparation of grabbing coal and lots of firewood.

    Knives are used for smaller tasks like carcass harvesting or for cloth like pillows or old bedroll you have to have a knife. They're also helpful, two because what if it breaks.

    My current goal for any Loper game is 100 days. My plan is running around until I get a bedroll to hide in fishing cabins while cabin fever and fish and sleep there. Then to get a hammer and run to Forge to craft pretty much everything. While I'm executing this plan in parallel I try to grab good clothes or to craft them if opportunity arises like if I'm passing by a deer and I could grab guts for fishing lines and the hide.

    Obviously to craft I also need 20+ metal. So early game I try to get a hacksaw along with the hammer. I tend to carry 20+ metal to the Forge to do 3 hatchets, 2knives and as many arrowheads as possible in one go. Both Muskeg and DP are dangerous trips best minimized.

    I find hatchet to be probably a number one tool in multi use so I try to grab a few to feel more secure in the future when the weather gets harsh.

    • Upvote 1
  21. Day 28


    - morning blizzard. pelts and guts aren't ready to be crafted

    - wasted time hanging around the house and breaking furniture with a big hammer

    - i don't have food to read even if i have a number of books

    - when the blizzard passed late afternoon checked the traps and found one rabbit

    - skinned the rabbit inside to get warm

    - hid in the snow shelter and cooked all of it

    - the sky is pink with the smudges of green. aurora is coming

    - rabbit dinner and sleep


    Day 29


    - another blizzard waited out by starting to craft my mittens

    - i have a bad feeling about cabin fever

    - collected my single rabbit in the afternoon and got a lvl 3 harvesting skill

    - the weather got bad while i was hiding in the shelter

    - went inside and got cabin fever in one second 20% risk

    - why does it always happen when there is a blizzard outside?

    - checked the corner for accelerant nope

    - sigh went to the fire barrel and got the fire going in one go luckily

    - hiding in shelter in a blizzard waiting for cb to go away and cooking

    - sure i'll repair my socks. these socks aren't so good. 0.2C at max and 0.1 below 60%

    - repaired hacksaw twice

    - ate 170 cal rabbit chunk and slept 2h

    - fever risk finally gone. waited for the fire to run out and rushed inside to sleep 7h


    Day 30


    - begin by repairing shelter

    - since it's so cold dived into the basement to resume work on bunny gloves

    - checked weather after 1h it's not any better but i need to get out or i'll get cabin fever

    - followed the highway towards the far river until i saw a barn on the left

    - empty adventurer and simple tools beside him

    - grabbed a few sticks around the barn for extra bounty and ran back because i already have hypoth risk

    - the wind and snow got real nasty. dived into the basement and ate a ctail. i need health to make another trip later to check the rabbit traps

    - finished work on the rabbit gloves. the work gloves aren't too bad but they get soaked instantly

    - heavy snow and bear is eyeballing the purple car by the farm for living

    - hurried to grab the rabbits. luckily there are two

    - on the way back the bear was heading for the farm and i had to go there too. dodged inside under his nose

    - skinned one rabbit inside to get warm

    - the other rabbit got skinned in the snow shelter and it got into negative just when i finished

    - i am fatigued better turn in for the night

    - dropped bunny meat into snow by fire barrel

    - i have a cooked 518 cal piece from yesterday

    - ate it and two cattails then slept 10h

    - It seems i have survived one month on the Interloper! Hurray for this modest victory!


  22. Day 42


    - Might as well listen to a blizzard while I craft a second hatchet. :hatchet:

    - Broke some green boxes.

    - The safe had money, heh might as well use tinder.

    - 87% ski jacket! Nice!

    - Matches. Also nice.

    - Two metal pieces.

    - Brown eeky fog after blizzard. Lovely.

    - Craft 3rd hatchet.  :hatchet:

    - Craft 1 knife :huntingknife:

    - Ate 18% dog food and didn't get poisoned. Slept.


    Day 43


    - Got another knife done. :huntingknife:

    - Managed to sneak out and look around to collect firewood. The double wolf patrol is perked up and vigilant.

    - Went along the docks to the barn and a house buried up to the roof in the ground.

    - Found a lantern and a bit of metal.

    - Chanced taking a hide and meat off a deer. This drew attention of those two wolves and they both sprinted towards me. :wolf::wolf:

    - Dropped meat decoy and backed off a few steps before starting a fire with the accelerant. The wolves fled. They have gotten very close to me. That was extremely dangerous.

    - Collected dropped meat and cooked it. Ate it before returning to the forge.


    Day 44


    - Hacksawed a metal shelf at the back and more crate busting.

    - Worked on the arrowheads.

    - Blizzard replaced by brown fog. Yuck.

    - Mad that a knife was wasted on opening dog food. I have lvl 3 skill now and don't lose calories by smashing cans. That's annoying that hatchets and knives get wasted on cans without permission.


    Day 45


    - Smashed remaining crates.

    - Finished arrowheads and found one more metal. I should have 20 arrowheads when that's done.

    - It's too late and not weather great to leave.

    - In the evening went out to collect firewood.

    - Got too tired running around. Didn't get started on sewing primer which I found by the bed.

    • Upvote 1
  23. “Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.”
    Edna St. Vincent Millay


    Day 26


    - The wolves aren't around the field. The bear scared them off. It is strange I am beginning to think of these creatures as my society with their own quirks and structure into which I inadvertently fall. Humans were not meant to be alone.

    - Checked the snares and got a bounty of two rabbits.

    - The bear doesn't seem too interested in my stinky lines but I'm worried about the wolves. They may have migrated to closer to a farm or on the other side.

    - I hear a suspicious sound next to the farm and figure it's best safe than sorry. Skinned both rabbits inside instead of shelter

    - went out to build fire and cook rabbit

    - climbed a snowdrift holding a torch to survey. there is indeed a wolf hanging around

    - i have to keep finding sticks to repair the shelter daily

    - my position is precarious. i rely on snares and luck. if there is a blizzard or they don't catch i have a small supply of teas maybe to wait out a day then i starve to death

    - the wolves recently seem interested in clinging closer to the farm

    - i'm going to finish crafting three bunny items and leave pleasant valley


    Day 27


    - one bunny in the snare today

    - the wind is not friendly

    - after warming up checked the spot where i ran past the ctails. found small batch of three

    - hid in the shelter +5C and played cards an hour

    - wind stopped. -9C outside seems a shame to waste weather even if i do have fatigue

    - the bear is rubbing his back against my farmhouse

    - went around him and ran for the river where his cave is. since he's visiting me i'll visit him

    - passed my traps and saw another rabbit in my other snare

    - at the river found 6 ctails and an empty dead guy on the bank

    - ran back grabbing sticks and picked up the rabbit

    - the river really is far. got hypoth all the way when i was at the river

    - the fatigue is big preventing me from moving fast

    - when i reached the farm the cold dropped my health into red

    - dropped the rabbit not harvested on the doorstep

    - grabbed a 350 leftover rabbit dinner from yesterday and topped with cattails before sleeping 10h