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Posts posted by tulkawen

  1. Day 4


    - Rowed my patched up boat to a big metal construction labelled the gas station.

    - More colourful wrapper food instead of real meat. All of that after some effort to pry the big door open.

    - Rowed over to the office as well and checked more houses away from the vortex where the sharks like to hang out.

    - Found a pretty, pink coat. I'll have yer know pink is a perfectly piraty colour and those bilge rat who don't agree can taste my cutlass when I find a cutlass.

    - Tore up more of those sissy ankle shoes before hitting the sack.


    Day 5

    - Arr! My hands are all punctured by bloody needles from all this sewing. There be a yellow book that shows you which end to grab. Blergh, them sissy books are rarely good fer something. At least this one has lots of pictures I learn from.

    - This port is most generous. I've been swimming in food for days. Once I finish reading the pictures, my muscles fill up with strength.

    - It's the first time I've obtained the Well Fed buff.


    • Upvote 3
  2. Day 2


    - Woke up after 8h. It seems I could have safely slept more.

    - Ahoy me mateys! There be a storm on our hands! I bet them sharks won't show their cowardly mugs in this weather!

    - Reefed my sails and got across to the main treasury. The treasury has no gold, just another crowbar and a bunch of strange drinks that hiss. None of them taste like rum.

    - Busted open a tall metal box. Yarr!! Some knee-tall piraty boots! At last! The ankle-deep shoes I've been left with must have belonged to some lousy raider who couldn't afford more leather!

    - Checked more carriages. One has an old fashioned captain coat in the trunk! I'm on the way to becoming a Capt'n meself!

    - Can't find a telescope anywhere, but there is some small round thingy that makes things look bigger.

    - Stepping out of another house I spot weather changes. The snow falls light. There, between me and the fancy mansion, I spot a grey shark. Blimey, they do come ashore!

    - Since the shark doesn't see me, I won't be testing me luck. Another house next to me has a comfortable bunk. That's where I drop anchor for the night.


    Day 3


    - Woke up after 10h. It seems I can hit the sack for longer than that.

    - Another storm filling up the sails. Keep them coming! A sea faring fish like me fears to strong wind only them sharks do.

    - Sailed back to the mansion. Turns out the big white box has a salmon! These cold boxes are useful, another one I found yesterday had a hefty chunk of deer meat.

    - Started a fire to cook my fine meal. At last! Instead of sissy cans, I found real food!

    - Tore up laughable ankle shoes for leather to repair my fancy piraty Mukluks.

    - My Capt'n hats and the coat are also in need of repair.

    - As predicted, the fish turned out the best, filling my stomach with 1350 calories. Yarr!!

    - Have precious fresh water and get some shuteye.

    • Upvote 5
  3. 9 hours ago, BareSkin said:

    I nearly died around here once, I was so sure to find at least 1 house... lost a lot of health to hypo this day.

    It's certainly a long journey from DP barefoot and without a bedroll.

    Day 5


    - Not bad at all, health somewhat under half.

    - It's a bit early so I shredded a bunch of curtains until light.

    - Brown sky, negative 38 and wind, not a drop of food left, pull up your panties and move it.

    - It would be nice if those fishing huts had fishing rods.

    - Salty crackers and a maple leaf hat, I'll take it instead.

    - Two wolves travel across the ice in parallel, intimidating.

    - Luckily I need to turn in the opposite direction on the bank to a busy area, cars and houses surrounding the gas station.

    - One of these homes can be entered, a good one, pork and beans, summit soda, granola bar.

    - A sports vest, at last some upper body clothes, one bandage, fuel book and another storm lantern at 50%

    - Since the warmth bar turned full stepped out to open all mailboxes, run around burned houses and peer into cars, I can open the fuel tanks? All right, anything for me then? nope

    - What's at the gas station? food! candy bars, herbal tea, soda, jerky, tomato soup, pork and beans, so far the food is generous.

    - Getting simple tools is nice too and a sewing primer, how nice to have three books on sewing and not a single sewing kit.

    - Matches, daaaw, you're going to spoil me, and a couple of cans, great double my water boiling production.

    - Check the remaining cars and head back to the comfy house.

    - Failed to repair the storm lantern, no more metal.

    - Drank soda and read kitchen wilderness for an hour

    - My pack is too heavy, let's organise a cabinet, I should really learn how to take notes, it's difficult to remember where everything is stashed

    - Eat crackers and granola bar before a good night sleep.

  4. Day 4


    - Here I go again. Taking the same route and meeting the same wolf.

    - This time I manage to hide in the car. He sniffs the car and trots off lazily back to the lake.

    - Is he gone yet? I'm freezing. Sneak out and start walking uphill when happy woof woof comes about.

    - You again? Oh get a hobby! Have you ever heard of reading?

    - Making a run for it to the church, dived towards the fire barrel and built flames, waiting to be allowed to drop coal and freezing.

    - The wolf is mad, he takes down a rabbit in front of a hole in the wall where I can see and begins chowing it; stinker.

    - Once the coal is added and hypoth goes away the wolf is gone, I sneak outside and check the rabbit; he left absolutely nothing to harvest.

    - Back to the barrel, the heat bar is filling so slowly, once it's up I heat another coffee and drink for the road, grab the torch and run.

    - It's no longer snowing, I cannot remember too well which way I should be going. I'm taking the upper path intuitively hopeful the exit is in that area.

    - Intuition leads me right and the connecting mine entrance appears.

    - Dropped the torch, from it lit the quality one found on an adventurer to explore the mine.

    - Hurray, I found a prybar in a red drawer. A metal shelf near has a summit soda and fuel book.

    - Following the tunnel and picking up a lot of coal along the way, the central area has a workbench and a sewing primer.

    - Light ahead, extinguished the torch and checked two lockers. I'll leave 20 coal and metal pieces in them.

    - The crumbling highway is like my shoeless life. The warmth bar hadn't recovered, but this clear weather must be taken advantage of.

    - Let's leap over this fence and keep to the path since the lake has too many wolves.

    - Woof!! Eek! Run for it! I have changed my mind, the lake is just fine!

    - Nothing in the truck, careful down the bank, not seeing wolves on ice yet, hurray.

    - There are snow isles around the ice, one of them opens to an Arch and a comfortable cave that has beans for me. I am concerned about the fatigue, otherwise, I may have started a fire.

    - No threats ahead, I believe there is a way up the bank. Oh good, I can make it!

    - Greetings Coastal Highway!

    - The first car has no goodies for me, it's ok shelter soon, at the waterfront cottages that's what's important!

    - The shelter that used to be here... all right who burned down these extremely useful transition zone cottages? oh hardy har har you got me so good... er nuts I think this joke might get me dead.

    - Good news, the frozen guy has a field dressing book for me. Bad news, fatigue, frostbite, hypoth... health around 20% a bed would have helped so much right now.

    - The nearest house is on the bear island and the bear is walking around the isle towards this bank.

    - It can't be helped, I have to run towards the bear and hope I make it to the island before he curves around it.

    - run run run please tell me this bank can be climbed, shoved myself uphill somehow before the bear saw me.

    - I think one more tick and my health will be in red. Zoom into the house on top of the hill.

    - Phew! This very nice house has matches and its big wardrobe has worn leather shoes! Victory! I am no longer socksfoot!

    - I also get another pair of blue undies and a decent cotton scarf.

    - Beans and dogfood on the menu. 10h of rest in this comfy and warm bed.


  5. Day 3

    - I'm going to stash coal and metal pieces because I will be coming back to the forge, keep the rest for the road.

    - Checked the roof hatch, empty of course.

    - The weather is decent. There are at least three wolves on the ice. I wander if they're capable of spotting me on the bridges leading to the lighthouse.

    - Once I reach the highway I hear an over-excited bark and run for the red car.

    - Aghhh!!! Let me in dang it! Why is it so difficult to click doors standing next to them!

    - The wolf pounces. I kick him, having no defensive weapon. Let go! Let go!!!

    - He runs off with my clothes. The world is red.

    - Stabbed myself with an emergency stim. I must make it back to the lighthouse!

    - That wolf gave me sprains, but no other injuries.

    - The effect wore off as I entered the lighthouse and began building a fire.

    - At least fighting him wore me out. I eat to last 10h and fall into restless sleep.


    Night 3


    - Fumbled my way to the stove, boiled 2 cups of the mushroom tea, heated coffee and drank all before resting more.

    - The wolf has destroyed my shoes, hat, gloves, hoodie and left my jeans at 2%

    - I can't brag fancy health nor do I have much left. My wardrobe consists of the blue underwear and two pairs of socks, all at least half ruined.

    - It's still a wander how I'm alive having survived when initially I had half health and no weapon to defend myself.

    - I feel like I got pvped by a much higher level who ran off with my loot.

    - It must be really cold at the Desolation Point if the wolves raid survivors for clothes.

    - I'm going to take my entire coal stash because I need all resources after that raid and hit the road once more.

    • Upvote 1
  6. @BareSkin *takes out a hatchet branch and knights @tulkawen with it*

    Milady! I challenge you to a test!

    You shall launch a new game, select custom mode, click "Enter Code" and copy-paste this code: +29k-lpWh-KJXp-hqx9-rgAA

    This is a Voyageur settings you know very well, but without the sleep-healing.

    Voyageur rules: you can choose your map if you so wish, whatever gender you prefer, and up to 4 feats.

    Survive 100 days. Sub-challenge: Summit.

    As a reward, you'll get tons of good habits to take to your Loper adventures, and a lovely simili-certificate

    Challenge accepted!

    Chosen Map: Random

    Difficulty: Sleepwalker Voyager

    Feats 3 because I don't have 4: free runner, cold fusion, book smarts.

    Personal secret sub-challenge.

    Day 1


    - Arrr!!! When the Capt'n threatened to cast me off at some uninhabited isle, I didn't think it'd be covered by frozen water.

    - The Second Mate, Billy Bingewart, must have mixed something into my rum to knock me out.

    - The ship likely sailed away along this Hushed River after throwing me overboard before it got all weird solid.

    - Behind me there be a giant cave. Caves are grand. They contain treArrsure!

    - I turn my aft at the region where I was doomed and entered the cave.

    - There's just enough noon light to search the main corridors without a light source. I get a couple of diamonds all black and covered in dirt.

    - Daylight and biting wind greet me on the other end. I turn my nose windward and cross the white field eventually crawling uphill where I spot what looks like a hermit hut.

    - There's no hermit, only some fleece gauntlets to claim and a bunk bed where I get an hour of shuteye.

    - The frozen water crunches weirdly under my feet. Eventually I spot a lake with some kind of sissy plants tucked around it. Can't say seaweed is nourishing, but sailors know good worth of every calorie.

    - The lake is next to a Church. I eye it wearily. I be told I be struck by lightening if I enter one. This blighted cold isn't better than lightening though.

    - Chanced entering. Don't see anyone here either maybe they got incinerated by lightening and the zapping toll for this week has been served.

    - Lit fire to warm up. The white stuff on top of me suddenly turned into excellent, life-saving fresh water. Dumped more white stuff into my can, but got uncomfortable waiting too long and grabbed it few times before water became drinkable. I have some tablets among the loot maybe they will purify this cursed water. Lo and behold! I have two liters of water.

    - I am worried that I will get hit by lightening after all, so, after finding a piraty bandana on a bench and a crowbar I make torches and sail along the fairway.

    - There are carriages scattered along the fairway. Hardy Har Har!!! They contain a knife an a hatchet! Yarrr! I am well armed for looting and combat!

    - The Port of Milton greets me with silence. It's dusk and flurries snake along the ground like fog.

    - Keeping sharp eye out for the land sharks. Perhaps their noses smelled me from far off and they be needing more time to come for blood.

    - The fatigue is calling me to occupy the fanciest mansion in port, but it would be foolish not to search for treasure while the sharks are away.

    - The torches I preserved despite the moderate wind help greatly with going carriage to carriage and house to house.

    - I got down the street and bumped into a school taken out by a cannon ball. When have I ever learned anything useful at school? I turn back down the road and make a stop at one of the smaller houses that has a fireplace and a bed. Take a nap to fight off the blasted fatigue after making fire and more torches.

    - Grabbed a torch from the fire kept up for an hour and went out to the back of the house. A bunch of clutter and junk. I stumble onto another miniature lake with more seaweed and stumps that have mushrooms. Them herbs might have healing properties I take them too, though, I don't finish collecting.

    - A strange bird is hooting, hope it's not telling me I'm about to run into rocks. The white, fluffy stuff is blinding. The blighted cold is makin' me all shivery and I hurry to drop anchor at the fancy mansion also occupied by none.

    - Perhaps the sharks have eaten them all.

    • Upvote 3
  7. 14 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    *takes out a hatchet branch and knights @tulkawen with it*

    Milady! I challenge you to a test!

    You shall launch a new game, select custom mode, click "Enter Code" and copy-paste this code: +29k-lpWh-KJXp-hqx9-rgAA

    This is a Voyageur settings you know very well, but without the sleep-healing.

    Voyageur rules: you can choose your map if you so wish, whatever gender you prefer, and up to 4 feats.

    Survive 100 days. Sub-challenge: Summit.

    As a reward, you'll get tons of good habits to take to your Loper adventures, and a lovely simili-certificate

    For the certificate! and not dying


    I need to think of an image.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 5 hours ago, LkP said:

    yeah, I stopped playing Voyager after 60 days of "surviving", nothing to do anymore that could be a real challenge. I start wondering if Cinderella will not die soon of boredom.

    That's why I like doing a mix of both Loper and Voyager. I'm currently trying to achieve a goal of 500 days on voyager, which is a rather relaxing way of spending time, but you might grow complacent and it's a very very long game. Whereas Loper I'm finding to be very hard especially the temperature aspect of it which might get frustrating. My Loper runs end fast, so that's a good way to wake up if voyager gets slow. It's also easier to play on voyager if I'm not feeling well in rl since Loper requires far more concentration.

    @BareSkin My teeth are chattering even looking at that screenshot!

    Ugh! Is there a way to quick report the stinken spammer? Put them on ignore but still seeing the threads they opened.

  9. 6 hours ago, BareSkin said:

    Then just start it in advance

    Then I'll have to start fires every two steps of the way. :D


    6 hours ago, BareSkin said:

    I will challenge you to that, miss!

    A challenge? What sort of challenge? :P It's going to be a very short challenge.


    5 hours ago, DaveMcD said:

     perhaps you need to rethink the question of what success looks like in this mode.

    *smack fist on the table*

    Not becoming wolf lunch! :D

    5 hours ago, BareSkin said:

    In the back of the car, a Rifle. Lol.

    How could you forget Flara so soon? :o


    5 hours ago, BareSkin said:

    I think I see a wolf, but that’s a mailbox

    It's worse when you think you see a mailbox and it's a wolf. :ph34r: I have to admit though I get scared by fluffy bunnies twenty times a day because I mistake them for wolves, something grey moving in the corner of my eye, aggh!

    • Upvote 1
  10. 1 minute ago, BareSkin said:

    Hehe, now you get how Rest is a resource like mushrooms? It's nice to see your decisions. I would have tried my luck in the Riken for clothing (sometimes cargo pants or sweater), but sure Coastal Highway is a high-resources place.

    :P Those stick diagrams weren't completely hopeless.

    With Riken I think it depends on the situation since you might take extra hypoth beating for nothing, and not find sweater or pants. For now my clothing finds on Riken equal to zero, it's good to know about a possibility nonetheless. ^_^

    • Upvote 1
  11. Day 2

    - In the morning I went to explore the remaining trailers, gaining wool socks as a prize. 

    - Coming out of the last one I heard a welcome bark and rushed back to the central building where the temperature floated in low negatives, prompting an hour of sleep to warm up before heading back to the trailers and exiting the yard through a truck.

    - Once I crossed the bridge, I spotted a bear heading towards the mine. It was tempting to rush towards him and slip right under his nose into the mine. 

    - Steady, steady! Come now hill, let me climb up! The hill was too steep and the bear got too close, prompting me to retreat to the car and sit there freezing while the bear unhurriedly followed the road past the car.

    - Sitting in the car at -9C, twiddling thumbs and waiting for the bear to go away

    - Is he gone yet? Exit car, look right, look left, no bear, walk four steps... ROAR!!!

    - Ahh!! The bear comes over to rub his back against the car then goes away.

    - More freezing and thumb twiddling, he better be gone now.

    - Ruuuuun to the mine entrance! Oh a stick, let's take that. Run!

    - Thirsty, we want fire, no tinder, harvest 2 sticks.

    - Drink coffee while the water boils, nobody wants thirst penalty.

    - Found 5 coal and broke a small crate before collecting my water and grabbing a torch to explore the dark tunnel.....

    - I do love inner cave loot areas! Matches! Sardines, beef jerky, 3 metal pieces, 1 reclaimed wood and more coal.

    - Hi exit, I'll start a fire again with this torch.

    - Broke a stool and checked around, hi driving gloves, that's super helpful against frostbites, btw I have gotten two of this threat waiting in the car plus hypoth risk.

    - More soup and a storm lantern at 23% thank you very much! That's a great find!

    - Is this frontier shooting guide any use aside from fuel? It only improves rifle doesn't it? Maybe I can make a rifle out of a broom and shout bang bang really loud to convince the wolves to run away.

    - Broke another crate while all ailments cured, lets go!

    - Picking up lots of sticks and taking my time harvesting along an upper path above the highway.

    - What does this church have in store for me? Matches, many thanks to the praying guy. This is the matches haven. Antiseptic in the med kit.

    - Hit the road where the red car is parked. The weather is threatening, even blizzard like when I get in and find a brown hat, helpful vs frostbite too. It doesn't matter how poor an item is, having it greatly reduces the frostbite chances.

    - Making a run for it to the lighthouse and hopefully a warm bed.

    - I make it, but my health has taken a beating down to thirty percent, a perfect time to hide due to the sun declining while keeping good visibility indoors, this was a productive trip.

    - Most lockers are barred, emergency stim, how many times I wanted that two steps from safety, kitchen wilderness book.

    - Its -1C in here, I seem to be just a couple of degrees underdressed for all these nice indoor locations.

    - Hello stove, let's do a fire especially since you've got 1 cedar log for little cute me

    - I'm going to heat tomato soup and suffer 11% cal loss, don't want anymore health beating.

    - I doubt I need to go to Riken tomorrow. Even if it has an unlikely hammer, I don't have enough resources to craft. As for loot I've been there after getting trampled by a moose and it had 1 metal and 1 coal on the entire ship, not worth it, plus highly cold interior. I should aim for Coastal instead.

    - I'm done crafting and boiling water, smash another tomato soup, 23% loss and smash peaches, 37% loss. This is highway robbery! Do you 10% increase per opening until you get a can opener? Boo!

    -  All right, I'll sleep with this little for 8h.


    Night 2


    - Woke fully rested.

    - I knew it, I should have boiled another portion of water before resting, but I also didn't want to mess up sleeping cycles, didn't want to get a late start during the day either.

    - Minus 1 inside, losing warmth but very slowly.

    -  Busted a chair and a crate to get tired, slept 1h and woke up not fully warmed up, sleep again? not tired

    - Drank coffee and tried reading, got interrupted by hunger, that was super silly.

    - I really want to read wilderness kitchen, maybe it will make my can smash skill better.

    - The dawn is breaking.

    A nice bear paw print through the window.



    • Upvote 1
  12. Oh! The migration day! That's always exciting.

    8 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    kiss my can goodbye

    Prince Charming wasn't worthy. Who needs him when you can have a can. :D

    Those wolves look pretty intimidating in the flare light. You don't want to mess with a pack even on voyager. With one and good health your chances are very good, but not with two of them.

    Congratulations on making it with your individual sub-challenges. ^_^

  13. 40 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    That must be doable, since people do it

    :D They're the TLD superheroes who probably have windproof capes too.

    Whelp, here's the example. ^_^

    I popped up on Loper at Timberwolf. Recently explored it, so, I recognized the spot immediately. The evening was good, -13C for Loper is a really good temp and low wind.

    I grabbed a couple of twigs and mushrooms that were growing right next to me, then immediately went for the rope, hurried with my back as close to the cliffs as possible to the lake, crouched down the bank, pinpointed wolves, sprinted to the fishing hut and raided it, sprinted to the bank, grabbed cattails that grow by the docks and checked the boats, then hopped into the cabin.

    By the time I got inside the cabin, I was already bum deep in hypoth and lost 8% health. That's a really short trip in a good weather without any screw ups, didn't even need to make a hook around the lake to get off the wolf radar. Not like I fell off the rope into the wolf's mouth to call it a fatal accident. Considering that other trips are way more complex and longer, the cold is down your butt non-mercifully all the time. I lose a lot less health to wolves than to cold.

    40 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    Also a lot of places for warmup pauses (fire) if your travel is long.

    Yay! I was going to warm up in that cave over there when suddenly a bear exits from that cave. There goes my plan. Maybe I could just tuck my fire by those rocks over there, hope the wind doesn't change direction... It's too windy to even start a fire.

    Even if I did start a fire, a regular fire isn't warm enough to actually warm you 90% of the days, yes even in some cave, you need to add coal and while you're waiting for coal there goes another 10% of your health. The amount of time it takes to get the fire to the warming temp sometimes takes longer than just running for your location. -_-

    40 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    The game has better hours and weather to wait for traveling,

    You mean those nice toasty evening hours right before the weather plummets and you'll be trudging in pitch darkness before you get half way to your mark while the wolves from all over the map start stalking you? :ph34r:

    40 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    With this in mind, if from point A to point B you heavily lose health, it means point B was too fa

    I'll just take this nice near trip somewhere... whoops... where did this wolf pack come from in between me and location? Let's take a twenty miles detour to avoid them and freeze while at it. :wolf:

    Planning in The Long Dark.... You CAN plan, but that's not how the cookie crumbles. :P

    And I most certainly don't want to have game conditions where I'm daily losing ten times more health without any major screw ups than I can regain.

  14. 8 hours ago, BareSkin said:

    while sleepwalking forces you to pay for your mistakes, to plan in advance

    On Loper you do not get 75% sleep-heal per 10h.

    You cannot plan against the cold (I'm not talking about the long term where temp drops). It's just cold from day 1. So I don't consider it a mistake because even if I move from point A to point B without getting lost I'll still pay heavily with health. Moving in the cold from place to place is the means of living and on Loper even if you get a bearskin coat and moose cloak you'll still be freezing and taking crazy beating from each trip.

  15. On 3/1/2019 at 9:57 AM, cullam said:

    He heals by slowly recovering condition while awake.

    That sounds painful. :o

    I like being able to recover health while sleeping. Especially on Loper it's like 20% per hour in the cold and you have to stay out in the cold for many reasons. If you don't recover a good chunk then you'll just die in a couple of days because the beating amount daily by a huge margin surpasses the non-sleep heal.

    @BareSkin You still have all that food like salty crackers preserved from the mine. Speak of living off the land. :hatchet:

    • Upvote 1
  16. 1 hour ago, BareSkin said:

    The basic line is: remove healing during sleeping.

    D: How do you heal then? Sleeping 10h each night is the way to save my bacon even if the healing effect is greatly reduced on Loper, otherwise, I'd be dead in two days max. The cold damage is horrendous and to get food you have to get cold.

  17. 3 hours ago, BareSkin said:

    That's basically why I stopped playing the regular Interloper and switched to Custom modes

    Why not just play the regular Interloper without using this bug? :D

    So Sleepwalker mode is custom mode and it's like Interloper but without the ability to do that bug thingy. Or there are other changes as well?

  18. 2 hours ago, BareSkin said:

    With a bit more experience being starved on Loper, it'll actually become very clear to you, don't worry ! And thanks, I googled and learned a new word today

    I used to watch Duck Tales and picked up that word as a kid. It's just so blathering and perfect for describing such situations.

    Wow -80C on Loper? D: That's EVIL! EEEVIILLL!! It seems like my mission to do 100 days on Loper is super doomed. Do wolves at least disappear with -80C? Or they get fatter and grow furrier hides?

    I don't think I'll use bugs because it sounds like you just get to sit in a hole all day. :D That's a pretty funny way to consider the game fun - who can sit in a hole the longest. :ph34r:

    Your screenshots are very interesting. The first one with the low health is actually in the darkness, so, it feels like the long dark is coming for Cinderella and the dawn comes. :)

    Do running shoes require cloth too or just leather? Though it seems you're going to make it to day 60 with the work boots.

  19. 31 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    - Starvation is punished by having only half of your normal rest bar available (thus being usually overweighted)

    Got it.

    32 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    Hibernating is prevented by "Rest as a resource" mechanic, that forbids you to sleep one you're fully r


    36 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    - Since starvation punishment is actually preventing you to have a full Rest bar, you're never "fully rested", so "rest as a resource" mechanism doesn't trigger.

    So, when people get that half red bar, they only eat for 4h and sleep 4h to keep the starvation penalty? Doesn't that limit them to sleeping 4h only then because if they sleep more then the bar will hit other bar and penalty will go away?

    37 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    If you don't, just consider yourself blessed and enjoy Voyageur the way you do now!

    BUT, we haven't even moved on yet to the stick figure diagrams. :D


    40 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    Where is the bug then? The game should say "you woke up fully rested", when the white part of your Rest meets the red one (the penalty). But because it is coded to trigger when rest is at 100%, it never happens and if you have 2L of water, you can sleep 24h in a row without a problem. (except you get -24% health from being starved)

    blatherin' blatherskite O.o

    What does water have to do with this scenario? :D

    That's why I never take advantage of any bugs. -_-

  20. 41 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    See this red penalty I have on my Rest/Fatigue bar? (half of it is red, it's the maximum): I could sleep the 4/5h that it allows me, then sleep again 6h without being blocked to what should be a full rest bar

    So, this red fatigue line appeared because you weren't eating/drinking? Or it just randomly pops up out of the blue because it's bug?


    43 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    and THEN AGAIN, sleep all I want because the bar will actually never be full

    Now, you've lost me again. You said you can sleep 4h, this will remove  the red bar. After red bar is removed you can sleep like with normal fatigue to the full rest. This still means you've slept 10h. How does this make sleeping endless? o.O Or are you saying that even after you sleep 6 more hours the game will say that you are still tired and let you sleep more?

  21. 21 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    If you interlope that often, maybe you could split the threads? That's always on a the first things someone wants to know when reading a survival story: which level you play. So a "First interlopers" thread might be useful

    I feel like when it comes to a very long voyager game it tends to get a bit tedious to read about, so, these short Loper runs make for a good intervention before returning to this voyager story.

    I also tend to outline very distinctly: Game# and Level headers to avoid confusion. It's sort of the first of everything I suppose. :)

    Also, I still haven't tried the story mode or stalker. I'd have to expand all over the forum to do them too. :D

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  22. 41 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    Because you're not supposed to be able to rest once you're fully rested. With this penalty on Rest bar, even if I should technically not be able to rest again, but since it's bugged, I can sleep 24h per day, provided I drink every 12h. The only limit is life bar, which is -24% everyday from starvation. Basically since my limiting resource is water, the bug allows me to consume less water (when sleeping) that what I would with the "passtime" function.

    :D I just keep getting more confused about what you are saying. How can you sleep if your rest bar is full and you're fully rested?

    My character can't sleep if she's not fatigued. What are you talking about? o.O

  23. Hey guys,

    I've been working on another Interloper run. Since this one turned out a bit longer than usual I'm going to write it a bit more story like and add the quotes as the game does.

    Game 8 Survivor: Crow

    A man said to the universe:
    “Sir, I exist!”
    “However,” replied the universe,
    “The fact has not created in me
    A sense of obligation.”

    - Stephen Crane

    Day 1

    - The mellow wavelets gloss over the ice reaching out towards my toes and retreating at the last moment the same way the apocalypse had retreated from me when I had set but one foot into infinity.

    - Everything is glittering white: the sea, the Little Island I stand on, the clouds drowned in the azure sky that's beautiful yet not warming in this -15C weather.

    - The island cliffs stand apart revealing a path to an ice encrusted ship, mast and wooden hull trapped in desolation.

    - I'm going past it towards Hibernia and the docks where a can of dogfood hides under one wooden support beam.

    - The chain of trailers fencing the main structure are woefully empty and the zero temperature is interpreted against me.

    - For an hour, it's tempting to find meagre warmth in the crookedly laid mattress over the iron frames, but who can waste sunshine.

    - Just one clothing item would help me break this threshold and make my existence inside the buildings comfortable.

    - I have big hopes for the big building, but I shouldn't get my hopes up, in my experience the bigger the wardrobe, the emptier it is when one's Interloping.

    - The plant offers a can of tomato soup and coffee. Climbing out the window along a ledge leads me to an adventurer who has salty crackers and a torch.

    - Reluctantly, I buckle down in bed after all for a couple of hours to remove the cold ailments.

    - It got two degrees warmer greatly aiding my search of a sewing primer, whetstone and a flare. Matches of course can make anyone's day.

    - Come now, give me a tool, any tool, hammery hammer or a hacksaw. Just a safe.

    - I crouch next to the safe and listen for tiny clicks until the door goes ajar offering peaches and beans in excellent condition.

    - I heard to the wind howl outside while searching, which seems to have died down, but now I'm thirsty.

    - A nifty fire barrel offers means to live. I check the second floor while the water boils and take a moment to appreciate the fire bleaks gleaming through the floorboards.

    - Having drank, I grab a torch and hurry to check around the building outside, concerned that the torch might go out. It will be dark when I go back inside. There are too many obstacles to find the bed in this maze at night.

    - All there is, is a piece of reclaimed wood on the ice, which I take and return to the fire barrel to boil coffee and water.

    - Broke a couple of green crates for firewood and to get tired before heading upstairs.

    - Except for the salty crackers in great condition, all my food is canned without an opener. In hopes of finding one and preserving the precious calories I end up eating the crackers which otherwise would have been saved for last.

    - I fall asleep with the thought, how did I get here?

    - The Desolation Point, even in name, it is a point, a period after which another sentence begins.




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  24. Hmm... Providing our survivors weren't chewed on by anything recently, there are four sources from which they may take damage; two of those are thirst and cold are brutal that have to be acted on urgently. I find having the other two giving smaller penalties and a long grace period where you are aware of the issue but you can act long term to fix it without tripping over yourself balances stress in the game.

    I never do any numbers calculations though in any game or perform any experiments. It's always intuitive for me. Just trying to stack my sack to have something for dinner without becoming a snack myself daily. You still need to eat during the day because you need to read books or there are other reasons to eat something daytime as well. On Loper if you want to skin a deer even if you're warm by the fire when you're doing it your health takes more than 1% boot if you're hungry during 1h, so you have to eat too. But if my health is like 90% and I'm walking to some destination then I'd rather have my survivor sucking it up. I do try to preserve food though at the expense of health to have enough food for an emergency. Some players also aren't that great at hunting for their dinner so it's hard for them to be fed all the time too. I like mushrooms, they don't run from you. ^_^

    I have kind of constructed a few rules of surviving in The Long Dark

    Basic Survivor Rules

    1. If it moves, run from it.

    2. If it doesn't move, eat it.

    Advanced Survivor Rule

    3. If it moves, make it not move and refer to rule #2.

    My philosophy to go by, especially the first two points.


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