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Posts posted by tulkawen

  1. @BareSkin :D Thank you.  Though, I've been saved by heal sleep from red zone multiple times. That's something you cannot get away with in Sleepwalker so easily. I'm certainly glad I haven't ran into red zone yet. What I find easier in Sleepwalker is vigilant sleeping that includes going 2h at a time if you're doing it in the car or cave without a fire. In other mode you basically lose a night of healing when you do this.

    Day 41


    - Cold morning. Read an entire fishing book.

    - It's -5C when I decide to go for it in the afternoon. Mornings are cold anyway so I can't start a long trip in the morning anyway.

    - Seems the railway wolves are having a party. This one isn't there. Lucky break.

    - Entered Muskeg and reached the red wagons not chased by anything. Saw a wolf in the distance that seemed disinterested and a bear in the distance too.

    - It got horrendously foggy. Oh no. I really didn't want to waste fuel by getting stuck for the night.

    - Started a fire at the barrel since I started to freeze at this point.

    - Slept an hour or two several times, boiling water and coming out during the middle of the night to harvest some bushes for sticks and twigs.

    -  It's -40C in the morning. Yuck! Wolves are howling everywhere. I don't think they're into this weather either.

    - By afternoon it got to -12C but moderate fog came back. Muskeg has decided to be difficult.

    - Meh this. I'm not burning up all my coal to stay full day and night.

    - Pulled out two torches, stingy barrel 24% both. Meh started walking.

    - Admittedly lost since I'm trying to cross via isles.

    - Picking up twigs as I got along. Grabbed some cattails, but not all since I want to hurry.

    - Had to stop and start another fire to boil more tea for warmth bonus and to make more torches. Those also 25%

    - Eventually ended up at hunter's blind and found one accelerant.

    - Kept going encountering weak ice a few times but backing off timely.

    - Sprinted across some weak ice to get to the bank and reached the spot where a few ruined buildings are not far from the forge.

    - Had to start another fire and check them out before patrol wolves got here. Wow not even a piece of metal. Nothing. At least the last fire gave me 44% torches.

    - Got two sprains climbing the hill to take higher ground to Spencer farm. Might as well, I have 6 painkillers at 16% had to use them anyhow

    - Two wolves are hanging around the forge. Cute. Got to be sure not to walk around in the fog.

    - Since I had quarter of stamina left and was freezing began firing up the stove.

    - Ran out of books during the trip. Twigs at lousy 60% fire starting chance and fail 6 times with my last torch that got under 10%

    - Got last piece of tinder too after those fails. Used accelerant to fire up the bloody stove before I freeze since hypoth got me near the farm.

    - Woot! Lvl 2 Fire Starting at last!

    - Crafted one hatchet with a bit of stamina left and slept 10h. :hatchet: HUUURAAYY!! My first hatchet!!!!!

    • Upvote 2
  2. Day 23


    - health around 40%

    - hearing some scary bear creaking outside but can't see him

    - shelter 3mins repair. so cold i get hypoth repairing shelter for 3mins

    - went into the basement. got a new fishing rod and repaired undies and blue hoodie to warm up

    - ding! got mending level 2. yay!

    - cabin risk fever 20% oh great

    - going to check on rabbit traps. a pack of three wolves is out. they're between the farm and the traps

    - got hypoth before even reaching the traps. the wind is horrible

    - the traps caught food

    - the pack perks up and all three begin heading in my direction nose down as soon as i pick up first rabbit

    - grabbed both, reset traps and ran for it via wide field circumference before they came about

    - too windy to light a torch. failed 1st fire attempt. got the other

    - hide in shelter it's +9C without coal

    - harvested one rabbit by hand. set it's meat to cook and used hacksaw on the other to get the meat

    - set the meat to cook and removed then hide. then set the last piece of cook and removed the gut

    - dropped two pelts and guts at the farmhouse

    - the weather isn't too terrible. hated up a cup of rosehips and hurried to a river behind the silo to search for food

    - since warmth not halfed ran past some tails and eventually saw a barn on the left bank

    - fir log in the barn and empty adventurer. great many rosehip bushes around

    - over half cold bar and dropping time to run back. might pick the tails tomorrow

    - came back to shelter. +1C without fire. i'll sty put since the health is really bad 15%

    - it gets a bit colder and fatigue is full red

    - hope cabin fever doesn't get me again time to eat my bunny rabbit and sleep


    Day 24   


    - blizzard in the morning. the last deer hide is conveniently cured

    - crawled into the basement and put in 2h. sounds quiet

    - -33C and snow nah i can wait for warmer weather

    - three more hours of work then ate a leftover bunny chunk before venturing out

    - -20C the wolves aren't sleeping. their pack of three ventures close to the farm continuously

    - they're forcing me to take the outer field all the time and help hypoth

    - only one bunny got caught in the trap. put the other trap in a slightly different location

    - ran for the snow shelter. it needs repair every day

    - used the fir log found at the barn to cook one rabbit, it's only 513 calories and then boiled rosehips tea which also comes from that location. boiled water on leftover time

    - it's zero in the shelter once the fire goes out. i play cards 2h until it gets cold and then go inside

    - eat rabbit and drink two cups of rosehips for enough calories then sleep


    Day 25


    - another blizzard morning. finished crafting a second pair of deer skin pants. hurray i have two pairs of pants

    - used heavy hammer to bust up a table. repaired my vest

    - the moon is more than half way out when the blizzard subsides into a very dark evening and heavy snow

    - i'm not tired, thus i took the opportunity to check the rabbit traps regardless. i have nothing except tea left. i must have dinner and pelts

    - the first trap has a bunny but the second is unlucky. i moved that trap again and hurried back

    - among snow i spotted one wolf. it's safe to guess the entire pack is out. if any of them ambush me i won't see them coming. the visibility is low

    - made it back and harvested the rabbit inside. i'm low on water too

    - it's a good thing i used a torch. three fails before the stove fired up

    - broke one small crate and failed twice on repairing a sweater

    - i have three cans and a pot. cooked 2 rabbit pieces on empty slots and used the rest to boil water

  3. “I want to keep my dreams, even bad ones, because without them, I might have nothing all night long.”
    Joseph Heller


    Day 21


    - this is why i shouldn't play late in the evening. instead of curtains for cloth i shredded socks. a useful and no duplicate item. it just completely went out of my head

    - health terrible under 25%

    - went to craft traps and then froze my butt off running off into the field to set them

    - i sincerely hope they'll trap something because the food shortage is nipping

    - since i have guts and metal crafted two fishing rods as well. put two sewing kits into the basement craft bench for serious item crafting and kept one hook for mending

    - warmed up at the farmhouse and went to a river behind the farm to find food after dodging a bear

    - isn't there a single cattails must have ran a mile. finally spotted rose bushes on the bank and grabbed them. and found one cattail and ate it

    - i believe this path leads to dodger's cabin. the wind calmed down somewhat and -17C is fairly decent these days

    - found sports socks which i shredded yesterday in 10% condition. thank you game. failed 3 times on repairing these socks pooo

    - there are many sticks around the cabin. i burned up almost all my wood getting rid of the cabin fever yesterday

    - gathered mushrooms and beards too and then went inside to warm up. not to mention hardcore fatigue

    - fixed my ski jacket and vest after shredding all curtains

    - ate my last box of salty crackers and slept 10h


    Day 22


    - still dark when i wake, thus, craft rosehips and mushrooms. also left 3 rose bushes right by the cabin so i could gather in the morning what's closest

    - grabbed them and started a nice fire. set water to boil and hid in the cabin crafting more mushrooms until coal can be added

    - repaired work boots outside since the coal makes it bearable

    - began boiling teas. ding! i'm cooking lvl 3. five more calories for me per cup of tea

    - repaired wool socks while the water boiled. what do socks have against me? i keep failing on them

    - got to run back while the weather isn't out to murder me. it's fairly far to the farm

    - drank heated tea and picked up the torch. cut across to the river and found a few more cattails before climbing the bank

    - three wolves patrolling... wait a minute that's the red barn. i'm on the wrong side

    - hurried cautious of those wolves to a connecting bridge

    - tea effect ran out and the torch is out. much much colder now. hypoth risk appeared

    - another wolf is patrolling very close to the farm. he's going in the same direction as me and gradually he's cutting an angle between us

    - kept inching along and then sprinted to the house

    - repaired the undies while getting warmer. the hook is down to 20% i'll keep it for fishing and get the other one

    - ate cattails and ran out to check the bunny snares. both empty. moved them farther away to a hill and grabbed a few sticks

    - hurried back to the farm. it's relatively warm so tried a snow shelter

    - health dropped into red when i reached it. +3C. ate a cattails and slept 1h. +1 i don't trust another hour went inside

    - ate my last cattails and drank reishi teas. if the bunnies don't catch tomorrow i'll starve

    - slept 10h flat

  4. Day 38


    - Along the railway I go lalala and hide behind some bushes to let a wolf pass lalala finding yellow empty wagon lalala yer scoundrel deer don't want to run towards the trailers to be wolf bait lalala woowzer! for once the wolf's on vacation and trailers aren't blocked

    - checked trailers and ran for the hydro dam. there ought to be heavy hammer there

    - hmm checked the entire upper dam. i think the dam is secretly a library. keep finding books but not hammer. you'd think a big metal and rattle building would have a useful big hammer. they just have books. Neeerds!

    - at least there are quality tools. btw my first box. one hacksaw at 47%

    - i've taken health hammering from hypoth during this trip so i'm eating all food i find as i go along to raise health

    - i knew it! there is one non-nerd after all. found the hammer at the lower dam. yay! just in time too it's getting dark

    - i'm hopeful for a deer outside. dropped bedroll on the ground making sure i'm not aiming my bare butt an any wire while there is still visibility and then busted a big green crate as it got pitch dark, also got 2 cloth out of it

    - slept


    Day 39


    - busted another green crate to make it brighter and went outside

    - Aggh!! I didn't hear it at all from the dam! Mighty blizzard. Brrrr! -53C crawling along the ledge

    - Got back inside. Tore up a bunch of cloths around the dam and then repaired undies

    - found another wilderness kitchen and read an hour then slept an hour before venturing out

    - much better! don't need to drop coal, which i don't have, to be warm next to the fire

    - peel all yummies and goodies off the deer and back in I go

    - it got dark and murky foggy by the time i reached the other side

    - best sleep at the dam tonight hence don't want to flop into wolf's mouth in the fog


    Day 40


    - Left the guts to cure at the dam but have taken the hide with me.

    - Waited out a cold morning. There is a wolf rubbing against the trailers anyway.

    - Read an hour of wilderness kitchen and left it at the trailer.

    - The cold got replaced by moderate fog once I snuck out.

    - Took the route that leads along the rail tracks back to the lake cabin. Didn't see the red wagon guard wolf but it was both foggy and cold along the way.

    - Once I reached the lake cabin, read the fishing book and then went out to grab all my fish from the fishing hut. Going to eat all this fish tomorrow before departing for the Muskeg forge.

    • Upvote 1
  5. @BareSkin I suspect world wide wolf invasion. :D I also got back form vacation where there was no ice once so ever. 😎


    Day 35


    - Started by repairing my hat and then slept another hour since I'll be rope climbing.

    - Got through the cave and down the rope. No sign of wolfie. Oh goody.

    - Slept 1h to get warm and then checked my snare. Seriously, it's right in the middle of a bunny pack for two days. Nothing? Stingy.

    - Grabbed mushrooms and rosehips. It's -6C and not much wind.

    - Repaired wool socks at the cave.

    - Gathered the rest of my possessions and went for the rope.

    - The climb was difficult. Hit overweight at the top but managed.

    - Collected remaining cattails along the river and entered transition cave.

    - On the other side built fire inside the barn where the deer was and cooked the unfortunate rabbit I dragged for miles through two maps and many ropes. Crafted and cooked all teas as well.

    - It's dark and snowing. Highly fatigued dragged my feet to the homestead. It's windows were white.

    - Set a snare behind the house and went in to sleep the night.


    Day 36


    - Cold and windy. Read kitchen wilderness found in the homestead for an hour and repaired socks.

    - Not sure exactly which way I'm heading. Went approximately in the deadfall direction, most likely aiming for the cabin.

    - No wolf guarding the ruins and they're empty. Satisfied with a couple of mushroom stumps.

    - Already have hypoth. Went for the tracks and almost bumped into a wolf. At least his butt was towards me. Gave him a wide berth and leapt down some rocks onto the tracks from the other side.

    - Entered the lake cabin.  

    - No hammer here. Found some food and got poisoned by eating 19% jerky. I've been warned fair and square by the word jerk.

    - Whelp, since I'm already poisoned, chomp 18% soup as well, 28% choc bar and 39% beans before sleeping 10h.

    - At least now I have lots of calories.


    Day 37


    - So pretty! Aurora lighting the sky. Not tired at all. Maybe 2h before sunrise.

    - I can see far across the ice, since no green wolf mugs glow, walked to the first fishing cabin and from there tried collecting cattails around the lake island.

    - Curving around the isle bumped into a wolf. He does see me and runs after me until I get to the corner cabin. He's not very into it because he suddenly goes meh and walks away.

    - I'm already catching hypoth. I did bring a lot of firewood and coal on purpose for fishing and I have two tackles.

    - Goooo fishing! Fire up the stove since it's freezing. The aurora light blinked out and it got dark with moderate snowfall.

    - Wow! I love it! I caught several fish and even one bass. Cooked the bass and ate it.

    - Started another fire next to the hut to cook all the fish. The rest of the fish is small if I got 1h fishing while it cooks it would burn so I need to wait it out.

    - Cooked everything plus a bit of water. Also found tomato soup in a drawer and a sewing kit.

    - I'm going to leave the fish on the ice and then walk to the houses along the shore.

    - It's fairly cold. Got bordering hypoth not far from the fist row and had to stop due to a wolf circling very close to these houses. He does go away over the hill so I spring inside.

    - Got summit soda and broke a crate. The fatigue is slightly lowering my weight but it's not late yet though fair past afternoon.

    - I seriously hope that wolf rubbing against these houses doesn't eat me. It would be a shame to get eaten when I have so many nice fishes.

    - Crawled away from this area towards the other pack of houses. Wolves sure seem vigilant with the central hut.

    - Found peaches and summit soda and kept going. Had to crawl around some rocks to get away from central wolves before they saw me.

    - Got to the bear corner cabin. Hey, there's no bear around. Checked the fishing cabin and the shore for cattails. It's warm at -2C

    - I'm very tired and it's a bit too early for sleep. Drank summit soda and slept an hour at the bear house to remove fatigue.

    - Hey, I think the central hut isn't guarded. Hurried to it and checked just in time to grab frozen angular before the wolves trotted back on guard.

    - Grabbed tails around the central isle and headed for the main cabin. It's late and I am fully fatigued. Reached the corner hut and ate a fish off the ice and picked up one. Hopefully one cooked fish won't agro wolves.

    - Crawled very tired to the main lake cabin just before darkness.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    Nah, the challenge is only "Survive until Spring" (100 days). I added the Summit for your Voyager-sleepwlaker to make it a bit harder

    Welcome back! :) I've also seen forums go down for a few days. The players are gradually returning to it.

    I am highly conflicted about this. I feel that if I buckle down at Mystery Lake at this point I might have a chance since I feel my start has been good (and it's rare for me to survive a month). Going to Summit is obvious danger, especially since you're mysteriously talking about the dooms day 55 and I'm getting closer to it. Probably a bad idea to be caught by it at the Summit. :D At the same time since it was a part of original challenge there is the internal nagging to go for it.

    I'm glad there is higher day recovery since we don't heal at night.

    Day 34


    - Woke up a bit before dawn. Gathered the rest and went out. The night is beautiful. Full stars and a large moon in the sky.

    - Also -37C and the wolf isn't too lazy to be out. He cut me off from the last corner building leaving me to sprint all the way to the gas station car.

    - His eyes glowed green when he turned around and began trotting away from the car after I hid from him.

    - Entered gas station and slept 1h. Taking beating from hypoth and lack of eating.

    - Went to the office. It's -32C. Ate half of the box of salty crackers. That's my last civilized food item. Slept at the office to warm up.

    - Down the rope I go. Come on that snare was out all night. It could have caught something. Walked past it. I'll give it more time.

    - I'm not seeing the wolf. It's good to gather my stuff and move as soon as I warm up.

    - Ate a mouldy chocolate car found at the cave and rejoiced at a box of matches.

    - Climbed the rope and went to the rainbow waterfall. Picked up some cattails along the river and ate a couple.

    - Entered a cave grabbing coal as I went and warmed up. Finished off my last crackers. I really need to start fixing my health.

    - Hello Mystery Lake!

    - Trappers cabin has another hacksaw for me but still no hammer.

    - I spotted a deer in a barn, hurry, hurray. Still have enough daylight.

    - Broke a crate for fire and found a sewing kit under. Yay. Also one cloth on a shelf.

    - Drank summit soda found on a shelf and ate cattail before venturing out.

    - Harvested another deer. Right before the sun completely vanished made it back to the cabin in a brown snowy evening.

    - Ate almost all of the deer meat and slept.

    • Upvote 1
  7. @BareSkin I forgot to ask, is Summit also a requirement for Sleepwalker Loper challenge or the summit was made for me personally? :D


    Day 26


    - The snare was productive and yielded a rabbit. A bit bummed though because the gut ruined while I was skinning it. At least I have the pelt. I need one more to begin the hat.

    - Feeling a bit sad since I used the last match from my first box to start fire.

    - While water boiled repaired blue hoodie.

    - Hurray! First LvL 3 skill. After making a stack of teas got a cooking level up.

    - Might as well spend the day making water and cooking deer and rabbit meat since everything else is still curing.

    - I am short on guts as well to make deer skin pants and boots.

    - The wolves either started howl twitter or they bemoan still haven't eaten me. Hearing multiple mournful howls from every direction every five mins.


    Day 27


    - Put a couple of hours into crafting deer pants as soon as one more gut cured.


    Day 28


    - Snare empty.

    - Used a piece of metal for hooks and created one more fishing tackle.

    - Used fishing tackle to craft deerskin pants until it hit 14%

    - The first fishing tackle is at 11% Going to save both for fishing and move on with my last sewing kit.


    Day 29


    - The snare is ruined. There was a blizzard last night. I'm suspecting blizzards can destroy snares.

    - This is going to be weird. I'm going to use a gut currently in pants production to build another snare and then wait for the currently curing gut to be done to finish pants.

    - The food situation is going to become a problem in the future.


    Day 30


    - Snare empty.

    - Thought I might scare a deer into a wolf. There were no deer at the lake all day long.

    - Sky turning green. Aurora coming.


    Day 31


    - Um... what happened last night? I slept 10h and fatigue bar said I have about 2 more before I'm fully rested. It was still dark, so I wanted to sleep 2h but for some reason clicked 10. How did it let me sleep 10 when I could have slept two more max?

    - Ugh Blizzard. Waste time and calories. Reverse cycling. Not tired at all by night.


    Day 32


    - No deer at either lake.

    - Snare empty.

    - Finished teas set aside for eating.

    - Gut finally cured. Finished crafting deerskin pants.

    - Ate cattails. Two left. Slept.


    Day 33


    - Picked up my snare and all my things. They're around 37kg. Walking slow.

    - At the church got chased by a wolf. I'm being foolish and carrying a chunk of rabbit meat. Don't want to use a match for 500 piece only but don't want to drop it either due to low food.

    - Crawled to Milton mansion and slept 1h. Then gathered stuff. It's over 45kg.

    - Picked up half of the stuff. There is a wolf patrolling back and forth on the way out of Milton. Snuck past him and walked all the way to the office.

    - Climbed the rope since weather allows.

    - Another wolf in between ropes area is far away. Carried all my stuff all the way to a small cave and slept 2h.

    - Placed small items like feathers into a backpack and dropped large items like hacksaw on the floor.

    - The wolf chased me as I exited the cave. Since I'm not at 10kg ran from him past a rabbit. He re-directed to the rabbit.

    - Waited at the rope a bit to recover stamina and set a bunny snare. Then went up.

    - The sky is going green. Aurora is coming.

    - Reached the Mansion by nightfall. Ate salty crackers and slept.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Day 21


    - Grabbed my deer stuff and went through the cave to Milton area.

    - Discovered another bunny rabbit in a trap. This is nice and makes me 3 lines stinky so wolves begin howling from all over the map.

    - Sprinted to the trailer. Took off bunny hide and went inside to warm up while skinning.

    - Hurray! Level 2 harvesting achieved!

    - This is great. I finally have many hides and guts to get the production going.

    - It's snowing heavily, the weather looks up to sneaky no good.

    - Repaired undies and didn't venture far from the trailer.

    - Yup weather up to no good. Repaired gloves after all with a grudge then slept.


    Day 22


    - Waited out a fairly cold morning.

    - Collected a bunny and began searching for firewood.

    - Went to HRV for sticks. Returned twice to the cave to warm up before venturing out again.

    - Will need to cook my meat soon. Cattails are running low.

    - Slept in a bedroll next to HRV entrance at the cave.


    Day 23


    - Too cold to search for food at HRV.

    - Discovered my snare got ruined again on the way to the trailer.

    - Started fire to cook all my meat and boil water.

    - Repaired hat, socks and jeans. Got Mending LvL 2! Wooohooo!

    - Doh. Forgot to add more fuel and fire stopped. I could have boiled 2 or 4 more L. At least I cooked all the meat.

    - Maybe I should go back to HRV entrance. Tried getting through the tunnel in the dark and fell at the turn. Twisted an ankle. I forgot to grab my rosehips tea too after drinking the portion set aside as food not medicine.

    - Weather a bit finicky and got stormy by the end of the day. Limped back to the trailer.

    - Everything is curing too slowly for my liking. Gloves are about to bite the dust again. I have no more leather.

    - Ate deer meat and slept.


    Day 24


    - Went to Milton to recover food. The day started with -30C at least Church was not too far.

    - Refuelled lantern, grabbed more cloth and of course collected about 25 teas, last can of beans and 36% salty crackers box.

    - It got warmed on the way back. Picked up one last cattail from the lake near the Church and hurried to get away from that dangerous spot.

    - It's only -1C. Fatigue is about half. I think it might be worth going for it once I warm up at the trailer.

    - Crossed the cave and went past Cloudfalls towards the Stairsteps Lake.

    - Not as many cattails as I had hoped.

    - Wow! Another deer. Removed hide and meat after short hesitation. Not going to grab agro guts.

    - Agroed a wolf nearby anyway. It's a far trip and my warmth bar is 4/5 down, I was going to run back anyway.

    - Used my entire sprint. This has to be a pretty athletic wolf. Heard him breathing down my neck.

    - Dropped decoy. That was a big chunk, I had 1.9kg. Decoy ended up half of it.

    - The wolf swallowed it and left me alone quite happy. He better be.

    - Fatigue, hypoth caught up to me. Getting late. Lost sprint right in front of the cave. I'm such a pudding brain. I keep forgetting I carry a cup of coffee for the exact occasions like these.

    - In any case, the evening was extremely beautiful.

    - Dropped my bedroll right inside the cave and slept a lot. I don't believe I'll risk anymore going to the HRV. I know it has matches and wolf hides, but oh it's so dangerous.


    Day 25


    - Went back to the trailer. It's a deceptive morning. So clam, the sky is covered in pale pink and a tinge of yellow, so bright and -27C if you look at the temp.

    - A lot of good stuff cured while I want robbing wolves at Hushed River.

    - Put 1h of work into my most awaited gloves and figured I have another gut for a snare.

    - Built snare and went out to set it up.

    - Came back to keep crafting my gloves. Just as well. It sounds cold.

    - Stopped to make a fishing line since another gut cured. Instead of the sewing kit began using the fishing hook.

    - When I finished the gloves a blizzard set in.

    - Woohoo! From 0.1C bonus warmth to 2C bonus. Feeeeeel the difference!

    - Going to sleep. Health is fairly good, but it's lingering around 80% after that experiment at HRV with the first deer. Hadn't hit 100% after.

    - Noo! You dunderhead! Don't drink coffee before sleep! lol How did I click that by accident.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Day 13


    - That's a mighty blizzard out there all night and morning. Repaired simple parka to 98%. farewell first sewing kit

    - Cut up 2 metal shelves. Got to be careful with the hacksaw. No tools and 51%

    - When the blizzard changed into moderate snowfall went out to check for dinner. My second rabbit snare got ruined too without a rabbit

    - Checked the nearest lake for cattails then returned to the trailer.

    - The weather is amazing +4C. Decided to return to Milton to boil water on 6 slot stove.

    - Ended up walking behind the Church where I found first maple sapling and from there accidentally ended up at the farm instead of Milton.

    - That's where I stayed for the night.


    Day 14


    - Another blizzard.

    - Busted a bunch of chairs and stools while boiling water all day. Got 14L

    - Too bad I only had 1 pot and 1 can or it would have been enough for my entire stay in Milton region.


    Day 15


    - Overweight due to water, evaded farm wolves and made it to Milton.

    - The wolf hide cured along with birch saplings and one more gut. I hope the snare won't get ruined since I don't have many guts and there are no more deer around.

    - The gloves are crumbling horribly. Went from 33% to 26% in something like a day. I have one more piece of leather which I rather save for the boots.

    - Too foggy to travel. Wasted time tearing up junk.

    - Managed to travel only by evening. Reached the Church, warmed up a bit, stepped out and got chased by barky right back to Church.

    - Going to stay the night.


    Day 16


    - Lovely blizzard. Busted a stool and cardboard then wasted time on literally nothing. Where did I get a pack of cards anyway. It's like emergency landing during the end of the world, grab the most essential item. Forgot my pants though.

    - Finally clear weather. Deer munch on stuff along the lake. Grabbed a couple of tails and climbed a hill to survey and did well on that.

    - A pack of three wolves suddenly appeared from the direction where I need to go and encircled the church. Scaaaary.

    - One began patrolling back and forth right in front of the rock where I was hiding.

    - Got my masters rock climbing degree right there scaling the solid wall stealthily around him.

    - hehehe He didn't see me. Went to the trailer.

    - Found a gut that was curing ruined. booo

    - Built a snare out of my last gut. If this snare gets ruined I will leave the area.

    - Went out collecting sticks and placed the snare in hopefully a lucky spot. We'll see tomorrow if I get any luck with it.


    Day 17


    - All right! Here's my first bunny rabbit! Hope there is more tomorrow.


    Day 18


    - Another bunny rabbit.


    Day 19


    - A big day of boiling water and cooking about 20 teas for calories, and cooking bunny meat. Need food while crafting and bunny rabbits aren't in abundance. Cattails aren't eternal.

    - Another bunny rabbit caught.

    - Gloves at 15% the decay rate is way too fast.


    Day 20


    - Got another bunny, but for some reason after I grabbed the gut and meat, I took the pelt as well. It said that the pelt is completely ruined. I wander how it got ruined so fast.

    - Although it's fairly cold today around -15C went out to gather firewood and also entered connected cave to HRV.

    - Burned lantern oil to find coal and made exit on the other side for firewood.

    - Warm evening -2C walked to a lake and spotted a deer on the bank. It's -6C now

    - Sacrificed health to peel everything off and went back to the cave.

    - Fatigue high, health dropping. Dropped meat outside, hide and guts inside. Slept at the cave on the HRV side.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Day 8


    - Passed a deer close to the ravine entrance last evening. Returned to it in the morning and started a fire to grab the meat and hide. Left guts behind to avoid attracting the wolf.

    - Reached a ruined building that has a stove while carrying a torch and started a fire there too. 

    - Gathered everything around the lake after warming up and returning to the stove for warmth occasionally while the water boiled.

    - The sky is turning green. I’m suspecting aurora.

    - Walked across the lake to a cave where I’ll stay the night.

    - After dropping firewood went out for a while longer to grab cattails behind the cave along the river.

    - It got snowy and dark grey prompting me to return.

    - Slept 3h without the fire. It’s gradually getting colder towards the morning and aurora finally begins to sing.


    Day 9


    - Woke up 2h before dawn with -6C in the cave. Slight dent in the warmth bar.

    - I can start a fire but I don’t want to use a match or try to leave right now.

    - After some hesitation packed up and went for it.

    - Two wolves in the distance glow spookily green as they cross the lake. I believe they do sense me far off and turn my way, but they are too far to be a significant threat. I outpace them going into the opposite direction towards the rope.

    - It’s cold and the walk is fairly far. I end up with hypoth at my heels when I reach the first rope.

    - I must build fire in the cave after all. Slept 3h to deal with the fatigue as well.

    - Another rope to climb. Stamina is dropping faster than I thought. Hit overweight close to the top but managed to pull myself over the edge.

    - Dark coffee and began walking to Milton avoiding the wolf farm.

    - Reached a street corner house and slept a bit more.

    - Went back to the river to comb for more cattails eventually climbing the bank closer to the mansion. That’s the place to sleep.


    Day 10


    - Went out to grab deer pelt left at the corner house.

    - Guts at 90% I want them cured before travelling to the trailer

    - Wanted to read in the blue truck but got chased by a wolf back into the mansion. It took them long enough to occupy the town.

    - Read 1h of kitchen wilderness and heard a storm. Finished the entire book and got Lvl 2 cooking skill! Dumm deed umm! That’s my first improvement!

    - Tore up a pair of trail boots. Will have to repair work boots soon.

    - I have 100 cattails. Ate canned food though. I haven't found a can opener and the food is too heavy to drag down the ropes to another map and it might spoil. Sigh at calories losses.

    - I haven't found the heavy hammer either. This selects the route for me. I will not go directly to Muskeg from the ravine beside the farmhouse. I will be going to the Mystery Lake though I'm nervous about a wolf down the rope.


    Day 11


    - Spent a lot of time sneaking past barky to the bridge. Lost half warmth bar just due to this sneaking before getting onto the bridge.

    - Moderate snowfall turned into a heavy curtain when I got to the other side. Luckily, the church isn't far and it's hard to get lost following a big road. Hypoth dented my health just a little bit.

    - Repaired work boots at the Church. Once piece of leather got them to 100% from 53% that's great as I'm short on leather.

    - I also have driving gloves at 33% that require constant maintenance too and with leather. I'm bringing two cured guts to build snares. I hope the bunnies will get caught to make bunny gloves.

    - Crafter huge piles of rosehips and mushrooms until the wind subsided and advanced to the trailer for the night.


    Day 12


    - Checked snares in the morning. One empty, the other completely ruined and also empty.

    - I had hoped to catch bunnies for gloves and more guts since I'm short of guts. I remember dropping two guts by the bridge when I ran from the bear. I wander if they're still there.

    - Snuck past the wolf and spotted the bear in the middle of the bridge heading my way slowly.

    - Found one gut and grabbed it quickly before running back. Don't want to attract the bear. The other gut is missing though I looked around maybe the bear had eaten it as decoy.

    - Attracted that wolf instead but got away from him by sprinting towards the lake where the bunnies were. He re-targeted a bunny.

    - Dropped the gut at the trailer to cure. It's at 32%. I hope it doesn't get ruined before curing.

    - Since it's warm weather decided to take more risks and return to the bridge. I want to check all those bridge cars.

    - Had to hide in the car in the middle of a bridge while the bear walked past. It was very uncomfortable getting out because he ended up behind me and the car only has visibility in front.

    - Glad he wasn't there. Pried open the cars closer to his cave and got salty crackers along with a simple parka. That's grand! Now I have an item for an outer jacket slot.

    - Topped the day by finding a box of matches in a blue truck. This is great, it's a third box.

    - Slept in this truck 1h to remove too much fatigue and then ran to the trailer for the night in moderate snowfall and dusk.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Day 4


    - Woke up not fully rested but cured of poisoning.

    - Hoove it to Church and from there to trailer.

    - It shines and it hacksaws! Cleared out a metal door to warm up.

    - A box filled with matches is a nice boon.

    - Went to the cave connected to the Hushed River, grabbed coal and made exit.

    - Gathered cattails by Cloudfalls. Will not advance into this map any further although it likely has matches.

    - With the increasing fatigue went back to the trailer.


    Day 5


    - I’d like to sneak past the wolf and head for the big bear bridge, heartbreak I think.

    - Followed a hidden path that goes to the river under the bridge where a deer is.

    - Started a fire to harvest this deer and went up the bank nearly bumping into the bear.

    -The bear roared which made me drop the guts and run for it so I ended up behind the bridge with the bear on the other side.

    - Checked the farthest car and found a maple leaf hat.

    - Went for the cave that connects to the plane crash site.

    - In the cave found a dead wolf and skinned him.

    - Slept on the other end of the cave.


    Day 6


    - Meh I don’t want parasite meat, left it behind and skipped down some dangerous rocks to the small lake where the plane guard wolf hangs out.

    - It seems the wolf didn’t finish his dinner because there is a deer. Started a fire after dropping the guts far down the path. I hope the fire will scare the wolf away though he tends to be nearby.

    - The wind picked up so I had to abandon taking the last gut since the fire got blown out, wolf danger and cold.

    - Followed a path towards the radio tower where a small cave is that turned out in plus temperatures. Crafted stacks of rose and mushrooms while warming up.

    - Proceeded to the radio tower and found a hook in a very big log box.

    - Then went to Milton thinking there might be another deer around the farm area where the river is. It wasn’t.

    - Began searching the farm for the key while keeping an eye out for wolves. One was very much near so I had to keep crouching and moving slowly.

    - No key in the tractor, had to get cuddle close to the wolf to check the blue truck, also in vain.

    - Ran around the farmhouse and found the owner with key in his pocket.

    - Was more than happy to finally enter the farmhouse and to find a storm lantern.

    - The wardrobes had another maple hat for me, a blue hoodie but I already have two and a second sports vest, sadly these can’t be doubled and go only into the inner jacket slot.

    - Work boots are the best boots found so far. Tore up the trail ones to have leather for repair.

    - It’s time to sleep.


    Day 7


    - Nuts, failed to repair my work boots.

    - Went to check whether the deer may have appeared by the river and ended up climbing all the way down to the ravine since the weather is rather warm -6C

    - Made a stop at the cave in between two ropes to warm up.

    - Kept walking past the ravine wolf gathering everything and ended up reaching an entry to the muskeg.

    - It’s getting dark and fatigue is big time starting to hammer me. Not seeing any good shelter.

    - Eventually spotted an open cave like an arch with a backpack and fire. Tucked my fire into the most windproof corner and placed a bedroll behind it so there is a fire wall between me and the open entrance, though, I don’t think there are wolves on this plateau.

    - Dropped the coal in for sure. This night will be cold and I’m basically outside, but it is a very good outside shelter.

    - The blizzard rolled overnight. It’s a good thing I have enough firewood. The fire stayed sheltered from the wind. I do believe I’ve received a very nice outdoors bonus against cabin fever.


    • Upvote 1
  12. “what you were
    will not happen again.
    the tigers have found me
    and I do not care.”
    Charles Bukowski


    Day 16


    - this is good! i did nail 10h and health is around 70% that's great!

    - the moon is still visible and still too early. i can craft and maybe read 1h if it lets me

    - i can eat this small piece of deer meat before reading... oowww awww! food poisoning? it was at 70% tarnation!

    - at least i have mushroom tea... i'm not even the slightest bit tired oh that just great and i need to sleep 10h... at least the sickness is giving me really quick fatigue

    - lets use the hacksaw on this metal box and toaster to get tired

    - ugh misery slept in three or five hours bursts to get rid of the poisoning... got it done by evening... there went my good health once in a blue moon

    - the skies are evening pink and the temperature holds at -11C windless

    - i can't say it's safe to travel at night but i am on the wrong end of the cycle and 100% not fatigued and shame to waste this evening

    - i want to check the frozen pond, going to take the hammer not prybar, i think hammer is good for ice breaking too if there is any fishing gear, grab all my food, drink coffee for the road


    Night 16


    - crossed the river and reached the pond before the sun completely went down

    - started a fire in the fishing hut to warm up, it's actually +2C without any coal considering saving the coal then

    - nice i found work gloves at 92%

    - found a newspaper and a guide on survival. i'm going to bite a chunk off the deer meat and read an hour to warm up before checking the pond

    - wow i sure am warming up slowly, read 2h more until the bar is full

    - drank a cup of warmed up coffee before peeking out, there is modest visibility and heavy snowfall outside now

    - went up bank to harvest mushrooms and ended up walking around the lake instead of back to the fishing cabin due to poor visibility

    - bumped into the picnic table and found a camper on the bench who has summit soda and four crow feathers around him

    - i see the dock from here, went to it and checked the fishing boats, also empty, now i can see my fishing hut

    - blizzard picked up as soon as i entered it

    - ate the rest of the deer meat and drank tea to finish reading the entire book

    - began crafting mushrooms and boiling all sorts of teas

    - ended up using a piece of coal after all, the temperature began dropping

    - i hope i am getting good outdoor hours for spending all night out

    - the blizzard subsided only at sunup


    Day 17


    - collected rosehips and cattails around the lake then hid in the cabin to warm up, windy and -42 though began warming up

    - i'll walk around the lake a bit more to see if i missed anything before heading back, drinking more coffee to fight off the fatigue

    - ended up walking farther than anticipated, crossed the river under the bridge and walked to the mountains where i bumped into a small and bare cave

    - rushed back to warm up at the hut, i think i'm done here or the fatigue will get me

    - it got warmer -16C and fairly good with clear skies, grabbed a torch for a walk

    - bumped into one birch sapling during the return trip to the signal hill

    - yeah yeah it's noon but fatigue

    - tomato soup paired with summer soda and cattails for desert

    - 10h worth of good rest


    Night 17


    - sounds nasty outside but my health is over half so yay

    - i hate using pass time button but i have nothing to do

    - drink some tea because it's sad how health crawls down when passing time and sleep

    - most of the night passed, not hearing awooo, light my storm lantern and step out, meh heavy snowfall not too friendly

    - pass another hour and try to sleep

    - i have a lot of stuff, two deer hides and four guts still not cured to signal all wolves, i won't be able to use the rope, so i will take the long route


    Day 18


    - minus 42C? nope not going out there, tore apart the mittens and repaired my sweater then slept under an hour

    - still ewww at -38 i guess i'll take it least the weather decides it's too good and traps me for another day

    - rushing as much as possible and keeping rotation around for wolves but got hypoth real quick anyway

    - there is a group of five birch saplings at the bottom of the hill that runs into the highway, picked up a couple of sticks

    - oh there is a deer across the river, i super want it, there is also a wolf crossing the same river around the bend that raises his head like he can smell me

    - hmm ok i will drop the guts on the bank behind the tree and then go on the ice and build a fire, the deer is by the mountain in a niche so there should be two way windbreak

    - it is windy regardless, the wind lumps an hour off my fire but then calms down and lets me take off everything without freezing, just one feather here

    - i am worried about the wolf sneaking up on me around the boulder, i actually heard a bark but it may have been my neighbour's dog

    - i'm going to drop the guts and return to the highway to follow it past the grey car to the start of the river at the long curve

    - taking a torch with me and dropping wood into this fire, i hope to return to it to warm up before rushing back to the farmhouse

    - the grey car has mittens and a granola bar

    - the frozen guy on the bank has sardines in his backpack and a can of dogfood, also three feathers and a new torch

    - grabbed rosehips as well, this side trip was very much worth it

    - returned to my fire which still burns and crafted rosehips and then boiled tea

    - not going to boil water because i'm dragging 7.5L and it puts me overweight, i did leave 1L at the signal hill too

    - now i need to grab 6 fresh deer guts and slip past all wolves that frequent the farmhouse field

    - um... where are my guts? i left them by the tree? right? i hope nobody ate them, there they are, higher uphill

    - i'm going to cling to the mountain side of the highway until i hit the side road that runs to the farm

    - this means walking on hills, good thing i have that rosehip tea because there went my ankle, decided to cure it in case i need to run from the wolves

    - if they do go for me i'll try to drop decoy, hopefully it will drop the guts and not my deer meat

    - i do spot two long distance away, their course is towards the side road where i'm going

    - used up sprint as much as possible and made it back

    - dropped everything to cure, i have three cured deer hides too at this point and about six guts too

    - food and sleep! i've been eating cattails and drinking teas during the day too while taking the deer hide off because i have taken a big chunk of the cold penalty and didn't want to accumulate with hunger

    Day 19


    - this is good! my health is around 70% yay!

    - sounds like a big blizzard outside. i would like to craft some deer skin items. reading a sewing book prior will be helpful

    - i'll just eat these sardines and ... awwww owww! you are kding me! food poisoning? come on! they were 54% booo! i am officially not allowed to have over 70% of health, then the game thinks my living is too good and literally tries to poison me

    - i'm not tired too since i just woke up. ran around the house in the blizzard and dived into the basement to break two green crates, crying over the health i'm losing

    - i'm tired enough now, rushing back to the house in the same blizzard, at least it's not the good weather i'm missing

    - how about a nice can of dogfood and a cup of anti-poison tea before hitting the hay


    Night 19


    - woke up healed, miserly quarter health and not tired at all

    - blizzard out. crawled through it to the basement and broke a green crate to get tired

    - went back to the farmhouse to sleep

    - checked how many cured deer hides i have. 3 and more than enough guts

    - crawled into basement again in bad weather. too dark to craft

    - go back to the house, pull all extra clothes from the closer and shred them. i have more leather and just 2 cloth

    - grabbed tea from the fridge and went to the basement


    Day 20


    - wanted to craft rabbit traps and set but it's horribly cold and i'll freeze even if i'm close to the house

    - began working on deer pants 2h at a time and drinking teas

    - one sewing kit used up with 47mins remaining also got hit by the cabin fever at 7%

    - disposed of the kit and used a new one to finish the job

    - hurray! i have deer skin pants +2 warmth. i need +40 since it's -40 every day


    Night 20


    - checked on the snow shelter by the fire barrel. son of a blizzard! it's at 7% !#%@$% it was almost 80!!

    - oh that's just great i need 3cloth to fix it. i have 2. started a fire and shredded socks

    - added coal and fixed the shelter

    - warmed up pork and beans. ate them and slept 5h

  13. @BareSkin I'm getting an impression that in Sleepwalker mode daytime recovery is higher than average game to compensate for the lack of it in sleep, which makes it a bit easier for Loper. Maybe I'm just lucky this run, but it seems to be the starting temperature is a bit higher than average too. Providing I don't kick the bucket though we'll see how much it drops overtime. It's exciting to try your mode out. :)

    Day 2


    - Began searching Milton for stuff. Hearing a few wolf howls very far away. Sounds good to me.

    - It's super cold and windy -40C got hypoth just by running door to door.

    - A very useful robber had a prybar for me at the credit union, credit for him.

    - Found a vest, sports socks, jeans, another pair of blue undies which I repaired along with my current ones and trail boots.

    - Almost bumped into a single wolf in the middle of the town. He didn't see me though since I ducked and continued prying the trunk open of the nearest car.

    - Repaired jeans and hoodie. It's a good thing I've got two sewing kits.

    - Are cattails for dinner since I'm still searching for a can opener and slept.


    Day 3


    - Went for the gas station. No wolves there. Grand! Thank and you.

    - Went to the open office too. Scoooore!!!! Nice and comfy, a lifesaving bedroll! My precious!

    - It got really warm just -5C used the opportunity to visit a blue school bus and the arch. Got another prybar.

    - Got back to the mansion and repaired more clothes then tore up dress shoes since I found another pair of trail boots too at 80%

    - Got poisoned by sardines while getting ready for bed.

    - Got the stove going in a second try to prepare mushroom tea. I need to be prudent with matches. I only have a box of 12 and now 10 left.

    - Set up 5 pots on the 6 slot stove and boiled water, slept 2h twice while water boiled in 3 big pots because fatigue was hammering me in addition to poison.

    - Made torches.

    - Then cooked more mushroom and rosehips tea before sleeping 6 hours.

    • Upvote 1
  14. Day 12


    - that is one dawn i may not have seen

    - i'm pretty sure if i go even across the road to pick one mushroom my health won't be able to take it

    - i'm not fatigued at all

    - i guess i'll eat and sustain the fire while hiding in the shelter and boil water

    - the cabin fever risk is extremely sticky, it miserly went down to 48% after a chunk of the night... there should be several hours discount for sleeping in blizzards

    - while i do have a good stash of coal and firewood i can't say i'm prepared to use all of it to sustain a fire full day and night, and i have other plans for coal like harvesting deer carcasses, unfortunately it's not warm enough to do this with a regular fire

    - i literally have nothing to do, the books are indoors too

    - eat and sleep a bit and pass time, horrendous waste

    - the day is not too terrible after that blizzard, i let the fire go out to check the temp, it's zero and counts against me...

    - i'm going to repair my 38% hat and see if that helps, it does i'm at +1 now

    - as the evening comes the temp drops again to -1 waited until warmth meter expired and then went indoors

    - not tired, busted a chair and tore curtains

    - the cabin risk is gone, took full day outside to get rid of it, i sincerely hope i won't get it again by sleeping 10h indoors


    Day 13


    - it's snowing heavily but no way am i staying inside

    - there is a barn which i want to check, this new badge lets me sprint more, which is extremely useful

    - very nice there is a barn and a deer half inside it, this means i can build sheltered fire next to the deer

    - as i do so a wolf comes by and heads directly for the spot where i'm crouching behind the fire

    - the wolf sticks his nose into the fire and runs off yelping, maybe i should build a second fire behind me, this barn only has two walls, i'm so paranoid he'll walk around and get my back

    - drinking tea and coffee mostly for calories, woke up around 40% health only and it's obviously beaten by a cold trip, i have to keep eating during the day to prevent other health drains, cold does a good job at decimating

    - picked up three crow feathers and began cooking coffee, the wolf loves this barn, he keeps walking circles around it and rubbing his back against the walls

    - all right i can add coal and harvest, also set water to boil

    - grabbed all i can, the day is on decline, come on wolfie shew shew, walk far far away on your patrol route

    - i can see him from the barn angle, when he's relatively far i run for it

    - used sprint to the full the turned around walking backwards, i think i gave him the slip, no pursuit

    - let's go back to the farm, eat a good chunk of deer meat and rest


    Night 13


    - I can't time my rest well. I keep aiming to sleep 10h to recover but always wake too early around 6-8h mark fully rested. the fatigue starts beating you at certain level but that's before you are 10h of sleep tired. so you have to lose health to fatigue to get rest health, something is screwy here

    - it's sounds very quiet outside.. umm... wow -38C but it's equally cold daytime too and it is bright, a starry blue night, very beautiful

    - i'll dip into my fridge supplies and grab supplies in case of a blizzard

    - i'm going for it... i want to climb to the signal hill...

    - hop hop hop there is my deer meat! nobody swallowed it awesome

    - rope climbing sure takes a lot out of you

    - i keep missing the signal hill turn to the station... oh there is the tower! let's go inside and sleep off the fatigue plus cold




    Day 14


    - i wander if this station has any clothes for me, pried open the lockers

    - there is a ski jacket, soooo, somebody's feeling guilty, i don't forgive you, this one is 23% and that one was 99

    - soooo health still wobbly, i don't need to travel far to take care of a deer right outside the fence

    - oh i'm out of tinder plugs heh there is a cardboard inside, i'll tear that up to get 3 of them and clear up the space

    - it's also good to break things because sometimes there are items behind them, not this time

    - it's sort of windy, a tree sort of offers a windbreak

    - harvested the deer, went inside to drop the guts and hide, still fire burning and daylight left

    - i really don't want cabin fever, might be better to sit by the fire

    - i'm going to repair my ski jacket, got it done once and raised to 52% i should repair again

    - whoa there! it's only 45min repair but the wind blew out my fire and gave me medium hypoth risk

    - brrr! at least the repair was successful i'm going to have to hide inside

    - blizzard sets in as soon as i hide at the station

    - search the rest of the cabin. yay! that's where the heavy hammer was hiding, tricky spot too under a grey item that masks grey hammer

    - fairly generous on food too

    - heavy weight, i'll hide the prybar in the locker among other stuff and keep the hammer to fight off the wolves, prybar is a magic key for things opening and can't be repaired

    - bust a chair, i hope this will let me sleep enough, now rest


    Day 15


    - hearing powerful wind outside, what's this? a metal shelf worth over 2h of work, let's cut it

    - that sounds like it subsided, skip hop over the snowdrifts, the cave and hunters blind aren't that far actually but its possible to run into a bear or a wolf on the way and it's so cold that you do catch hypoth just one way there

    - going to build a fire between the deer and the tree, can't guess windbreak because wind direction changes, failed once starting a fire

    - it's not too hateful, while the fire is warming up for coal gathered feathers and checked a frozen guy next to the deer, 7 feathers that's good, also grabbed mushrooms

    - i am seeing a wolf, he is relatively far but i am concerned meat and guts will lure him in

    - drank coffee and ate sardines to preserve health then took the hide and guts off

    - while the deer meat was cooking checked the cave and gathered mushrooms, the cave had salty crackers

    - ventured to the hunters blind too, it had a field dressing book

    - got lost on the way back to the deer, oh shoot i don't want the fire to run out, all the rocks in this area look exactly the same

    - oh i got, i see crows circling, i know which way to run, got back with 4mins left on the fire and dropped cedar log into it

    - i'm going to craft many mushrooms i gathered and make them into tea

    - poof! 6mins left on the fire? booo you wind, in 15mins of crafting it blew out over 1h worth of fire

    - the crows dropped more feathers while i was cooking. i got 10 from this trip. let's get out of here, the wind is very cold and makes walking difficult

    - i'm seeing this wolf again, he's far but i think he did pin me due to guts because he is walking on intercept course

    - i'm going to try to evade him and walk instead of sprinting because if he gets close i'll sprint then

    - managed to get around him by walking an extra circle to put boulders between us

    - dropped hide and guts and went back out, i have 3 rosehips bushes right outside the fence and keep walking past them

    - the moon is part out, i'm going to eat a candy bar and read an hour and then have my herbal tea plus deer meat and sleep

  15. Day 10


    - woke up early and repaired the hacksaw after one fail

    - let's go brrr -40C! dive into the store for the guts and hide but it's too cold to warm up in here

    - skip along the yellow highway road to the contemplation bridge

    - hay stacks and barn to the left, i hope the wolves aren't out to play to smell the guts

    - negative 3 inside, shucks, start fire in the barrel and boil tea while it warms up enough to drop coal

    - everything warms up significantly even on the second floor it's warm enough

    - the first level has a hidden prybar, soda, a book stay on target, simple tools and a whetstone. let's raid the second floor

    - All right game, I am not happy with you. I haven't mentioned this, but few days ago when I entered the coastal, the first car had a pink coat in the trunk, the game crashed when I exited the car. I had to re-do the segment and there was no coat. Today, one of the 2nd floor lockers had 99% ski jacket in it. The game crashed as soon as I pulled it out. It was gone when I re-loaded.

    - yeah great thanks for stim and can of beans and for nothing, you owe me 2 jackets on interloper, game

    - it's still midday, i don't think i want to stay the night and sleep in the truck

    - yellow tractor outside has a granola bar, onwards to the farmhouse and a very soft bed

    - the guts are 15% cured i'll feel better once i drop them some place safe

    - i think it's best to take the bridge and then cut across to the farm, not seeing the wolves

    - hi farm; the day warmed up, but after so much running the fatigue is an issue or i may have travelled more

    - the farm has another vest in better shape but they cannot be doubled, still looking accusingly at you game, a hoodie as second sweater is welcome, more driving gloves and mittens, the mittens are a bit better

    - herbal tea, hurray, i feel like i need to use herbal tea every single day for additional recovery, canned food and candy bars, wow i actually have enough food to hide some in the fridge

    - i'm warm lets go out and check the car, a pack of wolf is hanging around moderate distance away, found more matches on the bench next to the fire barrel

    - getting cold, basement time, whetstone, quality tools, matches and hacksaw, i still need a hammer, i wander if it was at riken after all, it's very complex to go there and check, if it's not that would be a bummer

    - a lot of fatigue, return to the house and check the second floor, another book on sewing, this is the 4th one, another sewing kit is most welcome

    - this is amazing it's 0 outside, i bet if i sleep a couple of hours it will change so i'll just have to do the regular night cycle

    - deer meat on the menu and rest


    “We were playing a game against an unknown and unforgiving opponent. The stakes were terrible—play well or die—but we didn’t even know the ground rules.”
    Nando Parrado, Miracle in the Andes


    Day 11


    - I know another deer I can skin

    - lots of snow and very early heading out, a pack of four wolves in stretched like a caravan, one of them is extremely close to the farmhouse

    - i hope the cave is not occupied by the bear, hypoth sure gets me before i reach the deer

    - started a fire next to the deer and set water to boil

    - can't add coal yet and fire isn't enough to warm me at -9, harvested rosehips while it warmed up, then returned and harvested one big piece of meat

    - added coal, set the meat to cook and drank summit soda mostly for calories to prevent more health hits then removed the hide

    - grabbed meat before it burned and grabbed the guts, it's windy and the warmth bar didn't even fill completely while harvesting deer

    - began cooking herbal tea and ran to the cave to drop the hide and guts

    - almost died of fright upon receiving badge, i thought it was the sound was a wolf jumping around a tree to eat me

    - set new cup of tea to boil and crafted rosehips, set more tea to boil and ran off to collect mushrooms that grow next to the cave and picked up four feathers

    - took turns crafting mushrooms and boiling tea in parallel

    - the weather has improved, i never like wasting clear days, i am tired nonetheless after this activity, i'm concerned if i climb the rope the fatigue will hit me badly

    - uh no, not going for it, grabbed a torch and drank a cup of hot tea for the road and grabbed the guts with hide form the cave

    - if those four wolves are still that close to the farmhouse i'll be puppy chow, or the bear, the bear also likes hanging out there

    - lets not smell my guts all right? made it to the house

    - oh bummer i wanted to drink mushroom tea but drank herbal, i really wanted to save that for 10h block

    - i also forgot my cooked piece of meat! i dropped it into snow next to the fire because i didn't want it to attract anyone while i was sitting in the open

    - all right i will drink mushroom tea and sleep 2h because fatigue hurts health too and then see what i can do, maybe break some green crates and i'll hope to find my meat tomorrow


    “We were playing a game against an unknown and unforgiving opponent. The stakes were terrible—play well or die—but we didn’t even know the ground rules.”
    Nando Parrado, Miracle in the Andes


    Night 11


    - woke up prior to 10h mark at 49% of cabin fever, oh shoot, the moon is still out

    - what should i do? run outside and... that's unholy! blizzard! -51... -58... -64C!! got hypoth risk at the front door under one min while wandering how to save my hide

    - run back into the house and through to the other side where the shielded porch is, it's zero in here, cabin fever goes from 51 to 52% ugh! it's considered indoor... nooo!

    - death inside and death outside

    - snow shelter? i'll freeze in it too, but maybe slower than standing flat out

    - need more cloth, on the second floor upstairs... gah! 54% !

    - run around the house, where is that fire barrel?? at least i have accelerant to get the fire in one go!

    - can't add coal yet, the snow is blinding, let's build shelter... come on come on! i must place it close enough to the shielded fire! so hard to find a spot near... it keep showing red, hearing a bear sound while doing this

    - 45mins for shelter, let's hope i'm not icicle by then!

    - got it! ewww! it's -28C in shelter even next to the fire... come on coal save me!

    - warmer, warmer! above zero! saved. my health is so beaten. thank you coal

    - the sweater is 17% i guess i'll repair it, i had grabbed some extra cloth


  16. On 3/7/2019 at 7:46 PM, BareSkin said:

    If you really want to start the Interloper version and get the "Proudly Arrogant" diploma, this is Sleepwalker level 0, the code is 8MDM-qj4P-KxuD-iaGO-7gAA

    *smack fist on the table*

    I won't live 100 days, but I'll TAKE IT! :hatchet:

    Same conditions as described before. :D

    Ready? Set? Wolf lunch! Er I mean LAUNCH!!!!!

    Proudly Arrogant!



    Day 1


    - Crash landed at the crash landing site right by the cave. Funzie since that's the first time I've had this location.

    - Contrary to my hopes of looting the spot and then napping in the cozy area, there were no matches.

    - Found driving gloves, jerry can, a bandage and antiseptic along with a big pile of sticks and cedar logs before going up for the hand climb.

    - Passed a deer, shame, with matches and hacksaw this would have been a grand spot to rest and eat because the cave has a bed.

    - Got hypoth real soon due to strong wind and -20C when I was still checking containers near the yellow plane stuck in a tree where I found some cloth and metal pieces.

    - Used the yellow wing fragment as a bridge to climb higher. Here came the tricky part with the bottleneck wolf.

    - Saw the wolf from the distance and tried sneaking around him at the other side of the passage. He saw me of course and ran after me.

    - I ran like crazy towards the lake right in the middle of a bunny herd. He did take the decoy, but he took the decoy right in front of the path that leads out of this circle.

    - Checked for another way out but no cigar, can't climb up anywhere. Luckily, the wolf finished eating the rabbit and ran after another in a convenient direction, leaving me an open path to sprint towards another lake where I grabbed cattails.

    - Ran and ran until I found a warm cave. It was +5C without a fire. Since I had 144 rosehips I began crafting them while warming up.

    - The weather is doing very well only -8C, searched the radio tower and went down to Milton.

    - No barkies prowling the town square. Used the opportunity to check the post office and one of the houses where wolves usually cluster.

    - Yum, yum, toilet water. Still without the matches so the water is great. Also found a blue hoodie, yay, now I've got two.

    - Grabbed mushrooms and some cattails behind the cluster of houses and climbed uphill to a small house which has a small bed on the floor.

    - Warmed up and found more cloth. The moon was up when I peeked outside again. Grabbed three more mushrooms and went back inside this house.

    - I still have 550cal in my stomach and toilet water. Ate 1 more cattail and slept 8h.


    • Upvote 1
  17. Day 9


    - Let's go check what's across the bridge; another resource house and -1C inside boo

    - Checking cars and getting hypoth, so fast? boo!

    - Leap into a rural store, still cold? Wait, where are my clothes? oh took them off last night because all of them are in bad shape, no wander my rear is freezing

    - Finally, my first sewing kit! I'll hold on to it just in case. Purification tablets, fire accelerant, soda and candy bars, more matches!

    - There is no bed, too bad bed, I'm going to have to run back across the bridge to sleep off the ailments

    - Moderate snow when I wake up, this is the blizzardville, I'm going to follow the river bank

    - Maple saplings to the right, I think hacksaw works on them too not just hatchet, three of them and a deer ahead

    - So this is really what I wanted to try, build a fire next to the deer and while the fire is warming up hacksaw the meat off, it's about 20mins activity

    - Placed the meat onto the stones to cook, now I'm allowed to drop the coal in, hurray it's plus now even outside

    - One piece of deer is small, about ten mins cooking, grabbed mushrooms on a stump nearby and collected cooked meat

    - Harvested one gut, the other meat piece is almost cooked, the deer is next to a cave so I check the cave and find advanced guns book, umm I guess it's fuel on Loper

    - Picked up my meat, I have taken health penalty harvesting the gut from something else which isn't cold, maybe hunger or fatigue, I'll eat this 118 small meat piece and drink soda before taking a hide and the second gut

    - Two guts, a hide and 880 cal left for dinner, I think it was worth some health loss

    - Grab the torch and head back to the house, hypoth sets in when I'm already at the bridge, perfect!

    - I'll celeb.... bear!! Oh no! He's on my porch! I can't go around him, now he's looking my way, now he'd heading my way slowly!

    - The guts might be attracting him, run to the store and drop the guts, saplings and deer hide to cure

    - Bad weather sets in as soon as I close the door, it's too cold in the store and fires aren't allowed

    - I very much hope the bear moved on. Sneaking cautiously over the bridge, the visibility is poor

    - He's blocking the bridge on the other side, can't tell if he's heading this way or away

    - Oww my poor health banged by fatigue and hypoth, if I don't reach a bed soon... I have maybe five rl mins

    - Sliding dangerously down the steep river bank, if it doesn't let me climb the other side I'm screwed

    - Pant, gasp all right I'm on the other side, still must climb this rock to scout the area, can't run head first into that bear

    - I've lost him, where... where? ok I'm just going to make a run for it, I can either die to a bear being eaten by him or die to a bear trying to go around him

    - Chaaarge! phew! owie that's like 15% at least I'm safe

    - Wait I miss clicked and ate peaches instead of deer, um, ok ill drink herbal tea too and eat part of the meat piece

    - I have earned a good night sleep.

  18. Day 8


    - The night blizzard sure failed to stop

    - Ate peaches and jerky to finish an entire sewing book

    - Still hearing awooo, a few 15mins crates won't occupy time well, all right I will take the beating and run across the road

    - Three hours to hacksaw a metal shelf, let's do it for 8 metal pieces, still windy, busted two green crates

    - No awooo? Peek out to heavy snowfall, let's check the cars while I'm warmed up, one of them has driving gloves

    - Return to the bedroom house, tear up 9% driving gloves and put on my new ones

    - Let's satisfy with beans at 600 cal, it's a bit short but I haven't found any food today and have burned up a lot for activities

    • Upvote 1
  19. Day 7


    - The blizzard stops, so far so good, rest another hour, still strong wind, heat up herbal tea for warmth and go go go

    - Negative 34C, the nearest shelter might be the mine, go there before I become popsicle

    - Negative one at the mine entrance, grabbing lantern oil, emergency stim, driving gloves, simple tools, then head deeper where it's +5

    - So much coal, coal is very welcome, the passage is twisted and has bountiful nooks

    - Prybar #2, I'm very happy with both prybars, both came at 99% then work worn boots, that's a great shoe update, metal scraps, jerky and more matches

    - The wooden stairway goes up, a green box on a nearby landing can't be reached from here, I think I see another tunnel behind it

    - Broke 2 green crates along the way

    - Heads up, there is a Pleasant Valley exit ahead

    - I want to check the side corridor first, I've seen one branch off and suspect it goes to the green box, it actually does and not in vain, yummy jerky

    - Made a stash of extra items like a prybar and coal, still half kg too heavy

    - Whelp, I recognise Pleasant Valley by a pleasant blizzard, gtg anyway, without the bedroll the fatigue will kill me

    - I would have loved to camp inside the mine with a bedroll and wait out the weather

    - Since first you need to go along the wall and then turn left to reach a well marked highway and follow this highway, I have hopes of not losing the way, but I'm never sure on directions

    - This is super dangerous, health owie, walking walking, come on you can do it, oh here's the road, I should be good unless I turned in the opposite direction along the highway

    - You're at the crossroads! It looks like these crossroads are lucky for me because I see a house

    - One reclaimed wood, a lot of metal frames and crates, no bed, at least it's warm enough to melt a few icicles off my ears

    - Has the wind calmed down? Snow falls in big flakes, the sky is dark but not a blizzard and another house across the road

    - There is a bedroom! The kitchen has food.

    - It shines, it bites, it opens cans! dum di dum all I had to do was travel four maps

    - Failed again at lantern repair, got it done 2nd try, 52% feels much safer than 23%

    - The long suffering jeans I have taken off to preserve have finally bitten the dust, been wearing undies all along since wolf attack train wreck

    - Dug into my supplies and slept with the magic help of the herbal tea

  20. 4 hours ago, BareSkin said:

    Really, it's a game, do whatever gets you the most fun. If you need more challenge to have more fun, go for it :). Sorry to have underestimated you, that was absolutely not my goal!

    :D I'm kind of hanging in between worlds. You didn't give me Loper because it's unrealistic for me to achieve it, while voyager I can do but it's rather easy and I don't like the Stalker setting.

    What I might do is go full custom such as very low loot setting, but set temp a bit higher than Loper and wolf intensity not as high.

    • Upvote 2
  21. @BareSkin Do you want me to continue the current voyager challenge then since none seem impressed by my distinct lack of suffering? :D

    To me Loper is characterized by cold and starting without the bedroll (secondly matches, but matches are easier to find).

    I'd have to agree with LkP. Recently I've been considering not carrying the rifle entirely since it's 4kg heavy. It's like 2 heavy hammers. It gives you an illusion of being safe, but so far I've had success using the rifle only in the event when I was the aggressor and snuck up on non-moving or unaware target, but hitting a moving target, especially if the wolf surprises you from a nearby snowdrift and you don't even know the direction to shoot, for me personally is next to impossible. They tend to zig-zag, hide behind obstacles  and close distance very rapidly, while even at lvl 4 rifle skill the gun still wavers too much. On voyager, however, a missed shot very often frightens the wolf off, I'd say 70% success but if not it will prompt him to attack you. Suppose a rifle shot saves you a match from starting a fire if the wolf corners you. So far I had the best luck with wolf encounters simply running for it unless I'm dragging too much weight, not shooting myself out.

    From what I'm witnessing on that Stalker run video is that your chances are low fighting off a pack with a rifle. Stalker is more of a preparation for Loper where you need to learn how to avoid, but you have more resources and more warmth to maneuver around a bunch of wolves. Your odds are not high on voyager too if you agro a pack. There is a pack of wolves at the Maintenance Yard at the Broken Railroad on voyager. My survivor got gang banged by them, they ate my rifle and spat it out before chewing me up.

    A few more of my piraty logs.

    Day 12


    - Harvested shoes since it's still a bit dark out. Poop, forgot to drink prior, lost health for nothing.

    - Outside travelled higher ground since these waters run dangerous. Ended up in the logging area where the yellow wagon is.

    - Tried encouraging the deer to run ahead of me as I approached a huge metal facility, but the scoundrel ran off in a wrong direction leaving me visible to a persistent land shark guarding the territory.

    - Arrr! Nobody messes with me when I have a musket! Let them have two rounds and sent them yellow bellied chicken on the run! Arr!!

    - Achievement Unlocked - Don't Starve! Hardy Har! So far so good!

    - Yar! A green mask that makes me look a sea monster! Hardy Har! I'll be repairing that to become the scourge of these waters!

    - The elbow long ski gauntlets better than my gloves. Repair them too before buckling down for the night. Checking the other hermit hut is too risky due to the land shark.

    Day 13

    - Can't let the blighted land shark see me leaving. Crouched and stealthed towards the Ravine.

    - From the following metal tracks until I see a chain of upturned red wagons.

    - Since the landslide got them I cross a river taking two seaweed but leaving the rest since I'm passing through.

    - A tree bridge leads me to the other side of the landslide where I spot another cave.

    - This antiseptic bottle weights too much. Gathered beards and made a better wound bandage.

    - Built fire at the cave to dry clothes and stayed the night.


    Day 14


    - Both cold and foggy. Boiled some tea and water before heading out. A long road ahead.

    - That is a mighty bridge I must cross! I bet if you fall you'll get right through to Davy Jones' Locker.

    - At last the Ravine ended and I enter the Coastal zone that gladdens me heart.

    - I can smell the salt from the distance, so, I instantly turned downhill and travelled along the frozen creek to the rabbits grove where lay another hatchet.

    - Sea devil take this fog, it's everywhere. Chopped up a cedar limb to make fire.

    - Wanted to set a snare and realised I forgot it next to the cave at the Ravine where I spent the night.

    - Since no better shall be had, I dropped anchor.


    Day 15


    - Keep going downstream until I spot lots of tables and another hatchet which I grab.

    - This clearing has sings of bears, but no bears are seen. I'll proceed deeper into the forest to scout the territory. This seems like an opportune moment.

    - My sea worthy bones hum signing a storm in the making. I shouldn't be caught unaware in this weather.

    - When a small cabin comes in sight, I set sail directly for it. I've seen no such cabin before.

    - A blue box offers most welcome water that's running a notch too low.

    - Broke up a few items and organised when the wind outside stopped beating against the walls.

    - Since the weather turned for the better sailed downhill where me blood's callin' me.

    - Lo and Behold! Even if bound in solid shackles before me lays grey sea!

    - I check the boats ashore. They look sea worthy if only the coast wasn't so frozen solid.  

    - The sharks are howling mournfully scattered across the ice. Perhaps they miss warm waters too.

    - There be a small fishing village by the docks. I pick a corner house close to a fishing cabin to make another stash. This might be the right harbour to stop at.

    - It might be worth looking around more. Followed the fairway to a green carriage where another book on field dressing was. I suppose I could use that too if it has pictures.

    - Nearly bump into a land shark not far from the carriage and hurried to cross the fairway and go upstream.

    - The fairway led me to another hermit hut.

    - I had strange dreams at night that a metal bird crossed the sky and in a burst of flames crashed atop of the tallest mountain. It is a strange call I am hearing like I need to sail that way. Perhaps from the taller peak I will see my ship the crew of which betrayed me so. Maybe the Capt'n will chance his mind and come back for me.

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  22. @BareSkin  Then I take it for Interloper the code is the same, you simply first choose Loper mode and then input the same code to remove the sleep heal?

    I've been watching The Long Dark Year youtube  series. It's someone surviving a year on Stalker. From what I've gathered, there are many, many resources on Stalker as well, the biggest difference is the wolf population. Wouldn't turning down the wolves just make it voyager?

    So, I'm correct, you programmed whetstones out of existence? In 17 days I never found one.

    pfff Suuuure they will. :P I'm kind of glad though that I'm such a lousy shot. I don't feel sorry with the snares, but I do feel sorry for silly fluffies when they're caught with bare hands.

  23. “Survival is the celebration of choosing life over death. We know we're going to die. We all die. But survival is saying: perhaps not today. In that sense, survivors don't defeat death, they come to terms with it.”
    Laurence Gonzales, Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why


    Day 6

    - That is some stormy wind shaking the house, not even going to check.

    - Ate 2 candy bars and finished reading the wilderness kitchen. It sounds calmer now.

    - Left wk book and picked up a sewing book before heading out

    - Soooo, what's across the road? a ruined house, another ruined house and one to be entered

    - Rawr! Woof! Don't trip over yourself in a hurry to eat me, I'm too close to a house

    - Peaches, beans, candy bar, herbal tea, newspaper in a bathtub, everyone loves reading in the bathtub

    - I hope the wolf isn't guarding this house, peeked out, seems clear, back across the road to warm up in another house

    - I believe there is a trailer uphill, that's the place to go, just be careful of the bear cave nearby

    - Just a piece of reclaimed wood, I'll take it

    - Negative 7 only? that's extremely warm, I'll take advantage and climb the rope

    - Careful through the forest to the road, yes, there is the wolf and he's heading along the same course, I climb uphill and head parallel to him hiding behind the boulders

    - Eventually a mountain blocks the way and I must climb onto the road, I have outpaced the wolf, he's behind

    - It's difficult to see the tower among the pine trees, climbed some boulders to scout, there is the tower. Crunch! Ow, my ankle

    - Gather beards and rosehips anyway as I go

    - Climb a million stairs. It's -1C at the lookout, the bed offers zero bonus. Boo!

    - Let's get the fire roaring and check what's in here, another cotton scarf

    - Hurray! It's what I always wanted! A hacksaw hidden under an armchair and more matches.

    - Let's even use the coal to build 4h fire and sleep off the injuries


    Night 6


    - Big windows show a curtain of smashing snow outside.

    - Crafting four bandages and every stack in the inventory

    - Cooking everything too, strange, I thought I had two herbal tea boxes

    - Ding! you become more skilled in cooking, which is the first skill to reach lvl 2, precious extra calories, this canned food can be boosted

    - Used more coal, I wasn't planning on camping here part of the day and full night, it is too cold without the fire however

    - A chocolate bar and jerky before 6 more hours of rest.

    - I feel relief having survived Desolation Point. My demise will come inevitable, but being safe even for the briefest instance brings comfort.

    • Upvote 1
  24. @BareSkin By the way, what have you done to the whetstones? :D In which way has their existence not pleased you?

    Day 10


    - Up the rope I got in this grey but fair morning.

    - Hesitated whether to check the area for another rope with the stuff I'm currently carrying but then picked up all and won.

    - Ventured past a rainbow waterfall that shone like many precious stones. Live water at long last. Came up and put my hand into the stream even if it bit me like a vicious sea urchin.

    - Along the frozen river I went until an exploration cave entrance showed up ahead.

    - Followed the cave corridors without light eventually entering a place called the Mystery Lake.

    - Trappers Homestead ahead without the trapper. Just as well since they won't challenge me for the excellent loot in this homestead.

    - A snare for small fluffy creatures is on the workbench. Stepped out to set it and came back in.

    - Another pair of the best pirate boots! Set about repairing them. I seem to be stabbing meself less with a needle. My skill must have improved. Hid the Mukluks in a tall green box. I'm going to need to draw more treasure maps.

    - Yarr!! We're in good business! I spot a fancy musket up on a wall and a kit to fix it. Even though it's heavy, I take it and spend the rest of the evening cleaning it.

     Day 11

    - The snare caught a rabbit that got skinned outside. Blimey! Half of my warmth bar is be goners. It's -5C

    - Got back in and removed the meat. I have many matches. Started the fire to cook the rabbit. Can't leave it and don't want the stench to put every land shark around on me. Boiled a bit of water too to leave behind as a stash.

    - Happy I can leave the heavy hammer in the locker too before setting out.

    - Walked away rather far before I realised that I've forgotten a book on shooting back at the cabin. I don't want to go back for it.

    - It's windy and -5C when I spot up ahead a ruined house and a stove. The scoundrelous land shark is clinging to it. I curse at not being able to warm up and keep walking.

    - Lousy hills. I trip on one and gain a wrist sprain. I need to be able to pull out my musket, so, I use some pills to subdue the pain.

    - Unnamed pond ahead. I'm passing by, so, I only check the hunters blind and take the bow. Not taking any seaweed.

    - Say Boo! to a bunny to make it sprint ahead of me over a hill. Let it take a fall if there be any land sharks ahead.

    - It's mid-day when I spot a small cabin where I might stay the night. It's too windy and I don't feel like traveling.

    - Chopped up some clutter inside to free the space and get firewood in case I'll need to replenish water supplies.

    - Stepped out to collect mushrooms around the cabin. The wind stopped and the afternoon became very warm.

    - I still have half a good day worth of travel. Decided to press on.

    - Someone's been doing a lot of ship building in this area. So many stumps. A land shark is hanging around it.

    - Crossed the fairway and climbed the hill to keep it off my scent. We travel in the same direction for a while.

    - I get an ankle sprain and scowl but refuse to fix it. Some pirates live without one leg entirely. Those magic pills that kill pain best used in bigger emergencies.

    - My suffering is soon rewarded. There are three hermit cabins ahead that have another hatchet and prybar. Extra hatchets are valuable. I haven't seen any sharpening stones yet to fix them.

    - Hit the sack for 12h.


    • Upvote 2
  25. 49 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

    Hum, maybe that was way too easy? Didn't want to throw you on a stalker

    Actually, I think it is. I'm on Day 17 and I haven't dropped below 95% any of those days. Of course, you can't evade wolves forever, voyager included. The test of recovery would come after a major screw up where I'd lose a lot of health.

    All you have to do is not starve and avoid being bitten. The biggest problem with Loper for me comes from the cold. On voyager the clothes I have are sufficient to travel calmly. The weather is in the negatives sometimes even in those clothes, but I can either make fire or hide long enough for it to warm up or just reach my destination.

    In terms of your challenge, it is obvious that you must be fed all the time day and night and food is not a problem on voyager. I doubt this is doable for me on Loper though because I do not have the ability to hit rabbits with stones, which as I've noticed is the biggest food source in all the Loper videos I've watched. I only occasionally practice on voyager when my survival isn't dependent on actually catching them. I think I've been able to hit them something like 2/100 and both hits they ran away before I could pick them up.

    I'd like to point out that at this point I have successful taken down a bear AND a moose. But, I haven't caught a single bunny without a snare yet.  :D

    In terms of Stalker, I would prefer Interloper. I just don't feel like bumping into wolves every two steps of the way.

    I shouldn't have taken any of the feats on voyager. Cold fusion in warm weather = lol in terms of challenge. But it's crucial for me on Loper. I'll be using this one in all following Loper games.

    Day 6

    - Got to patching up me stuff. The lantern found at the gas station be fallin' apart. Got it polished shiny in four goes.

    - The pirate boots require additional mending.

    - Found another instrument called a hacksaw. Not as grand as my epic hatchet, but it has its uses.


    Day 7


    - Repaired work gloves to replace flimsy fleece mittens. Lether be always sturdier.

    - I need to get on the move least the port authorities show up to rob me of all my fairly looted loot.

    - Drew a map and hid all my extra stuff in a closet, including one pack of matches. One never knows when they may sail these waters again.

    - Arr! I'm still dragging hefty 42kg.

    - Moved down the street to a corner house with a bed and pot stove away from the sharks. I must crouch like a coward each time I'm exiting the fancy mansion.

    - There be a red tower up on a hill that I sailed to investigate. A huge wooden box next to it had a tiny hook. Hooks are great! If all this water wasn't frozen solid I'd get fishing and sailing done.

    - I have a big pile of plants in my pockets. Worked on organising my pockets by turning all the mushrooms into something that can be cooked.


    Day 8


    - Away I went from the town towards an office structure that has no door. It still has a decent bunk nonetheless and a stove to warm up the place.

    - Steered clear of the gas station due to them land sharks.

    - Chopped up firewood to ensure I don't freeze at night. As I did so a deep fog drifted in

    - Lost the office standing two steps away from it. Instead crossed an area with picnic tables and found a rope.

    - Went down the rope and left heavy tools at the base such as heavy hammer.

    - Went back up the rope to sleep at the office. Got small amounts of shuteye several times to avoid burning up firewood as much as possible.


    Day 9


    - Too windy and cold. Waited for noon when it got cloudy and light snow began falling.

    - All this mountain climbing isn't my thing. Give me open seas any time.

    - Thinking saltily about Bingewart. He's been eyeing my First Mate post for some time. How did the Capt'n trust that freshwater toad.

    - My search for a way across led me to a decent cave and a rope up.

    - Climbed the rope to drop half of my stuff and went back down to the cave to look around more.

    - Another lad who froze in this blighted cold nearby got a hatchet.

    - The cave has more dusty diamonds and cedar wood. I'll stay the night and sleep in a spare bedroll found in this cave.

    - After midnight a storm came in prompting me to start fire.

    - Storms are good when you're safe. Calm waters next morning.

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