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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1.  If you're asking this question, then this may not be the game for you. Fast travel is anathema to any survival exploration game, same as turn-based combat or magic potions would be. This may just not be the game for you.

    But if you do enjoy the game anyway and are looking for a fair way to speed up travel while changing nothing else, I would suggest buying and modding the Steam version to add the Time Accelerator mod. This will allow you to accelerate the entire game by holding a button (or pressing to toggle--your choice). This speeds up the entire game. Your needs all decrease faster, the time of day speeds up, animals move faster, everything. So it's very fair, totally preserves the balance of the game, and might be what you're looking for.

    It can turn those long painful slogs across the Muskeg from an ordeal that consumes your evening, to minor task that takes moments. And if you happen to get mauled by a bear or wolf because your character wasn't paying attention...well like I said, it's perfectly fair.

    (Edit: Full disclosure, the mod can also be inverted and used to SLOW time, making the game monumentally easier to the point that there's no point. Your choice if you want to use it that way.)

    • Upvote 7
  2. 13 hours ago, Sherri said:

    Ooo good theory! Maybe a tie-in with the experiments we learn of in the Tales DLC!

    Or a goddamn genius book to sell in 3 years. "All of The Long Dark stories and mysteries explained." I mean I'd buy that. And I'd probably be willing to pay a lot too.

    Edit: Although real talk, I'd sincerely prefer if all the mysteries can be unraveled through playing both Story and Survivor mode, and being very thorough in both. Let the player have a real, solid chance to piece the mysteries together, and then ultimately spoil it all on a wiki anyway for those who just don't care to be bothered or don't have the time to play the game to that extent. It puts all the power in the player's hand. Do they want to Google it? OK you paid for it, it's your choice. If not? You should have a real genuine shot at uncovering all the mysteries yourself. It shouldn't be NES Contra hard though. More like NES Legend of Zelda Second Quest hard. 

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  3. Thirst will be the ultimate killer, although inability to cook meat means that you will be vastly more prone to death from anything at all just on a daily basis, due to constantly hovering at 10% condition from constant gut-rot.

    Although honestly if you get to the point where that is your fate, I'll be pretty surprised. Odds are you'll die of something else long before. Interesting concept I'll grant you that, and as a scientist I am partially intrigued. But I generally avoid topics that necessarily result in player-character death, because...well...that's how you lose the game lol. I prefer to figure out tactics that encourage the opposite. But again, that's just personal preference. Science is science, and all knowledge is ultimately useful.

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  4. I was always favorable towards the practical items, moreso the clothing ones. I've bought two shirts and one mug, but I honestly use the mug infinitely more than I wear either of the shirts. And the reason why is actually pretty funny, because it's the exact same reason I don't use rare items in the game. I don't want to wear them out!

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  5. Two steps forward, two steps back...  Prior to this update I'd finally gotten back to the bunker in HRV and discovered that all of the searchable containers had reset. That base was damn well stocked, and it was nearly reset, except for the items I'd left placed out into the world as "trophies".

    I guess I'm about to lose more, and who knows what all that is. This is very strange, but I suppose it does kind of push me towards a more endgame scenario. Once all the DLC content is released and sufficient time has passed to stabilize the content and fix all the bugs, maybe then I'll start a new run. As it is, if I die in the meantime, I'm not starting a new character until after all content is done and fully patched. I'm seriously not a pessimist, I'm just a realist, and the trends have shown that bugs with each release (including fixes for bugs that introduce further bugs) are becoming more numerous, and more frequent.

    Edit: At least my main base at Paradise Meadows appears to be unaffected. As long as I've got that, I can probably eke it out until after the last of the new story stuff is finished, then start a fresh run that is hopefully bug free.

    Edit 2: So far so good! I finally found some ptarmigans who are going to be fun to finally experience. So far so good.... Since my main base is OK I'm actually kind of looking forward to seeing how ransacked my other bases are by other survivors.... I couldn't have justified my primary base being completely sacked while I was actively living in it, in that region. Everything else, eh, fair game I guess. If the place is abandoned for 2 months, take it. Go ahead.

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  6. My personal narrative is that their child died, presumably from some strange new disease that she was unable to find a cure in time. My headcanon so far is that the cure she brought to Great Bear, is the same cure that would've saved her child, had she had time to finish it. This is where I get into speculation but because of the astronomy arc to the story, I suspect this disease is of extraterrestrial origin. Hence the military secrecy. Maybe biological like an alien virus, maybe some kind of radiation poisoning from some cosmic event we've never seen before. 

    While on the plane Will sounds like he's starting to explain something, "the choices I made", and I know in very early, early drafts of the story Will had taken some shady jobs flying for some shady people.  I'm wondering if in the final draft maybe in desperation to save his child he did end up taking shady jobs for quick cash to help fund Astrid's research, and that's why Astrid knew he'd be the perfect pilot to fly her someplace she's not supposed to be, with cargo she's not supposed to have.

    Ultimately though, I don't think all the loose ends are ever going to be tied up. They kind of enjoy telling only half of any of the stories.

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  7. 2 hours ago, conanjaguar said:

    I’d have to agree with @Asinine, in real life there is no way to actually “repair” a bow, unless it’s the string that has snapped.

    I wouldn’t mind having the bows able to be unstrung, reducing decay rate but they can’t be used until they’re restrung (10 minutes?).

    Or maybe to balance it, drastically reduce the number of maple saplings and/or make them grow over time into full-sized trees?

    Or maybe just nerf the standard bow’s decay rate and/or damage to make the variants that much more desirable, a find worth dancing around about.

    Or maybe add special arrows that need the variant bows to be used to best effect.

    Or… I think you get the picture, there are a whole lot of ways this could work…

    Well bows only decay with use so unstringing wouldn't help there, as it'd still decay when you took the shot. But yeah, any time this comes up my go-to suggestion is to just have them take longer and require additional materials. Like cured leather for an improved grip, or scrap metal for special fittings.

    Honestly, I would prefer to find a crafting recipe for new items, rather than simply find the item. Like a research book that unlocks a recipe after reading. Then I can make as many as I want. Or do the Skyrim approach where you have to dismantle an item to learn how to build one. So you can choose to use it right away, and when you get back to your main base take it apart and learn how to build your own. And having to use multiple crafting stations over the course of the project would keep it interesting. Forge the rough parts, refine them at a milling machine, assemble them at a workbench.

    • Upvote 3
  8. 10 hours ago, Lumi said:

    Btw - I have already been using the workaround you described by accessing it through the inventory, but "use" in the inventory triggers bedroll placement, which of course is disallowed in a car and I am thus left without any options to use it in a vehicle. Thanks for mentioning it, though, because it's a lifesaver for anyone else with the same issue.

    It's used automatically in cars. You don't have to do anything. If a bedroll is in your inventory, it will be used in lieu of the +3 bonus. I'm actually not sure if it will intelligently choose to NOT use a bedroll if its warmth bonus is below +3C, mainly because I never let them get that low.

    But yeah, you can see it for yourself. Shove your bedroll in a glove box, bring up the sleep menu and check the bonus. Cancel, take your bedroll back, bring the menu up again and see which number is better. 

  9. 11 hours ago, Glflegolas said:

    Milton Basin -- meh. No real good base nearby, and carrying fish up the ropes to cook at Paradise Meadows isn't very feasible. Could work if you live at the Hermit's Cabin or in the Forlorn Muskeg.

    Paradise meadows. The two rope climbs aren't bad, there's a truck you can take a nap in if you're warm, or the cave if you're not. With crampons and a full tank you can take both ropes in a single go, going upwards. Downwards and back up you will want to take a short nap before the ascent, or the below-50 fatigue penalty to your weight might strand you halfway unless you drop some fish.

    Just satchel up, make sure you're Well Fed, drop everything that isn't fish at the top of the ropes. If you're just covered up enough to prevent frostbite, you can lug about 40kg of fish per trip. And if all you do is set up a line of tip-ups, similar to a snare line, one trip down and back up is probably all you need. 

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  10. You don't need to go to that much trouble. Any old jar will do. Just take a scrap of cloth and cut it into a strip for your wick, then ram the jar full of as much extra scrap cloth as you can find to soak up the fuel so it doesn't leak. Punch a hole in the lid to run the wick through, then just pour your accelerant of choice in (naphtha is recommended but gasoline, kerosene, lamp oil,  90% or higher alcohol) and light it. Will stay lit for probably a good hour, maybe more. Once the fuel is exhausted, the wick will burn up, but the burn will stop at the lid and it'll put itself out.

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  11. Lmao I wrote myself an auto-click script mapped to the E key, to make life easier when picking up massive heaps of sticks off the ground. I've gotten so used to just tapping E instead of using the LMB to click on objects, that one time when I went to light a torch I pressed E and blew through two entire cardboard matchbooks in about half a second.

    I absolutely save-scummed that one, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. That was dumb.

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  12. Oh funny little fact, if you have the Placing Anywhere mod installed, you can place ice fishing holes even in places that make no sense. You have to first be standing on valid ice when you go to chop the hole, but simply don't confirm it until you've got it positioned where you want. That might be on some actual ice elsewhere just so it looks normal, or it can be goofy like on top of an oil drum. Literally fish in a barrel!

    Assuming you play legit though, it truly doesn't add a whole lot. Generally speaking, you can't fish on rivers, although in places where multiple non-fishable rivers come together, sometimes you can fish there out in the open. In Pleasant Valley for instance you can find some fishing spots that are closer to "homey" locations like the farmhouse or the townsite that are closer than the hut up on the lake, but of course you'll be fully exposed without so much as wind cover. And places with no deep water like the Muskeg, you can't fish anywhere. Other places like DP and CrH technically already had a source of fish in the form of beachcombing. (And you can get both fresh and saltwater fish that way!)

    It hasn't resulted in any OP paradises, as near as I can tell. Most of the time the region either had a source of fish already so this is a subtle convenience, or didn't support fishing in the first place and so nothing changed. BR, HRV, and MT are the only three regions that come to mind where this has the potential to become a game changer. (i.e. a source of lamp oil that doesn't involve lengthy travel.) 

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  13. 21 minutes ago, yollarbenibekler said:

    Do you think it's possible to live in Ravine now?

    There are no spots where the water is deep enough in the Ravine or anywhere near it. The closest would probably be the opposite side of Carter Dam, down where that wolf patrols. Otherwise, the fishing huts back at Mystery Lake would probably be your best bet. Dealing with Bleak Inlet and all the timberwolves wouldn't be worth it IMO.

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  14. Shortly after the beachcombing adjustments I actually had a dream where one of those shipping containers from TWM had washed up in Coastal Highway, and was full of rare loot. That would be a perfectly feasible way to introduce renewable ingredients. Can of corn or peaches, maple syrup, and of course potatoes/carrots/etc. Obviously having an independent bag of flour wash up is not gonna make any kind of sense since it would be useless, but having an airtight shipping container wash up? Logical.

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  15. On 7/5/2023 at 9:12 PM, Enigmaecho said:

    praying they’ll be able to solve the issue and get these into old saves if I have to start again I’m waiting until the entire dlc is out 🫤

    Having fully re-explored the entire world and come up lacking with most of these, I've resorted to granting myself them via the dev console (a mod). I don't ordinarily do that, but I feel I've earned it having exhausted all legitimate methods of obtaining them.

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  16. As long as any new items are renewable. Even if via beachcombing. That's my biggest hang-up on all the new additions, they're one-offs so apart from some early experimentation, the fact that all the recipes are finite, really makes me not want to cook them.

    I mean this is beyond even the problem of "I can't start fires forever" because yeah, you kinda can, but these recipes aren't conducive towards the "wait for a sunny day then mag lens up a fire and cook literally everything you have" mentality that I think most of us play towards.

    A renewable firestarter would solve half of that problem, come to think of it. Renewable ingredients would solve the other half. Potatoes, carrots, flour, etc. are currently finite.

    Edit: I know the original purpose of the game was "survive until you die" but let's be honest, that's not what the game is anymore. It's become a long-term survival game. And we gotta consider that.

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  17. 2 hours ago, Semple Fi said:

    I haven’t found this variant yet, how long does it last with regular use?

    a composite bow should last over a decade with proper care… perhaps just a very low degradation rate would be appropriate?

    Degrades slower, but still degrades. I actively kill every predator I find to make my current region safer, i.e. deliberately depopulating the carnivores. And at my current rate, perhaps a month maybe two?

    Enough that I don't want to use it, because I'm already quite comfortable with the regular Survival Bow which I can replenish easily with a couple weeks' time in any coastal region.

  18. I have very little to back this up, but my personal belief is there's some extraterrestrial behemoth being kept dormant deep underground, and that the Canadian military has set up all these bunkers and such to keep an eye on it. Hoping it never wakes up, but...well... it's starting to.

    "Sleep research centre" and all that.

    I know it's a HUGE leap to go from "Astrid works at a sleep research centre" to "godzilla is napping" but hey shut up lol

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  19. 4 hours ago, sarudak said:

    Why is it a showpiece? Who are you showing it to? Why not just use it and use it up? What are you losing exactly?

    Oh I hear ya, and I'm right with ya. But it doesn't change the fact that us potion-hoarders are inherently getting the shaft by never using non-renewable items.

    Frankly I consider it a form of OCD. A very mild one, but the facts are the same--hoarding nonrenewable video game items is a real thing that I've noticed not only in myself, but in many many others. Make something renewable, even if you never actually use a single one up, and people will use it.

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  20. That shell issue sounds like an old bug that came back to life. In 2017 shortly after the first iteration of Story Mode dropped, this was also an issue. You'd shoot a flare shell at something, and find an intact shell on the ground at the same spot the following day.

    Oh I exploited the hell out of it, don't get me wrong. But yeah that's definitely not supposed to happen.

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