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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. 11 hours ago, Bimbobjoejr. said:

    I like the idea. It would be super cool to unlock some special craftable items after mastering a certain skill. Like stronger arrows or a better bow with archery, or heavier bullet types with gunsmithing. I just wonder how big of a challenge it would be for the devs to add that all to the game. But I love the idea regardless 

    Archery in particular. Being able to craft broadhead arrows that increase your crit chance. Or a compound bow with a light hold weight, so once the bow is fully drawn you can keep it drawn for longer. A crossbow that can be hip-fired.

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  2. Just thinking it'd be kind of slick if at Level 5 for Archery, Mending, and Gunsmithing, some new Masterwork crafting recipes unlock. They'd require a ton more time and resources than the base variants, but would allow you to craft improved versions of clothing that offer better stats for less weight. Or variants of the Bow, Rifle, or Revolver that are lighter, faster, or hit harder than stuff you find in the world. Because if you're really a master gunsmith, you are probably capable of some ingenious marvels of both artistry and engineering even while full on Tony Starking it all up from scraps in a cave.  And after your 100th bearskin coat, I'd think you know a thing or two about the craft. So it might take you 5 bear hides to make, but by accepting only the best fluffiest bits you can craft a bearskin coat with stats on par with an Expedition Parka.

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  3. So at first I was highly skeptical of why anyone would want to craft arrows that only kill rabbits. I mean who even bothers with rabbits anyway? Then it hit me....TARGET PRACTICE. Be veewwwwwyy qwwiet, wwe're hunting wwabbits today.

    All of a sudden my eyes lit up like dollar signs every time I saw a rabbit grove, and I couldn't wait to scorch me up some bunny skewers. Rabbits will have you shooting arrows like Robin Hood in no time flat.

    • Upvote 6
  4. Barb's once I'm settled and can afford the extra weight, but Vaughn's if I'm travelling to a region where I don't have a rifle left behind. Otherwise I just bring ammo and use the rifle I've left there. For the most part though I'm a fan of the bow, and save my rifle rounds for big game. The long shots are a lot easier with iron sights than with the bow. (I've made some pretty slick trick shots with the bow in my time, including one-shotting a moose from so far away I had to shoot practically 45 degrees up, but those are definitely the exception.)

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  5. Well, with days to spare my new TFTFT survivor is maxed out and ready to kick the far territory's ass right square in the face. Maxed out all 5's, all the best gear in top shape, and enough ammo to win every war, ever, combined. I'm currently camped out at the Paradise Meadows farmstead waiting for the new region to drop. But I've got well stocked forward stations established in every region just in case they pitch a fastball.

    Bring it on. I'm ready for this! Probably gonna be a heck of a lot easier than tackling Forsaken Airfield in basically my underpants.

    • Upvote 3
  6. On 3/22/2023 at 7:32 AM, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

    Does the area show up as complete in the overview?

    This is what I'm looking at in my journal. Everything in every region is mapped fully, except for this second instance of the Mysterious Signal Fire. I've tried re-mapping the actual Mysterious Signal Fire, and tried mapping the empty spot where the other fire can spawn, and nothing clears it up. I mean I already have Faithful Cartographer so it's not the end of the world, it's just obnoxious to have things incomplete in my journal.

    I even tried using a dev console mod to force-reveal the entire map, and that didn't mark it as surveyed either.


  7. 13 minutes ago, Merrak said:

    So this is just visual? Is there any real threat of falling off the sides of the rope bridge when it sways?

    Well you can if you walk off the edge sure, but if you line yourself up so you're staring dead ahead at the other side, and you just go straight, you'll make it every time.

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  8. Any rope bridge. My player meta-knowledge knows they're perfectly safe as long as you walk straight. You can even hit them at a full sprint safely. But the audio and visual feedback says "This rickety rope bridge is falling apart under its own weight, hasn't been maintained in probably 50+ years, and you're going to just trust your life to it. Sure. OK. Yeah. Great idea. Hey, guy on the ground who obviously fell off the bridge, is this a good idea?"

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  9. First person to guess correctly has to come up with the next question. The only rule is that the answer must be obtainable in a regular non-modded current version of the game, because console players can use neither mods nor the time capsule. TFTFT content is fair game once it's released to consoles. So...with that out of the way...

    In Episode 3, you can find several bunkers that belonged to someone named Joplin.

    What was Joplin's first name?


  10. Well in defense of lock picking, bashing open a door is generally going to render that door useless. I mean it might shut, but it won't latch and will eventually end up getting blown open as air pressure shifts, and eventually blown off after battering back and forth in a heavy storm. Let's use the Cannery as an example. Say the employee break room was locked with a simple lock. You can invest the time to pick the lock, in which case you are rewarded with a sweet little wolfproof outdoor/indoor safehouse. If you instead choose to bash the door open, you still get the bed and barrel, but now that the door is missing it counts as wind-sheltered but fully outside, and the wolves can come right in.

  11. 22 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

    Quite frequently while playing, all sound in the game will stop for a fraction of a second.  Has anyone else experienced this?

    I have noticed this in a couple of locations, specifically Carter Dam and Cinder Hills Coal Mine. It's not just the sound, it's like the entire game hiccups for 1/10 a second every 3 or so seconds, while I'm in either of those locations. But nowhere else.

  12. 10 hours ago, LunarLime said:

    It could just be the standard horror cliché of "Someone tries desperately to get a phone call out, but the killer gets them first".

    Interestingly enough in Episode 3 there's a random corpse a short ways away from the one burnt down cabin that somehow still has a working phone. You could argue they were trying to get a call out, realized a wolf had spotted them, and tried to make a run for it.  Pure speculation of course, but why not.

  13. So I just had a thought, not so much a wish list as it is a "what if" hypothetical. But some sort of trading is being introduced as part of the DLC. We know Gold Nuggets exist in the game as collectibles (Story Mode Episode 4), but what if the Gold Mine actually has Gold Ore that respawn every so often, like coal. Collect the Gold Nuggets, which you then bring all the way back to the Trader in exchange for stuff.

    So that would serve as sort of a self-imposed quest, especially if the Trader and Gold Mine are on opposite ends of the world. (Which, if it's in the Far Territory, they absolutely would be.)

    Why does he want gold? Maybe he's a crazy prepper that's just just so ridiculously well stocked he's convinced he can outlast whatever is going on, has enough porn to prevent Cabin Fever, and enough surplus food and gear to sell off some for gold which he can use to be rich in the new world order.

    • Upvote 2
  14. 25 minutes ago, Semple Fi said:

    Love the idea!

    Problem is that blasting caps are only in Wintermute, correct?  Since the decoupling… would that make incorporation harder or easier?

    Well in Story the Bear Spear is basically a collectible. It doesn't appear in your inventory and has no weight, yet it shows up in the radial menu if you have obtained it. In Survival mode, assets for an equippable, carriable Bear Spear were added to the game as well. That version has a presence in your inventory, has weight, and can even be harvested for a spear tip and maple sapling. But it was never fully completed and introduced into Survival mode.

    I'd imagine blasting caps could work much the same way, but easier since it's basically just a key and not something you can equip that has behavior and physics around it. Just something to collect in order to open a path.

  15. 1 hour ago, Semple Fi said:

     There are power lines but no real power company. 

    Actually there is--Mainland Power. Farmer Barker owed them a lot of money, according to a collectible you find in Episode One.

  16. I've always wondered when we'll get sinkhole hazards. You see all these caves with shafts of light coming from high above, and sometimes dead people or animals on the ground where they fell through to their deaths.

    Now obviously insta-killing the player in the middle of a wide open field would be just a bad idea all around, but a sort of variant of Weak Ice might work. You get several seconds of hearing rocks crunching and cracking and know you need to beat feet. If you fall through, maybe it's not one of those massive caverns, but you should take some falling damage comparable to falling through the ice, and end up in the network of caves under the region.

    Sort of like how if you were in HRV and certain spots could cause you to fall through the ground and end up inside one of those two Ice Caves. Edit: Or it could be a one-off event, to "unlock" the region. Instead of a game of "find code, unlock door" it could be "fall through ground, navigate cave network, find dynamite, blast debris free to create a new exit and now you have full access to the region. Best part is, blasting caps are in the game already.

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  17. 12 hours ago, Moosemaster said:

    Well lucky for me as a true gamer I haven’t touched grass in 20 years and won’t need to use it 😎

    Oh ho ho, but now we have the Steam Deck so even true gamers are allowed to go outside once or twice in their life!  A handheld capable of emulating every other system, in addition to playing most PC games? Magic! At least At least as long as the battery holds out. Totally takes me back to the good old days where I'd raid every remote in the house looking for batteries to power the Sega Game Gear only to have it drain them all dead in about 8 minutes, then put all the dead batteries back where I got them and quietly laugh at my family trying to figure out why nothing works anymore. *sigh* Good times...

    But now I'm getting way off topic.

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