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Posts posted by odizzido

  1. I play with minimum spawns with fishing disabled and maximum animal population lowers over time. There are still way too many animals, I wish we could set it lower....like 10X lower.

    Also I play with sleep regen off and awake regen on low. It helps to bandaid the issues at least.

  2. 7 hours ago, Hotklou2404 said:

    Rolling sounds like it would be very clumsy and take a lot of effort to do with that heavy backpack on your back.

    That was bad communication on my part. I always think of our character as someone who has no legs but has wheels and that's why we are the way we are in the game. It came out in a way that wasn't understandable but what I mean is if we could "step" over objects.....but in the game it would be more like pushing ourselves over or something because we kinda slide around the ground in the game engine.

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  3. haha I know what you mean, when I got to about 26-27 years old I started packing on the pounds. It's slow and not easy to notice but when I started growing moobs and going down stairs got jiggly......well, that's when I was like "oh, goodness".

    I don't mind gaining weight easily though, food isn't a big thing for me IRL. That's lucky I guess, I know it's a struggle for a lot of people.

  4. Increasing scent range is a bit of a double edged sword because you can get meat delivery service if you bump up your scent rating. I've done that a few times to lure dogs in for their meat. It could make hunting much easier.

  5. The number of calories you would need per day is at least 2000 if you're not working too hard and not too cold, but that can go up quite a bit to 4000+ if it's really cold and you're working hard.

    That being said, the meat in TLD is absurdly low in calories compared to RL, and the amount of meat you get off an animal is also absurdly low. I understand they want you to hunt a lot because there isn't really a lot to do otherwise but personally I would like it if they bumped up the calories and meat amounts but then lowered the number of animals.


    Also you have to be able to eat 2+ kg of meat because our character could literally die of starvation in a single day. If they added an energy storage/fat system then you could limit your meals which could be interesting.

    For example you can only eat like a kilo at a time, and it bumps your energy up, but if you've been starving for a week it won't max out your energy. To get high energy you need to not under eat. A fat system could mean you don't start dying in under a single day of not eating, it would eat away your fat stores instead.


    Most of my ideas of how I would like TLD to be are to make things more long term. Don't kill someone super quick, get them in trouble and give them a chance to try to fix the problem if they can. Seeing death slowly getting closer instead of jumping out at you is more enjoyable for me.

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  6. Apparently they don't want to add jumping because it would make it too hard to contain the player where they want them to be.

    Honestly if we could just lift our legs more than 5mm that would be great. Getting jammed up on every twig and tiny snow drift is just......not great.

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  7. Yeah I noticed that. I always play custom so I am not used to loper but I had quite a lot of food on the short little game I tried. I didn't touch any of the left over carcasses I passed by because I found searching for clothing and a hammer to be a higher priority and food to not be a concern.

    I assume that later on when trying to settle down a little being able to eat dogs would be handy though. That's an assumption I guess, I did see an awful lot of animals so dog meat might not be something you would care about.

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  8. Could you imagine in real life. You're out in the cold ripping up a couple shirts you found to patch up your jacket and then you shred your jacket up too. That you're wearing. On purpose. Only after do you go oh crap. It's almost impossible.

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  9. You don't need to know spawn locations of items, and I don't think you even need to know the maps really. It helps of course, but from my experience they're not necessary. I don't know the maps very well and I got lost a few times in just my first six days when I tried a loper game last night. I don't know the connections well either so I was just wandering around not sure where I was going.

    What I think you do need to know is how the game works. If you don't know that putting on clothes can actually sometimes make you colder that's going to be a problem. Or that health regenerates really quickly and that you can spend that health currency on what you need the most. Or that houses are warm forever so you don't need as much wood as you would think. Or that you can break meat down into tiny parts to get cooking skill up quickly so you can eat dogs because our character somehow cannot cook a piece of meat through and gets parasites.

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  10. So I normally don't play interloper but I made a game of it just now to see what I do. I have made it to day six or something so far no problem and these are the things I notice I do:

    1) Don't be afraid to skip loot you don't need to keep weight down

    2) Magic houses are your friend because they're warm forever. Each time you pass a house if you can sleep(enough food/water) you can rest in a bed until your temperature is high. This also allows you to sprint around outside more to reduce the time spent in the cold.

    3) Look after your most immediate needs. If you have plenty of food, don't go out of your way to collect it. If you don't need cloth don't shred anything. If you don't need wood don't pick any up unless it's in your face and it takes no time.

    4) Hills are your friend. Until you have a weapon it's best to avoid dogs. Hills can let you see where the doggos are.

    5) Don't bother killing/harvesting animals right away unless you have to, all they will do is make you stinky.

    6) Don't stay in one place. Collect what you can from the area and keep going to new places until you find smithing equipment(your long term survival gear maker)

    7) Unless you're about the get to a central area you will be passing through again don't collect wood until you're encumbered. It just slows you down.

    8 ) When you do sleep use herbal tea if you need extra health and sleep in.....five?...six? hour blocks then drink more if needed.

    9) Use your health credits on what you need the most. I found I kept my food/water high because I needed to spend my health credits on cold damage. Of course I got lost in a blizzard because I didn't know the map well enough so that's why I was doing that.

    10) Don't be afraid to use your valuable stuff right away. I used a stim on day two. Later on when I have better stuff I won't care as much about stims and such.


    Hopefully that helps. Really it's all about determining your most immediate need or your weakest point and focusing on that.

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  11. On 3/8/2021 at 11:20 PM, starlin said:

    and fans of both story and survival mode benefit from the fact that HL is financially stable enough to do that for free

    I have issue when people say hintlerland is releasing free content. No. Hinterland released an unfinished game which you could pay for early to gamble on them both finishing it and that it would be good. I took that gamble myself. It's not free content, I pre-paid for it.

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  12. DLC is almost always a cash grab and rarely even okay. Often times they make the game worse whether you buy it or not. I am looking at you paradox. Paradox is so bad for that.


    The worst part is that steam force patches your stuff and most games are steam exclusives. If they wanted to mess a game up after you buy it okay, but don't force patch me to that trash version. That's why I don't pay more than about six dollars for games on Steam anymore which means I haven't purchased a game on there in years. I don't know how people stand it.

  13. I really hope that if they do add customisation that it actually does something. I and I know at least some others don't care about cosmetic stuff in games enough to bother with it. If it both looked nice AND it did something practical, then I would be all for it. They could have it as a dual purpose item/change.