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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I would contact Support. You have no way to retrieve files from your old SSD?
  2. I believe they were specifically referring to them "growing back".
  3. Can't hurt to ask, right?
  4. Wouldn't the BI Cannery make an ideal place to build a 'settlement'? Somehow, get the fishing boats going again, repair the machinery, and let us can sardines? Fire up the radio tower to send signals out to other survivors? Limitless potential!
  5. Ever notice when you loot these bodies that you can only do it once, as if they're "merged"? Is that a dedication to their death, as they huddled together they became one? I have to admit, it does tug on my heartstrings because this looks like a father and daughter and I do have a daughter.
  6. But if it was barred off, how would men be in danger of collapse? 😋
  7. If they were just after support, they would go with this type of structure:
  8. I'm pretty far in by the time I reach this sign - a little after-the-fact? 🤪
  9. ...as to why this is barred off?
  10. hozz1235

    All New

    I have seen it expressed by others and I agree wholeheartedly - I envy new players to TLD. Everything is new and exciting! Don't get me wrong, I still get much enjoyment from the game, but after 2k hours, I know it pretty well. If only I could "selectively forget" certain things! 😆
  11. I always thought this was kind of odd in the DP Broken Bridge Cave. Notice the size difference between these 2 "equal" sticks? TheLongDark 2021-03-12 17-23-18.mp4
  12. Welcome @MendingtheCoffeeCup!
  13. Welcome @Kedakai Okami and good luck with your challenges!
  14. @xAnAngelOfDeathx All my game settings are maxed. Inside a building the FPS is 100+ but outside, around 40.
  15. If you're hitting over 50, I'd like to know what your settings are and what kind of hardware you're running. It seems I hover around 40. I would expect more due to my RTX 2070.
  16. When you see some cattails and say to yourself, "I wonder what they really taste like?"
  17. As @AdamvR stated, I believe it may be possible for a moose to spawn without scrapings, but the vast majority of times I've bagged moose, there have been scrapings. Don't wait though.
  18. So you're saying if I repeatedly kill a wolf every time it spawns, their spawn timer will decrease? 🤔