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Posts posted by stratvox

  1. 1 hour ago, jeffpeng said:

    It probably is the proper "spiritual" successor to SimCity when it still was SimCity.

    That sounds good. But...

    3 minutes ago, odizzido said:

    Skylines costs about 230 canadian right now. The price is much too high for me, especially when it's a steam game. I do have interest in skylines but I will probably never play it because they won't sell it for a price I will pay.

    Yeah... that says that I'm going to not get it now. 230 Canadian... good lord. I'll keep any eye peeled for any good sales, but that's a completely insane price. I don't care that it's steam, but good god that's a lot of money.

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  2. On 4/3/2021 at 2:06 AM, odizzido said:

    Not that strange of a system. That's a lot of cores and ram but I imagine you do stuff beyond gaming with your system. What would have been strange is if you did production work and purchased intel. Almost as strange as intel releasing the 11900K which is slower and more expensive than their previous part.

    Yeah, I work at a distributed computing startup; my home machine participates in the computation network on a reasonably routine basis (for testing the distributed computer) and we have a lot of AI workloads; being able to get a lot of that going on at once is a major plus when we're trying to stress test the components that make up the distributed compute network.

    When I think back to the ol' 486-66 with it's whopping four whole MB of RAM running DOS and win 3.11 it's pretty amazing how far it's come in thirty years.

  3. On 3/31/2021 at 5:06 AM, jeffpeng said:

    Today I prefer to play the games as they were meant to be.

    There is one exception to this rule, and that is KSP. Some of the eye candy mods are incredible. I tend not to go for big gameplay changes though, mostly it's info (kerbal engineering redux, kerbal alarm clock, etc) and eye candy (scatterer, eve, stock visual effects, waterfall, etc).

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  4. I have a weird system. ryzen 3950x, rx6900xt, 64GB RAM, dual TB nvme pcie4 drives in a mirrored RAID.

    I run the game with everything all the way up at 4K and get all of the frames. The video card's fans only spin up a bit. I do rate lock it to 60Hz though, because that's what the TV I play video games on is capable of doing, so why use more electricity than I need to?

    I run the windows version of the game under the Proton dx3d compatibility libraries under linux; I think the two main ones are DXVK and D9VK depending on which version of directx is being supported. Proton is awesome, esp. because the linux version of TLD is broken, so I'm very glad I'm able to play the Windows version of the game; I think the linux version started breaking around the "Vigilant Flame" update, IIRC. So... yeah. Weird system, but it works.

  5. It does a shadow effect around the edges of objects, so if you look at say a tree limned against the sky, look carefully around the tree and you'll see that there is a sort of penumbra around it. Helps make the landscape pop. It's also pretty expensive computationally speaking, so it really depends on whether your card's up to hammering it. If you're having trouble with frames dropping large, try turning it down instead of just off to see if your card's up to it.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Ahatch said:

    Thank You Hinterland

    I have played the Long Dark about as much as classic titles like Warlords II. Just an awesome game that just keeps getting better. Can't wait to explore the next cool region :) 

    Loved for Warlords II. I still have a copy of that about somewhere, I should try and fire it up again. Such a great game, perfect for beer and pretzels around the home PC.

  7. On 6/30/2020 at 11:21 AM, Senauer said:

    There is a two-layer cave not too far, uphill from the nearby picnic tables and close to the map’s edge. Plus sometimes you get the bunker spawn also around that same area (except in loper, of course).

    Don't forget the Forest Cave, just down the hill there. I've had guys live in that cave for literally months; the forest always provides plenty of firewood, and the ice fishing means food is never going to be a major problem. The pond is also a moose spawn, there are wolves and deer nearby for clothing production and maintenance, the radio hut's close by for its worktable, and there are two bears close by... but not too close by if you follow my meaning.

    Forest Cave is the best spot on that map, once you've got enough of the basics going on that you can leave the safe houses behind and start living in the bush.

    WRT PV love... PV is one of the few maps that is basically close to indefinitely survivable; the amount of hunting there is incredible. It's just so huge.

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  8. 9 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

    yeah, sometimes more, sometimes less but usually it stays pretty consistent provided you deploy a high number of snares consistently.    Next time you find a bunny spot, saturate the area with snares upwards of 12 or more.  make a little grid and let "nature" do it's thing.  It might take a couple of days for the cycle to kick in, but after you start the algorithm ticking, the game will keep generating bunnies to fill those snares.  

    This... is useful information. Thank you.

    • Like 1
  9. 16 hours ago, odizzido said:

    That's a good point. I likely wouldn't even consider DLC if it wasn't released DRM free.

    Ummm... you folks do know that TLD does not use the DRM features in Steam, right? I am able to run the game without Steam by invoking it from the command line, without any steam libraries loaded or anything like that, right? I'm not sure why they would change that policy for their DLC...?

  10. On 3/18/2021 at 11:10 PM, odizzido said:

    I fully intend to play the story mode. It's the main thing I want from the game. However I am old and patient. I enjoy story games the most when I can sit down and play the entire thing so that is what I am waiting for.

    As to survival, I've tried it out. I find it's not challenging enough in the ways I like to be challenged to keep me interested. To me the long dark is at its best when you're fighting against the environment. I am not interested in the wolf thunderdome, I have STALKER: Anomaly which is vastly superior for fighting animals.

    Yeah. I played the initial two episodes when I got the game shortly before 1.0, and I played the first episode of redux, but I'm waiting until they're done to dig in to the rest of it, so I can hammer the whole thing down in one shot and get the actual story qua story. From my POV, that'll be the cherry on the sundae, because if I'm being honest with myself the survival game was worth the price of admission by itself; I'm down to something like a penny and a half per hour or so... only 30 hours away from hitting 3K hours in game, according to Steam, which is completely insane in and of itself and puts TLD as far and away the most time I've passed in any game ever... and I started with Pong in my friend Ooze's basement back when I was like eight years old. 

    @Raphael van Lierop, you're a digital skag peddler dude. You should be ashamed of yourself! :D 

  11. I'm kind of torn, Hinterland. I mean, part of me wants to see the whole island get mapped out for a truly massive survival sandbox, but at the same time there are some hard limits that I'd love to see fixed by creating a new version of the game. One of the truly brilliant parts of the TWM is that the hut is not an interior; having the entire game be like that would be truly excellent and something I'd totally be willing to pay real money for. I don't think the art style and maps would really need to change all that much, though I'd really love to see what could be accomplished with ray tracing in this game; the way light is used is so very very cool and I'd love to see it get the RT treatment, with full atmospheric light extinction it could be truly truly beautiful; see some of the work blackrack has done with scatterer (from Proland) in kerbal space program, for example; that coupled with ray traced light from the sun and moon etc with the massive landscapes you've built would be really beautiful, I reckon. Imagine looking down Mystery Lake during an aurora and seeing it reflected on the ice surface. Imagine having a fully seamless experience no matter where you go in the world, with no loading screens and the ability to always know the weather by looking out the window. So, new regions (sugar)? Or a new version (meat)? I'm torn.

    I also would really like to see map making tools released; I think it would be amazing to let people try and make regions. I for one would dearly love to see a set of regions based on the Killarney region in Ontario, but I think it'd also be amazing to have something like TLD: Gros Morne. I'd go for it but my visual art skills are not what you call "the best".

    You guys should also make a new story/IP; as a studio I think you very much need to consider diversifying; it'll be much better to get another successful world built for your long term prospects I'd think. Something completely different from TLD.

    So yeah, if you guys can just keep expanding the current game (I'd really really love to see a mountain lion, deep game events like extra long blizzards and other things of that nature, and more regions), make some new related stuff (new engine with funky fun stuff for TLD 2, then after you release the Great Bear Island map use the reimplementation to build some new stories; for example, what happened in Vancouver after the first flare? Or Manicouagan?) and you know, get going on whatever the next set of stories you want to tell... I bet a near-future William Gibson-style cyberpunk Vancouver after global warming and some ten metres of sea level rise could make for some very very cool settings and environments to explore human nature in.

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  12. Speaking of goating, I got some BI glamour shots:


    Finally got up here! Still trying to figure out the other side of the promontory....


    Let's get a little closer to that old monastaryradio hut.


    Looking over the Frozen Delta.


    Southwest across the bay.screen_0691818d-f5f2-45cc-bfa2-9fd67228236e_hi.thumb.png.00f28db6466f6e495c831d7e57d53c0c.png

    Snowbound night in the Pensive Lookout. I'm beginning to really like this particular spot. I think this shot makes a good desktop wallpaper; what do you think?

  13. Yes, that's the way I've always done it because it's a lot easier wrt rope climbs. You've still got to be slimmed down to below encumbrance carry weight, but you don't exhaust yourself the way you do going up the back way. The back way looks like suicide to me if you don't have at least two stims, maybe three, whereas you can do it with none going the other way by picking your route to maximize your shelter opportunities. It's a lot better now that caves are caves again in AC; it makes going that way able to be a lot faster because you don't have to go aside to Miner's Folly to be able to rest in safety; a fire in a cave will keep you alive too. Of course if you don't have the bedroll you'll be going to Miner's Folly to rest anyway, and then doing a one shot across all those bridges to get to the gold mine, but <shrug> the views are what makes that trip fun anyway :D . It takes a day longer but I think it's less likely to kill you that way.

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  14. I generally find the abandoned places of human habitation and industry more depressing than not, and have really learned to love living away from (most of) those places; as you say, there are some exceptions: Mountaineer's, Trapper's, Fishing Village, Foreman's, but by and large I tend to spend a lot more time 'camping' in caves before living in houses... once I've got the stuff together to make it effective (big one being high fire skill).

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  15. IME the pea coat takes more of a beating than the expedition parka; it survives wildlife attacks better. I suspect it has more "hit points" than the parka does... assuming that amount of damage is a real thing during animal attacks (i.e. I don't actually know what the internal mechanic of the game for dealing with clothing damage is).

  16. I disagree a bit... I mean, if the point is to re-found civilisation, then yeah, but that's not really this game.

    I have a lot of hopes for TLD 2: The TLDening, but we'll see what they actually do with the game.

    Coincidentally I'm currently working BI with my long neglected super long save, with the intention of picking up stakes soon-ish and heading up to hit AC.

    Lot of things to like about BI... and I can reiterate that once one breaks the timberwolf packs' morale, it stays broken and they don't really pose a threat any more. I have been sneaking about killing them pretty much with impunity.

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