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Posts posted by stratvox

  1. However, trying to run desk lamps as dynamic light sources will hammer your video card, and I'm pretty sure that's why they're immobile. If they can't move it allows the dev to pre-compile all the lighting shaders involved in getting that lamp to glow, which means better load times, better frame rates, etc. This is an old video game trick used to help deal with keeping framerates somewhere reasonable.

    If you play KSP on a marginal machine, crank up the light cascade setting to max, put a boatload of lights on a space craft, and you'll see what I mean; that's the setting the controls the maximum number of light emitters. If you want to have a lot of lights on your spacecraft you need that setting up high... and you might find that having a lot of light emitters means that you end up getting bad frame rates. That's because in the physics model used by KSP they MUST be dynamic; there's exactly one immobile light source and it's Kerbol sitting there at coordinate (0,0,0), so their light fields are getting dynamically calculated each frame. This can get pretty computationally demanding pretty quickly as the number of light sources goes up.

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  2. Hey did some messing about on this; it looks like the state is not updating until you equip the crampons, and then they show the new wetness value.

    If someone else can test to see if that seems to be the case, that'd be awesome; it would allow a bug report that would probably allow them to home right in on the software issue that's causing this.

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  3. I haven't made the run down to the Cannery Workshop to find out yet; I'm still exploring Ash Canyon. There's a LOT in there, and there are a huge number of hidden little spots that aren't obviously found but totally exist... I can see them, but I haven't yet been able to reach them, and I'm still messing around with that. They are definitely decaying with use... in AC the terrain is rugged and the crampons make a huge difference wrt sprains and just how quickly you can get around, so I've been wearing them pretty much non-stop. They are decaying, and doing so fairly quickly, at least in my game. They were in the nineties when I picked them up, and they're in the seventies now.

  4. 1 hour ago, Catlover said:

    Oh, thanks @stratvox, I must've gotten F10 and F12 mixed up or something. I'll try that next time. 

    That makes sense as to why they vanished into the void, haha

    I'm sorry to keep bothering you, but do you know where to find F10 screenshots? I've just taken one and it isn't in my screenshots folder and I expect that I'm missing them in plain sight.

    On my system it writes them into the Desktop folder: c:\Users\<myUID>\Desktop.

  5. 40 minutes ago, Catlover said:

    I am on Windows, though I play the game via GamePass. That's most likely why I cannot access the screenshots, I'd expect

    F12 is the Steam screenshot key. If you're not playing via Steam, it's no surprise you're not finding the screenshots; they probably don't exist. Try F10 instead; that's the in-game hi-def 4k screenie key. That should put them on your desktop.

  6. I haven't made the run down to the Cannery Workshop to find out yet; I'm still exploring Ash Canyon. There's a LOT in there, and there are a huge number of hidden little spots that aren't obviously found but totally exist... I can see them, but I haven't yet been able to reach them, and I'm still messing around with that. They are definitely decaying with use... in AC the terrain is rugged and the crampons make a huge difference wrt sprains and just how quickly you can get around.

  7. 21 hours ago, Ahatch said:

    Still having some issues getting to the one wood bridge that looks broken near the Anglers Hut . I have crossed all the others but this one is elusive so far. I took the rope climb up near the chasm cave but couldn't see a way to get to this one area. Lots of renshi mushrooms on this map. 

    I've found that quite a few of the bridges don't render properly when you're looking at them from the floor (if you follow me). I think that it might not be broken and you have actually crossed it; I found that both the Runaway Bridge and the bridge that goes to the Miner's Folly area are both high enough that there are places down in the valley below where they end up not rendering completely. Thinking it might be an engine limitation issue.

  8. 1 hour ago, piddy3825 said:

    I'm in Ash Canyon working my way up to the cabin when I hear this this rusty sawing kinda noise
    and turns out it's this bear standing here sleeping in the snow...  I wish I coulda recorded the audio for you
    as it was fairly loud against the quite background.   ...ZZZZrrrrr ...ZZZZrrrr ...ZZrrrrr 

    That shit has never happened to me. The few times I've seen sleeping bears they pretty much woke up instantly to mess up my guy. When they start to run... you ain't getting away.

  9. Other date to consider picking is Groundhog Day, because Bill Murray, plus it's actually directly in the middle of the gap between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, as well as being generally the coldest time of year in the northern hemisphere. If you're a celt, you'd call it Imbolc, but either way the point is the actual date. Still, the note in Mountaineers says December, and yet, if you can choose Bill Murray, one should always choose Bill Murray. Because, you know, Bill Murray.

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  10. If you use them and they can't be repaired, eventually they will break. It might be sooner, it might be later, but eventually they'll end up in a "ruined" state, and that'll be that... unless it turns out they can be repaired at the mill in the workshop at the Cannery.

    Which I don't know yet. Thinking about making a run down there to find out. It's a hell of a hike.

  11. I actually asked about this a few years back; I'd really love to see a sky box that actually has the major aster landmarks on it (Polaris, Big Dipper, Orion, etc), that rotates about the north star, and have the sun follow a normal path through the skies over the course of a year as the earth moves around the sun, as well as having the lunar cycle resemble the actual lunar cycle, but I've seen no indication that they intend to move on it. AFAICT it's solstice only (12 hour days and nights) with the sun and moon rising and setting directly in the east and west only.

    If/when modding tools end up getting made available, I may take a crack at doing it myself. I don't think I'd go so far as to set it up to try to simulate precession over some period of time so much as just have an annual cycle that starts on the day of the crash (I always figured that winter solstice is a good day to do that... shortest day of the year and the cold is coming) and have it run through them, while leaving the world in the grip of an endless winter... sort of a "dawn of a new ice age" vibe if you follow.

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  12. No, but they aren't repairable in the normal course of events, so the day is coming when they will; I'm about one fiftieth of the way there. Also going to have to see if a worktable might make a difference... but I have my doubts. Given their completely unique nature (there's exactly one set of crampons in the entire game world), I'd expect they'd need the services of a unique item like the milling machine during an aurora to be repaired.

    ETA: if they can be repaired at all, that is; they may simply be a time limited item: once you get them they last as long as they last and then they're done.

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  13. So my current guy was in HRV, having spent about a hundred and sixty of about two hundred and eighty days in the Valley. This guy had started in HRV, done an early run to FM to make arrowheads, and then gone back to HRV with trips to the trailer above Milton to use the worktable to make arrows. When the new region opened up, I sent him on his way.


    A last look around and then the long trek out; MT, ML, WR, PV, and TWM... it took the better part of a week to get all the way to the goal. It took some wandering around before my guy climbed through the cave in Echo Ravine and found himself in AC. 

    One particularly foggy day added to the stress of walking the rope bridges among the mesas:


    Eventually he found his way to the high point: 


    He's been chilling at Miner's Folly, though he's expecting to have to move on soon. He's nearly three hundred days in and has a couple of weeks in AC and there's not a lot of sign, not seeing a lot of wildlife in there. Still, the views are incredible:


    I bet this place is off the hook in the early game before the game animal decline really bites into the populations. Lots to explore yet.

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  14. It's the other way around; that switch forces the Unity engine to use the OpenGL backend instead of Metal (which is the main 3d graphics api on MacOSX; heavily related to Vulkan).

    In Linux, OpenGL has a problem where the terrain flickers... like enough to induce seizures. Instead I play the Windows version under the Proton compatibility layer which basically translates DirectX3D api calls into Vulkan calls... but I've been seeing some crashes lately with artifacts similar to the ones I've seen some Mac players post here in screenshots in the past.

    I'm hoping that with the recent Unity engine update in TLD, they'll be able to move towards compiling the game for the unices like linux and MacOSX using the Vulkan libs rather than the glcore libs, which should result in significantly better stability and performance once all the migration issues get ironed out in the migration.

  15. That has happened to me twice, maybe three times. For reference, I've played this game for ~2785 hours, and have (among other things) the faithful cartographer achievement. I did find one in HRV recently; if you crouch and drop into a little depression near the shallow cave that's to the right and below the entry gully you can't leave.

    Hinterland does generally want to fix those, so before you quit when you get stuck, you should hit F8 to take a "debug" screenshot (it'll have your precise location coordinates added as text to the screenie) and go to and submit a bug report so they can fix it.

  16. Moving up to mesa version 21 might make a difference; you really should try the oibaf ppa for mesa. You can find it at:; it makes keeping it up to date on an ubuntu system completely automagic. 

    I've found proton to be pretty excellent, allowing me to play things like the old bioshock games, the new Dooms, the tomb raider games, shadow of mordor, prey, the metro games, and so on, all with very good performance. YMMV I guess.