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Everything posted by cekivi

  1. Personally, I'd just like the option to use the hacksaw to harvest wood (at reduced efficiency) and the hatchet to harvest scrap metal (at increased condition lost) just in case I haven't found one of them yet So, yeah, no real need for a wood saw. I still like my lighter idea simply since it increases the utility of lighter fluid and offers a superior (if limited) fire starting option. Also agree that different firearms is a terrible idea but finding an ultra rare scoped rifle or a compound bow would be really nice
  2. Wonder if the gaps in the window panes in the homestead's porch are also bullet proof?
  3. I agree. That would also be a cool way to add variety/choice to the game without a lot of extra effort on the part of the developers.
  4. I still think two types of ammunition (rife and shotgun) would make the desired ammo rare enough to result in interesting mechanics. Still against any handguns being included for numerous reasons. I do like JACKHAMMERMC's idea though of improvised weapons. Trowing rocks (or even branches so there's some reason to interact with them) would be a really neat idea. Especially if there was a chance to both aggravate or terrorize the wolf you're throwing the rocks at
  5. Exactly. The only national exception to the rule are trappers (http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/fs-f ... ge-eng.htm) and even then registration and additional permits are required.
  6. I also think you may be overestimating our character's desire to have a handgun. While getting the licenses for long guns (shotguns and rifles) is relatively trivial there is a lot of additional licensing and paperwork required to posses a handgun. It would be more likely (and less of a headache with the feds) to have a double barreled shotgun or a collapsible .22LR in your plane than the .38 Special. Also, I agree with you argument versus ammunition. I just think simpler is still better to prevent min/maxing. Because assuming your 50 rounds are divided evenly that still gives me 24 shells that can take down large game (slugs and buckshot) and 12 for rabbits. I'd rather have the main consideration with firearms remain as weight versus utility.
  7. True, variety is not a bad thing. That's the main reason I suggested the .22LR. It's a very common gun with very common ammunition that might (barely) bring down a wolf if you hit it perfectly but it's really a rabbit/grouse gun. If I had to choose between a .22 and a .303 or a 12 gauge and a .303 it would definitely increase game variety and make ammunition drops a little more interesting. A light weight firearm that's no good verus deer/bears versus the heavy, powerful rifle... Still, I am adamantly opposed to handguns of any type. Yes, some trappers do carry them for protection but you will not find the average Canadian in possession of a hand cannon. Ammunition would be non-existent. Shotguns are far more likely since they are, like the .22LR, a common hunting gun. I also would disagree with the birdshot and slugs variable ammunition option. Not because it's unrealistic - quite the opposite really - but just to prevent people from min/maxing. If I can use a shotgun to kill everything just by swapping ammo than I'm no longer faced with choices and consequences am I?
  8. My 2 cents: This game does not need handguns. This is Northern BC, not Texas If people really want them the only thematic weapon would be a shotgun or .22LR for small game hunting. But since the only small game presently in the game (rabbits) can be easily caught with snares it is likely not worth implementing.