some things that dont make sense and break immersion


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1. It does not take an hour to break down a chair with a hatchet. In fact. Without a hatchet. I could break down the chairs i find without one. in about 1-2 minutes i could break them down in real life. This action in the game has consequences on things like lantern fuel and cold/sickness. It needs to be changed to be instant. things like shelves and large desks should take longer to break down sure because they are large single peices of wood that need to be cut/broken. But the chairs and small open top crates should be instant wood because they can simply be smashed/pried apart with a foot/leverage.

2. Hatchet should be a weapon. Same with hunting knife. I died on pleasant valley because i could not find a rifle needed to harvest animal parts to create trapping gear. I had everything else in the map. nonsensical that you cant do at least moderate damage to wolves with a friggin axe.

3. the idea that a cabin in canada wont have some sort of fire place/stove is just silly. This is the case in coastal highway with many of the cabins. And it doesnt make sense. especially the really big ones on the islands that have everything BUT a fireplace/stove.

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My thoughts/observations on these points:

(1) You might be right about the chairs. It bothers me more that the furniture breaking is kind of inconsistent right now. While in the farmhouse without a hatchet, I found this situation: Several chairs are around a table. All of them have cushions/pillows, but one chair is tipped over and the pillow is on the floor. The tipped-over chair can be broken down by hand and the pillow cut up, but I was unable to do anything with the upright chairs that still had their cushions/pillows on them. Presumably, they are the same kind of chair, right?

(2) I think the game automatically uses the knife, hatchet, or prybar during your click-struggle with wolves.

(3) I noticed this too. There are some radiators in a few places (such as the farmhouse), but some of the houses on coastal highway lack both fireplaces/woodstoves and appear to have no radiators or vents (for forced air heating). I wonder how these houses are heated? Surely they wouldn't have in-floor heating, right, since they look so rustic?

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not only do some of these cabins lack stove/fireplace, they lack place for you to poop. More outhouses needed!

Similarly this lack of 'heat' should be easy to fix. Make a generator picture and place it outside each cabin. Put a space heater picture in each cabin. Most cabins are small, so a space heater would be enough if they had electricity. Most cabins are small so it might be hard to fit in a stove without having to rejigger the intereror, but a space heater would work.

Just so everyone is clear, there is no way to turn on generator, or get gas from it, or turn on space heater. It's like the radio you see someplaces. It's 'decoration' to make the place seem more real. I figure it's easier to add outside structures (hence asking for outhouse vs put a toilet in each cabin) than it is to rejigger the interior space to fit more stuff.

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Actually, it would be interesting to have some space heaters that can be fueled with kerosene, which is already in the game. Imagine a very cold/drafty cabin but you could heat it for a while with some fuel. I know it would involve some adjustments to kerosene and the lanterns, but I still think it's an interesting thought.

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Actually, it would be interesting to have some space heaters that can be fueled with kerosene, which is already in the game. Imagine a very cold/drafty cabin but you could heat it for a while with some fuel. I know it would involve some adjustments to kerosene and the lanterns, but I still think it's an interesting thought.

Did you know the storm lantern gives off some heat? I think it's +5°C or so. This can be a life saver in certain situations.

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- Somehow, untreated rawhide, worn hair-side out, is a more-insulating clothing material than Space-tech fabrics like fleece and nylon

- You can't "improvise" insulation in clothing by stuffing in crumpled newspaper, rags, or cattail-fluff

- that wool coat will retain its insulative properties when repaired with cotton cloth


- somehow, you can build a fire on top of ice and snow, and it will only take a couple of seconds to build from (not sodden) kindling to a roaring blaze

- There are only three types of firewood in this world: fir, cedar, and processed lumber. No birch, no nameless deciduous tree

-Birchbark is "so-so" as a kindling material, when in real life, it burns when wet

-You can build a fire with little more than frozen sticks, and in a couple of minutes, pull out a torch that burns for well over an hour.


- sharpening stones waste away to dust

-tools made entirely from metal can break, somehow

- You can make edged tools from "scrap metal" of unknown quality. No idea of the carbon content, no idea of the type of steel

- Hell, you can operate a forge AT ALL

- you HAVE to forge arrowheads from scrap metal. NO using chips of broken glass, or just charring the tip in a fire.


- No sharpened stick (spear) or sturdy branch (club). Just knife, hatchet, prybar and fists

- somehow, you can make a functional bow and arrows

- A "hunting rifle" faffs out bullets in a cone, only to a distance of a couple yards

And many others

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- Somehow, untreated rawhide, worn hair-side out, is a more-insulating clothing material than Space-tech fabrics like fleece and nylon

- You can't "improvise" insulation in clothing by stuffing in crumpled newspaper, rags, or cattail-fluff

- that wool coat will retain its insulative properties when repaired with cotton cloth


- somehow, you can build a fire on top of ice and snow, and it will only take a couple of seconds to build from (not sodden) kindling to a roaring blaze

- There are only three types of firewood in this world: fir, cedar, and processed lumber. No birch, no nameless deciduous tree

-Birchbark is "so-so" as a kindling material, when in real life, it burns when wet

-You can build a fire with little more than frozen sticks, and in a couple of minutes, pull out a torch that burns for well over an hour.


- sharpening stones waste away to dust

-tools made entirely from metal can break, somehow

- You can make edged tools from "scrap metal" of unknown quality. No idea of the carbon content, no idea of the type of steel

- Hell, you can operate a forge AT ALL

- you HAVE to forge arrowheads from scrap metal. NO using chips of broken glass, or just charring the tip in a fire.


- No sharpened stick (spear) or sturdy branch (club). Just knife, hatchet, prybar and fists

- somehow, you can make a functional bow and arrows

- A "hunting rifle" faffs out bullets in a cone, only to a distance of a couple yards

And many others

Wow. I cannot find anything I don't wholeheartedly agree with.

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1. It does not take an hour to break down a chair with a hatchet. In fact. Without a hatchet. I could break down the chairs i find without one. in about 1-2 minutes i could break them down in real life. This action in the game has consequences on things like lantern fuel and cold/sickness. It needs to be changed to be instant. things like shelves and large desks should take longer to break down sure because they are large single peices of wood that need to be cut/broken. But the chairs and small open top crates should be instant wood because they can simply be smashed/pried apart with a foot/leverage.


2. Hatchet should be a weapon. Same with hunting knife. I died on pleasant valley because i could not find a rifle needed to harvest animal parts to create trapping gear. I had everything else in the map. nonsensical that you cant do at least moderate damage to wolves with a friggin axe.

The game "thinks" that the best melee weapon against wolf is the knife, so character uses it by default when fighting. But when you have no knife, but have the hatchet - it will be you weapon against the wolf. As for me, the hatchet is more appropriate weapon then the hunting knife against the wildlife.

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Actually, it would be interesting to have some space heaters that can be fueled with kerosene, which is already in the game. Imagine a very cold/drafty cabin but you could heat it for a while with some fuel. I know it would involve some adjustments to kerosene and the lanterns, but I still think it's an interesting thought.


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