Risk of Death for Cleaning a Rifle Without Unloading


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You should be able to accidentally shoot yourself if you are stupid enough to clean the rifle without first unloading it.


Loving this suggestion. There should be a certain probability that cleaning a loaded rifle releases a shot. And that shot should again have certain probabilities to either a) just go off somewhere, b) injure the player and require medical attention to the wound or c) kill the player. That would be so awesome! One of the best suggestions I have read in a long time. :)

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One of the first things to do when cleaning a rifle is to remove bolt, to have access to the barrel.

Plus its not a handgun, there is just no position possible to clean it in initial stages that would require holding barrel opening towards yourself.

Maybe unloading it automatically when cleaning(as its the part of the process), but thats pretty much it.

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Even though I personally would find this possibility fun, I very much doubt that the majority of players would approve of it.

During the last year people have been complaining here on the Forums over and over again about the possibility to light a fire right below your character's own boots because a considerable amount of players apparently somehow managed to turn themselves into human torches. The end of the story was that Hinterlands changed campfires to prevent these accidental self-incinerations.

I thus highly doubt that the Devs would ever introduce the possibility to kill yourself by accident while cleaning your rifle. People would simply complain about it too much (because it's easier to blame the game than take responsibility for your own stupid mistakes). See the ranting campfire-victims.^^

Getting injured might work, though. I support that. :)

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There are simply situations that occur in-game because of the interface that would never happen in real life.

It is well possible to start a fire right beneath your feet, because the game doesn't show you where your feet are. In real life you would see them. I once died because of this. I was attacked by a bear I had previously (hours earlier) shot and wounded, left with 7% health or so and freezing. As you are aware your vision is severely impaired when wounded heavily, so I ended up killing myself by starting a fire right beneath my feet.

The same with getting food poisoning for accidentally clicking the wrong piece of meat in your bag (raw instead of cooked). Wouldn't happen in real life.

Or running around with your shoes taken off or ruined from an attack without noticing. In real life your overall awareness is just so much better than any game could represent without a million of popups and warning messages.

Therefore I would advocate against any additional causes of harm players can accidentally inflict upon themselves. That being said, forgetting ammo in a gun is something a lay person might forget even in real life.

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Setting yourself on fire was a bug and devs fixed it.

Due to the fact that player has no control over whole process, ending up on top of the fire and dying, because you couldnt move away(player got literally stuck on top of it), was one of the stupidest way to die. 2 of my playthrus ended prematurely because of that crap - full condition, supplies to last for a few weeks, everything looked good... and then you try to light a fire...

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You never got stuck on your campfire. oO

Ever since the alpha release of TLD it has always been possible to abort the firemaking process (like every other process with a progress bar) by hitting Esc.

So even if you placed your fire wrong and thus took one or two (DoT) ticks of fire damage initially it was everything but inevitable to keep burning yourself for 10 more seconds until you die. Just because most people forgot (or rather didn't have the idea) to hit Esc doesn't mean that it wasn't possible to abort the process.

I totally agree that it would have been better to inform people more explicitely how to stop (e.g. with an abort button in the firemaking UI), but saying an abort wasn't possible is simply not true.

Apart from that the only two reasons I can imagine why people placed fires below themselves in the first place are either inattention or hurry. TLD kills you for these two "mistakes" on various other occasions as well (e.g. if you overlook wolves, don't mind the cold while foraging, don't check your thirst bar before going to sleep or 100 other things). No idea why ill-placed campfires were perceived differently.

I get that many people somehow didn't feel responsible for the poor placement (and failed abort) of their campfires and thus complained because they had the feeling they were innocent of their deaths. I just don't agree to this assessment.

Much like I for one would never blame the game when someone falls to his death while trying to climb down a cliff or gets eaten by wolves. All of that is self-imposed. Unfortunate and tragic for sure, but still self-imposed. The game is only to be blamed for deaths that you truely couldn't have prevented yourself (like falling through the world or getting stuck in some ridiculous place with a sprained ankle.)

But it's pretty pointless to argue about this topic. Self-incineration doesn't happen anymore, "problem" solved. I think everyone may choose for themselves whether he or she considers the campfire change to be a bugfix or mere handholding.

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One of the first things to do when cleaning a rifle is to remove bolt, to have access to the barrel.

Plus its not a handgun, there is just no position possible to clean it in initial stages that would require holding barrel opening towards yourself.

Maybe unloading it automatically when cleaning(as its the part of the process), but thats pretty much it.

Hmmm... good point.

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This falls into the category of not enough information = bad experience

I too once got to close to a fire (I didn't appear to be standing in it on my screen) after a bear attack and also almost died. There wasn't enough initial information from the devs that self immolation was even possible. Especially since many games don't allow this by default or clearly state it as a risk if they do.

Cleaning accidents fall into the same category. Can they happen? Sure. This is a realistic mechanic especially if the person cleaning the gun lacks the skills and practice to do it safely. Would it be fun in the game? Of course not. Most people would probably find it to be arbitrary and punishing.

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Cleaning accidents fall into the same category. Can they happen? Sure. This is a realistic mechanic especially if the person cleaning the gun lacks the skills and practice to do it safely. Would it be fun in the game? Of course not. Most people would probably find it to be arbitrary and punishing.

These largely match my own thoughts. Dying on day 100 from accidentally blowing my head off, having not even known it was possible, would be the cause of much eye rolling.

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Even though I personally would find this possibility fun, I very much doubt that the majority of players would approve of it.

During the last year people have been complaining here on the Forums over and over again about the possibility to light a fire right below your character's own boots because a considerable amount of players apparently somehow managed to turn themselves into human torches. The end of the story was that Hinterlands changed campfires to prevent these accidental self-incinerations.

I thus highly doubt that the Devs would ever introduce the possibility to kill yourself by accident while cleaning your rifle. People would simply complain about it too much (because it's easier to blame the game than take responsibility for your own stupid mistakes). See the ranting campfire-victims.^^

Getting injured might work, though. I support that. :)


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