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So, while I like the new map, here are some points I feel must be brought up.

1) Climbing.

Really? There is almost nothing up on top of the mountain that would be worth climbing for. Nothing, at least, worth both the energy expenditure and the very-real possibility of falling. The character doesn't even tie themselves in, just-free-climbs up a rope!

In "actual" survival, you aren't even supposed to climb trees, much less mountain faces. The chances of falling and injuring yourself are basically never worth the risk.

2) Climbing with your pack on.

So, I found the base rope. The character proceeds to strong-arm their way up the face, pack and all.


What? Dude, take your pack off, tie it onto the end of the rope, and haul it up after you when you get to the top. -facepalm-

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And is all that stuff seriously worth the time, effort, energy ( how much energy do you think you are going to burn climbing that rock face?) to climb up there, not mentioning the very real risk of serious injury/ death for ....... what? Some canned food, some lantern oil, and some medical supplies? No, it isn't.

For me to actually scale multiple sheer rock faces, there would have to be a way back to civilization on the other side of the mountain. And, even then, I would just walk around.

So, no, until proven otherwise, I believe there is nothing really worth scaling multiple sheer rock faces for on top of that mountain. No amount of loot is worth my life.

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And is all that stuff seriously worth the time, effort, energy ( how much energy do you think you are going to burn climbing that rock face?) to climb up there, not mentioning the very real risk of serious injury/ death for ....... what? Some canned food, some lantern oil, and some medical supplies? No, it isn't.

For me to actually scale multiple sheer rock faces, there would have to be a way back to civilization on the other side of the mountain. And, even then, I would just walk around.

So, no, until proven otherwise, I believe there is nothing really worth scaling multiple sheer rock faces for on top of that mountain. No amount of loot is worth my life.

yes its worth it. But your choise...

Its really easy to get up there without any risk.

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yes its worth it. But your choise...

Its really easy to get up there without any risk.

I feel that this might be a problem, in reality you would never do such climbing to gather loot which you can find elsewhere, this is a game and I actually really like the climbing, but I figured out that you don't even fall if your stamina is used up, I somehow would've expected this.

Everything is so safe in this game, no poisonous plants, no death from food poisoning... I wish we could make more wrong decisions, such as climbing those ropes with a heavy backpack.

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I feel that this might be a problem, in reality you would never do such climbing to gather loot which you can find elsewhere, this is a game and I actually really like the climbing, but I figured out that you don't even fall if your stamina is used up, I somehow would've expected this.

Actually, you have a good chance of falling once you've used up all of your stamina, but it doesn't occur at the moment that your stamina is completely drained. There seems to be a random-chance mechanism that only activates when you run-out of stamina, which randomly decides when your hands will slip and you will fall back down to the ground.

However, for most of the ropes found on the TM map, as long as you have a full stamina meter, you can climb to the top without running out of stamina and entering the danger-zone where you have a random chance of plummeting to your doom.

The only rope that you can't climb up in one go with a full stamina meter is the rope leading directly to the summit. Fortunately, there is not one but two ledges that you can climb off onto and rest for a few minutes to catch your breath, so you can complete your climb with no need to worry about completely draining your stamina meter and falling off the rope.

And, in my own personal opinion, I really like the climbing mechanic. It provides me with more routes to take, a new traveling experience and persepective, and just a good old sense of accomplishment one gets from scaling up and over an imposing barrier. Plus, it's a nice escape route for when I'm being chased by wolves and bears! ;)

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Oh, is that actually the case?

I did run out of stamina on that last rope to the peak, even though I made a break on the first ledge and slept for an hour, I did run out of stamina on another rope too I think, but never fell... well, I have to try that out a little more.

Then I didn't say anything, good mechanic. :D

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