Lost all saves EDITED


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After updating The Long Dark today, the first time I launched the game it crashed at the disclaimer page, the second time I launched it none of my save games were there, I switched users to another account and it showed a single saved game(this was expected) once I switched back to my original account I now see only 1 saved game called Sandbox 2, my main game (Sandbox 1) was the game I put all my time and effort into. I was 60+ days into the game.

Is there any possibility of recovering the saved game? Is it somehow just not being displayed? I'd obviously love to get it back as I have spent countless hours exploring and gathering in this game. Please let me know.

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Hi, I've also just encountered this problem. I only had one save that was on pilgrim difficulty and I believe I had around 30 days of survival (seems longer though). Really bummed. I hope there is a way to recover the save although it feels doubtful. I have tried many combinations of switching users, turning off the xbox (completely, not on power-save mode), and connecting/reconnecting to the internet. Should I try deleting the game and reinstalling? I would only delete the game download and not the other user save and "reserved space" save files. I am worried though that doing this may make any chance of recovery more difficult in the long run...

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I can't even play because every time I leave the game it deletes my file I had made 3 or 4 yesterday amd everyone I went back they were just gone. I tried one more time exited and reloaded the game and the save was there I figures I was good. I played for about 5 hours and now this morning it's gone. This is a serious game breaking glitch. All I've wanted to do all week was play but what's the point when you have to start over every time. Please help us lol

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V298 Xbox one

After downloading the update, my save had gone. Started a new game last night and played for around 3 hours, slept to save and switched the console off. This morning I opened the game again and it showed that there were no saves available to load.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, now my saves from before the update are back but the game I played 3 hours of yesterday is gone.


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Guest Support

Hello -

We're currently working on this issue, we've been able to reproduce this locally (which has taken some time, as it's not impacted everyone.) I will update here once we go live with a fix.

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Had same issue. Survived for 150+ days. After update, lost my game. Tried to start new games but each time I quit and restart the Xbox, the new files vanish. Also, I noticed that the actual files do appear on my Xbox hard drive, but the file size changes. For instance, the file is larger before a restart (13 mb) and smaller after the restart (11 mb), possibly corresponding to the loss or deletion of the recently started game? I hope the size indicates that my old game is still present. I have experienced issues accessing all the features of Xbox live over the last two days - could this have anything to do with it? It does not appear that the game has patched to the recent hot fix, even after a full reinstall. I have tried everything mentioned here to no avail. I am heartbroken, because I really want to tackle the new area properly, but I can't even make it out of Mystery Lake now. (I love this game, and I'm aching over the fact that I can't play it properly.)

Hopefully this info will be useful.

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I can't even play because every time I leave the game it deletes my file I had made 3 or 4 yesterday amd everyone I went back they were just gone. I tried one more time exited and reloaded the game and the save was there I figures I was good. I played for about 5 hours and now this morning it's gone. This is a serious game breaking glitch. All I've wanted to do all week was play but what's the point when you have to start over every time. Please help us lol

They're still having this problem!

I took a six week break from this game and just came back to see what was going on, nice to see a new update with a new map and new features, but very disappointed to see that the same problems that were plaguing this game 3 months ago are still going on

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If Support or Microsoft or whoever still needs permission to get into people's xbox one accounts, I will gladly volunteer my account now, because I will not be playing this game anymore.

You do know that this game is in Alpha, right? And you do understand what Alpha means, right? Not sure if I misinterpreted your comment, but, if you do are mad with the devs for losing your +60days save, it's not their fault. This game is in a test version, not a version where people can get it for a lower price and be happy playing it without any problems. If you did buy the alpha (preview) program you ARE to expect a lot of bugs, you ARE to expect losing all of your progress and you ARE to help devs fix this. If all you want is a game version without any major bugs where you can have your +60days save foverer you should only buy it when it's out of Alpha. Right now you are a tester, not a player trying to achieve anything amazing in the game.

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Guest Support

V.301 has gone live this morning with a fix for the disappearing saves. You may need to do a full power cycle on your console after receiving the patch to force a full sync with the Cloud. You can do this through Settings->Power->Reset

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