Lantern in car heat no effect in a blizzard


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I got caught in a blizzard and stumbled on a car, I took refuge to be out of the cold wind, less cold factor. I was still cold it seems, tried sleeping in bed roll. Got colder. Ah I thought I will light my lantern bit like how they say light a candle in real life if you have one - should stop you from freezing!

Anyways I found the lantern does F-all. no extra heat from it,no heat/warmth bonus nothing. I think I just wasted lantern fuel. See screenshot the warm bonus kept on going down. Eventually I had to get out car and find more sticks to light a quick fire.

the red flag is the air temp. Surely lighting a lantern inside a car would heat it up that air?



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There is a LOT of glass on a car. That, in and of itself, will let whatever heat generated by the lantern radiate out into the atmosphere. There is a reason you cover all your windows in the winter, and houses with large windows tend to have astronomical heating bills.

I am more concerned how you didn't suffocate yourself. Generally: fire (which is what the kerosene lantern is) + enclosed space = oxygen deprivation.

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There is a LOT of glass on a car. That, in and of itself, will let whatever heat generated by the lantern radiate out into the atmosphere. There is a reason you cover all your windows in the winter, and houses with large windows tend to have astronomical heating bills.

I am more concerned how you didn't suffocate yourself. Generally: fire (which is what the kerosene lantern is) + enclosed space = oxygen deprivation.

Yeh I guess so but the heat wouldn't escape as fast as it gave off.

plus but I had all good clothing and I was still starting to freeze, so basically the cars are useless as protection from a blizzard, at present alpha state.

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It is broken. Also, exploitable. Please move to TECHNICAL/BUGS section.

Lanterns in the hand do provide heat for the character outside, about +7 degrees C to feels-like. But held in a car they do nothing. Same with torches and flares.

But! A placed lantern can provide about +3 degrees C radiant bonus; depends on how close you get your head to it. If it is on the ground, crouching is warmer than standing. So, placing the lit lantern on top of the car before you get in (it's closer to your head up there) does raise the feels-like for the character inside the car an additional +3 degrees C.

AND!!! This bonus heat stacks! Place two lit lanterns and get double their heat.


OR!!!!!!!!? Light a torch in the happy windproof car. Drop it. Don't worry about sitting on the burning shaft of wood, it's harmless. But do move to the adjacent seat. So you can light and drop 5 more torches using the first torch as a starter. Each one provides about +1 degrees C when it's under you. Now you've got your own snow-bound sauna to enjoy for about an hour and a half.


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