Having trouble with some achievements


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I'm having trouble earning two achievements...

1) Beneath A Starry Sky. It says spend "three consecutive nights outside". What is the definition of a "night"? My longest stretch has been 7 nights and I still haven't earned it. Is it going to turn out to be something stupid like "...and you're not allowed to enter a building at all during the day" that isn't in the text of the achievement? Do burned-out buildings with stoves count as "inside" (when I look up I see the stars)?

2) Pacifist. It says "Survive the first 25 days without killing anything". I've gone as long as 50 days in a new game without killing anything and still not gotten it. The only thing I can think of that wasn't 'pacifistic' was that I looted some pre-generated animal corpses.

Are there any potential pitfalls I might be stumbling over while trying to get these achievements?

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I am also having trouble with 'beneath a starry night' and have done it twice with no luck. The second time I tried for it I just stayed out of all buildings and as far away as possible from anything that could even remotely be described as a structure. Picked a spot high up in the hills protected by the mountains & took enough supplies for more than 3 days just to be safe. No dice. I think there might be an issue with that particular one as I've heard others mention having the same issues.

I can't speak for certain about the pacifist because I'm really not sure if harvesting an already dead corpse counts or not.

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I can understand this must be annoying for you , but atleast you have achievements :cry:

We got nothing on xbox. Even if they where deleted when the game comes out , it would be good to have a challenge.

You will definitely have achievements eventually. Unfortunately with Microsoft, we do not have the capability to add/edit them as the game develops. We get only one chance to submit them, which means they must be perfect and fully complete. As soon as they're ready to go, we'll get them posted for you guys!

Also, we've tested and tested this particular achievement a number of times and haven't found any recent issues with it. Caves are counted as interiors, but burned down buildings and fishing shacks are not. It can be a little confusing, but it should be working properly. If we get a few more people passing through to say they have had trouble with this achievement as well, I'll definitely pass it along to the team so they can take another look.

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Also, we've tested and tested this particular achievement a number of times and haven't found any recent issues with it. Caves are counted as interiors, but burned down buildings and fishing shacks are not. It can be a little confusing, but it should be working properly. If we get a few more people passing through to say they have had trouble with this achievement as well, I'll definitely pass it along to the team so they can take another look.

This doesn't really answer my initial questions. I already assume I'm doing something wrong, rather than the achievements not functioning.

Beneath a Starry sky says spend three consecutive nights outdoors, but I'm not sure what counts as "night". If I enter a building during daylight hours does it break the counter? Is it actually three _days and nights_? If it's not day and night, what qualifies as a night? I've been using the verbal cues from my character (Looks like I've survived another night // It's getting late and will be dark soon). I can see when the time of day changes when she's asleep, but I don't want to just hibernate my character for 3 days outside for the achievement. I want her to be doing stuff.

Pacifist, what activities are allowed and what aren't? I've tried to get it living off pre-packaged food and boiled/toilet water. I've left all corpses caught by wolves alone, but I have harvested gut from starter corpses (the ones that are fixed on the map and are circled by crows) for fishing line (for repairs, not for fishing).

* Are using "starter" corpses for gut or hide ok?

* Are using corpses killed by wolves ok?

* Is using raw or cooked meat found in fridges/ovens ok?

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* Are using "starter" corpses for gut or hide ok? Yes. For "Waste Not, Want Not" ok too.

* Are using corpses killed by wolves ok? Yes. For "Waste Not, Want Not" ok too.

* Is using raw or cooked meat found in fridges/ovens ok? For "Pacifist", Yes. For "Living off the Land" not.

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* Are using "starter" corpses for gut or hide ok? Yes. For "Waste Not, Want Not" ok too.

* Are using corpses killed by wolves ok? Yes. For "Waste Not, Want Not" ok too.

* Is using raw or cooked meat found in fridges/ovens ok? For "Pacifist", Yes. For "Living off the Land" not.

Pacifist allows you to scavenge wolf-killed corpses? That seems way too easy on Pilgrim or Voyageur modes.

If you're attacked by a wolf and as part of defending yourself the wolf dies, does that break Pacifist? Someone on Reddit wanted to know.

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Beneath a Starry sky says spend three consecutive nights outdoors, but I'm not sure what counts as "night". If I enter a building during daylight hours does it break the counter? Is it actually three _days and nights_? If it's not day and night, what qualifies as a night? I've been using the verbal cues from my character (Looks like I've survived another night // It's getting late and will be dark soon). I can see when the time of day changes when she's asleep, but I don't want to just hibernate my character for 3 days outside for the achievement. I want her to be doing stuff.

I recommend trying it by staying outside the whole time. I think the achievement might just not be worded accurately to what it's measuring. When I did the spending the night outdoors achievements, I was outside early on the first day to be absolutely certain I was outside before nightfall and then camped outside around the clock just to be sure until the achievements triggered.

You also don't have to hibernate. I was busy cooking, boiling water, making repairs, or babysitting the fire when the weather was bad but I still explored, harvested wood, etc. during the day. I just didn't go inside. I hope that helps!

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