Clearing snow from a specific fireplace.


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In Sundered Pass there is actually a designed game progression element where the player clears quite a lot of snow to access an otherwise secret path. Indeed we have been clearing snow from bunkers for a while. So why can I not clear the snow from this fireplace? The top of the chimney is in the clear.

screen_(0, 2, 3)_0c687628-1b86-47c7-9c84-670aaed3cfe7.png

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Customization may change things but the game currently does not allow changes of the landscape and the snow blocking the fireplace is, in effect, landscape.  Any "changes"  characters make to the landscape typically are things that the character crafted in place.  Remove the crafted item, be it a campfire or snow shelter, and there is no sign that it even existed.  

I think that the snow-filled fireplace in that Avalanche House was a bit much.  That was not a big, wide chimney and that was a lot of snow.  The funnel to pour snow down the chimney was missing and I couldn't see one anywhere among the wreckage of the village.  

Even though such would probably have been non-functional, given the devastation, I was wondering where things like household appliances like a stove for that house and the other house was located.  Given how comparatively isolated that village was having a fireplace or wood burning stove would have been reasonable backup to an electric or propane stove.  

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37 minutes ago, UTC-10 said:

I think that the snow-filled fireplace in that Avalanche House was a bit much.  That was not a big, wide chimney and that was a lot of snow.  The funnel to pour snow down the chimney was missing and I couldn't see one anywhere among the wreckage of the village. 

I am thinking that the snow did not come down through the chimney, but came in through a hole knocked into the back of the chimney by debris when the avalanche hit. And it stopped flowing in once the snow built up enough to block the hole that was created by a piece of large debris or an ice slab that hit. So, digging it out might reveal an unusable fireplace and chimney with a hole in the back of it.

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For all that I mentioned that we cannot change the landscape, it has occurred to me that we do have one way to kind of change the landscape and that would be in the way we uncover supply caches or bunker entrances.  We clear the snow to "reveal" the supply cache or the bunker hatch. 

It may be a stretch, but if extended maybe unreasonably, one might have been able to clear the snow from the fireplace and have a low passage (crouching) to the outside.  More likely it would have taken two actions - one from the fireplace side and one from the outside - where the second action is needed to be able to clear snow away and then "clear debris" to gain access. That might have allowed for making an alternate access into the near buried house once one found their way inside from the second floor.  


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I don't think the landscape thing is a problem, couldn't the landscape just be edited to be lower, and the clearable snow be replaced as an interactable prop?

I think it would be neat, it'd be a unique base option  and it's not like Sundered Pass is lacking in interiors with two cooking slots, so I don't think it'd disrupt the gameplay of the region either.

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