Can you cross this gap in Sundered Pass?

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I found this crack in the road in the south of Sundered Pass (near the Reishi Mushrooms on the map) and was unsure whether it was possible to cross it. I am approaching it from Cabin A via Baneful Bridge. There does not seem to be a way around the crack. Has anyone encountered it before?



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Same thing happened to me, I fell down a bit, so I goated down to the basin at the bottom, but there were rocks around the base and so I was soft-locked and couldn't get out.

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I usually take a run at it.  I d id this last night and ended up with an ankle sprain though, so even if you make it it's not without it's dangers...

There's a couple of "one way" drop offs in Sundered Pass, where there's a gap that's higher on one side than the other - you can make it across, but you aren't going back in the same direction.

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I "run" across the gap staying on the left side, given my going up the road or coming down the road, and going straight ahead or maybe angling slightly to the right to get the shortest distance of "space".  Have to admit it does give me some concern every time. 

I would not dare to try and cross at slower than an unencumbered walk and certainly never if heavily encumbered.  Who am I kidding? I will ALWAYS run across the gap.  :(



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