Les Miserables


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“My capacity for happiness... you could fit into a matchbox without taking out the matches first”

Douglas Adams, A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Since my main PC is still having mysterious hardware issues, I’ve decided to go ahead and try Misery on my secondary PC… which does not have TFTFT. Thus, this will essentially be “Super Misery” because of the complete lack of the new cooking ingredients and recipes. I need something better than "Attempt" to write, so I'll be calling these runs Marvin (bonus points if you get the reference!). Like Deadman, I'll be tracking condition day by day... I have a hunch it's gonna bleed away very fast!

Marvin 1 / Day 1 / 100% Condition

I’m off at a sprint even before the game finishes saving, even before I can really see what I’m doing. This is apparently Draft Dodger’s Cabin, the same one from The Hunted, so I have a vague idea of where to go. But first things first, I gather some rose hips and check for a hacksaw. Murphy lets me have this one, it’s there! screen_e736d8d1-670a-4380-8821-e24c73a6f3ec.thumb.png.0f832546d6ca0d440191d59eb0e65763.png

Only now do I check my FLT and my jaw promptly drops. It is REALLY BLOODY COLD; the FLT reads -30C!!

After pausing for some mushrooms (hot tea will be needed), I dash off in the direction of the Big Red Barn, gathering more sticks along the way. I make it there freezing but intact, and discover that I am still cold inside. After grabbing the torch from the corpse that I will be joining sooner or later, the Stim from the truck, and the pack of chips from upstairs, I’m off again like a marathon runner.

Presently I arrive at Thompson’s Crossing with dangerously high frostbite risk. screen_ac50798f-9e1d-4cfe-9397-798eb4732343.thumb.png.3c5b0242e4ce45e2cbcb3e80e70842f6.png

I duck into the Rural Store, grab the matches from the shelf, and dash for the Community Hall and its six-burner stove. I light it up and boil water while tearing down curtains and searching everything. What’s my reward for all this? One newsprint and one pack of ketchup chips, plus some toilet water. Praise the devs, they left us that at least!

After around three hours of boiling water while snatching one-hour naps, I head to the only other “real” house in town and loot it as well. I find... a single can of pork and beans.screen_66673276-f47c-4b10-8914-754f2697067d.thumb.png.1938281430e903b6000ad5c38093615f.png


I’m getting desperate for food at this point, so I head down to the river and grab the three cattails I find. There is also a frozen deer carcass, nice! screen_7b2dd30d-d723-4d4e-a671-aeda072b977c_hi.thumb.png.a85269b4c0a80cce6344fa00f89f301c.png

I light up a fire, pour on the fuel, and harvest it completely. I’m just finishing up when a blizzard blows out my fire. I wolf down the steaks and run back to the Community Hall for the night.

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