is it just me or...?

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

My point is that unless htl state something has been done then we can't assume it has ,but we can speculate.. 

I think Hinterland has rarely, if ever, mentioned wildlife behavior and other subtle changes unless it's something major.  There have been some definite changes in wolf behavior over the years that was never mentioned.  I think Hinterland purposely doesn't mention many subtle or not-so-subtle changes and that's not a bad thing, it keeps us on our toes.

There was a change in wolf behavior not too long ago, as mentioned by others here.  I haven't experienced a wolf breaking off when I lose line of sight, but many times a wolf has suddenly lost interest and turned around while following me, on flat ground with no obstructions, like on the ice in Coastal Highway.   Or a wolf will be attacking, then turn and flee at the last moment.  Both of those encounters are fairly new (maybe since the DLC).  I can only speak to the game on PC, not sure if these things also happen on console.

On the topic of the eye color, I just now walked from the dam to Camp Office in Mystery Lake in the dark, with a torch for light.  I encountered several wolves and the eye glow in all of them was green (no aurora).

Edited by MrWolf
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1 hour ago, MrWolf said:

I think Hinterland has rarely, if ever, mentioned wildlife behavior and other subtle changes unless it's something major.  There have been some definite changes in wolf behavior over the years that was never mentioned.  I think Hinterland purposely doesn't mention many subtle or not-so-subtle changes and that's not a bad thing, it keeps us on our toes.

There was a change in wolf behavior not too long ago, as mentioned by others here.  I haven't experienced a wolf breaking off when I lose line of sight, but many times a wolf has suddenly lost interest and turned around while following me, on flat ground with no obstructions, like on the ice in Coastal Highway.   Or a wolf will be attacking, then turn and flee at the last moment.  Both of those encounters are fairly new (maybe since the DLC).  I can only speak to the game on PC, not sure if these things also happen on console.

On the topic of the eye color, I just now walked from the dam to Camp Office in Mystery Lake in the dark, with a torch for light.  I encountered several wolves and the eye glow in all of them was green (no aurora).

I'm on passive but I do watch a lot of ytubers , sure there's odd  or different behaviour but the ones I watch put it down to bugs , not necessarily with the wolves themselves ,but including terrain issues etc..  

I'm not saying they haven't changed at all though  just that we can't assume it's changed deliberately..   I could be totally wrong and I'm happy to admit if I am but until htl says either way we don't know for certain..


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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Leeanda said:

The intended behaviour for anything should be the same no matter which platform you're on..  if they are different then it must be a bug.

That's an interesting point, and yes I agree: for most games the intentions of most developers (probably) is to maintain the same gameplay/vision across ports. Though I have seen examples where this was not the case:

  • Different teams/studios: make different versions or on different platforms.
  • Hardware Limitations: especially across different types of hardware. I only play TLD on a desktop PC on Steam, so I can't answer if TLD has fundamental differences on Console/Switch, but different hardware in other games can lead to drastically different experiences: content being cut, AI behavior being changed, foliage/textures being reduced/removed to handle FPS (which can in turn cause other differences/bugs/issues).
  • Censorship: e.g. German games famously prohibit any blood (usually having "green blood") and harming/killing humans (usually turning humans into "robots" or having them "fall asleep" instead of dying), and Chinese games prohibit any human bones and skulls (e.g. requiring zombies to be 100% "fleshy").
  • Lack of Access: mostly a problem in the pre-Internet days where it was difficult/impossible to update software once distributed, less a problem 'now' for most regions but is still an issue for some regions, especially those with low/slow access or strict/slow government censorship or approval processes.
  • Lack of Rights/Ownership: e.g. a studio/publisher loses rights to an IP or part of an IP, and subsequent patches/ports/copies omit/include different content.
11 hours ago, Leeanda said:

My point is that unless htl state something has been done then we can't assume it has ,but we can speculate.. 

That's true, without being an insider or using modding tools to inspect TLD's code it isn't possible to know definitively. But e.g. in my case: as someone who's played TLD for a decade (and fairly heavily the last 6 months), as well as watched streams/vods of gameplay, I think it's less speculation that 'has something changed?' and more speculation about the specifics/details since I think it's quite clear AI behavior, particularly pathfinding and tracking has changed.

Edited by Veskaida
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I love theorizing and lore hunting as much as anyone...

However, I do think that when we are talking about what's "intended" (animal behavior or any sort of game mechanic) really the only ones who can really determine that are the folks who created it.

Sometimes there are strong opinions our there like "such-and-such is a bug/totally broken/bad game design/must be fixed."  My most common responses have always been: If something is not working as Hinterland intends, then I'm sure they will update/change it. However, if Hinterland says something is working as intended... then it's not a bug/broken.

Anyway... that's just the long way to say that personal theories a side, the only folks who really do have right to determine what's intended by the creators, are the creators themselves.  For the rest of us... it's just subjective opinion. :D 


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