Episode 2 Lost the spear?


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I am doing the mission involving the radio towers, i have two towers checked off and after the fight with the bear at the second tower i somehow don't have the spear on me anymore, so now at the last tower the bear showed up again but i don't stand a chance... 

how do should i do this?

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Have you checked to make sure it wasn't dropped somewhere...?   It's been a long time since I did episode 2 so I can't remember half of it..

But maybe retrace your steps and check it's not around where you've been...  Failing that try quitting and reloading and if that hasn't worked then I'd suggest filing a report..

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I can't help you fix the problem but I could help you get around it; 

So what I would do is make a sprint for the radio parts, juke the bear if he's charging, and run off the cliff to get away. However, there was a bug a while ago where the bear would die from bleeding out. So if that's not patched yet, you can find a safe place to shoot the bear from (assuming you brough a rifle or flare gun) and pass time for him to bleed out. He shouldn't go anywhere so you'll clearly see when he drops. If I remember correctly it could take as much as 2 or more hours to bleed out. 

He won't actually be dead in Wintermute but he'll be dead for that one specific part lol. I'm guessing that the spear will re-appear once you finish that quest. 

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Your other option is to load an old save- either an autosave, checkpoint save or manual save (if you made any manual saves), from before you lost the spear or before you started the mission altogether. You will lose progress and have to replay a bit, but it also gives you the chance to try a different strategy, change your route of travel, re-sort and repack your inventory, et cetera.

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