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I Hate Acorns.

Not as an item, but as an implementation. 

In order to process said acorns, the game requires that you boil them first. 

I have no issue with this.

what I do have an issue with, is the fact that the game requires me to have a heavy hammer to process boiled acorns.

why do I need a heavy hammer, the same one that is used to FORGE METAL, TO POUND ACORNS?

I could use the back of a hatchet. The butt of a knife.


but instead I need to use a heavy hammer.

that hammer wouldn't crush them. 

it would atomize them.

correct me if I'm wrong.

thank you for your time.

  • Upvote 5

I'm guessing it's because the hammer basically has one use: forging. That's it's only useful existence as a tool. The only thing it does. That, and you can use it in a wolf fight. Otherwise, it's a paperweight. Or might I say, backpack weight? 

So now it has a purpose as an acorn atomizer. Heavy hammer goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

(On the same token I feel your point. Boiled acorns can realistically be smashed through other implements.)

  • Upvote 4
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Even though I rarely use Acorns, I now have an Heavy hammer in my base specifically for Acorns, but since I almost always leave my first hammer at the first forge I use, the Acorns I pick up are left unused until I find my second hammer (and presumably not leave it at another forge for convenience.)

I always wondered why you couldn't just use a stone, if a stone is hard enough to scare a wolf off with a bop to its nose, then I'm sure it'll do the job with crushing Acorns.

Also, if they have more ingredients that would need crushed, then why not add a Mortar and Pestle? It would be perfect for grinding down ingredients (since that's what it is literally made for), and I believe it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to add lore wise.


Like TLD's intro disclaimer about "realism" I think this is mainly for game play/balance. Heavy Hammer doesn't really have many uses other than forging (or long-term icebreaking), so I think this is a reasonable use case for it in game. Would it be more realistic to be able and use the prybar, stone, hatchet, etc for this purpose? Yes. Is it immersion breaking or bad gameplay to require a Heavy Hammer? I don't think so, I think it's fine.

I quite like acorns. IMO Prepper's Pie is by far the strongest consumable in the game, so if acorns are 'only' for that then I'd say they're OP (though Cambridge Flight Porridge is a close second).

  • Upvote 1

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