Tales of Anarchy and Suffering

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A simple story about a simple interloper run. If only there was anything simple about it.  DISCLAIMER: before I tell you about the first day/s (foreshadowing) I wanted to give special thanks to @conanjaguar, as they are who inspired me to tell this story, using his various tales as inspiration. Continuing the disclaimer, there are a couple things I wish to inform you on. First, this is my absolute first ever interloper run. like ever. I've played hundreds of hours on this game, but usually voyageur, not interloper. I'm also playing on switch, as its easier for me for the time being, so some things are outdated and the images may be not great quality, because I don't really have an effective way of taking them.


With that now out of the way, It is my honor to present to you:




Interloper 1, Day 1

("Some long-darky quote that I forgot to record")


The ocean that taunts me

I awake from a rather interesting sleep, to oh so welcoming bitter cold island that is known as Great Bear. Fun. I wandered for a couple minutes, examining my location. There's an ocean, so it must be either Bleak Inlet, Coastal Highway, or Desolation point. 2 of 3 I know very well. Luckily, it's not the 3rd. Ladies and Gentleman, I welcome you to Desolation Point. 


A Steadfast Lighthouse, shining a beacon both literally and figuratively.

I notice the lighthouse not too far away, but I decide to grab a few rocks to defend myself first, and I loot a corpse. Surprisingly, he has nothing. I then proceed to get sidetracked, by noticing a very enticing truck that has seemed to have fallen off a bridge.


Said fallen truck

I enter it, hoping to warm up, as I am now freezing and am starting to lose condition at a rate more rapid than I would like. However, things just seem to not come that easy, and it does nothing to help my warmth. Well not directly. While searching the glove box, I found two things: A scarf, and A SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS BOX OF WOODEN FREAKING MATCHES. Holy cow. The one thing that might actually be able to stave death away a little longer. I am ecstatic. And to add to that, in my 5 minutes of partying, I notice a boat, shored up onto some rocks. Now, the normal sane thing would be to say, "Hey, you're freezing. You're also right next to the lighthouse. just go inside and go to the boat once you are warm. It's not going to go anywhere."  but I am not sane. So I went over to the Riken, and upon entering realize that I cant see 2 inches in front of me.


The Riken

As I drunkenly stumble my way through the dark, I'm desperately attempting to find a way to start a fire. I do end up finding a Sewing Primer book, which is always welcome. but finally, I find the forge. I celebrate before it sets in. I still can't start a fire. I don't have tinder. So I grab some coal, and leave. I walk over to the lighthouse, almost getting murdered by a dog on the way, before I get in there. nothing really stands out, except for the Survive the Outdoors! book on the table.


The Survive the Outdoors! book

I clamber up the stairs, hoping to find the revolver under the pillow. I was greatly disappointed when it wasn't there, and I now realize while writing this that it couldn't have been there in the first place. wasn't terrible though, as I got a stim out of it. still freezing, I decide to go outside to find a stick or two to make some tinder plugs. so I step outside, before falling off this ledge on the other side. it doesn't kill me, but I can't get back up that way.


The ledge I fell off

I decide to work back around the other way to get back to the main island, so I can climb back up.  As i come around the bend, i notice some small boats that appear to have been washed up on shore, and one appears to have a metal container on it. upon going to inspect it, i heard (or more of didnt hear) the tell-tale silence that a wolf bark follows. I turn to see him, his eyes staring into mine, full of hatred, jaw locked in a snarl...


I didn't last long.



4 hours. can't tell if that's impressive or not. 

I have more to share, but I think it'll have to wait. It's getting late where I live, and I just got back from a band concert. 

Until tomorrow...


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I will also add that the images suck so much because I take a screenshot on the switch then take a picture later, because I'm not aware of any way to just send myself the screenshots. if anyone has any info, its greatly appreciated!

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12 minutes ago, RobotDino11 said:

4 hours. can't tell if that's impressive or not. 

Jumping directly from Voyageur to Interloper is like skipping from 6th grade to Senior Year college, lol. You did great! And the important thing is- it seems like you had fun trying it out. 

Great story of your adventure! Thank you for sharing!

(And - I have the game on Switch too, and I have no idea how to share screenshots from it either...)

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11 minutes ago, RobotDino11 said:

I will also add that the images suck so much because I take a screenshot on the switch then take a picture later, because I'm not aware of any way to just send myself the screenshots. if anyone has any info, its greatly appreciated!

I am almost sorry I decided to look into this immediately after reading this. But yes, we can apparently share screenshots and videos from the Switch to a smart phone or tablet, or to a Windows or MAC computer. And I am going to have to mess around with this myself to see if it is as complicated as the instructions seem to be:


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8 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

I am almost sorry I decided to look into this immediately after reading this. But yes, we can apparently share screenshots and videos from the Switch to a smart phone or tablet, or to a Windows or MAC computer. And I am going to have to mess around with this myself to see if it is as complicated as the instructions seem to be:


Thank you so much! Yeah, i'll look into how hard it is to share them. thanks again

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1 minute ago, RobotDino11 said:

Thank you so much! Yeah, i'll look into how hard it is to share them. thanks again

You are very welcome!

I haven't played around with it yet, so I can't give any advice on it yet. I do know it's a bit of a pain from XBox, and I am guessing it may be similar. I usually only share from playing the game on a Windows or Linux computer, because I am honestly a bit lazy about dealing with the extra steps and a bit spoilt from having the game on 3 platforms. 

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Before i write this installment, i would like to thank @ThePancakeLady,  for helping with the images.




Interloper 2, Day 1


"It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."  -- Charles Darwin



My spawn. Looks a little familiar, don't it?

Great. Same spot as last time. One advantage I have this time however is the layout of the region fresh in my mind. I take a quick look around, before deciding to head straight to Hibernia. 


Hibernia at sunset

I rush into the gates, hoping no hostile wildlife saw me. Almost getting ahead of myself, I run towards the main building, but the realize it's too dark, and I won't be able to see a thing. So, I decide that a trailer will suffice, and begin looting with what little light I have left. I look around, only being able to find a tattered scarf. But then again, it's almost pitch black outside :D. I decide to head over to the other conjoined trailer, hoping to be able to see anything. Nope. I stubble over to a bed, and go to sleep. I do wake up in the middle of the night to an aurora, and use it to search the rest of the trailer. I find a Summit Soda and a Whetstone, but the Whetstone serves no purpose to me at the moment. 


The conjoined trailer, lit up by the power of the Aurora.

In the morning, I wake to a blizzard. I push through it, over to the main building of Hibernia. Surprised by how well lit the entrance is, I take a moment to admire it, before continuing to search the rest of the warehouse-type building. 


Matches! and I found:


After that, I had pretty much searched Hibernia, so I decided to head over to the lighthouse.


The Riken


I saw the Riken on the way over there, but decided I could come back. I was more focused on trying to get to the lighthouse. However, on my way there, something, more of somethings, decided to throw a wrench in my plans.


A very angry looking moose





And a very angry looking bear adjacent to the bridge

So this is just great. But I have a plan. I think that if i follow the coastline VERY closely, I may be able to avoid the bear and not provoke the moose, as well as be able to get that truck under the bridge. so I do it, hit the truck, of course it has nothing, and get back onto the road far enough away that I don't provoke the moose. I avoid the dog at the front of the lighthouse that killed me last time, and enter thee lighhouse.


The Lighthouse

I enter it, and immediately start a fire. Boy, does it feel good to finally be warm again. I look through the tower, finding two cans of Dog food, some Lamp fuel, and a Stim. I warm up by the fire until it burns out, and then I decide to move onto the cave near the end of the region. Avoiding the dog again, I get into the cave, to realize I forgot to pull a torch from the fire earlier, and therefore can't see that far into the cave. Reluctantly, I ignite my flare, and navigate through the cave, finding several pieces of coal, and a Hacksaw. I quickly celebrate about the Hacksaw, and move on. I end up by Hibernia, realize I don't want to be there, and so I go back through. After I exit back the way I came, I turn to my left and climb up by the church. I thought it had a bed in it, but it didn't, so i'm just going to warm up before I move on. Unfortunately, He's really tired, because in a hard decision I used my Stim for the boost of health it gives because he almost died to the cold. 


A fire I set up in the entrance to the Church

Well, that's it for day two. I think I might play for a bit later, but other than that my next installment might not be until tomorrow. 

Until tomorrow...

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20 hours ago, RobotDino11 said:

I wanted to give special thanks to @conanjaguar, as they are who inspired me to tell this story, using his various tales as inspiration.

I'm flattered! Writing my stories is fun, but seeing them inspire others is like seeing your little siblings grinning ear-to-ear after unwrapping a present you gave them :).

Speaking of which, anytime a new survival story drops I'm like a little kid on Christmas 😁. I'll be following along with interest (and maybe a few tips if you need/want them)!

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5 hours ago, RobotDino11 said:

as I'm not doing too great 😅

You can say that again, looks like a tough spot...

I do have some general tips, situation-specific advise will be in spoilers so my backseat driving doesn't get too annoying :D.

Here goes...

  • Torches are your best friend for protection, firestarting, and even a little bit of warmth.
  • Hot tea / coffee is your second best friend.
  • Whenever possible, don't travel in high winds without a flare - preferably more than one. Torches will be useless for defense unless you can hide behind a tree to protect yourself from the wind.
  • Unless you have enough food / are confident that more is coming, trying to stay fed early in a run is a bad idea. For PV or TWM spawns you can usually get away with it since you can quickly hit some good loot spots, but in other regions without much loot it's just a waste of food unless you REALLY need to recover some condition.
  • Take naps whenever you can and try to set your sleep cycle so you wake up in the late afternoon, which is generally the warmest time of the day.

Okay, now some situation-specific thoughts... disclaimer, I don't really know much about DP except that it's not a place I like to start :D.


Boil some water, make hot tea, pull some torches, and get out of there!

It looks like it's getting dark from your last screenshot, which is not a good place to be if you're exhausted. Especially if there are wolves around...

I'd make a dash (walk) for the nearest place with a bed and hope the wind doesn't rise too much. If that's not feasible, then if you have any extra cloth and sticks on you, it might be worth making a snow shelter.


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1 hour ago, conanjaguar said:

You can say that again, looks like a tough spot...

Yeah. So about that, when i was playing earlier for today's installment, i kinda got jumped by a wolf....

all is well though. I'm going to start a new world, and more than likely make an installment in a few hours.

thanks for the tips though! I have a feeling that they will come in handy. 

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Well, as kind of hinted at, I died in the last game I was running. he was tired, cold, hungry, and with a last ditch effort, got eaten by a wolf.

So, with that being said, I'm kind of going to adjust the rules for the run.

  • 1. I'm going to do this run in stalker, as I have never played it, its a bit easier than interloper, and I think that after getting used to stalker, the transition to interloper would be easier than that from voyageur.
  • 2. I will eventually make installments that are back on interloper, I think I just need a bit of a break from the harshness that is interloper.


And with that,



"What I am living for and what I am dying for are the same question." -- Margaret Atwood



My Spawn Point

 As I open my eyes, I look out into what I think is Mountain Town? And I would be correct. Good news is, I know this place very well, and there is a lot of early game loot here, but there is a lot of wolves here, especially in key locations. I walk over a ledge in front of me, to the sound of a wolf howling nearby. I spot him, and he appears to be the one that wanders near the farmstead. I take a wide arc, careful to avoid his gaze, and I approach the barn. Nothing but a piece of Cured Leather inside, but in the tractor outside is where I find a Hunting Knife and the Key.



The key to thee Paradise Meadows Farmstead.


I exit the tractor, and the wolf barks at me. He's hungry, and my human body looks like a sufficient breakfast. I run to the house, unlock the door, and slam the door behind me. I find a pair of brand new Wool Long johns in the bathroom, and not much of else. I find some food in the cabinets, and some Revolver ammunition in the walk in pantry, but no Revolver to use it. I decide to take a quick nap and leave, before heading over to Grey Mother's. I manage to avoid the wolf at the farm, but not the one in town. I pop a Flare, and he seems to decide that i am no longer worth the effort. I pop in, find a Wilderness Kitchen, a Mariners Pea Coat upstairs, and that's about it. I was hoping for the Rifle by the fireplace, but no luck. I run over to the Credit Union,  and all of the lockers are empty. Just my luck. The safe has a bundle of almost useless Cash, and a singular Rifle bullet. I hope outside, and run through town, hoping the dog won't notice me, and make it to Orca. Slight issue, I don't have a Pry Bar.  in my sadness, I skulk over to the park ranger station thing, and I find a box of Wooden Matches. I decide to make a fire, repair my coat, and read. by the time its evening, a blizzard has showed up, so I decide that its best to sleep it off.



The Blizzard



I have survived  1 And a half days.


I'm happy with how long I have survived. Stalker seems quite easy compared to the hell that is Interloper. I plan to go to Mystery Lake tomorrow, and if I get there I will be home. I am going to my dads today, so I might make an installment or two that are updates to TALEs as I have an Xbox there. 


Until Tomorrow...



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Really enjoying this, memories of my first Stalker and Interloper runs are popping up in my brain. And I think you have made a wise choice going into Stalker, and waiting until you are more comfortable with that mode before moving up to Interloper. The rules of the game change with each different mode, and take some getting used to with a different playstyle for each. Things you could get away with on Pilgrim and Voyageur will kill you or get you seriously injured on Stalker, and will absolutely kill you on Interloper (if not instantly, over a day or 2).

Stalker is my "thing"- I will really enjoy seeing how the transition from Voyageur to Stalker goes for you, especially since the game is very different now than it was years ago when I did it. Have fun! 

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Sorry for the wait, I've been holed up for a bit with stuff going on in actual life. But, I expect to make an installment soon, the earliest being around 5-7pm ish EST, and the latest sometime on Sunday. more than likely it will be tomorrow, but that all depends on how things go. but before that, I have to figure out how to do the images a bit better. should be a simple fix, but we'll see. 


The main issue is I take a screenshot on my switch, then share it to my phone, then I share the images to my computer using a link. now I have been just pasting the image link into the installments, and the forums seem to just automatically translate that link into the image, but the issue is that the link expires within three days, and so then the original image link means nothing. I think I can fix it, but we will see.

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On 5/24/2024 at 1:43 PM, ThePancakeLady said:

Really enjoying this, memories of my first Stalker and Interloper runs are popping up in my brain. And I think you have made a wise choice going into Stalker, and waiting until you are more comfortable with that mode before moving up to Interloper. The rules of the game change with each different mode, and take some getting used to with a different playstyle for each. Things you could get away with on Pilgrim and Voyageur will kill you or get you seriously injured on Stalker, and will absolutely kill you on Interloper (if not instantly, over a day or 2).

Stalker is my "thing"- I will really enjoy seeing how the transition from Voyageur to Stalker goes for you, especially since the game is very different now than it was years ago when I did it. Have fun! 


12 hours ago, RobotDino11 said:

Sorry for the wait, I've been holed up for a bit with stuff going on in actual life. But, I expect to make an installment soon, the earliest being around 5-7pm ish EST, and the latest sometime on Sunday. more than likely it will be tomorrow, but that all depends on how things go. but before that, I have to figure out how to do the images a bit better. should be a simple fix, but we'll see. 


The main issue is I take a screenshot on my switch, then share it to my phone, then I share the images to my computer using a link. now I have been just pasting the image link into the installments, and the forums seem to just automatically translate that link into the image, but the issue is that the link expires within three days, and so then the original image link means nothing. I think I can fix it, but we will see.

Looking forward to reading your next installment!

Stalker introduces a few key elements missing from Voyageur. First, fires have to be stoked with enough fuel to overcome the cold in order to warm you. Next, wolves are more common and *will* hunt you down from further away. You're also susceptible to cabin fever now, as well as intestinal parasites. Next, the weather "decays" faster and sooner, so you'll need good gear to manage the cold. Loot is still plenty plentiful, and there's a lot you *can* get away with. You still have super fast condition recovery overnight and you actually get a carry capacity increase, in a sense. As your fatigue drains, your carry capacity does not reduce as soon as it does in Voy.

But because of all these changes, you have to be aware of wolves from day one and master your ability to deal with them, with or without weapons. Once you have clothing it's ok to take the hit in a struggle if you don't mind repairing afterwards. 

Anyway, looking forward to hearing about your survivor's journey and how you adapt! Best of luck!

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11 hours ago, Snowtippedwolf said:

Anyway, looking forward to hearing about your survivor's journey and how you adapt! Best of luck!

Thank you! I should have everything compiled this afternoon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welp, safe to say i didn't have everything compiled by that afternoon. 

Nearly a month later, i am ready to post again. I was tied up with final exams and some marching band stuff in the end of may to early June, and then got on break and just wanted to enjoy it.

some interesting things have happened since then:

I purchased a $1,300 USD laptop, which has been about as beefy as it gets

I purchased TLD on Steam (the whole package, including TALEs, Wintermute and both Soundtracks) and got into modding

Part 5 of TALEs came out (I was on the livestream on Youtube for the big reveal, couldn't have been more impressed with the whole Hinterland team)

And i think that concludes what has happened so far. I really, REALLY want to make a Misery series, but seeing as interloper was a bit challenging, i think i'll wait.

Prepare for the reboot of:

TALES OF ANARCHY AND SUFFERING (part 1 out in like an hour)


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Posted (edited)




Stalker. Random spawn. No feats. Male survivor. Cougar and Scurvy.


I wake up in the ugly hell of a region that is Desolation Point. Mackenzie falls over from the PTSD he has developed from my earlier Interloper runs.

Why do the Long Dark gods hate me?


My Spawn

If i remember correctly, this is just outside of the cave that leads over by Hibernia. A quick glance backwards confirms this. I decide that walking over to the Lighthouse is the best course of action, so i start wandering over there. Along my way, i see a wolf farther down the road, and light my only flare as a precaution. But, before it sees me, another wolf had decided that a "fun" prank was in order and had decided to hide behind a rock, concealing himself from my view, before walking up from behind and scaring the ever living s**t out of me. And i don't mean that lightly. I threw my mouse. Like physically hurled it across the room. Luckily, it was undamaged, and i scared him off with a flare/rock combination. I continued my walk over to the Lighthouse, slightly shaken, and before long had found myself in the cozy yet ominous interior of the place. 




After warming up for a few, i decided to head over to Hibernia, careful to not piss off the trickster wolf. 

I kind of forgot that i was playing for this upload, so i don't have any screenshots of my way there, but nothing interesting happened. i shot a wolf, it ran, i climbed up a snowbank into the yard of Hibernia.


Me looking back at the Riken


 The yard and Trailers in the yard

I went into the trailers, and i found a few things, but not really anything worth it's salt.



My inventory after searching the trailers. I did find a Mag Lens, so maybe something worth it's salt.

After that, i went into Hibernia itself, and did a bit of searching. 

The most valuable things i found in order were:

  • A Cured Wolf Pelt in the safe
  • A Hacksaw
  • A Stim
  • And some Revolver Ammo




My Clothing after searching Hibernia

I decided to go back into the trailers because it was late, and i dosed off to bed, dreaming about shuffling cards for hours...

I woke up the next morning to straight fog. I wanted to exit the region today, but didn't know if i felt comfortable given the weather. So, i decided to go read for an hour. I went back inside, only to realize he was thirsty, and had no water. So now that reading was out the window, i decided "Screw it, I'm getting outta here." i left, and i kid you, not moments later, a dog barks at me. I frantically look for him through the thick fog, and i spot him. Steady, Aim, Fire. I had expected him to just piss off and let me continue my morning in as much peace as possible in The Long Dark, but instead he decided to become suddenly very sleepy. i take this opportunity to prank him by stealing his clothes and harvesting his flesh, and i soon have a fire roasting away with the savory smell of fresh meat. I'm getting hungry just reading this! (No joke, i got up and made a sandwich after writing that wolf part.) after the wolf had finished,  i got up, left to go to the church, before being viciously attacked by a dog, draining half my health. moving on, up at the church, i found nothing but a box of revolver ammo and a candy bar, before continuing to the cave that goes to Crumbling Highway and eventually Coastal Highway. Nothing significant happened in the cave, besides me finding a couple pieces of scrap metal and some coal. Before long, i had finally made it halfway.Screenshot(22).thumb.png.d13fbff8fa94e25c8671dfe0d0c7d7ff.png

"We're halfway there, oo-oh, livin' on a prayer!"

I continued on to the house with the basement, finding a pair of jeans in the washer, then going to bed after a long day of walking and dark. 

Hee hee, see what i did there? a long day of walking and of dark? like the games title, The LONG Dark? Aren't i so funny? AHAHAAHAHHHAHAHA! Are you laughing? No?! WELL THEN START LAUGHING!! I PREFORMED HUMOR!


All jokes aside, i really do hope people enjoy this installment as much as i enjoyed making it. 

Until next time...


(Note: for whatever reason, that image below this keeps popping up and i cant get rid of it. every time i edit this post and delete it, it comes right back.)





Edited by RobotDino11
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Episode 2

As i listen to the sweet sounds of waves crashing against the shore of Coastal Highway, i look back on the transition zone i had just left. I made it. Maybe not all of the way that i intend to make, but perhaps the Long Dark gods decided to side with me for once, and grant me safe passage into Coastal. I follow down the road for a while, and i kick my senses into overdrive as i listen for the potential Bear/Moose/Wolves near Quonset. I don't see anything, and i don't hear anything either. being as quiet as i can, i sneak into the front door of the old garage. I immediately find some basic supplies, such as a few flares, sodas, and processed food. (4th wall break) From what i understand, living right on the American-Canadian border, that the term "Soda" is a more midwestern thing, and i find that Canadians, at least the people that live in Ontario (i have no clue what to call them) say "Pop" more. So why call it soda in game? Is it to appeal to a perhaps larger or specific audience? Is it Raph's or some of the Devs' personal choice? is it again a regional thing? i have no clue. Anyway, getting back on track, i soon find that i have looted the entire garage and it is getting late. instead of going to bed right away however, i decide to organize. 


That's Better! Also Mackenzie, why do you breathe so HARD?


Soon after i find myself awake the next morning, and after a nice nutritional breakfast of some Ketchup Chips, i head outside to search the Coastal Townsite. I head to the little peninsula across the road first, and i didn't really find anything of value. I then head back over, and go to the farthest right house (if your facing the front of Quonset) and loot there. Again, nothing of value, maybe some sports socks for cloth and some pain pills. i then go to head over to the other side when i see a wolf go darting out in front of me, whimpering in terror. Upon some closer examination, i notice what frightened the poor thing.



He blends in quite well, but if you look in-between the Green car and the first rectangular fencepost, you can see him on the left corner of the destroyed house.



Here's a better view, in-between the swing set and the closest Fir tree.


Aw man do i want me some moose! One issue, i don't have a weapon that could take him down, at least within the realm of possibility. So, i decide to solve that issue, an stun two rabbits with one stone. I'll go find Barb's Rifle. It's always been my dream to collect every single unique item in the game and display them, and im in need of a rifle, so might as well go get it. Now, if i remember correctly, it can spawn in a few places:

  • In a random fishing hut (i hope not)
  • Under a bridge somewhere
  • In Quonset (I looked when we got here)
  • And up at the Train Loading Area

Every time I've ever found that Rifle, its been in the Train Loading Area, so i feel that's as good of a place to start. After a long while of walking, talk a couple stops to visit the Logging Camp as well as the Fishing one, i eventually reach the Area, and find it!



One of my favorite rifles, just because of the pointed sight. the durability buff is a nice bonus too. (also notice how the description says pale green. that looks pretty dark to me...)


I descend back down the hill, being careful to be wary of a potential bear, as i haven't seen one yet. The walk back was rather boring, and when i get back, i take turns shooting the moose and ducking in a car before it can get to me. Sadly, i go back inside because i only have 2 bullets left (i only had 4 to start with) and because its getting rather dark. I have him clean his loaded revolver in the dark for about a half-hour before bed, but soon he nods off to sleep


Tomorrow i plan to take down a moose, or find more bullets.


I think that's all for this post, an sorry i didn't get it out yesterday... i had it mostly put together but fell asleep and forgot about it this morning. I also heard about the Cougar being removed temporarily, And can't help but feel sad. I didn't get to experience it yet, and it seems I'll have to wait a while longer. But, I trust Raph and i don't think he'd pull the cougar if he didn't truly think it was a good idea.

For now, i can't guarantee a next post date, but there's a 80% chance sometime this weekend and a 95% by Wednesday.


Until Next Time...






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