Hit 500 days on survivor!

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Last time I got close, upper 400 hours, I fell off a dang cliff cuz my fingers were not on the right spot on the keyboard, so this was a LONG time coming for me!

I am heading back "home" to TWM now, leaving the new area with a travois FILLED with loot. Left a lot of items behind, especially the clothes, but still got so much food, meds, tools, and materials that will come in handy. I built 3 travois because I had the materials from the run and will see how hard it is to trek across the majority of the map with over a hundred kilos of loot. Thinking I might make a second main base with this loot. Starting to rethink completely how I play the game. Current philosophy is to stay alive as long as I can in a well know, mostly safe area...thus TWM. Lots of food, firewood, and well known predator patterns make it ideal for how I played in the past. Thinking second base to be in Broken Railway to allow easy access to the new areas as well as MT, ML, and BI being close. Or maybe back to ML which I have often used as a base of operations? It has 3 buildings I really like staying at so that is a definite possibility. Anyone else have multiple main bases setup?

Did anyone bring any of the new clothing items with them, or even use them in ZoC? I left all but the hockey jersey there and never used any of them.

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My main base is really PV farm but I do have two side bases in mystery lake.the trailer outside the dam and the cabin in lonely meadow.  The cabin is more of a quiet retreat though ,the only gear I have there is wood and a ton of moose meat and water..

I left all the toxic gear at zoc except the trousers, not sure why I took them to be honest😁.   I never found the coat .   I did wear them on my side run but only because they were the best clothes available,except the boots. I found it ironic that they were so waterproof but my socks got wet through lol...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congrats... Still working on getting to 500 myself. Almost made 200 over the christmas break, but died to a faulty controller when it didnt register the trigger pull as I desperately tried to shoot a charging wolf.

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8 hours ago, Cattleman said:

Congrats... Still working on getting to 500 myself. Almost made 200 over the christmas break, but died to a faulty controller when it didnt register the trigger pull as I desperately tried to shoot a charging wolf.

Surreeee...blame it on the controller ;)

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On 12/23/2023 at 3:33 PM, TonyInPleasantValley said:

Last time I got close, upper 400 hours, I fell off a dang cliff cuz my fingers were not on the right spot on the keyboard, so this was a LONG time coming for me!

Well done!  Feels good, huh?

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Congratulations, that's no small feat. Everybody has a different style of play, but the most effective way to set yourself up for success is to have a home base in one of the more central regions, then spend the time to set up satellite bases in each region, usually one each, but sometimes more. Moving the necessities around becomes much easier when it's from one base to another, instead of while you're out looting. I have most of my satellite bases set up with at least a month's worth of food, and water, plus whatever tools are needed in that region, like a hammer near forges, or a hacksaw where you wanna gather lead, or scrap metal.

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@Toki1666 Yeah, I am finally getting to the point that I don't want to spend most of my days on TWM, so with the travois I have started to setup other places. First on the list, for no real reason, was ML. Kinda centrally located so I put a lot of items there. I need to organize my loot and then spread it across the map where it is needed, like you suggest. That is likely my next goal. I think I will then setup up "sub bases" at some of the other key areas that I like playing in, likely BI, CH, and maybe MT or ZoC. I want to get a spreadsheet of all my items wherever they are located so I know what is where, so likely to head to TWM to start that and stop along the way to document items I have already stashed. Also building more cairns and stocking them on well worn paths, that way I don't have to be as loaded with gear and have essential items both at safe houses and along the path. Also considering putting a lantern at each cave entrance/exit along with using the ton of paint I have to jazz up the map, mark trails and caves better. Feeling like I am approaching end of game, which I really don't want to happen. Hoping the updates will keep the game going for me.

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@TonyInPleasantValley It's a really productive way to spend the time, although I'd advise against storing anything that decays with time inside of a container, as if they happen to hit 0 condition while inside the container they'll just disappear. Another good way to chew through a few hundred days is both mapping, and also doing signal void, and the new tale if you haven't already. I've just now completed buried echoes at around day 160, and even though I have my day length set to x2, I was rushing once I started working on the tales, especially the new one, as The Zone was extremely nerve-wracking for me. Where I'm at now, I have basically every area settled, except Bleak Inlet, Black Rock, and The Muskeg. Some bases are only stocked with water and about 20kg meat, while others have over 100 L of water and 100kg of meat. I just really like having all of my bases extremely over stocked, and while I used to keep an inventory list, I started just keeping a certain number of each item at a base, then hauling the rest back to my "home".

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