Poisoned wolfes are blood guided missiles

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My character is currently at the Zone, poking here and there. Man those skiny wolfes are brutal. They smell you from accros a mile. And they dont stop at anything (except flares I think). 

Usually I travel with 2-3 Old mans beard wound dressing, because disinfectant is heavy. And I had no problem with that. My wound dressings were gone before I reached the mine itself. First time I was glad I found disinfectant and now I travel with that.

And before you ask, I have no stink on my character besides of natural aroma of not beeing able to wash for 280 days. But I think that walking trough a waterfall counts, so it may be 100 days after last bath.

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I saw that too. I watched it and frankly I did not found many differences between his ones (was it stalker or inteloper?) and mine on voyager. Of course the damage is lower on voyager. But the detection range and hostility... It looked just like on my run. And it seemed to me, that voyager had more of them.

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11 minutes ago, acada said:

I saw that too. I watched it and frankly I did not found many differences between his ones (was it stalker or inteloper?) and mine on voyager. Of course the damage is lower on voyager. But the detection range and hostility... It looked just like on my run. And it seemed to me, that voyager had more of them.

It was loper I believe..    well loper doesn't have many as a rule,just more aggressive and gives a lot more damage.. 

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28 minutes ago, acada said:

And they dont stop at anything (except flares I think). 

In my limited encounters, campfires seem to be successful at stoping them and making them growl. Then you can point a weapon, and they will flee. 

Also, you can shake them through “pathing” in rocky terrain.

Torches don’t seem to work reliably. 


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So theoreticaly the voyager is maybe worse. Because you have more those skiny bastards. Of course you can fend more of them. But as I wrote. I had three infection risks just going from entry to mine.

I whish I had not left the balistic vest at BlackRock.

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1 minute ago, turtle777 said:

campfires seem to be successful at stoping them and making them growl

I almost never use campfire for stopping a wolf. With my luck it is usually too windy. Plus I think with these new highspeed fury rockets... Do one have time to start campfire?

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Just now, acada said:

Do one have time to start campfire?

It’s tricky, and I have not used it yet in an encounter in the wild.

I have used it only next to a building, while cooking / boiling water, being reliably able to scare them off.

In the wild, I would use accelerant and keep it in hand just for this purpose. I would try pathing first, if that doesn’t work, use a flare, and if that doesn’t work (or out of flares), make a campfire that will have 100% success rate because of accelerant. 

I wouldn’t be that paranoid if I had any weapons, but I’m trying to survive 50 days on IL after having spawned in ZOC. So any wolf struggle would most likely lead to death. 



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5 minutes ago, turtle777 said:

Most likely yes, but why ?

Once you know the mechanics of the gas in the mine, it’s easy to do / defeat.


True. But I'd just prefer to walk through and explore rather than run .. or have to drop whatevers down there because I'm too heavy.

To be honest though,it's not a major thing ,more just curious..I rarely visit that mine 

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So they are like Timber Wolves in that the red flares do not scare them, but the marine flares do.  They are also hard to fight by hand, they engage like an Aurora wolf.  I play on stalker. I haven’t tried a torch yet.  And if you’ve killed any, I’m sure you’ve noticed the lack of meat.  

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Here I took a closer look of "live" specimen: 

And about dettering these poisoned wolfes. I do play voyager, so I have revolver. I have no problem with common and timber wolfes. They start charging, bam they stop charging and usually dead. These nope. They start charging, bam, still chargin, bam and then I feel their breath on my face.

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