Mining Gear, What The Hell Guys?


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As it stands right now, the mining gear SUCKS. 

First and foremost, the hardhat. Literally a helmet, yet offers the same protection as a leather cap (Both at 4%) while being beaten by A BALACLAVA (Technical Balaclava has 5% protection).

A literal piece of cloth is more protective than an actual, honest to god helmet.

Come on, guys. This stuff is supposed to protect against workplace hazards, and it can barely protect against anything. They could've just gotten some surplus BDUs (Combat gear, which has better protective stats) or just some average hiking gear (A Mackinaw Jacket and a pair of hiking boots protect the same as their mining counterparts).

This is ridiculous.


Let me suggest a few buffs to them, to bring them on par with what they're supposed to be.



  • Protection increase from 4 percent to 20 percent

This was the most drastic of the changes I've made, and I do not regret it. You're wearing a hardhat. Literally designed to protect your head in case of a workplace safety issue. Why shouldn't it protect your head? (Plus it can't even be repaired, so it's not even worth keeping around normally. Give it some bang for its buck.)


Miner's Jacket

  • Buff: Protection increase from 4 percent to 16 percent
  • Nerf: Warmth decreased from 2.0 degrees to 1.5 degrees

Modified the Warmth value to make the jacket and pants feel like a jumpsuit, and quadrupled (yes, quadrupled) the protection value. It's protective gear, not some lumberjack's jacket. It's not warm and it is absolutely not light, but it'll protect you from anything hitting you- snowfall or a hungry wolf's bite.


Miner's Pants

  • Buff: Protection increase from 6 percent to 16 percent
  • Nerf: Sprint penalty increased from 3 percent to 5 percent

Again, increased the protection greatly. It's protective gear, so it should protect you to a reasonable degree. It's a giant jump from a surplus set of combat pants to actual mining gear, and there's no reason a deer's hide should be more protective than this considering its rarity in most saves.


Chemical Boots

  • Buff: Protection increase from 5 percent to 20 percent

The Chemical Boots are currently just a slightly better pair of Insulated Boots with worse temperature. Considering that they literally cannot be repaired, this makes them feel like a waste of time. This changes that, giving them the best protection in the game- they're designed to protect you, after all. This'll make them worth looking for.


With these buffs, the Miner's set would have outstanding physical protection but considerably less warmth (and much more sprint penalty) than their military variants, which sacrifice some protection for speed.

It's a set of workplace protective gear, so it should really feel like it when it comes to workplace hazards (cough cough, wolf attacks, cough cough)

Edited by JackTrysGames
Tweaked the stats a little, because it really didn't feel right for the items that can't be repaired to have really bad stats.
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I think the main feature of the Chemical Boots isn't general protection, but that they protect against the chemical spills. But that is undermined by the perverse incentive of just taking off your shoes altogether and walking barefoot. It's similar with the cold water in the mines. Being barefoot is better than getting your shoes exposed to the environment.

I'd rather that they massively increase the speed of chemical poisoning risk if you don't wear shoes. Because right now you deliberately have to wait inside the chemicals to even get it. Then you actually have a choice between ruining your regular high protection shoes or wearing the lower protection rubber boots when exploring.

I agree about the hat. But that seemed like a bug too me. At least I hope so.

Edited by Serenity
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On 12/9/2023 at 5:02 PM, Serenity said:

I think the main feature of the Chemical Boots isn't general protection, but that they protect against the chemical spills.

The main thing I took into account for the protection was that Chemical Boots are non-repairable. Once they're gone, they're gone. Protection affects how fast items degrade from damage and the like, so high Protection on the items that cannot be repaired is a must if you want people to actually use them.

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11 hours ago, JackTrysGames said:

The main thing I took into account for the protection was that Chemical Boots are non-repairable. Once they're gone, they're gone. Protection affects how fast items degrade from damage and the like, so high Protection on the items that cannot be repaired is a must if you want people to actually use them.

Everything they do is about choice and consequences and Raph stated as much in the tales thread my take on the boots are they mitigate the damage to your everyday footwear you don’t need to wear them all the time unless you’re planning on staying around the Langston complex where there’s a lot of toxic spills once they are gone you are back to burning your shoes and repairing a bunch (or being a cheesy cheater and barefooting it 🤭) so you need to be strategic like with a lot of things in tld, there’s at least 2 pairs on loper and 3 on lower difficulty and they are very resistant to the chemicals as long as your don’t get attacked by wolves you can easily do the whole story and only lose 15-20% on one pair then you have the rest for subsequent visits 🙃

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I've kept the coat and trousers simply because even on pilgrim they're the best I could find..dumped the boots because after going in the water my socks got wet through while the boots didn't  AND they weren't in good condition ...0% protection isn't worth it..

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