Glimmerfog effects and behaviour.

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I am currently at Forsaken Airfield and although I have encountered a large number of glimmerfog, I have never seen red sparks on the  snow.  Is it normal? Is it dangerous? I did not step on it, but better to know. It was like small red dot jumping here and there on the snow.

Second thing is: Is the glimmerfog always comming from North? When I am at the airfield, I can see the fog rolling from the North, some time before. If I am near cabins on North side, there is absolutelly no warning and fog just drops down.

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Excited to see how glimmerfog effects navigation in the other dlc regions. Hoping it brings unique challenges other than difficult navigation and insomnia for each one! Then again, the effect of insomnia may be made worse simply by the design of future regions. Can't wait to see!

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About the navigation. Recently I spent two days in cabin on the island. Two days blizzard on voyager... Third day was sunny morning. So I decided to go to cabin on the rock nearby. Simple trip. Once I got on the ice, boom, glimmerfog. It took whole day stumbling here and there to get to my destination. 

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The weather on the airfield is killing me. I am there for ingame month. It seems like it is better to move at night. There was I think two days with visibility to navigate. Glimmerfog, fog, blizzard, you name it. It happens every day.

Navigating during aurora night though. It is great. The view of the airfield during aurora night is great and beautiful.

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