What are the sleds made of?

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Меня очень беспокоит материал, из которого сделаны сани! Вдруг для их создания нужны шкуры сразу НЕСКОЛЬКИХ животных! Например: шкура лося и шкура того неизвестного хищника (возможно, пумы). Но убить пуму, наверное, будет очень сложно! Вы стреляете в нее и она, раненая, прыгнет на уступ и умрет там! Как его получить?! Напишите, что вы думаете! :)

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2 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

Not sure what language that is...can someone translate to English please?

Courtesy of Google:

I'm really concerned about the material the sled is made from! Suddenly, to create them you need the skins of SEVERAL animals at once!
For example: the skin of an elk and the skin of that unknown predator (possibly a puma). But it will probably be very difficult to kill
 a puma! You shoot at her and she, wounded, will jump onto the ledge and die there! How to get it?! Write what you think!
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I think the sled will be a combination of 3 cured maple saplings, 1 cured moose hide, and some cured guts or cloth (acting as rope, to tie it together)

The promotional material shows 2 long stick-colored pieces of wood, and a third one cut up into pieces supporting the pouch.
I'm 99% sure the pouch will be moose hide, it has that color and we already use moose hide to increase carry weight through the satchel, so it fits perfectly.

Now, maybe this crafting recipe will just require a whole bunch of sticks instead of cured saplings, since the promotional material shows stick colored wood and not fir/cedar/maple/birch colored wood. But I don't think that they'll go for it. This is gonna be a pretty strong item, so they're probably gonna include cured sapplings in the crafting recipe

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15 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

Не знаю, какой это язык... Может кто-нибудь перевести на английский, пожалуйста?

My apologies! I am a player from Russia, and this is the Russian language. I see that you have already translated this text into English. Sorry again for the inconvenience! It happens to everyone!

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I think @BugReportEnthusiast is on the right track for materials.  I'm guessing it will require more - perhaps some fir and/or cedar.  Would be a good use for the hundreds of wolf skins I have lying about!  I would actually like to see it as quite a challenge to build, after all, it will be the most complex, resource-intense item in the game so far.

As far as puma's, I don't think HL would have it die in an inaccessible place.  I imagine it won't be an easy animal to kill (and one of the most coveted) only to have die on a ledge!

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