What are the sleds made of?

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Меня очень беспокоит материал, из которого сделаны сани! Вдруг для их создания нужны шкуры сразу НЕСКОЛЬКИХ животных! Например: шкура лося и шкура того неизвестного хищника (возможно, пумы). Но убить пуму, наверное, будет очень сложно! Вы стреляете в нее и она, раненая, прыгнет на уступ и умрет там! Как его получить?! Напишите, что вы думаете! :)

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2 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

Not sure what language that is...can someone translate to English please?

Courtesy of Google:

I'm really concerned about the material the sled is made from! Suddenly, to create them you need the skins of SEVERAL animals at once!
For example: the skin of an elk and the skin of that unknown predator (possibly a puma). But it will probably be very difficult to kill
 a puma! You shoot at her and she, wounded, will jump onto the ledge and die there! How to get it?! Write what you think!
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15 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

Не знаю, какой это язык... Может кто-нибудь перевести на английский, пожалуйста?

My apologies! I am a player from Russia, and this is the Russian language. I see that you have already translated this text into English. Sorry again for the inconvenience! It happens to everyone!

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I think @BugReportEnthusiast is on the right track for materials.  I'm guessing it will require more - perhaps some fir and/or cedar.  Would be a good use for the hundreds of wolf skins I have lying about!  I would actually like to see it as quite a challenge to build, after all, it will be the most complex, resource-intense item in the game so far.

As far as puma's, I don't think HL would have it die in an inaccessible place.  I imagine it won't be an easy animal to kill (and one of the most coveted) only to have die on a ledge!

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