Add some more wildlife to the transfer hub region


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The Transfer Hub with the old train station is a bit empty. Yet you can end up spending quite some time there. Right now it's just going to the airfield, but in the future it will link to two more regions. The weather there is pretty bad and you frequently find yourself snowed in by blizzards. With the poor condition from long travel that can really put a strain on your food supply.

There are lots acorn trees there and a bit of cat tail. But for renewable food it's only two rabbit spawns I think. IMO adding some deer wouldn't be out of place. There is enough room and it would make the region more sustainable. And also a bit more interesting if you just want to hang out there for a bit.

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I agree.. I went there to chill out for a while but lack of food cut it short..  even on pilgrim I only saw  one deer ,which promptly vanished after the first blizzard.. and a few rabbits aren't going to last too long.

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I just went to the airfield for the first time and I agree. I think I only saw 1 wolf, 2 deer, and about a dozen rabbits on the way there. My guess is that they do plan to. I noticed that the acorn patches were completely black so you can tell it's a work in progress. 

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9 hours ago, Stranzua said:

I just went to the airfield for the first time and I agree. I think I only saw 1 wolf, 2 deer, and about a dozen rabbits on the way there

The earlier parts are fine. There is about as much stuff there as the narrowness of the path allows. And you don't really need food there. But at the Transfer Hub you have a relatively wide space to play with. And it's also the logical place where you'd actually stay, rather than in the tunnel.

 I noticed that the acorn patches were completely black so you can tell it's a work in progress

That's just some texture bug, and it's not always present.

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A Few caveats to disclose. I play on custom with interloper weather and high spawns on everything (I like stuff 🤷🏻‍♂️😂) I usually get a consistent 1-3 deer in the hub across the 4-5 trips through the pass back and forth to the airfield doing signal void but I also think as the other updates come the pass will get bigger the conductors drop off and the way the world map looks implies it’ll be like the Milton basin to access one of the regions (i am personally dreading discovering where the kitty resides 😂)

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