Milton Memento key missing?

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So I found the note to the stash but don't recall a key with the note.

Anybody else experience this?

I couldn't remember exactly where I found the note so I went back and checked all the possible locations where I looted previously but to no avail.

Don't know if I goofed and missed something or the key is not with  note.


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I haven't been to Milton yet, but I am having one horrible time finding keyless Momentos in other regions.  Almost all of them I find without a key I can see where it is located on the Map, but when I go there, there is nothing that stands out as a rock cache, lockbox etc except for one in Pleasant Valley.  A lot of these momentos are extremely and obnoxiously obscure it is horrible. :(  I've got Momentos still to find in BR, AC, TM, ML, PV, DP and CH that are just not visible or at the very least are hard as heck to see.  I go to the generalized areas on the map where they're supposed to be, and I can't see anything.  Making me think there is a loading problem or something with the keyless Momentos....

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35 minutes ago, epower said:

Some of the memento notes are more in the line of survival hints, e.g. a cave connects Region X with Region Y.  Others point to a specific hidden cache  or a lock box. 

Aaaaahhhhhh I see now.... going back thru the ones I had found, I noticed the only ones I found items at where the Momentos that actually mentioned a stash or items or other things there.  The others without a key do indeed seem to be location reveals that would benefit newer players (~1700 hrs in over 8 years here). 

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